5 May 15:07 =jplt14 [Apparently I have no =jplt12 [ ================================================================= [copied from =jplt12, Posted to my Website; Insert added now:] INSANITY'S NOT IRRATIONALITY Looks like Gonen Segev's gone insane, but not irrational except in one small self-destructive patch. But the M'Naughten rule applies; presumably he rationally knows, even if, like a psychopath, he is too distraught to empathetically feel, the difference between right and wrong. And [THE FOLLOWING, ONLY, WAS PRINTED IN JP 29 Apr '04 ] [Editors add: Re: "Segev indictmenet on the say" (April 26) a pediatrician who would push the apparently brutalizing drug Ecstacy -- grotesquely disguised as candy -- to adolescents, should be locked up. ================================================================= [Printed, JP 2 May '04] The Palestinians will do anything for a state except build and run one. ================================================================== To Newsweek: editors@newsweek.com Re: Newsweek 18--24 April '04, Letters (Armstrong) In publishing a (tediously banal) anti-Semitic letter, your newsmagazine becomes complicit in it. ============================================================ ============================================================= To: The Boston Globe: From: Steve Amdur (Belmont High School '58), Mevo Modi'in, 73122 Israel; Tel: +972---8--971-6255 (10:00--19:00 = 03:00--12:00 EDT) CLUELESS GEORGE GOES TO BABYLONIA: As Ted Kennedy said, Iraq is George Bush's Vietnam. (That remark reportedly (IBA English AM news 1 day only) provoked Colin Powell into untypically intemperate rejoinder.) Bush has led the USA into a quagmire. USA forces are sitting ducks (or dodos) for guerilla attack. The guerillas control the places and tempo of conflict. It is a disaster that most likely cannot be won (despite Bush's desperate optimism) and quite likely cannot be managed. The USA electorate can only choose between amateur and (hopefully) professional management. Clearly enough, Bush has been dropped by the Establishment. (The breaking point seems to have been when he gave Congress a $87 billion initial bill; that week both Time and Newsweek put him in a bad light.) Some sort of residual chivalry if not monarchic nostalgia seems to hold a dunce President untoucheable. Eg Ronald Reagan, or George Jr. The 9/11 Hearings were clearly a political attack, and an unfair one: '20--20 hindsight' and "you can't drive the car when you're staring in the rear-view mirror" (Mark Steyn, JP 28 Apr '04) are appropriate phrases. Those hearings were "the right thing for the wrong reason". The Bush Administration should be held severely to task for many things; but even the best-managed nation leaves a residual random number of its citizens vulnerable to occasional terrorist attack, as it does to automotive mayhem and to cancer. Had the members of Congress not, as usual, let themselves, for fear of risking their comfortable sinecures, be stampeded into endorsing jingoistic foreign adventurism, they could have blocked a small clique of narrow-minded "ideologues" from shunting the USA, prosperous and peaceful under preceeding administrations, into a major disaster. Of course in retrospect one can see all the missed opportunities; because the conclusion is known. But in realtime, one has to make a best guess of which of many possible alternatives will manifest. The USA cannot afford a stupid President. Much less one who is both stupid and arrogant. There is no basis for saying that "the USA is at war with terrorism." First of all, it's nonsense; terrorism is a tactic, not a movement. As if a feudalist were to say, we are at war with gunpowder. Or crossbows. Israel is under chronic terrorist attack. The USA is not. Except for those rather odd apparent anthrax scares, there has been not even an attempted terrorist attack on the USA since 9/11. And the previous terrorist attack, on a federal building in Oklahoma, came from an apparent group of USA ultra-right terrorists. Even the Warren commission indicated that it made a "rush to judgement" (Mark Lane) of a 'lone assassain' theory, in order to head off a much more dangerous public "rush to judgement" that might have demanded war with the USSR. Ironically, the Bush Administration seems to have done just that, in a limited and controlled way, in channeling shock at 9/11 into support for overthrowing the governments of Afghanistan and Iraq. The Arab bloc is justiied in regarding this as a regression to 19th-century European economic imperialism. On the other hand, de-colonialization has, with few exceptions, brought only domestic tyranny and economic decline, not individual freedom nor economic prosperity. (And one would not expect better if the predominantly 'Palestinian' areas of Israel succeed in expelling their Jewish residents and gaining political self-determination.) Terrorism exists. Some terrorist are Islamic. But it is not the case that "September 11 [was] the day Islamic terrorist declared a world war" (Dopener, tr./repr. JP 4 May '05). There is not a world war; and the forces of Islam are not (much as they seem to wish it), again pressing eastward from the sands of Arabia toward the orange groves of Seville. Nor, though they persistently strive to undermine Israel, is there any substantial evidence that Arab states nor factions are attacking the USA. Nor is the USA, nor even Europe, unquestionably more civilized than the Islamic nations. Nor is this some archetypic, titanic clash of cultures; Islamic and western cultures have many good features (and some bad ones) in common, and much to learn from each other. Nor is 'western civilization', especially the USA's much_mocked homogenized version of it, reduceable to a shelf of unread plastic-bound 'Great Books' by Dead White Males. Leave that to Gore Vidal and Howard Bloom. Mme. Bovary would wince. Nor is the USA a paradigm of democracy; with the abdication of Congress and co-option of a Supreme Court majority (and what Byzantine rationalizations they contrive, in disregard of law, to support their political position), USA governmental power has been almost entirely usurped by the Presidency. There are scarcely even two distinguishable political parties. Presidential campaigns have become King_of_the_High_School_Prom mass-media defensive tennis games of pseudo-puritanical 'Gotcha!'. Clueless George wears pretty thin. Jack Armstrong the All_American Boy. Leave that act to Tom E. Friedman. George Bush Jr. plays Charlie McCarthy; but it's not clear who pulls his strings. Cheney obviously plays a major part. Insofar as Bush (carrying on the family tradition) is a front for a sort of group, Cheney maybe serves as their representative. It would seem from the present prisoner-abuse scandal that the Bush Administration (counting Powell as Loyal Opposition) learned nothing from Vietnam. The US public, in abandoning the chronicly unwinable Vietnam war, also repudiated a USA strategy based largely on war crimes. The primary US strategy was wholesale attacks on the civilian population and its ecology, by means that included defoliation, napalming civilian centers, widespread bombing of North Vietnam, and field torture interrogation. (As for the Palestinian conflict with Israel, it is top-down, and only ostensibly a popular revolution. It is essentially surrogate attempts by surrounding 'Arab' states to destablize Israel, and only ostensibly fraternal assistance to a supposed popular revolution against an oppressive occupying power. The Palestinians are oppressed and exploited primarily by their own people. And this is an old Maoist trick: to divert popular indignation from internal oppression, define and attack an external enemy; patriotic fervour can hide hunger pains.) The USA suffered one terrorist attack (preceded by two other attempts.). That attack was a logistic and psychologic tour-de- force. The USA Manhattan World Trade Center, practically the highest building in the world, was destroyed. To follow the destruction of the first tower with an identical destruction of the second was the most devastating psychologic attack since the USA followed the destruction of Hiroshima with destruction of the predominantly civillian city Nagasaki. (The attack on the Pentagon, essentiallly disregarded by the public, and an apparently passenger-thwarted possible attack on the White House were apparently intended to complete the demoralization of the USA electorate. But it might take a nuke to dent the Pentagon. However, had the 4th plane crashed into the Capitol or White House, the psychologic impact would have been overwhelming. maybe the perpetrators would have identified themselves with some sort of ultimatum (as the USA successfully did (bluffing, as a matter of fact) with its threat of an atomic "war of ruin", to conclude the war against the would-be Japanese Empire). Apparently it's not known who organized the 9/11 attack. The co_rodinated timing of 4 seperate kamikaze hijacks makes it look like a professional tour de force. To suppose that it was directed by a newly-religious ex-playboy exiled to caves in Afghanistan, possessed of substantial but scarcely unlimited nor easily deployable funds, strains credulity. The popular notion of Al-Qaidea, shared if not shaped by the President, seems like something out of a Batman movie -- a secret hidden international spider's-web capable of hitherto unknown levels of evil, controlled by a single, solitary evil genius. Osama ben Laden is probably long dead (maybe strangled by the Pakistan secret service), but this pop myth may yet haunt the USA by catalyzing real villainy. But the Bush's are not very bright, and like to personalize foreign policy. They need their little villains. For George Sr. it was Norriega; for George Jr., it was bin Laden and then Saadam, an aging vain brutal tyrant half-way into his dotage who, as the Europeans realized, might easily have been bought off with no more than a few truck-loads of flattery (to use the non- agricultural term). From what I read in the newspapers (almost exclusively the Jerusalem Post and International Herald Tribune), I suspect that much may remain to be revealed about the role of Wolfkowitz in 9/11; he is apparently regarded as an exceptionally cold-blooded and even apocalyptic military theorist and planner. And there may yet be much to be said about the supporting role, both passive and active, played by Ashcroft as Attorney-General. The still-unresolved questions about the Kennedy assassinations should have steeled the American public to "think the unthinkable." One must note that the Bush Administration, in making a policy of detaining (a limited number of almost entirely foreign) suspects at will, without even nominal due process of law, has violated the USA constitutional tradition of civil liberty. One should also note that Bush Administration policies do little to retard and much to accelerate the world-wide slide toward ecologic disasters. Regardless of what, if anything, it knew beforehand, the Bush Administration did move with astounding speed and efficiency to translate national shock at the attack into support for overthrowing ( with little thought of the difficulty of replacing) the governments of Afghanistan and Iraq. And by destroying those oppressive tyrannies, the Bush Administration thereby produced the anarchic "breeding grounds for terrorism" that it claimed were its causi belli. Although the potential for state sponsorship of terror has been destroyed, so has the possibility of state control. A dictator is at least an address for carrots and sticks. Again: As Colin Powell, (the one statesman in a pseudo-populist administration of jingo's' or yahoo's) apparently foresaw in aborting the first Gulf War, the easily-achieved USA overthrow of the tyranic government of Iraq seems to have produced a major foreign-policy disaster for the USA. It is not now clear, least of all to the Bush Administration, how this catastrophe can now be managed, or even contained. ================================================================== ================================================================== DISTILLED BILGEWATER Re: JP 28 Apr '04 (Steyn) Hacking away for George, "Mark Steyn" resussitates, or puffs up, LBJ's "helpless pitiful giant" argument: that the USA must not abandon an unwinnable campaign for fear of appearing weak. George Bush Jr., like one of Snoopy's bird-brained Boy Scouts, hastily dragged the USA into what his Daddy once called "deep doo- doo". The Iraq quagmire is potentially much more dangerous than the Vietnam debacle was. The USA electorate may choose not to entrust Bush with any further management of it. =========================================================== The Post's three weekly columns on the portion of the week are consistently dull. The Post should emulate the Jerusalem Report in inviting contributions from a wide range of different writers - - ultra-orthodox, national-orthodox, conseervative, reform, secular-humanist, et. al. ================================================================= Serious charges have been raised about the honesty of Sharon's Likud referendum. The procedures would be unacceptable in any bona fide national or municipal election. The absence of poll- watchers from the two competing blocs is the most serious; using instead hired temporary workers is an invitation to electoral fraud. And locating polling stations in the homes of party workers would seem to invalidate votes registered at those stations. =============================================================== It is misleading to say that a majority of Israelis support expelling Jewish settlers from Gaza. A larger majority would vote to evacuate Savyon. Although Israel is one of the world's smallest nations, its people remain quite tribal. Most would not give a french-fried mouse patootie for the welfare of inhabitants of another region. ================================================================ BEATS SHOOTING CRIPPLES WITH MISSLES FROM A HELICOPTER A society and religious sect which supports the knowing individual murder of a mother and her four girls has no place in a civilized world, much entitlement to support from it. Palestinian Gaza has no economic base but international terrorist extortion. It survives on diverted foreign aid and Israeli infrastructure. Israel can and should take the appropriate economic steps to isolate and subdue these groups. ================================================================= To: letters@iht.com, cc: nicholas@nytimes.com From: Steve Amdur, Mevo Modi'in, 73122 Israel; +972--8--971-6255 (10:00--19:00) Re: IHT 29 Apr '04, Op-Ed (Kristof) It is not clear why Mr. Kristoff finds the Palestinian strategy of deliberately murdering and maiming randomly selected groups of civilians and civilian-soldiers unremarkable, but deems the Prime Minster's tactic of assassinating individual terrorist organizers "bloodstained". Nor why he endorses the Palestinian line that continuation of the USA's policy of support for Israel's survival is "undermining" the Bush administration's apparently hopeless attempt to re-impose stability on Iraq. ================================================================= If our Fearless Leader insists of replaying the Nixon Scenario, someone should buy him a condo in San Clemente. =============================================================== Sharon says that he will "honor" the results of the referendum, while continuing to make any deal he can get away with. And Bush used to say that he "respected" his opponents, while using any dirty trick in the book to undercut them. Like Wittgenstein said, "an 'inner' process stands in need of outward criteria." Or like R. Shlomo Carlebach used to say of various liturgic innovations, "It's cute and sweet but it's not Yiddishkeit." =============================================================== Sent (w/out title) 4 May '04 letters@iht.com; bcc: JP, HaAretz Re: IHT 4 May '04 (Knowlton) SETTING NEW BENCHMARKS FOR SANCTIMONIOUS HYPOCRISY Reprimanding 7 military police officers won't quite placate international outrage at apparently systemic torture and humiliation of Muslim prisoners by U.S. interrogation units in Iraq. Rumsfeldt might start by resigning. ================================================================== "What is art" ( Or as a much-maligned local Administrator for an occupying empimre once said, signing off on a very questionable political execution, "'What is truth'".) The question is sometimes hard to answer, and can be answered incorrectly; but those necessary limits of indeterminancy and inaccuracy do not constitute criteria of meaninglessness. A critic is not free to pack up go home and sniff glue; nor need one throw his church-key or kippa down a well and go out to the Friday night disco. Tolstoy was challenged as a pacifist by a critic who said: What would you do if you met a tiger on the way home. Tolstoy replied, "Do the best you can; it happens rarely." At first glance Klee's watercolours look childish; gazed at for a while, each reveals a particular harmony of colours. At first glance Moore's sculptured abstract nudes look grotesque; then one may see the harmony of shapes. But artistic technique may be used in non-artistic ways: as commerical art (including subliminal inducement, and including self-promoting shock-shlock), or political art. 'Conceptual art' seems to be the use of artistic venues if not techniques to use visual symbolic means to make a conceptual point, or at least to do something sufficiently bizarre that a jaded public with cash to burn will pay to see it. Political art may have at least some, and maybe predominantly, artistic value: Picasso's Guerinca; Goya, Diego Rivera, much of the socialist-realist art. Even Delacroix, with his topless chicks leading the way to the barricades. =============================================================== "Ma femme est morte; je veux un capeau noir." "Ah, quelle politesse" Re: JP 5 05 '04 (Sullivan) It is, pardon the expression, long overdue, that once a year, on davka Lag b'Omer, Israel offers a free massage, to say the least, to reservists, those lonely middle-ageing men who serve, often for weeks at a time, thousands of paces and more away from their wives and/or ladyfriends. ================================================================= TO THE TUMBRILS, CHAPS Speaking as right-wing extremist -- as which, as an erstwhile USA 1960's issue-oriented united front semi-socialist liberal, I can't quite picture myself -- may I ask what's so fanatic about suggesting that Israel, a reasonably good democracy narrow enough to jog across, continue to administer what little territory it's got? ================================================================ THE GREEK SOPHISTS WERE AMATEURS How can Sharon honor his pledge to respect the decision of the Likud referendum he ploughed through (but failed sufficiently to rig), while simultaneously continuing do do whatever it was that he secretly promised Bush? No problem: just change a few details and resubmit the plan (somewhere). Ad infinitum; sooner or later he's bound to win one. Take the mandate and run: Applied semantics is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Sharon is spinning like a gyroscope with a panic attack. =============================================================== CAUSALITY: 'THE GAMBLER'S FALLACY' vs. NECESSARY UNCERTAINTY IN DECISION-MAKING Those pushing security measures of obvious cost and dubious value sometimes argue: How can we not: if something happens which might have been prevented by this measure, we will be resposible for having caused that mishap. But this is the 'gambler's fallacy': The gambler rationalizes risking money he cannot afford by saying to himself: how can I not -- if I would have won, but I did not bet, then I will have deprived myself of a great gain. But causality is linear only in the limiting case (eg Hume's game of billiards); in general casuality is both partially- and multiply- -determinative. A large number of factors , not all of them efficacious in a given instance, contribute to the causal nexus behind any given event. And one must be rational, and accept the responsibility of taking the risk of making wrong decisions. Otherwise we wind up with something like the USA's 'defensive medicine', while doctors will cut you open, find nothing, sew you back up, and leave you to months of painful recupreation at your own expense, just to ensure that if there was a condition requiring such treatment, they can't be sued for negligence. ================================================================= Re: JP 5 May '04 -- 'US expects Sharon to deliver" (Analysis, Janine Zacharia) I don't want to know anything I'm not supposed to know, but: What is the USA secretly threatening to do or not do, that our past 4 Prime Ministers, despite their distinguished military careers, have tried to give away parts of the land of Israel. =============================================================== Re: Passim from the better goyische press, eg IHT 4 May '05 (Jennifer Schenker) NYT Weekly Review 2 May '04 (reprinted, JP): There ought to be more cultured types of porno DVD's, considering the wide variety in refinement and pretended social class of men who have or had sex less often than they wish. And it's really not necessary always to show everything, as if the actress might be sued for deception. And the usual standards for merchandise -- quality, unexplitative working conditions, and societal propriety -- should be used by distributors. ================================================================ Re, e.g.: JP 5 May '04 -- Lead Headline, 'Quartet backs disengagement' Some Quartet: A pneumatic jack-hammer, a rusty steam calliope, a half-skinned Siberian Mastadon, and the screams of a million children starving in the 3rd-world nations while their rulers sit in a UN penthouse and bash Israel after a leisurely lunch. ================================================================= There seems to be evidence that the pro-PLO policies of most EU nations, and the support for the PLO by wealthy Arab nation, are an attempt to shield themselves from terrorist attack. George John (AP), reporting a letter dated 29 Apr '04 from the Vienna misson of the Arab League to the Mayor of Vienna, (JP 5 May '04) writes: "The Arab League letter appeared to suggest that the Vienna plan [to name a city square after Theodor Herzl ] could hurt Austria's status as a nation that has escaped the terrorist violence linked to turmoil in the Middle East and Iraq. It contrasted the plan to the "clever politics that has protected Austria up until today from conflicts and problems." One may recall that France turned sharply against Israel after several cafe bombings. And one may note the vulnerability of the dispreportionately rich rulers of self-styled "Saudi" Arabia -- named as if it were a private fiefdom -- to terrorist attack. ================================================================= Re, e.g: JP 30 Apr '04 (Steinhauer/Bloomberg) Google seems to have done the impossible: it is poised to exceed even Microsoft in obtuseness to end-user needs. However ingenious its "complicated alogorithms" may be, Google's Search Engine (which is still easily subverted, and recently ranked a hate-site first in "relevance" in a Search for 'Jew') is poor from an end-user perspective. (Like those modern buildings and cities that look great in the architectural drawings, but are not very pleasant to work or live in.) Google's 'Advanced Search' is minimal; and does not even offer set/subset ranking, nor offer to separate commercial from informational sites. Whatever one looks for, one is likely to get mostly Amazon-like ads. And Google's much-hyped 1 Gb free E-mail (with its own free SPAM) is apt to be a still-born turkey. ================================================================= The International Herald Tribune (IHT) and to a lesser extent the Jerusalem Post (still the only forum for the English-speaking people of Israel, erstwhile managed by old-world socialist intellectuals, but presently run by a small crew of US-export brash neo__Ayn_Raynd_ist, determinedly optimistic young Jews who have bought and bet everything on a WASP suit) is designed as a journal for capitalists, not intellectuals. We are at best allowed to stand outside the window and, trying to read between the lines, peer in at that Feast of Fools. Behind a facade of objective reporting, the IHT offers a comfortable world-view in which the new multi-nationalism is producing the best of all possible worlds for everyone who counts. So too the ostensibly Zionist Post pushes Israel to divest itself of Gaza first, because that will, or so the international business community insinuates, be good for business. ================================================================= To: Boston Globe Ref: IHT (Romney tries to devise and reinstate a more just death penalty) THE PASSION OF SACCO & VANZETTI, TAKE 2: There is an inherent indecency, which cannot be rationalized, in deliberately putting to death a helpless member of one's own species who wants to live. And it is crude thinking to suppose that this gives some sort of "completion". The legalization of capital punishment disregards the most fundamental religious principle, which is that the Supreme Being, or Reality, is one of Love, or Grace (Chesed), or Mercy; rather than of retribution (a notion erroneously attributed by some to the 'Old Testament') or of mere mechanical causation. It also contradicts one of the 10 Commandments, generally considered as having ethical priority over quaisi-rabbinic specifications of capital punishment. (And Jewish rabbinic tradition from the outset, while not explicitly contradicting biblic prescriptions of capital punishment (since the Torah is deemed sacrosanct), practically precluded its applicability, stating "a Sanhedrin which executes one man in 80 years is regarded as bloodthirsty". [qv ref].) A childish mind, eg that of our crafty little present President, needs good guys and bad guys. If bad guys are very bad, they are inherently and irredeemably 'evil', and must be annihilated. The Quaker insight that "there is something of good [or some would say, of G_d] in every person", is rejected. Execution of those who kill others is regarded as being, in some crude sense, "justice", although it is often less, and occasionally more, than equal retribution for the harm done. ================================================================ It's not clear why the USA is even interogating prisoners, much less using psychologic and in some cases physical torture as a prelude to interrogation. Even that recent defender of western civilization, the Inquisition, tortured only prisoners who refused to co-operate with interrogation. There is little the USA can find out from prisoners in Iraq. The USA won the war a year ago (though it is losing the peace at an accelerating rate.) There are no hidden stocks of "unconventional" weapons to be uncovered and destroyed. The USA, unlike Israel, is not confronting a campaign of terrorist attacks against its civilians; it is merely subject to low-grade, apparently decentralized, guerilla attacks against its occupying armed forces. ============================================================= START DRAFT ESSAY: THE PASSION OF MENI MAZUZ: Sophistic rationales for not indicting Sharon HaAretz 5 May '05 )Moshe Gorali): "In order to build a bribery case, you ahe to prove "gift" (what the bribers gives), "awaareness" (of teh bribe recipient) and "reward" (given by the recipient). ... "there is a aquesation of wehter a certain poicy, which does enefit the giver of the bribe, was devised specifically for him" "Awareness of the intent to bribe is difficult to prove, and is the main obstacle in most white-collar cases. In the case of Sharon, it will be especially difficult to prove." ... Apparently Mazuz would consider proof of intent to be either a spoken (wiretapped) statement from Appel that he intended the extraordinary consultant fee that he was paying Sharon's son to be understood by Sharon as a bribe of Sharon (and not, let us say, as (a) an extravagent gesture of Christian charity (b) an intuition that this young man might turn out to be a genius at public relations (c) an attempt to seduce the young man (d) a random attempt at financial self-destruction in the interest of assuming monastic vows of poverty (d) a secret support payment for an illegimate child that young Sharon naively imagined to be his. I mean, the possiblities are endless. A file that stated an intent to bribe Sharon (perhaps with a heading: 'Enhancing the Kid's Allowance: Tell Papa to buy him an Ouzo' ) would be regarded as merely circumstantial evidence: The Writer (Gorali) continues, apparently summarizing Mazuz in his interview with the Writer: "but such a file must be very tight, such tath it can easily rebuff any other wsdplanaiton, leaving the bribery scenario as the only possiblity, beyond any reasonable doubt." In a rather shocking aside, the writer adds: "the vast majority of the public believes [Yigal] Amir should rot in his cell forever. Without a pardon, without parole. Alone and isolated, prohibited from contact with otehrs, prohibited from marrying. Why? Because he murdered a prime minister." [though one should note: a prime minister who, as a junior officer, apparently sought, presumably acting on orders from the then-Prime-minister, to murder another future prime minister, as the latter came onto the bridge of the Altalena. ] ============================================================= To: letters@haaretz.co.il As far as I've noticed, HaAretz/English is generallly held in contempt by national/religious--oriented, mostly college-educated native-English olim. Several, myself included, have for that reason at times stopped subscribing to the International Herald Tribune a readable, literate, moderate, temperate newspaper with only a slight anti-Israel bias (none of those virtues overwhelmingly shared hy HaAretz/English). =============================================================== ================================================================= THE PASSION OF MENI MAZUZ: Fallibilist Epistemology as the last refuge of a Scoundrel Re: HaAretz/English 5 May '04 (Gorali) ----------------------------------------------------------------- It's a spot of tragi-comedy to watch Sharon's Attorney-general scrambling through the junkyard of obsolete epistemology, to find an excuse to let the boss slip the hook again. For most of us, bribery's not that complicated: I toss the Chief Surgeon the keys to my spare Mercedes for his kid to learn on, and hope that later he puts in something that's not made in China. Or I buy the lady a Lobster Thermidor in Iced Champagne Moet, and hope that later she puts out something of analogous value. (One does not ordinarily in such cases draw up a notarized contract and insist upon receipts; a simple throwaway Cobra answering machine is more than sufficient.) Zeno's Achilles lost the 100-yard dash to an exceptionally linear tortoise. Because first Achilles had run the first half of the distance; which was no problem. Then he had to run half of what was left; at which point he had a lead of slightly under 75 yards, and looked like a sure bet. But then he had to run half of that remainder, and so on ad infinitium. Meanwhile the tortoise, who was too obtuse to comprehend differential calculus, just kept on truckin', and in the end won by a tail. One can see and show that the AG is re-defining bribes out of existence. Coming from someone in his Office, not my concrete bungalow, that has serious consequences. If bribery could be proved to the AG's exacting standards, it would be either legal or suicidal. It is because bribery is illegal that such transactions are necessarily ambiguous and deniable. And also, no gentleman or lady likes to acknowlege having been had. So Mazuz, an epistemologist of the old school, analyzes the concept of 'bribery' as follows (HaAretz 5 May '04 (Gorali)): There is 'Gift' 'Awareness' and 'Reward' But it's more complex than that: these concepts can be subdivided (and will be, by the Attorney-general, while the clock, the Prime Minister, and the Tortoise all move on, until the last settler straggles out to Bat Yam Elite): With GIFT , we have Giver and Givee (or 'Gimmee') GIFT must be given, but to whom: Gift may be Given, not Directly to the Gimmee, but to a CUTOFF , who may or may not be an AGENT of the Gimmee. "Excuse me: Did you say your name is Gilad MESSERSHMIDT? Do you happen by any chance to still have that Envelope?" Or: "Look, the kid has his own allowance, his own room, his own friends; I can't keep up with younger generation." AWARENESS is predicated of both Giver and Gimmee Did the Gimmee know the Quid was pro quo, not pro bono? And with Awareness, we have INTENT. And Intent is predicated of both Giver and Gimmee. "But officer, I always tip the Attendants at Washrooms and Passport Control." "My Dad's friends would always bring me candy and stuff, maybe a little Hanuka gelt. And we had to get a new bull, and the old man was running short that week." REWARD may be a Reward, but maybe it isn't; maybe it's just coincidence: "I told them you could chop down the forest, but I didn't do it for you; it just happens that I hate trees ever since I sat under one and a bird pooped on my cupoloe, so I would have done it anyhow, so you didn't really bribe me, but thanks for the check anyhow." And that's just for starters; the analysis can, if necessary, be made much more complex. In the LIMITING CASE (the Simplest Case): I hand the Minister a certified check for a half-million, tell him I want a zoning variance even though it's against the rules; he pockets the check, says I realize you're trying to influence me to do someething that's against the rules, but for you I'll make an exception; and the next day he comes back and tells me, we just bought a really big new tractor, glad your check didn't bounce, go ahead and chop down the forest. If all that is the case, and if there is clear evidence that this is the case, then the Attorney-General may, with due diligence, post an indictment (assuming, of course, that his postillion is not struck by lightning.) But if all that it is not the case, the Attorney-General will envy Hamlet his decisiveness. ================================================================== sa, Mevo Modi'in, 6 May '04 -- 15 Iyar -- gvurah sh'b; HOD ================================================================ Has it occurred to anyone that someone who used as atrociously bad judgement as Sharon did in his various scandals, might be similarly wrong with his policy initiatives? =============================================================== The cover of the 7 May '04 Post Magazine (with its lame humour, lacklustre graphics, and tendentiously untypical composite photo- cartoon) raises a question: is the primary loyalty of the present editorial staff of the Post to Israel, or to the present administration of the USA? ================================================================= There is only one possible Republican nominess for President: Powell. ================================================================ To: Boston Globe cc: letters@jpost.com From: Steve Amdur (Belmont High '58); Mevo Modi'in, Israel The next question in the Bush Administration's prisoner-abuse scandal is: did Rumsfeld deliberately hire private contractors to interrogate security prisoners, just because they could use indecent techniques without being subject to court-martial? =============================================================== To: onlanguage@nytimes.com William Safire, discussing the phrase "cut and run" (NYT, repr. IHT 3 May '04) , offers an interesting but questionable explanation. Safire writes: "The nautical metaphor was defined in the 1794 "Elements and Practices of Rigging and Seamanship" as "to cut the cable and make sail instantly, without waiting to weigh anchor." Now first of all a colloquial phrase is may be 'explained' or 'reported', etc., but not 'defined'; a definition is a stipulation of usage made when setting up a formal conceptual system, eg a geometry. Next, I'd question whether the correct spelling is 'weigh anchor' or ''way anchor' (as in: "Away, anchor!"). If the latter, then its original usage might have been to call out, when anchoring, that the anchor had been cast into the water -- an sudden event, as distinct from the gradual process of hauling the anchor back up and alongside the bow. But my main question is: under what conditions, if any, would a ship have be forced "to cut the cable and make sail instantly"? A ship anchors a short distance off-shore, usually in a harbour (especially if there may be wind). A harbour protects a ship from along-shore winds. One might need to run from a sudden very strong off-shore wind; but the only place I've seen that is on the Golan side of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), when a 'sharaf' from the Arabian desert comes down the Golan cliffs, strong enough to raise white-caps. And of course one could not run from an off-sea wind. Nor, for that matter, could one run out of most harbours. Also, to run free would take a lot of sail, and that would take some time to set, since a ship sits at anchor with practically no sail. So there should be time to pull up the anchor while the sail is being unfurled. I can't challenge a nautical handbook; but on the other hand, who knows who wrote it, or even read it. Safire also notes "the earliest citation in the OED: In 1704, The Boston News-Letter reported that "Cap. Vaughn rode by said Ship, but cut and run." This, I guess, may better suggest the metaphor behind the phrase. I imagine the Captain riding past the ship at a leisurly pace, as he determined its nationality and nature, and then, perhaps fearing musket fire from the sailors, suddenly turning his horse's head sharply to the left (if he had come down to Boston Harbour from Dorchester Heights) and galloping quickly inland, out of range. Note that sharply turning the horse's head would tend to cut its tongue with the bridle. =============================================================== sa, Mevo Modi'in, 10 May '04 -- 19 Iyar -- yesod sh'b' HOD ============================================================== ================================================================= Re: English AM news, 10 May '04 COMES FROM SITTING TOO LONG IN THOSE EUROPEAN SALONS Barrenboim has reportedly behaved shabbily, but it's not as if he were a columnist for HaAretz. Still, he might keep an eye on where that $100,000 he sends to Ramallah really goes. Or else entrust it to the prevailing winds. ================================================================ Why must the Post serve as an apologist for the Bush administration? =============================================================== Israel should try not to be too closely associated with the USA; we're apt to get a bad reputation, as an occupying power that mistreats those under its control. =============================================================== SORRY ABOUT THAT WE SHOT YOUR SACRED BULL Prisoners in Israel are treated more humanely than in most of the world. Married prisoners are granted the right to conjugal visits, on the ground that every human being has the right to procreate. Some outspoken if not predominant elements of the electorate, including the state prosecutor's office (under the liberal-minded Mr. Mazuz), want to make Yigal Amir the first exception to that principle. It is argued, surprisingly, that Amir might reveal state secrets. That raises the question: what state secrets could be revealed by someone who ostensibly was never more than a security guard for an agency that helped Jews leave the USSR. There are two outstanding questions about the Rabin assassination: How could Amir get so close to the Prime Minister. And what, if anything, is the meaning of the fact that someone was reportedly (Jerusalem Post) heard to shout out, immediately after Amir fired his shots, 'Don't worry, they're blanks.' And in the days immediately after the assassination, some reportedly ( Jerusalem Post) speculated that it might have been "a work accident." One may also note that, for a regicide, Amir has received surprisingly humane treatment (by world standards, if not by Israeli standards); although he is apparently held incommiunicado, and under constant surveillance. Again, one might ask why, since there is no indication that he is suicidal. One may speculate that Raviv, working for a secret and possibly rogue element of the government, had enlisted Amir in a plot to simulate an assassination of the Prime Minister. There's no guess why. Maybe it would then have been used, like the Reichstag Fire, as an excuse for imposing some sort of maritial law, maybe to push through cessessation of territory. But Amir double-crossed his handler(s?), and used (appropriately) dum_dum bullets instead of blanks. Although there is dignity and a certain poignancy to Rabin's death ( immediately before leaving the podium, he was photographed, with an unchraacteristic opening of his crusty facade, singing along to a sentimental song of yearning for peace), he was no martyr. Rabin enters the stage of history firing at another future Prime Minister (Begin, on the bridge of the Altalena), presumably on the instructions of the then Prime Minister and Chief of Staff. At the time of his assassination, Rabin had made clear his intent of ceding practically all post-1967 territory, including the Golan, and had said that his critics could "spin like propellors." Some have suggested that it may have appeared to some that the possibilities of democratic opposition had been exhausted. Had Rabin lived, we might today be at peace, although not necessarily in the land of Israel. Well, these are all just musings, based only on the Jerusalem Post. When the news broke on TV, I was sitting by the Golan shore of the Kineret, a few meters from abandonned artillery shelters, watching a Crocodile Dundee movie on TV. The heroine had just removed her blouse, ostensibly for fear of a snakebite. I still regret not having seen the rest of that movie. ================================================================== ================================================================= There is nothing exceptionally immoral or unusual, at least by USA standards, in a neatly dressed young woman, perhaps in the company of her colleagues, holding a naked man by a dog's leash; far worse occurs each evening in the better lofts of Manhattan (south of Houston, they say), although usually the gentleman requests and pays extravagantly for the experience. Still, a sexual act to which one of the participants does not freely consent, is a form of rape. Indecent acts are not usually the worst possible sins; "a fate worse than death" is rarely evaluated as such by the victim, except for the Spirit of Southern Maidenhood in "Birth of a Nation". And Griffith seems rather a proto-facist. Imagine that the man at the end of the leash is James Bond; he will doubtless make the best of a somewhat uncomfortable mishap, and be reclining with the young lady and a shared pitcher of well- iced martini by the post-climactic sentence of the paperback. Or imagine that this incident is one of those "ticking bomb" scenarios that occasionally exist , or which must prudently be believed to possibly exist (as in Israel's "Bus 300" incident), and which, apparently extended to the point of attenuation, serve as the rationale for much of the questionable aspects of Israel's policies on prisoner interrogation. Suppose that the prisoner knows of an anthrax time-bomb left somewhere in Manhattan and set to detonate within 24 hours. What types of interrogation, and pre-interrogation processing, would then be deemed ethically justified or justifiable. But now consider the other possibility: suppose that the prisoner really is innocent, let us say a life-long pacifist who was arrested on the way to his wedding because the real terrorist had simulated his identity. And henceforth, even if physically unimpaired ( the strictest definition of torture; although most would say -- the deliberate infliction of physical pain) will be able to consort only with spaniels. At this point one must ask: why is the USA interrogating prisoners. It has been concluded that Iraq does not possess non- conventional weapons. The USA, unlike Israel, is facing, not a linear sequence of centrally meticulously planned terrorist attacks on their civillians, but a continual campaign of guerilla harassment of military and quaisi-military occupying forces (and, unlike Israel, the USA forces really are present as occupiers, not as an occasionally incurring defensive force.) Nor is it clear why a prisoner must be spiritually broken before even commencing interrogation. Leaving aside questions of decency (not to mention the fundamental principle of all religions that, as B'tselem makes clear, humankind is created as the image of the Divine) morality, and the appalling likelihood that the enemy with then reciprocate with captured US personnel -- informants of any substantial value are likely to better respond to the sorts of businesslike inducements offered collaborators and defectors. An apparently routine procedure of using psychologic torture in interrogating prisoners would have to been known to and at least passively approved by the Secretary of Defense and the President. From what little one can infer of the true character of those two men, it is not inconceivable that they did so. It would surely be known and supported by senior military commanders. But so far, reportedly (Yahoo news, 10 May (AP)), the only person facing a court-marital is a 20-year old pregnant young woman from West Virginia (one of the poorest states in the USA, with some of the most hard-working people, exploited and left behind from the coal-mining era) who served in the National Guard (with the rank of Private!) in order to make money to become a meteorologists, because she loved storms (IHT 10 May). One must admire the spirit of such a young woman, and grieve that is probably has been and will be broken. Apparently (Yahoo, loc cit.) one of the interrogators put a leash on the naked prisoner and handed it to the lowest-ranking soldier present, in order to snap a photo that could be used to blackmail the prisoner or intimidate other prisoners. She whole thing was probably made to seem to her like a sort of fraternity prank. Nothing in the sketch of this young woman suggests sadism, or even hostility toward men. One recalls the Levinsky affair, where another naively enthusiastic young woman was corrupted and in a sense ruined by one of the great lords of our time. With its phony profession of traditional American values, the Bush administration, like the LBJ Administration before it, which sent a generation into the surreal hell of Vietnam, leads nany genuinely good and patriotic young Americans astray. ================================================================== HELPFUL HINT 050513: The competing 'Palestinian' political/terrorist groups should agree to fixed shares credit (or 'responsibility', to use the politically fashionable if hypocritic term) for the numbers of Israeli civilians and civilian-soldiers intentionally killed and maimed each month. Say, 35% for Hamas, 15% for Islamic Jihad, and 50% for the PLO (and all its subsidiaries) as the enabling local authority. Those figures could then be reported to the secret services of the various sponsoring Arab states, which could then return monthly funding on a businesslike basis. The EU, which does not intentionally fund Palestinian terrorism, need not be advised. =============================================================== Atacking Israeli soldiers is not an act of terrorism, it is an act of declared guerilla insurrection. Israel should ackowlege that and respond accordingly, within the appropriate international conventions. If Egypt will not control its border with Gaza and end arms smuggling, Israel must enlarge the border zone on its side, to the extent necessary to safeguard border patrols. =============================================================== Old Don Rumsfeldt, whose blunt speech hides a mediocre mind, claims that the Geneva Convention on treatment of prisoners of war does not apply to prisoners held at Guantanamo [which he claims is not subject to U.S. law because it is not in the USA ], because those prisoners are suspected terrorists, and "terrorist don't comply with the laws of war. They go around killing innocent civillians." The Bush administration has also claimed that persons who do not wear uniforms are not protected by the Geneva convention. The mind boggles at the implications, if these incoherent ad hoc attempts at a quick fix are taken as theory. When a plane leaves Cape Cod to the West, can the passengers unpack the pot because they are no longer in the USA? Does a suspected terrorist forfeit protection of international law until it is proved that he was only an innocent bystander? If a General is captured in the bath, does he forfeit protection of the Geneva Convention because he is not wearing a uniform? What of CIA staff? What of contract employees? There are no laws of war, except that war crimes were committed only by the losing side. But there are conventions of decent behavior; and some of those conventions have been formalized in international Conventions. The present scandal is shocking because it violates, not only formalized conventions, but the even more basic principles of human decency. Is 'innocent civillians' a redundant term: are all civillians innocent #l2 (and are all military personnel uninnocent; #l3 so that it is somehow honorable for the professional terrorists of Hamas to kill young men (and occasionally young women) who are doing obligatory military service, almost always in a defensive capacity. ) #l1 Killing civillians is a basic aspect and often tactic of warfare. In biblical times, a city under siege was warned that if it did not surrender, its civillians would be massacred when the city fell. There is the aerial bombardment by Spanish Facists of the market- town of Guernica, the British Air Force fire-bombed Dresden, the USA incinerated not only Hiroshima, but the essentially civillian city of Nagasaki. US strategy in Vietnam was directed primarily against civilians. ( Incidentally, the Vietcong were not uniformed, but it was not argued that they were terrorists, nor that they were not entitled to the minimal protection of the Geneva Accords.) One keeps coming to, and trying to withdraw from, the conclusion that the Bush Administration is quaisi-facist. =============================================================== AND HOMER SIMPSON? I hear on the news that the AIPAC Convention has refused to let Sharansky speak, but will be addressed by Tommy Lapid and George Bush Jr. The dumbing_down of the USA continues. ================================================================= Sent, letters@haaretz.co.il, cc: letters@jpost.com 16 May '04 MAZUZ BLUES TAKE 2: HaAretz/English 16 May '04 (Hannah Kim): "The meeting dealt in a highly practical manner with the evidence in the [Sharon] case, through a sort of simulation game in which criminal intent and awareness were examined. "For example, does the conversation in which contractor David Appel informs Sharon that his son will be receiving a great deal of money from him, while Appel in the same time period asked Sharon to help him with the Greek island project, and large sums of money indeed flowed into Gilad Sharon's bank account from Appel's company, constitute evidence that Sharon was aware of the quid pro quo between himself and Appel?" It absolutely does not, if we presuppose the neo-Democrotian theory of ethical atomism. In that theory, as T.S. Eliot so aptly put it (while on the edge of a mental breakdown) "I can connect nothing with nothing.". However, this ethical theory has not yet received academic recognition (nor, for that matter, been propounded), perhaps because it would be applicable only to to a community of persons living in a closed ward with incapacitating brain damage. Although it is applicable to the hitherto real world if we presuppose a causal theory of absolute synchronicity: everything that occurs is the most astounding coincidence, no matter how regularly the sequence recurs. Though it's 0 or 00 on every spin of the wheel, only a cad would look under the table and only a piker stop betting. As they say in the lesser baal tchuva institutes, everything that happens is a miracle (tho this reduces the notion of 'miracle' to no more (or less) than an exhortation to awe.) The accused shot his pistol, and a hate-monger fell with a surprisingly similar slug of lead disruptively in a place never intended by Nature, but who except Superman (absent that day from Manhattan) is to say that these were one and the same. Aquittal (if not quietus). Again: to articulate a conceptual analysis of bribery, let us first distinguish between 'Giver' and 'Givee'. (As a mnemonic, the latter may be re-termed the 'Gimmee', aka Papa.) We must also distinguish the 'Cutoff' (or 'Kid'), whose relationship to the 'Gimmee' is necessarily ambiguous, since a criminal act is necessarily (however implausibly) deniable. (A criminal act which is not necessarily deniable is either 'civil disobededience' or attempted voluntary incarceration.) In attempted bribery, the Giver slips the Kid a Quid, who may or may not pass a piece to Papa. (The Giver should (deniably) 'slip' the Kid a quid, not blatantly 'lay it on' him. However, the essential deniability is of criminal intent, so the quid may be unambiguously given if it is received by a 'front' ostensibly unempowered to return a 'quo' to the Giver. If no quo is expected, then we have either philanthropy, naivete, or a would-be criminal with a terribly defeatist attitude. We must also distinguish the 'quid' (a unit of British currency once of significant value) from the 'quo' (a notoriously unpalatable gamebird; call 'nevermore'). 'Criminal intent' is predicated primarily of the 'Giver'; 'Awareness' is predicated primarily of the 'Gimmee'. 'Criminal intent' entails 'awareness'; as does any sort of intent. 'Awareness' does not seem to entail 'criminal intent'; but that needs more exegesis. The Gimmee may or may not be Aware (or 'have Awareness' for those who like abstract substantives) of the 'Quid'. If he is `Aware' of it he may or may not be aware of the 'Giver''s 'Criminal Intent'. ("But gosh, he just seemed to me like an unusually nice man.") If he is aware of the Giver's Criminal Intent, he may or may not intend to return a 'Quo'. If he does intend to return a 'Quo', he may or not have been motivated to do so 'Because' of the 'Quid'. (This refinement to our emerging Theory of Bribery, which Kim does not note, was developed (at public expense, of course) by our Attorney-General.) ("You could have saved your money, Chump; I was gonna do it anyway.") If that is the case we have a 'superfluous bribe'. If the Gimmee intends to return a Quo, but fails to do so, we have an 'unsuccessful bribe'. As any worldly School of Business Management must note, this is a statistical cost of this aspect of business. If the Gimmee does not intend to return a Quo, then we have a 'failed bribe'. (As-it-is-said, "a honest politician is one who, when bought, stays bought".) If the Gimee has no Awareness of the desired Quo, then we have an 'inept bribe', and the Giver may be obligated by his colleagues to return his Platinum Card and go back to breaking kneecaps. If the Gimmee has no Awareness even of the Quid, then the Cutoff better run to Romania. Well, maybe that's enough start on a Theory of Bribery for now. This sort of conceptual analyticity (or anyhow fractionalization) was a popular alternative to, if not evasion of, (Wittgensteinian) ordinary-language analysis, at least in the '60's. I'm not sure how much it resolves, or even clarifies, but it does let one pin on lots of new little labels. The Attorney-General's conclusion in the Sharon Affair is a foregone conclusion; his long and intensely expensive re- examination of the entire matter would be necessary only to someone desperately trying to construct a rationalization large and elaborate enough to joust against common sense. Several Republican picks on the U.S. Supreme Court are considered rather good at that sort of sophistry. =============================================================== sa, Mevo Modi'in, 16 May '04 -- 25 Iyar -- hod sh'b' YESOD =============================================================== Sent letters@iht.com 16 May Re: IHT 15-16 May '04 (Meller) A MARKETING TIP FROM P.T. BARNUM If a USA multi-national manufactured chocolate-coated anthrax, the Bush Administration would charge any nation which refused to import it with unlawful restraint of trade. =================================================================