=po0404 From 14 April '04 Gibson flic flap poem 1: Toward a reconsideration of the propriety of the notion of crucifixtion in religious metaphysics: "there is no salvation without blood" [1] Jesus came to Calvary and said: Wait a minute -- that's not what I want. The Centurian said: Ok kid -- go back up north and catch fish. Just don't bother those guys on the Hill -- they pay us a lot to keep things quiet. But the Xians warped down & said: Get back up buddy we get off on it. {Comment: conceeds too much; crucifixtion was a Roman punishment for insurrection; for disturbing the peace of the Bet Hamikdash, 49 stripes would I think have been the maximum punishment. =============================================================== Jake stands shmira all night every night. After daylight with the sun comfortably over the hump our Radbash puts on a Class 1 Uniform and drives around for an hour. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Re: Peace Index: March 2004 -- "Threats of revenge don't make the majority blink twice" (HaAretz (English) 7 April '04 "According to an overwhelming majority of the Jewish Israeli interviewes, fears about Palestinian retribution for the assassination of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin have not affected their daily lives" New Item, HaAretz (English) 7 Apr '04 (Yaar & Hermann) I'm prepared to risk being killed for the historic privilege of living in the State of Israel; amd anyhow, my life, for all its bright spots, has been a bit dull and disappointing. But I'm darned if I want to walk around with a few nuts and bolts in my guts; it's hassle enough to have turned 60. ================================================================= "The Minister of Finance freed the bond market," he says, picking up a used Coca-Cola bottle. ------------------------------------------------------------------ EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE {N.B.: I do not recollect this story clearly enough to do justice to the teller.} I am sitting by my concrete cottage trying to grow some parrots The army calls me come in for just a few days then you can go home. I go there. An officer gets in my open top jeep. We drive to an alleyway. There is a guy on a rooftop with some boulders to roll down on us. I think, I guess this day I die. The officer gives me some rubber bullets and says, shoot him with these. I shoot him away with my regular bullets. The officer is very upset and he says Go Home. When I get home my best parrot is loose and no-one can catch her. I call her and she comes back in. Some time later I see this young woman painting pictures in the Rova I marry her she bears 5 children and here we are. ================================================================= Rather a hot long day Evening Tanaaim I pour a glass of wine and let out a sigh and a Lady from the big house says, Why did you sigh This is a simcha. ============================================================= Pesach is over The Rabbi, in his old white van rushes to the hippy minyan. Mevo Modi'in, 23 Nisan (chesed sh'b' GEVURAH) =============================================================== lust's the least of lesser sins for elders rue to lose it. X The 'two_backed__beast''s the Pauper's Feast engorged to who the lady play St. George who do it in the poo-poo chute each fancies that the other has been had =============================================================== On Contemplating an Unopened Piece of Porno Spam: Assur, as it were or 'forever out of reach', this "still unravished" vessel for epistles; but eschew, Muse, the usual crudities, please =============================================================== after Klee* Once upon a time on the streets of Chicago I saw some money "blowing in the wind" but I didn't know whose it was so I went home and found out that it was mine. * & Wm. Richman, Esq. ================================================================= I stop by the Pizza Place & grab a can of juice on the tab from the fridge cost $1.50 She says: You have mney & don't spend it I spend it & don't have any now. That sucks. What would she say if I ran the tab up to $20? ============================================================== My pious neighbors urge greater zeal to balance which I needs must seek new sins. ================================================================= Rabbi Joe stops by to buy a way in but won't go unless she get a get. ============================================================== Again they convene 3 Rabbis to renew their get. She leaves a door open. I call him to tell her. ============================================================ I tote a barrel of pine needles. Her son drives by with 3 buddies and says 'Don't work too hard -- borrow our wheelbarrow.' ================================================================= When I was young and didn't know it I lived with a young woman and said, 'that's my old lady'. I stop by a house to see a friend and ask for her by first name. A boy says, 'There's an old man here. He wants something.' I want to say They played a trick on me; it's just my body. I'm really still a boy almost as young as you except it's harder to walk now. ================================================================= Response to an exceptionally sexist couplet: "and by and by the worms shall try thy long-preserved virginity" (Marvel, "To his Coy Mistress: "bloody cow" (popular British epithet) To Her Temporary Swain Thanks. We've had world enough and time to learn that boorishness is crime. as is the way of upper classes spend affection but on what is and somewhat less to parse what passes for your verse. and you'll into an ant-hole stick your tool. no more we'll need until the goyim learn to read. and no doubt yet be baiting bears on Internet. for aeons I would wait for you to think of something else to do pass your time out pumping guff and gas dipstick toil and oil drive my car =============================================================== He sits in Colorado with the Mediterranean Sea the Alps 3000 miles of cold Atlantic ocean the Berkshires, Adirondacks, 1000 miles of dry-grass prarie and the lower slopes of the Rocky Mountains between him and the PLO. ============================================================= The Modi'in Peoples' Public Library Floor maybe ain't cluttered but if the roof blew off in a monsoon a cockroach could walk all day without getting wet. I tidy up a bit. Someone says but where are my junk books please put it all back now the way it was. Chamsin, 18 sIvan ================================================================= Helen said Other people get pregnant but only of Susannah is it said 'Susanna got herself knocked up'. (of New Buffalo, ca. 1971) ================================================================ After almost 20 years he writes me a rubber check for 400. Erev shabat I drink half a beer & fall asleep in the heat. Knocking and calling at the door. Asks if he left in my a house a green bag with much of value. --------------------------------------------------------------- A few words after Henry Miller "If you are mad at me for any reason we should talk about it. Please call your bank again today please, and ask if my check bounced. Can you lend me another hundred?" ----------------------------------------------------------------- A lean woman runs into the shallow sea full breasts swaying I walk away up a shaded street with lots of things to buy glancing at passing women with muffled chests as if hers were the only pair. Tel Aviv, 1 Av ---------------------------------------------------------------- He names his dog Dinah and spays her. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Vaad sits in a small room above the Gentlemen's Privy which is often clogged. ------------------------------------------------------------------ He lies so quick and easy that by the time he's promised something he's forgotten what it was. --------------------------------------------------------------- After RSC's retelling of R. Nachman's story 'The Great Fixer' The King of Sadness got a job -- He buys Tel Aviv turns up the heat and gives away free drinks. He only charges money to pee. ------------------------------------------------------------------- A Brief Critique of Homosexuality: Sleep with women is normal; everyone likes to do it, from little_bitty babies to Old King David. Sleeping with men is queer, although some women evidently feel it's bareable, periodically. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Today the Non-Stop Internet Cafe is closed. --------------------------------------------------------------- If Washington D.C. is not galutz, Mashiach must have come. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Everything he knew about Yiddishkeit could have been poured into a thimble, with room left over for a short, dry martini. --------------------------------------------------------------- Almost sun-up. School-bus time. The Radbash blue lights blashing heads for the House of Prayer. (gvurah sh'b' TIFERET) --------------------------------------------------------------- Hai comes back with a snake stick and says Lots of snakes now. They break up lots of rock break up their homes so they come look for new ones. ----------------------------------------------------------------- WJehn Bosh Benedict was in Med School she got a Siamese cat. When she got home in the evening the cat cried to be fed. She said, "I don't see why I should have to come home to be yelled at." --------------------------------------------------------------- OLD POEMS, Fall '03; maybe input I don't go out much now: have to take my donkey and he's getting heavy to carry. :Oy, Byzantium ------------------------------------------------------ In the good old days if any three little blind Hindus or whatever discovered, oh, an elephant and had to pool their 'ignorant opinions' will do for starters (to start us) or: Method for Metaphysicians --------------------------------------------------------------- RSC: (from Michael Golumb?): To be humble is to know who you are, and still be humble. Note: MD: to know your good parts and be humble about them -------------------------------------------------------------- tidy flemish convert "Don't put that trash can by my house; take it back to the Bet Knesset." --------------------------------------------------------------- On a quiet poster at a busy bus-stop "N'Shei Renat invites you to a presentation on 'Eating Right, Living Right, Feeling Right'" while a loudspeaker truck in pious Hebrew incessantly demands contributions to those who, in their homes, have no food. ------------------------------------------------------------------- At the Reform Center, Israeli vatikim say Ahalan.. At the Orthodox Center, American olim say Shabat Shalom. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Plaque outside the Jerusalem YMCA, King David Street: (from Lord Allenby's dedication address, April 1933): "Here is a place wwhose atmosphere is peace where political and religious jealousies can be forgotten and international unity be fostered and developed." --------------------------------------------------------------- If you go sailing and the boat's about to sink talk politely. If the sky is falling open the discussion with a remark about the weather. --------------------------------------------------------------- On the bus back to Belont town of two booby-hatches (Deluxe & Dumpground) a young man looked at me so intently as if to say can't you see -- love me. "Buckdancer's choice." Civilization needs kelim clatter of pots and pans. ---------------------------------------------------------- (Repeated): How to Work Take down the tool you need to do the job. When you're done, put it away. Too heavy to carry around. ---------------------------------------------------------------- (Repeated) So Eliot's 'objective correlative' is merely souvenirs of the irony of incarnation. ------------------------------------------------------------- Sign at R. Joshua Witt's home: "A man must love his wife at least as much as himself, but honor her more than himself." ---------------------------------------------------------------- (Repeated): "Respect the rules." Ok, maybe they're stupid but a picture without a frame might blend into the sunset. --------------------------------------------------------------- Liora sends people across the Sea all over the West. Judy buys her a map so she can see where they went. ------------------------------------------------------------ two s's ... sure's my name's Joe and yours's Bentley ... ----------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================== ================================================================= Roll over Lucretious: An Essay in pseudo-poetic form: A tale mistold in the Golden Treasury of Jewish Folklore from the Ike era: Jew buys the Czar a Shabat fish "but the fish stank" Czar says: eat the fish or 50 lashes Jew says I'll try the fish half-way through says: can't do; take the lash From this we learn nothing. "Oy kreplach". Also in that Treasury of Shlock; but Zalman says: it was a high-falutin' pseudo-Zohar but don't go holy over it: if you listen close it's just a cosmic recipe for kreplach So ok, back to Spinoza parallelism, Max or PVK: zapped into the next orbital the extra energy is "blessing or curse" creative or destructive. like Reich said if you're too uptight to be a Superhero, Clark Kent climb mountains or go to orgies or sit down and be Shiva. Be a good boy stay on the job you get cancer or else you go mad. Can't put a genie in a Savings Account. Allah hu Din. The day of Judgement Joker. That was "you take the high road." But there's the low road. One can save one's body and sanity at the cost of soul -- Eg Faust. "Four entered PaRDeSh." You think a row of trees ain't heaven enough? It's hot today. -- by acting out the otherwise destructivee energy as evil. OK, let's review: You get a zap of energy. It can manifest constructively or destructively. (And Leary said: Only a swinger should take LSD). If you're too prim and proper, you're zapped up the ass. Die on your own funeral pyre. Nabu and Abihu maybe. Strange fire. Even Korach, their firepans beaten into altar covering. Honorable losers. Or maybe you say, Who needs this Cross, Boss. Be a bitty evil devil. Nobody will notice much; everyone does it. Or HIK: "'Devil, will you be my friend.'" "Pour vous servir." Buy now, pay later; everyone does it. "One died, one went mad, t'Other uprooted the young shoots." Only Akiva returned. R. Zalman says: Because his wife sent him off and welcomed him back with earthly love. PVK said once: If you're flipping out, eat red meat, work on the earth, and honor your lady. That was Heralitus: "It is hard to fight with anger, for what it wants it buys at the price of soul." One word, 'mad', for anger and insanity. That's a hint, but the fog came in again, I can't see now what it points to.