=jplt23 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sent JP 10 Aug '04 The Snias Bus Fuss can be solved by posting a sign: 'Gentlement are kindly requested to seat from the rear.' ------------------------------------------------------------------ As Emanuelle Ottlenghi pointed out (JP 28 July '04), Europe ( and to the a lesser extent the USA, restrained by domestic political pressure, predominantly Jewish) seems to have reverted, on a basis of chronic anti-Semitism, and behind a particularized pose of self-righteous concern for human rights and civil liberty, to a pro-Arab/anti-Israel attitude, if not position. That is politically expedient: thereby the EU curries favor with the Arab oil cartel, and to appeases the demonstrated threat to their countries of terrorist harassment. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Howdy, Neighbors Alex Weintraub writes (Modi'Info I:7) that Modi'in community centers should look "more cosmopolitan and less like a shuk." I'd advise the opposite. Lot of terrapolitans, if not cosmopolitans, come to Jerusalem to walk through the old-world ambience of the Arab shuk. (For'sooth, EU foreign policy is built about that theme-park romanticism.) Relax control to grow a soul. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Post's weekly religion page is consistently uninspired, often insipid, and frequently (eg 13 Aug '04) has an atrocious illustration. ------------------------------------------------------------------