=eTaan21a Excerpt from Taan. (Ta'anis) 21a as excerpted in Who's who in the Talmud', by Shulamis Frieman, Jason Aronson Inc., 1995; From entry for: R' Yochanan (bar Nappacha) (amora -- 2nd generation -- d. 4039 -- Eretz Yisroel, b. in Tzippori (Sephoris). Teacher-colleague of Reish Lakish and R' Elezar ben Pedas; mentioned more than 1700(!) times in Babylonian Talmud ... Excerpt from excerpt from (Taan 21a; JT Ked. 1:1) (Babylonian Talmud , Ta'anis 21a; Jerusalem Talumud, Kedushin, 1:1) " ... After exhausting the inheritance, he lived a life of great poverty. When the poverty became unbearable, he and his friend Ilfa decdided to leave Torah study and find a job. They said, "Let us engage in business so that of us may be fulfilled the verse [Deut. 15:4] "...there shall be no needy among you." Before they had gone far, however, they sat down beneath a shaky wall and began to eat their meal. Two angels appeared and R' Yochanan heard one say to the other, "Let us throw down the wall on them and kill them, for they are about to forsake the eternal life and occupy themselves with temporary life." The other angel responded, "Leave them alone, for there is one of them that time stands still for [ie, he will become a great man] [[remark, S. Frieman]] R' Yochanan turned to Ilfa and asked him, "Did you hear anything?" and Ilfa responded, "No." R' Yochanan thought that if he heard it and Ilfa did not, it must be that he was the one who still had much to accomplish, and he told Ilfa, "I will return and continue the study of Torah and fulfill the verse (Deut. 15:11) 'For the poor shall never cease out of the land.'" R' Yochanan returned to his studies and was appointed head of the yeshiva. ... " --------------