=jplt12 19 April '04 It's a pity that Sharon, on his way down, had to take Likud with him. ============================================================== UNPRINTABLE, BUT BRIEF Sharon has balls, in place of frontal lobes. ================================================================= It is not necessarily a compliment to Israel to say that they'd do the same in Texas. =============================================================== To the IHT: Maureen Dowd argues (IHT 20 Apr '04) that Colin Powell should have resigned on principle. But that would have left the Bushie's alone without an adult. ================================================================ 23 April '04 RESPECT FOR THE PRIME MINISTER #2 Someone should tell poor old Sharon that he doesn't have to sit in jail, before he does something really crazy. =============================================================== INSANITY'S NOT IRRATIONALITY Looks like Gonen Segev's gone insane, but not irrational except in one small self-destructive patch. But the M'Naughten rule applies; presumably he rationally knows, even if, like a psychopath, he is too distraught to empathetically feel, the difference between right and wrong. And a pediatrician who would push the apparently brutalizing drug Ecstacy -- grotesquely disguised as candy -- to adolescents, should be locked up. ================================================================= LET'S JUST PUSH THIS BUTTON AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS [Chairperson Poopooface]* should be isolated financially -- including a complete block on all EU payments to the PA -- but not assassinated: he is presently ineffectual, and the consequences of splattring him over the world's front pages are incalculable. ---------- NONPUB NOTE: *[The Lubavitcher Rebbe said that there are two names which one ought not say.] ============================================================= Sharon's disengagement plan might prove problematic; it's a bit difficult to negotiate with a tiger at a barbecue. ================================================================= To: IHT "Doonesbury" (Gary Trudeau) is a great editorial cartoon; Calvin & Hobbes is often cute; Charlie Shultz created a rather touching world. Apart from that, the comics in the IHT are irritating (Dilbert) or forgettable. ================================================================ Ref: IHT English AM News 26 April, reporting Sharon commitments to share with the U.S. satellite maps of settlement construction and of YeShA checkpoints. Sent JP 26 Apr '04; Revised below. Considering the way the Bush Administration is attempting to confront the international terrorist destablization campaign in Iraq, it is not obvious that Sharon should invite it to micro_manage Israel's settlement and security in the post-1967 areas of the land of Israel.