=jplt24 Sent JP 16 Aug '04 Hamas has organized a hunger strike of security prisoners in demanding three measures that will enable it to organize its terrorist campaign from prison: private telephones, personal contact with visitors, and immunity from personal searches. And Israel Radio English News, so politically fashionable that it could be a Palestinian PR firm, refers to this only as "a protest against prison conditions." Printed JP 17 Aug '04 as follows: Hamas has organized a hunger strike of security prisoners to demand [in demanding] three measures -- private telephones, personal contact with visitors, and the halting of [immunity from] personal searches -- that will enable it to organize its terrorist campaign from inside the prison: And Israel Radio English news, so politically correct [fashionable that it could be a Palestinian PR firm,] reports [refers to] this [only] as "a protest against prison conditions." ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sent 16 Aug '04: injer@jpost.com, ij@jpost.com, cc: letters&jpost.com Jerusalem must regulate automobile horns. As in New York city, they should legally be sounded only in an emergency. Otherwise automobiles will make the city even more unliveable than they already have. Jerusalem should prohibit non-essential automobile traffic. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Israel is one of the last presumably civilized nations to maintain a Debtors' Prison. Even England eventually abolished it. -----------------------------------------------------------------