=jplt19 Sent HaAretz 22 Jun '04 The proposed regulations "to rid [Israel] of all dangerous breeds of dogs within 10 to 15 years" (HaAretz 22 Jun '04) are a farce. Israel should simply prohibit, effective immediately, the private possession of dogs of dangerous breeds. These are not pets, they are a weapon which demonstrably can never be said to be under complete control. Persons who feel themselves in need of a personal weapon should apply for a firearm under established procedures. ================================================================ The Interior Minstry has acted irresponsibly and opportunisticly in ordering that the number of lifeguards at each station be reduced from 3 to 2. The lifeguards' argument -- that 3 lifeguards are needed, because one must remain on watch while two go out to rescue a swimmer -- sounds irrefutable. But the lifeguards have shown moral irresponsibly in going on strike. Compulsory arbitration is required in such a situation, and should be legislated. Critical personnel who go on strike should be sent back to work immediately as IDF reservists. ================================================================= The Sharon Administration has yet to say why it assumes that expelling Jewish settlers from Gaza would enhance the security of what remains of the land of Israel. ============================================================== A High Judge ruled that a community can prohibit the sale of pigmeat only if it can be conveniently obtained elsewhere, and only in communities that preponderantly wish to prohibit it. That is siding with (active) secular freedom of choice against (passive) ritualistic demand to live in an environment free from offensive to religious sensibilities. The right to a protection of one's sensibilties is problematic, since it protects passive perception but active restriction. Eg, keeping someone unsuitably attired out of an otherwise public area. Or prohibiting copulation, or profantity, in public places. ================================================================= The Post seems now to print only Letters from readers less smart than its writers. That can't be easy. =============================================================== The mecurial Minister Netanyahu is an idiot in thinking that expelling foreign workers will open jobs for Israelis. But the Post editorial staff, who seem never to have had to work for a living, fail (Editorial 24 Jun '04) to acknowlege that "guest workers" fill a tier of indispensable but sub__minimum_wage jobs, many with unsafe and/or exploitative work conditions. ================================================================ 28 Jun '04 -- Re: Rocket attack on Sderot Israel should immediately evacuate Gaza. Of potential paramilitary Palestinians, of course, not Jewish settlers; the latter have done nothing more agressive than drink up some of the water. ================================================================= Sent JP 30 Jun '04 NU, IT WASN'T DELOS So at last it's out (JP 30 Jun '04 (Izenberg) that the island Appel wanted to buy and turn into a gambling resort was a protected archelogic site. He might more realistically have tried to lease a piece of the Parthenon. ==============================================================