=bubbles BOOK REVIEW: Bubbles Unbound, by Sarah Strohmeyer, $6.99 USA, SF 15.90 in the Best of Bellinzona English Bookshop, Signet '02, a NAL book (as they used to say until the editor got hired) With the re-election of President George Bush Junior, "now is the time" to show a proper appreciation for po' white trash. Bubble Unbound is it. Ok, that was my Book Review, here's a few more notes. Bill Clinton played the part of po' white trash, Bush Junior is it. Bill's Blow-Job cost the Democrats the Presidency. It was the way he exploited an idealistic young woman. And Jewish too. He told the truth: it was not sex, but a cheap display of dominance. He should have resigned, and let Gore take on the aegis. Dave McReynolds cost decent folks the Presidency. McReynolds is a real man, in every respect except sexual preference. The plot does need a bit of trimming. Don't editors do anything except check aint's. I'd bought it hoping for a play on Prometheus Unbound, but it's barely Bubbies Unbound, having started as a book on Barbie Dolls. The author does have a nice eye, rather like Ben Shahn, for the sad leftover factory towns of the USA Industrial Revolution. And for some of the old men and women left in them. Amd, moving from realism to surrealism, presents some various nice carricatures of would-be WASP's. And also presents a few sketches of real people, intermixed with a few stereotypes to push the plot along. There's an anachronism: the Labour Strife of the trade union movement of the 1920s--1930s is set in the 1990s. Ok, cut and post, Time Marches On. Not always, just today. ================================================================== sa, Campra, 23 Dec '04 -- 11 Tevet ================================================================