=jplt11 ================================================================= Mazuz flap: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Previous note: copied from =jplt10.* Sent to JP 15 April '04 THE WIMP FLIPS The Attorny-General appears to have acted illegally if not irrationally in ordering an immediate and complete freeze of the transfer of all funds to all communities in post-1967 Israel. His rationale, reportedly (IBA English afternoon news 15 April) based on several undisclosed items in a Comptrollers's Report which will not be released until next month, is the alleged illegality of the placement of a small number of 'carvans' on unused land adjacent to and arguably within the boundaries of existing settlements. Determination of that alleged illegality is essentially a matter of intrepretation of legislation and adminstraive regulation; not of ascertaining facts. It is not clear how this technical question can be extrapolated into justification for a complete and immediate freeze on all legislated government assistance, as if (as in the PLO ) the bulk of funds were being skimmed off in corruption. And the Attorny-General's further reported (ibid.) opinion that soldiers ought not defend such (allegedly) illegal habitation is preposterous: a government is required to constantly extend the full protection of law to all persons within its borders; regardless of the legality of their activity. ------------------------------------------------------------------ New note: ------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 April '04 Re: JP 16 April '04 (Dan Izenberg): "Mazuz freezes settlement funds" The Attorney-General seems to have seized upon technicalities, not substantive irregularities, as the basis of his order to the Construction and Housing Ministry, and pressure upon all other Ministries, to freeze the transfer of all funds to Jewish settlements in post-1967 Israel. His only documentary justification appears to be the an unreleased draft of the annual State Comptroller's report; also he alludes also to an unquoted memo from his predecessor in June '03; and to an unquoted memo by himself in Feb. '04. The only allegation yet offered (in an indirect quote from a former official) is that "there are many examples of illegal activities by settlers, including seizure of private land, putting up structures without a permit, and building roads on land owned by Palestinians." These are technical points: the land in question would appear to be unused land, designated by the State of Israel as state land, although Palestinians may have made claims, often specious and after-the-fact, to it. No doubt structures were put up without a permit, but that applies to most individual building in the land of Israel, where building permits are often rather a bureaucratic racket. A poor and growing family cannot add a few rooms to its 25-year-old minimal house without paying about $5000 for a building permit. Nor do substantive settlements spring up like mushrooms; both construction and funding are quite evident; there is no need to declare a scandal, impose a moratorium and launch an ostentatious investigation. ================================================================ ================================================================= The PLO does not want peace; it wants a state of chronic low-grade warfare, to enhance its credibility as an international protection racket. ================================================================= Re: JP 15 April '04 (Mark Steyn) As IBA English news (but not the JP nor IHT) reported, the Senior Senator from Massachusetts noted that Iraq is George Bush Jr.'s Vietnam -- a quagmire that he blundered into. Colin Powell, who should have been President and is one of the few adults in that sophmoric administration, in a most untypically intemperate remark, suggested that in a time of warfare (or at least foreign adventurism), the Senator might guard his tongue. Mark Steyn, like a yapping puppydog, takes a phrase from the U.S. Constitutions's intentionally restrictive definition of treason, and insinuates "If Senator Kennedy wants to give rhetorical adi and comfort fo the enemey, he could at least be less lazy about it. =========================================================== MAKES FALSTAFF LOOK LIKE A STATESMAN Sharon has achieved a great victory in getting Texas George Bush Jr. , who spends a much time as possible in the 19th century, to acknowlege that there have been changes in the land of Israel during the past half-century. =============================================================== Noise pollution is an invasion of privacy. It occurs whenever an artificial sound is heard by those who wish not to perceive it, to an extent so great that it interferes with the auditory dimension of their activity. In general that occurs whenever sound is perceived by those outside the area of those who wish to perceive it, especially at a time when those who do not wish to perceive it are engaged in an activity with which it is incompatible. Eg, when a beach trance party prevents the sleep of those on adjacent beaches. As for this 'trance music' it is not music but anit-music, and seems to simulate a stupifying drug. ================================================================== Israel should legalize the possession of personal quantities of cannabis, a drug better-tasting, less potentially addictive and less dangerous to self and others than vodka. Of course there are problems with the use of marijuna. From the secular hedonistic standpoint, Leary once said, "not one person in a hundred knows the correct use of this delicate, exquisite drug." And from the altruistic religious standpoint, most spiritual teachers (including R. Shlomo Carlebach) seem to say that marijuna is a sort of 'siddih' (loosely, an occult but not mystic power) that diverts one from spiritual progress. As I recall (USA '60's--'70's) cannabis, particularly marijuana, is a mild or relatively mild psychedelic with some soporific effect (in hashish, if memory serves, the soporific aspect is greater). It is especially suited for artistic activity, including philosphic dabbling, eg contemplating kaballah. As for the risk that it might disrupt military activities: U.S. troops, the most powerful conventional force in the world (however outmanouevered by unconventional forces, in Vietnam and now in Iraq) reportedly used it extensively, but they were beserkers waging a chaotic and grossly unjust war. It might enhance some activities by some personnel, eg reconaissance if not interdiction. It might also induce slovenliness and carelessness by less-qualified personnel in some activities. I do not know how it effects insight and creativity in cutting-edge computer work. =================================================================