=jr050307 JOURNAL, INPUT STARTING 7 March '05 ------------------------------------------------------------------ INPUT 30 March '05 -- 19 Adar II -- 22 Safar (N.B. -- I have =jr050328.txt ready to Post, whenever I find an Internet terminal with a working A-drive. I also have =so050328 or some such ready to Post, Procedure notes on Archiving PVK teachings. Meanwhile, here's online input from the notebook in my vest pocket: --------------- Wittgenstein, Culture and Value: "Streich Gelt von jeder Fehler" This is tikun, and it is alo the on-earth echo of tzim_tzum. And it is "the ba'al tchuva stands where the tzadik cannot reach" It is the dialectic advance through fixing our errors. ----------------------------- Open the package 'Sefer Otiot' She's sent it back in a black plastic bag. No note. (28 March '05) Note: Larry Kushner, Sefer Otiot, as beautiful a book of Hebrew religious calligraphy as I've seen. Harper and Row published the original edition, if I recall. ---------------------------------------------- I seem suddenly have been recast from White Knight in harmless private dream to the villain in a fantasy I can't quite understand and hope I don't. --------------------------- Dry Trail: Walk up to Aquacalda Albergo's open again New manager this year "Would you like to eat or to drink" "No money to spend today. May I have a glass of water." He tlls me to wait then brings me back one glass of water. I walk on up the road and then walk back. He sees me coming and walks away. (29 March '05) --------------------------------------------- Ski season's over. Honest George closes the Restorante because nobody in their right mind would come there to eat. (Centro Ski Nordico, Monday 29 March '05 ) ----------------------------------------------------- And if you take him for your spouse you'll need a rather larger house. (It ain't surprising that you're gloomy with a 2-room flatmate roomy if you cannot spread your wings but bumping into him or things. I guess it's nice to have a home but animals need room to roam. :GORAL looks down on the town Note: (AG has told me that 'Goral' is the Polish term for their 'mountain-men') ----------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies for sprinkled lies: "What's black and whilte and has 3 wheels." "A Zebra." "A Zebra?" "A Zebra; I lied about the wheels." (USA 1950s High-School joke, more or less) Why can't a poet cheat and lie a little. So maybe he's not really me eg Berryman's Henry. We never ask the Nymph's opinion nor why "no birds sing" -- maybe he was "sans merci" -- the knight, not the belladonna and had carried a shotgun to that lake. ---------------------------------------------- I sit in her shadow now¨ and see myself so "It isn't fair" and only in others' light I find myself again surprised that I'm still there. -------------------------------------------------------- More notes to the file-cabinet: Oh Agnieska, I've run so far away now on a few glasses of wine paid on the Never-Never back to Junior High in the USA and all the Old World still undiscovered --------------------------------------------------- In the Scriavi case, an injunction against removing the feeding tube should have been granted immediately as long as there were any applications pending for judicial, legislative, or administrative redress. This is a matter of forestalling irreperable harm to allow due process of law, however put-upon and sophistic, to take its course. And even Pontius Pilate, washing his hands in known hypocricy, as Rembrandt shows with such poignant into human self-betrayal, would barely have indulged in such passive killing. If she is to die, do so with a simple injection, not by starving the body, however insensible it may be. ------------------------------------------- The Jackson case would now seem to be an obvious mistrial. One cannot admit previous cases, much less previous untried accusations. Especially as defense no longer has the opportunity to cross-examine the accusers. --------------------------------------------------- Forward to Rewrite: "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine / You make me happy when skies are grey. / You'll never know, dear, how much I love you / Please don't take my sunshine away." It alwas been so and thus why now, fond lover, make a fuss the lady gives unstintingly like Soren's knight with flying cape until she's past satiety and dreams but of a nunnery. ---------------------------------------------------- I pass an easeless night and watches TV ladies play their crotches (tho that's no so if truth's to tell; in fact I slept for me quite well. When love's rebuffed so too is truth.) ----------------------------------------------------- Notes, not a poem: Are you so proud [fo la ti do] to not afford a little lie as wrapper of civility [ to hold open roads ] with social hypocricy Wilde: "Manners are much more important than morals" Sorry; the Polisport Center is playing some rather in-your-face USA rap & crap, so I don't have space to think clear enough to polish this stuff. ------------------------------------- PVK: "And then Bellephone has to ascend without Pegassus" This is ego-loss )we we called it in the LSD days) --------------------------------------------- "Life is unfair" but one must not collaborate. Accept its advantageas with gratitutde but with attendant obligations, both to ameliorate its unfairness ( tzadaka ) and to enhance ( hodor ) your culture. (Biasca--Lugano--Mendrisio train, 29 March '05) ---------------------------------------- "Stand up before the snowy head" (Pirke haAvot) -- not merely to assist their physical needs and excuse "the indignities of old age", but beause the aged see and feel things more intensely -- like a youth on pot or acid, but without the spirit, resiliance, and protective callousness of youth. I never guessed that when I was young; if I had, I would have worked enough to earn social security. Older, one needs to be able to stop fighting life and enjoy it. ---------------------------- Time the sail to different winds of the emotions. Notes: HIK: You need a deep ship to sail the sea. Song from my childhood at Shady Hill School: "Sailing East, sailing West sailing over the Ocean -- better watch out when the boat begins to rock or you'll lose your Self in the Ocean." Note: The Talmudic parable about the Jewish people as fish swimming in the sea of Jewish tradition and religious law. ------------------------------------------- As for honorifics in the SO: It is Murshid HIK, PVK, Sufi Sam Lewis haLevi, and ZIK . If he is 'Pir Zia' , then I am Sufi Steve . (Notes; I'm almost sure that Sufi Sam Lewis was Jewish, and I think that usually Lewis is an Anglicazation of Levi . The Levites were the singers and musicians in Temple times, so this runs easily into the Chisti order, which is the order of musicians. PVK has said, I think in one of the tapes that I have input as audio, that one should never say that one is a Sufi, but that this is an Ideal toward which one aims -- and that seems to be a footnote to HIKs remark that the purpose of one's life is like the horizon -- continually receding to draw one onward as one sails toward it. Too, PVK would appoint people to a job and then expect them to grow into it. ------------------------------------ Note sent to info@lugano.ch Today I saw about 20 Japanese women tourists queu for the Bahnhof toilet. That is a disgrace to Lugano. ------------------------------------- Sent to JP 30 March '05 Teh tyranny of a legislative majority seems blatantly 'unconstitutional' as it violates the unlegislated principles of democracy. A simple legislative majority, especially one elected not directly but for a long term as party blocs, cannot disposses or relocate the residents of a given region. In a democracy minority groups of citizens -- geographic, political, religious, and/or ethnic -- cannot be obliged by the majority to bear burdens not shared by all citizens. Much less can a legislativae majority, especially one elected for long terms on a party-bloc basis, immune to changing circumstances but subject to post-elecdtion shifts in party position, deny the electorate the right ot ovaerride by refeerdum its decisions. [Sorry, the local lunchtime drunks have come to Polisport now to drink a glass of wine etc, so I can't quite polish this, it's all I can do to type it in from my notebook. And I'm a bit tired and hungry, I've been on this almost 3 hours. ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HONEST GEORGE locks up even the potty. ARCOBELLO has a Jesus Bible in every room. He closes for the day and lets me stay there with everything open -- bar, kitchen, even his office. Note: 'Arcobello' is Italian for rainbow. I here use that term for the owner of the Arcobello Hotel/Restaurant in uppper Olivone. ------------------------------------------- Restaurants sell sofst drinks for about 7 times the retail price per single bottle -- a 1.5 liter bottle of Rivella cost SF 2.50 in the Co-op Supermarket, and is sold for about 3.50 for 0.33 liter in most run-of-the-mill restaurants. The markup on fruit juice, sold in restaurangts in 0.20 glass bottles, is even worse. 2.80 per glass is a cheap price, 2.50 per glass is a rarity. A plate of pasta that could not cost more than a few francs for its ingredients is considered a bargain at SF 15, 5 times that. ----------------------------------------------- 30 March 06:00 It appears that CNN has a strong pro-Bush bias. They ran a feature on John Bolton, and almost everything they quoted was pro-Bolton . --------------------------------- Re: IHT 15 Mar '05: Armand Marie LeRoi invokes Wittgenstein's 'family resemblance' notion of criteria in associating race with clusters of characteristics rather than individual characteristics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT 23 March '05 -- 12 Adar Bet -- 15 Safar -- -------------- This land has taken almost all my money but not the birds outside my window at breaking day. ---------------- Wherever I stay I try to be as considerate as possible of attendants and fellow guests, to ask only for what I need, to leave nothing undone that I can do myself, and when I can, to leave a place slightly better than it was when I arrived. (Paying the hotel room bill is, of course, another matter. But then, "It don't do nothing, it just sets there." -------------------- The 2nd-to-last bracha in the Amidah -- This is (USA pop music, 1950s) "'HE''s got the whole world in his hands." ----------------------------- As noted elsewhere: The influence of Hebrew upon English etymology is much underestimated. Onions, Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology (1970s) seems to ignore it. But it may have been that monks sought a strong intellectual connection with Jews. Too, there may be much more Jewish influence on Christianity , at least through the "dark ages", than is acknowleged. Eg, Carnivale may stem from Purim. ----------------------------- Everyman will have his say today. Rap for black proles, Blogs for the honkie arriviste, and the usual edious vehicles of the camp-followers of academia for "we happy few"