=jplt20 A BENCHMARK FOR CYA STATESMANSHIP: Ref: JP 7 July '04 (Katz) A new benchmark for CYA statesmanship was reportedly (JP 7 Jul '04) lately set by Internal Security Minister Hanegbi's announcement, based not on intelligence but only on "an assessment of the tense atmosphere", that "the next political assassination is already being planned." (quoting Katz). The recent media flap about "right-wing extremism", apparently ungrounded in any recent news, reminds one of the USA 1950's anti- Communist witchhunt. One fears that this strawman_with_a_dumdum may be be invoked to justify further undemocratic manouvering to expel Jewish residents from territory occupied after the counteroffensive of the 1967 War. Like Rabin a decade ago, Sharon seems to be sailing as close to the wind as possible. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Jul '04 (Sent JP; Printed 13? July) Israel should place in escrow all funds claimed by the PLO, pending suits by victims of terror attacks perpetrated by groups associated with the PLO. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 Jul '04 (Sent JP) The Attorney-General should immediately block the transfer of funds from donor states to the PLO, until adequate safeguards are in place to ensure that those funds are not diverted for illegal purposes (eg killing and maiming Israelis). ================================================================== Notes on the French "preventitive detention" for 48 hours of a 23 year old moter who claimed she was attacked on a suburban train hy anti-Semitic teenagers. A note to the JP suggested that Israel temporarily remove one of the four pillars of the Eifel Tower, and then complain to the United Nations General Assembly. A note to the IHT suggested that the French authorities were themselves acting like neo-Nazi's. Reportedly, the woman did withdraw her charge. That does not prove that it was a false charge; complaints to the police are often withdrawn in response to threats from those associated with the accused. Reportedly the woman also stated that the charge was fabricated. It is not clear how freely she made such a statement, nor whether there was any police pressure involved. That no witnesses had come forward in the several days following publicity of the the charge, is not necessarily evidence that the charge was fabricated; it could as well be evidence that the perpetrators were recognized and perceived by the witnesses as a threat. Moreover, standing law makes it a crime to fail to come to the assistance of the victim of a crime; immunity from such liability for persons who came forward as witnesses was only belatedly announced. In any event, even if the charge was a hoax -- and as reported, it seems to be surprisingly detailed for a hoax -- there is no apparent justification for jailing the complainant, much less for jailing the young mother of an infant. Having disavowed the charge, she was not likely to run around suborning witnesses; nor is there any indication that she had the funds, organization, and know-how to do so. That the woman had previously filed charges not subsequently substantiated may be legally irrelevant; nor is it necessarily evidence of a sustained attempt to fabricate such charges; nor is there any apparent motivation for an individual (nor group nor nation) to fabricate such charges (although the twisted minds of anti-Semites have alleged that Jews may allege attacks on themselves to gain sympathy in public opinion -- and indeed, this seems to be one of main PR devices of the 'Palestinian' movement; making it a noteworthy instance of projecting one's own sins on a perceived 'Other'.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- With his exponentially more paniced attempts to forestall indictment, from a politically and intellectually corrupt Attorney-General, for the relatively minor sin of accepting attempted bribes from a businessman, Sharon is making rather a shabby end of what had been regarded as one of the most distinguished careers in military Zionism. It seems reasonable to say that Sharon has betrayed the campaign position upon which he was elected, betrayed the traditional platform of the party from which he was elected, and has arguably placed the interests of the USA ahead of the interests of Israel. =================================================================