=au05022b Being the continuation of =au05022a.txt And so being bloc 6 of my 2nd Autobiograogy ----------------------------------------------------------------- Their next-door neighbor liked to change her clothes when my back was turned , she did it very quickly, but I ssuppose she wore only one garment, a long dress. I had driven up there with Susie on a UCSB vacation. They kept pressing pot upon me, hoping I suppose that I would get high enough to see and appreciate my relationshiop with Susan, and act accordingly. But I did not. At one point the couple next door came back from killing and skinning a deer, and took a shower in the Shragers' apartment, but I went out to our tent to sleep, and so I suppose, from Susie's smile next morning, missed a bit of an incipient orgy. Shrager was not above playing a few head games, mubmling in an undertone at one point, 'I am not as harmless as I seem.' Well, our vacation week in the woods ended, and we drove back to Santa Barbara for our respective graduate school programs. I was faking philosophy, she , at my insistence, going through an M.A. eduatetion. I assumed we would eventually break up, and wanted her to at least have something to show for that time. She had been planning to go to Hong Kong for a half year, but cancelled that at the start of our affair, without telling me beforehand. I quite regretted it, I had not seen this as a particularly serious affiar, though it was her first. The next summer, at Lama Foundation, I asked her to live with me when we went back to Santa Barbara in the fall, and she said, I don't think you're worth the trouble. I insisted, threatening to end the affair, and so she did. Well, we got a rather modern apartment near the somewhat tarry beach of Santa Barbara -- a five minute walk or so, but the oil-spill tar made swimming uninviting whatever reason Susie would go over there to secretly knit me a sweater for my birthday. Whenever I spoke of an orgy, which I suppose I did as a leitmotif not an intention, Susie would say, I'll play the record-player. She did love music, especially the Beattles. And dancing. Oh well. I suppose I'm still recounting the saga of how I left Rodos. I suppose Chabad should be put on a convoy to Hong Kong, and encouraged to sail far enough east of Manhattan that it could be torpedo'd without disrupting the fishing floor. As I say, I had balked at going back to isael because I felt myxelf unworthy. If I was going to mess up, better to do it in Greece, or at least the USA, and keep Israel clean. Charming notion that, most Chabad. I saw them once chase Crazy Lou Kessler back to the USA, and we ain't heard from him snce. Crazy Lou haCohen, as innocent a looney as ever walked the streets. I mean, I had him at Bet Zayit campground, where I was a volunteer, ie cleaning the ruddy bungalows and then jumping into the swimming pool to share the dirt with the tourists -- there was once a lovely mother and daughter staying at the Campground, Indonesian, and this young kibbutz kid let us in after hours to use the pool, but that was perhaps because she swam nude. So did I, but she failed to take the hint. Well, that Chabad notion is some sort of heresy. The basic principle of Zionism is that Israel is a haven for all Jews. And a secondarily principle is "build and be rebuilt" -- that, even without Jesus to do it for you, one is redeemed from accumulated klippot, the assorted sins one picked up like stickers in the underbursh, by rebuilding tghe land of Israel. As I say, by their 3rd try at deporting me, I did not want to get hit again, so I put up no resistance to speak of. I think a main reason I did not want to leave was that I believed I was still under Shabat -- I mean, if Joel Glick taught us that one could meritoriously extend it a few hours into the evening, why shoiuld I not have extended it for a few years -- and I wonder what has happened to R. Joel Glick, who had lovely wife, Naomi, for he had fallen under the sway of this guru chick - - bit of an ageing old duck actually -- whho specialized only in orthodox Jews -- I mean, some vultures are epicures -- and off he went to France. It was Joel Glick who created Chochmat haLev, which did not outlast him, as fine an institution of progressive orthodox Judaism as one could imagine. Since then progressive orthodox Judaism has not existed. I did want to draw him away from her to PVK instead -- I mean, PVK once remarked to me, as I balked at the last gate before initiation, remarking, "I am Jewish" -- he replied, "it is not our intention to interfere with the practice of anyone's religion" -- so on the strength of that, tho I have not hitherto mentioned it, I always insisted on not working on Shbat, and no-one ever challenged me on it -- well, once Aziza wanted me to come to an Abode membership meeting on Shabat, and I said no, because I intended to hustle my way into the Abode with a few slightly shaded truths, rather than humbly submitting to the collectdive wisdom, and hustling is work, and you cannot do work on Shabat, so I snuck out back to Cambridge instead for the weekend, and as I recall spent quite an uninspired Shabat walking along the shore of Charles River, on a nice spring day, and then I met Ciel and asked her canoeing -- and so on, so I had an affair with her instead of living at the Abode , for a few months at least. To their credit, Akbar and Aziza, who were new on the job and had probably not seen that many Jews in the Tennessee Appalachians, did reverse their position, and at the autumn retreat he told me I was indeed welcome to stay at the Abode, but by then I was involved with Ciel -- I mean, she really could be quite attractive -- rather a glow one might say. So I saidd thank you, but no not now. Well so there I am again at the Athens airport, in the hands of those security thugs or whatever they were, getting sprayed with floral scented tranquilizer from a little aerosol can, and I reckon they will take me to Istanbul, or maybe to a Greece safe house in Tel Aviv where I will be beaten up. On my previous excursion George, a clean-cut guard, the one who addressed me as Satan and hit me repeatedly, said I would be taken on a plane to Israel, but would only stay for a few days and then be taken back to Greece, and that he would hit me all the way to Israel. When I resisted, he had me on the floor of the lobby of the detention building or whatever it was, and almost broke my arm, but I yielded and he did not. Well, heaven was surely with me all the way, with a bit of coaching from my Sufi friends maybe -- I did remark to ZR when I returned and I complained over supper in the Refugio that they had never come to get me -- as indeed they should have, even if the campers had to eat cold sphaghetti for a week to pay the cost of it -- as it is said, in Talmud, he who saves a single life is as one who saves the world -- so I did remark to him, maybe you foliks saved my life with your prayers -- though bringing by a boat ticket to the bum on the beach would have been a lot more efficient. Ok, so to my surprise, after I am given the bum's rush past all the security checks, I rewally am put on an El Al flight. I think I was put in the Economy class section, the only person in it, with the two guards on a seat across the way. The rest of the passengers I suppose had been upgraded to business class. It was an excellent airplane, smooth with a very short take-off , and a nice display that told you on a little map just where you were, and that it was really too cold outside to think of sneaking off. The girls who attended the cabin -- they were scarcely older than girls, but Israelis are Israelis -- asked me a few questions, and I responded in poor Hebrew that I had been in jail. As no doubt I looked and smelled. The girl who asked me was genuinely sympathetic at hearing that, and in no sense patronizing. Well, Jews have often been thrown in jail abroad, and worse, for no fault of their own. One of the senior flight crew also asked me a few questions, in English if I recall. I figured that when the fllight ended I would be doomed. As we approached Israel, one of the cabin girls asked one of the thugs if I had any passport -- they took off the handcuffs as soon as I got on the plane, and sat quietly sipping tea after I was served -- if I recall, I politely offered them some of my snacks, as they were now my guests, it being the airplane of my people -- so anyhow, they rather reluctantly showed her my passports, both the Israel and U.S. if memory serves, and I was so outraged at seeing that they still had my Israel passporet -- I mean it did belong to me, not them -- that I asked for it back, and they sort of looked at the cabin girl, and she indicatgd that yes, they had to give it to me, and so they handed it to me, and that too was maybe something that saved my life, as will soon be seen. As Hemmingway would say, Some cabin-girl. Well, the nobility courage and grace of the Israeli people, and the loyalty to all members of the Jewish community, however apparently degraded, can sometimes move one almost to tears. So anyhow, we got off at the airport, and took the bus to the terminal building, me never saying a word like help I think I'm being kidnapped, and the returning Israel passengers rather turning their nose up at this smelly old bum in rags -- and all of them VIPs no doubt, who could have rescued me with a word -- so there we were, and the thugs seemed inclined to follow the signs to the Transit Lounge, and no doubt on to Istanbul -- I think they had told the cabin-girl that that was where they were going. I asked one of them if I could have my U.S. Paasport back, and he said wait, or so I seem to recall. So then I saw the booth for the passengers with Israel passports - - there are the two sets of booths at Israael points of entry, Israel passport holders, and all others -- so I just walked up to it, and showed my passport, and the young woman officer asked if I had any other Israel ID, or any other ID at all, and I said no, and I rather hoped that I would be stopped there, but they let me thorugh almost at once, and I walked on, and saw the exit sign, and walked through the nothiing-to-declare customs gate -- this was some time after midnight, so there were no crowds, and then out, and then found my way out the exit road of the airport, taking a bit of time, and then found my way to the highway, and sat just down from the edge of it for a while. I remember lying on the ground, and feeling glad to be back in the land of Israel. So then I wanered in the fields, in the general direction of Lod, and found some over-ripe persimmons on the ground and ate some, they are incredibly sweet. And so I walked into the Modi'in forest, which is not exactly forest primeaval, I mean anyone who could not have followed and found me would seem to need a mountain-guide to the grocery store. And it was about a month later, after a rainy week from which I could not get dry, and for just about having the trots from eating the wrong delicacy from a garbage can -- I mean I had gone through years dining that way, thanks to some sort of psychic discrimination except for the odds bits of cigarette ash now and then. And then end of this story I told at the beginning of it, so enough already, so let's have a drink of apertif even if it ain't yet past breakfast time, Honest George should only sell breakfast here some year, he should go out on the streets of Switzerland selling fresh-caught herring today because I haven't had an omlette since almost the last cafe on the Midrahov. Zieu, which means, in Israeli, enough already. ------------------------------------------------------------------ sa Campra, 20 Feb '05, 11 Adar A , a quiet overcast day with no wind, about 5 below. Centigrade. --------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe I can fill out this doc with a few lurid reminiscences of one-night stands. Tacky, but I do need some nice memories for a chaser. Well, I was commencing the usual with Juanita, and Travis walks by the open door or some such, we being guest in her house, and I address myself to her blouse and she extrapolates, she being a bit lesbian anyhow I suppose, and then this is an infinitude of pulchritude, houri heaven, though eventually I resolve matters with Juanita as she looks discreetly away, I being the sort who always walks slowly into the water rather than diving in. And then there was the chick I drove home to her old house in Santa Barbara, and as she fell asleep I would first think loving thoughts, and she would put her arm about me, and then I would think thoughts of rebuff, and she would curl up away from me, and I tried that a few times, and then she w“ke up and for some reason suggested that it was time for me to leave. And there I was in the loft at New Buffalo, and this visitng journalist was a bit down the floor doing it was Beattle, who quickly fell asleep, so then she looked over at me but I pretended to be asleep too. Or the first time with Millea, which also was her last fling before getting married, "your agreeable rattle and all that", and she was tight, it being that time, and retired briefly to the washroom but to no avail, and so I tried Shrager's bed instead, no doubt expecting his virtue to rest upon my shoulders, though that too did not avail, and Shrager comes back that evening and says, its always nice to find a girl in your bed, though it detracts a bit to find your house-mat in with her. And now Millea is gone, but she did live when she was alive. When Marilyn died, I think the first thing she did is get plenty of good sex -- she always did thing most highly of the occupation, though always too a lady, if that matters -- and then I suppose she went on into the upper reaches of muscian's heaven. Someone once said, I once had two men at once and it was most uncomfortable. Pity we can't do it all in virtual reality. Well, I suppose I shoud have another drink of Cynaar with soda, and take a walk, and then go back to reading Vanity Fair and fall asleep, and by then maybe I'll think of something else to write about. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I might write of the change of shomer, for it's quite serious in some respects. Yakov Rottenberg was the best shomer that Modi'in has had, as far as I know. For that matter, he was just about the only reliable shomer Modi'in has ever had, nor is likely to have. Only the island of Rodos I slept quite soundly the whole night through, often with clear and vivid dreams, some of quite a prophetic nature. But upon regaining my senses in the land of Israel, I found I slept fitfully, and with dreams too vague to discerne. Ah, I do like Thackery, and sweet chocolates too. Whoever says the Swiss make good chocolate has purchased only truffles, for the standard candy-bars are eminently forgetable, so much so that one barely dares criticize them. So so it was that I would often be awake, as I have remarked, "in the wee small hours of the morning", of which Frank Sinatra, being not much given to meditation, said "I'm in favor of anything that gets you through the night." Which for me meant putting on a white hat and white T-shirt, the better to not get shot at unintentionally, and walking along the Modi'in road -- though carefully remaining upon it, the better not to be mistaken for a politicized tree. So I would often encounter Yakov, as shomer, riding around in his shomermobile. And he was always sober, unstoned (though much given to fanciful talk, one he got rolling), calm and alert. Where almost any other shomer in the history of Modi'in would have home in bed. Perhaps there was someting questionable in his past. Cohabitation unasked with a neighbor's goat before mincha on one of the minor festivals, perhaps, when to untie a rope is most forbidden. The first time I met Yakov who was in full military camoflauge gear, though of which army I could not guess, holding on leash a dog somewhat larger than most ponies, and on his way to a meeting with the Modi'in Vaad. Some technical queestion regarding tenancy at the house to which he had just broken in, perhaps. Well, one has to know the Modi'in Vaad -- with which one acquaintance is for most quite enough -- to appreciate the propriety of a few minor modifications in Robert's Rules of Order and if I don't find some thing else to write about I'm apt to fall asleep before the end of this Well, that's whatever it once was, Yakov settled in again as a member of the Moshav, and hence planted and carefully tended some excellent olives and grapes. It is said this his wine is extraordinary. And his daugher a gourmet chef. In any event, it is said that the Radbash uncovered some unsavoury incident in Yakov's past -- all but forgotten and properly so, acording to a usually -- constantly actually -- reliable source. And so that conscientious fellow confronted Yakov with it and requeasted his resignation. Backed up by the goat I don't doubt. Or perhaps even brought it to the attention of the authorities. I don't know how this story played out, but when I left, nigh-on 8 months ago, thre were two rent-a-cops who could, at best be found napping beside the front gate at any time of the evening. Which brings me to Sammy the Runt. Schmuel haKatan , who gets rather a bad press in the Talmud -- we see him once trying to crash a meeting, and whenever there's something nasty to say, it gets put in his mouth. We recite a prayer called the Shemonah Esre, meaning the 18, that being 18 blessings or brachot, to which Shmuel haKatan added one more, in recognition of which the prayer has henceforth been known as the Shmoneh Esre. What he added was a plain curse, not a blessing, and so if you ever ask me to lead prayers I won't say it, which means I'm not orthodox, which means you better not ever ask me to lead prayers Amen whoop-do-doo. It's a curse upon tattle-tales. And so the common people believe it means just that, don't fink on your buddies to the fuzz. Though of course the rabbinate can explain it all the way around the block, so then you can go out and be a rat-fink or stool- pigeon or singing canary and still throw stones at the infidels out for a Sunday drive on Shabat. So whoever finked on Yakov had better not lead weekday prayers, for then he would have to recite the curse of Sammy the Runt, and that would put him in the position of cursing himself, which is somehting one cannot do. Contradicts the survival instinct or something Darwian of that sort. Speaking of which, Israel grants all prisoners the right to conjugal visits, if such is needed by them to lawfully procreate. (Except of Yigal Amir, of course, for he took down old Rabin, who is a posthumous sacred cow, for no man of note has been more full of bullshit.) Well, there you have it. Avraham, of Avraham and Bracha, used to live up near the Mount of Olives, and so he walked through Arab neighborhoods every day. They never harmed him. They took him for a Madzhub, a holy madman, like the Tarot fool. Even though he had done and might or may again do an antagonistic part in the Israel armed forces. You see, there is a certain chivalry amongst our Arab antagonists. One could not say that of the Bushies, nor for that matter for most of the U.S. armed forces in most situations. Well, ok. I wish a hot-dog cart would drive up this mountain, and give Honest George a bit of run for his ducat. This afternoon's repast was polenta with pigmeat, so I had the freedom fries with ketchup. Pig is called Miale in Latin, which seems to evoke the last thing a pig says to the universe before its apotheosis on your pallter. Manya is the word for beef, which sounds like a moo, and least is not a scream of distress. We do not eat pig because they are too much like us. The canibals, who know of such things, call mankind 'long pig'. Puran Bair says, pork clogs up the subtle bodies. I think I learned this in Belmont Public High School, or Belmont Massachusetts, but maybe it was somewhere else; A great painter was commissioned to discern and depicdt the last words of General George Custer Jr., hero or martyr or just plain butcher of the battle of Little Big Horn. The mural was one day unveiled, and revealed, most mystically depicted, great vistas of copulating native Americans. For Custer's last words were, 'Where did all those fucking Indians come from?' Well, that's a Gaugin joke. There once was a Taos Indian girl who went to Stanford. I think I met here when my father stopped at Taos pueblo on our way driving out to Berkeley for his sabatical. We exchanged one glance. Then one day I met her at some sort of outing on behalf of Caesar Chavez' United Farm Workers Organizing Committee. Saki was also a volunteer with that. And 6 or 7 years after that I was New Buffalo commune, which is in Arroyo Hondo, which is land that the Taos Indians once gave to the anglos. They say that if you meet a great being, one glance may set you on your life's path. For better and/or worse. Wittgenstein writes, I'm like a barber snipping scissors in the air, waiting to see something to cut. That's printed in 'Culture and Value'. "Tell me how long do I have to wait. Can I get you now, or must I hesitate." If you know the maning of what you write, it was barely worth saying. Verbal tennis with an invisible opponent. Justin Case said, What's wrong with giving somone your mind for the evening. Well, he was a tough old bird. Been a part-time homo too, which is maybe not so easy. I said to Aziz, I bless you that you should find someone stupid enough to marry you. As should we all. I'm standing in line with Claudia to get tickets for the Hamburg ballet. There's this nice young Chinese woman ahead of us with her consort, so I get to talking to them. Claudia later says, people in Germany don't do that. He was known as Sheik Real, an heritary honor graned in centuries past, before the infidels returned to reclaim the broad avenues of Seville, and equally to exclude the sons of the Prophet and those of the limping shepherd Israel. And as for vorname, that too was heritary, granted some said be the great Salahudin himself, at the battle of the Horns of Hittin, for it was 'Rattelane'. Heaven, which forsees our deepest needs, had blessed the Sheik, as he had that man of wisdom Sokrates, may his philsophy rest upon his, with a shrewish wife, whom he had long learned toe ignore. Today, as is the wont of women, she was repeatedly inveighing against him, as he sat at his desert coffee beside the dying fire of shittim wood, seking to elevate his mind within the mysteries of elegantly calliagraphed couplets. "I said, Sheik Rattelan Real," she began -- Just then a mangy dog, which had been lurking in the shadows, boldly walked forward -- for no dog ran in that desert heat -- and seized in his teeth the well-cut leather with which the good woman had been attemping to recover the bottom of the sheik's sandal. The dog walked slowly off into the brush, carrying that unexpected breakfast, while the Sheik watched unperterub'd seeking as mankind must to comprehend always the cause behind the cause of all those ripples upon the ocean with which the fates chose to challenge us. This had happened many times before, though his wife, unreconciled to higher wisdom, refused to take the higher view. Raising her voice still further, as the animal disappeared once more with her handiwork into the violet brush where only goates go, she cried, "and you never do nothing to save your dog-gone soul." ------------------------------------------------------------------- Campra, 20 Feb '05 -- 11 Adar A -- and the sun nearly down on a dull grey day with no Internet and so no known Islamic date ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================================