=jr050418 NEW JOURNAL ENTRIES FROM 18 APRIL '05 ----------------------------------------------------------------- NEW 26 APRIL '05 -- gvurah sh'b CHESED A legal instrument that presupposes its own legality is an instance of Russell's Fallacy of Types -- most simply the paradox of the Cretan who says all Cretans lie -- which reduces to'This statement is false' (C.S. Pierce, Journal of Specualtive Philosophy, 1863) -- which in turn reduces to a self-contradictory biconditional -- 'P if and only if not-P'- or the barber who shaves all men who do not have themselves -- or Russell's example, which I've never quite understood, discussed in The World of Mathematics -- the class of indenumerable numbers. Russell's only solution was an ad hoc stipulation that a class cannot refer to itself. --------------------------------------- 'this that'#2: The secret fear of my sister-in-law is that some day she'll come home and see me on their front stoop with a sign saying 'Feed Me'. ------------------------------------- Since 2001 the Swiss Franc has dropped from 1.8 to 1.18 against the dollar. Since 2001 the Swiss Franc has been at 1.5 to the Euro. In the past 4 years the dollar has dropped from about par with the Euro, to 1.5 dollars to the Euro. It's 2 PM and I haven't had breakfast. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Lugging a large army pack along the lakeshore promenade I walk toward my rooming house to do as we must the Seder. A couple walks ahead of me, at a steady pace. She rests here hand on his ass with her finger, I think, on his asshole continuously. ------------------------------------------------------- Notes to Mevo Modi'in 1) Mevo Modi'in is the Moshav of R. Shlomo Carlebach and should remain that. 2) Priority for housing should be to sons and daughters of the Moshav; especially its founding members, in order of seniority. 3) As previously noted (Cf. =purrav?.txt )The elected Va'ad must represfent the interest of all Moshav residents, when need be against sometimes antagonistic groups (eg the Moetza). 4) Both the elected Va'ad and the unelected Ba'ad should hold to usual standards of transparency, including prior posting of agendas, open sessions, monthly posting of approved minutes of all meetings, and quarterly posting of tentative or approved financial statements. ------------------------------ IHT 22 April (Sent Swisscom): David Brooks make little sense: if Mary cuts her babe away, what right is lost to Jane? ------------------------ To JP (Sent Swisscom) To the extent that Israel under its present government abandons Zionism, it may tend to lose support from the foreign Jewish communities. ------------------------------ To JP (Sent Swisscom) Sharon's plan to give away Gaza seems inexplicable, unless he isbeing blackmailed by the USA. --------------------------- a well-wrought phrase falls into place -- there's no other way it can go. ---------------------- Fragments about an empty bank account: "A bohemian is one who will do without the necessities in order to afford the luxuries" (Kenneth Rexroth) Well once again I'm in disgrace; a POORBOY ought to keep his place --- They recognize me in the mountains -- I may yet add more honor than shame to the family names, though they who'd care never know -- ------------------------------------------- On the lakeshore promenade 2 or 3 ducks are at it A young man in a group of passing tourists stamps his foot to put a stop to that. ------------------------------------------------ SCENES IN A SPRING RAIN (after Hokusai) Drizzly day by the lake faint reflections of mountains delicate hues of tulips --------------------------------- DIABLOLIC TRANSFMUTATION: Manhola Dargis writes (IHT 16 Mar '05) "it was the palpable realness of the violence in [ Mel Gibson's flic ] 'The Passion of the Christ', the image of flesh tansformed into meat, that gave the film not only it reason for being, but also its only point of cinematic interest.". Well, that makes a virtue of the pornography of violence. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Re: Passim, eg IHT 18 Apr '05 (Wiesman(!)m "How hard can Bush push Israel?: Gaza pullout is a key to maintaining peace momentum" There seems nothing that Israel can gain from abandonning Gaza; world media politics has already discounted it, and is pressing Israel for further concessions. ------------------------------------------------------------------- SubTitle awaiting a poem: "Inserte Privates" (heading for a section of a communal bulletin board) ------------------------------------------------------------- Take 2: A Lesson from the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs: A 'Gvalt!' is something that is about to explode such that our problem is simply to let it explode to our advantage. --------------------------------------------------------------- Honest George goes haut cuisine 'Tartare et Pommes Frittes' -- raw and fried in oil -- between the two one well-cooked meal. Note: Cf. Voltaire, "had either thief but been repentant" They've hung me up in portrait between my two critics. It would have been a true crucifixtion had either thief repented. ------------------------------------------------------------- INEPT ATTEMPTS AT WRITING RHYMES Now for my virtues or my sins I'm exiled from our Holy Land In fifty years ('twas quite a feat) we've covered it over with concrete a thousand cars a minute pass carcinogenic unleaded gas security turkeys came and 'gyp'd us out of a shield of eucalyptus a bungalow steel re-inforced concrete da-da-da a summer oven --------------------------------------------------------------- Hillonim Reconsidered: Some son_of_a_bitch whom I have not known is trying to throw me out of my home It seems in brief the wraith* is meaning to use me for his Pesach cleaning. Now what can I save from the wreck of this involuntary Exodus. Notes: *wraith -- Cf. Tolkien's Trilogy -- 'Ring-wraith' -- a being, formerly human, spiritually and ethically eviscerated by power. (Campra, 15 April '05 -- 6 Nisan ) -------------------------------------------------------------- 'Fixing'* Reconsidered: "And if the goyim wear red shoelaces, we wear black." (?Kitzer Shulchan Aruch? (paraphrase)) "Oh Pious Ones"** you've done me wrong so when I'm tempted to a sin _____( conquilles sans Jacques*** or similar stock -- __________or stroganoff is sin enough -- _______________I ought not err so far off course _______________as eat my my pig or dog or horse ____________________though Friday bedtime I just might ____________________flick on and off the potty light _________________________and will continue if you please _________________________to try the Alpine yellow cheese ______________________________I cannot deem it such a crime ______________________________to mix with milk a bovine enzyme ______________________________'tis less than one part under sixty I'll think of you and do it. (Campra 15 April '05 ) Notes: * Fixing -- Tikun -- Cf. Malmud, 'The Fixer' A tikun is the compensation if not rectification of a worldly inustice ** "Oh Pious Ones" -- Rumi, as translated -- "Forgive me, oh pious ones, I am drunk with ecstacy' (quoted from memory) *** Conquilles St. Jacque -- some sort of scallop dish, no doubt fried with herbs and white wine in butter, which I would often see advertised at a restaurant in the Old Town of Rodos, but then, to my regret, resisted. I did once make it for a Jewish young woman whom I was, if not quite courting, sporting; she subsequently married another. ---------------------------------------------------------- "if you had been there you would have" -- stayed But whose it's asks 'what this do you' that questions's likely coming from the newly ortho- doxly frum we left behind collaborators whose broken faces seem to say like Rodin's 'Burgers of Calais' 'Itried to do the best I can while selling out my fellow man: I don't deserve this calumny for putting first my family.' --------------------------------------------------------------- Orthodoxy is not, as it presents itself, normative religious Judaism; it is institutionalized an obsessive literalistic perversion of traditional religous Judaism. Mostly obviously in Pesach cleaning, when the restrains of common sense are disregarded. But common sense is just that -- the intellecutal analogue of derekch eretz -- both are pre-requisite to any religious law. -----------------------------------------------------------------