=jpih0411 Letters, Send and Unsent, to the Jlem Post and IHT, Nov. '04 ================================================================0 25 Nov '04 -- 12 Kislev -- 12 Shawwal -- TO MY TRAVEL INSURANCE AGENT: On my tombstone I would like the standard plastic display case DVD_dispenser, with my Collected Websites. The cemetary reading room will, of course, sell the standard Pez_case 100 Gb Flashcards, with the usual Playboy throwaway laptops. As Einstein said, there are, thank Heaven, a few invariants. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sent 4 Nov 04: To IHT: No OK to Edit: The situation in the USA as of 4 Nov '04 invites comparison with Germany in 1933. One priority is survive until 2008, but that will not be an ethical option for everyone. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sent JP 5 Nov '05 To JP: A PROPHET IS ALWAYS AT A LOSS Sharon seems to have paniced. You better call the photographers and take the poor old duck to jail. Today. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Nov '04 To IHT: No OK to Edit I guess its time to start boycotting anything made in the USA, especially stocks and U.S. Bonds. The Evil Empire has returned, and Junior George is its Prophet. The peoples of the world are again on the verge of a completely unnecessary world war, this time between empowered cliques of Christian facists and Islamic facists. With Israel as hostage to both. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Nov '04 SHRINK-WRAPPED CRAP: Israel should start to dissociate itself from the USA politically, culturally, and economically, and should seek rapprochement, as a neutral Jewish democracy, with the other nations, especially Islamic, of the Mediterranean__MidEast region. Moral leadership has passed from the USA to Europe. ----------------------------------------------------------------- IHT 8 Nov '04 Evidently the IHT sometimes tendenciously edits Readers' submitted letters. ------------------------------------------------------------------ IHT 8 Nov '04 I have not recevied a copy of the IHT since the U.S. Elections. I assume this is for the following reason: (1) The IHT is a distillation of the N.Y. Times (2) The motto of the N.Y. Times is: "All the News that' s fit to Print." (3) Since George Bush Jr. was re-elected, the news ain't fit to print. ------------------------------------------------------------------ IHT 7 Nov '04 "... OF THEIR PLANET" The time has come for all good (wo)men to seriously consider disinvesting from U.S. Bonds and Stocks, and to selectively abstain from buying products made in, or for, the USA. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sent letters@time.com, 29 Nov '04 BUSHIE DEMOCRACY The Bush Administration should stop trying to export democracy, and start importing it. (This is my first, preliminary, attempt to comes to terms with the Bush defeat of Kerry. It seems that Kerry ran a classical campaign in the spirit of Jeffersonian democracy, campaiging rationally on the issues; and that whatever groups use Bush as their front-man ran in effect an advertising campaign. And that this has been the Republican approach since the 1950s .. hucksterism. In Spinoza's terms, an appeal to (dark) passion, not to true emotion, much less intellect. A narrow majority of the US electorate chose to live in a Comic-Book world rather than face reality.) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sent JP 27? Nov '04 Re: Aryeh Sullivan (An officer in the Israel army is accused of having intentionally killed a wounded 13 year old girl. This is termed by some, "verifying the kill." The Press reflects national shock.) Israel, properly, is treating as a moral crisis the sort of incident that, to our shame as U.S. citizens, was common during the USA's war on Vietnam. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To the IHT - No OK to Edit "DAMNED SMILING VILLAIN" The present danger is not Arab pseudo-Islamic facism, but the Bushies' USA pseudo-Christian facism. ---------------------------------------------------------------- In the last election, 50 million Americans chose to live with George Bush Jr. in a Comic Book World rather than face reality. ----------------------------------------------------------------