=jplt22 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unless journalism has developed a conscience, it seems that Sharon is exceptionally financially corrupt. ================================================================ The U.S. Supreme Court, or rather, its reactionary Republican- appointed majority, is a bad joke. One had hoped that the Israel Supreme Court was objective and rational; not ideologized. Reported remarks at the Amir appeal (JP 29 July '04) suggest small-minded bias. Everyone who can read a newspaper between the lines has known from the day Rabin was shot that this was a "work accident": that Amir was an agent provacateur allowed to get extraordinarily close to Rabin in order to stage a fake assassination; who then double- crossed his handler. Had the Amir chosen to state this publically, he could have done so at any time. That he might mention this privately to a spouse is no justification for denying him the human right of procreation. Israel, unlike the USA, recognized (attempted) procreation as a human right. It would be a shame if this noble ethical position is undermined for political expediency. =============================================================== Sent JP 29 July If Israel is at war with the Palestinians, why do we let the EU give them $125 million. As long as crime pays, no-one will make peace. =============================================================== Sent JP 30 July '04 As long as Israel, the EU, and Arab states subsidize the PLO, factions will compete for control of it. And they compete by trying to kill and maim the most Israelis. Continuation of aid cannot be justified on humanitarian grounds. The Palestinian elite, thoroughly corrupt, is skilled and amoral in using its own chronically impoverished people as hostages in this struggle for control of the land of Israel. ================================================================= I've got it: Let's put the Security Wall on wheels. When it inconveniences Palestinians, we can pull it closer to us, and when it bothers us, we can push it back toward them. ================================================================== Kerry may or may not be better for Israel; U.S. policy does not seem to change with Presidents. But it is not obvious that the world would long survive another Bush administration. ================================================================ Sent JP 3 Aug In response to objections by Egypt, the EU, and the USA to plans for building 600 more apartments in Ma'ale Adumin, Israel should immediately demand reformed zoning procedures in Cairo, Hamburg, and Newark New Jersey. ================================================================== Sent JP 5 Aug Re, eg: JP 5 Aug '04 (Gilbert) The Post needs a new motto now: "All the News that's Fit to Spin". An intentionally misleading headline and lead sentence are not balanced by adding the facts in a subordinate clause. Eg, the Knesset has not yet even debated ceding Gaza to the terrorists. ============================================================= Re: Advt. JP 6 Aug p1: www.twostars.org YOU MEAN WE STILL AREN'T? Delighted to hear that Israel has been invited to become the 51st State of the USA. Can Sharon sit in the Chair of Speaker Tip O'Neil? And must we all wear logo's? =================================================================