=po0408 Poems, from Aug '04 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Acrobat, It don't count 'till you catch. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Byplay at Haverat Shalom: "Zamir needs men." "So do I, but I don't advertise." --------------------------------------------------------------- Sent to Mi_M_'aMaQ_IM http://www.mimmaamakim I lied about the coffee-pot; Our Radbash comes back from vacation kicks open the shomer-shack door lifts the coffee-kettle fits a new lock climbs in his Bubble_Gum__Mobile drives home says his prayers and goes to bed. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Space out Mi_M_'aMaQ_IM : Too youwhodoittoit, Why runabitaboutit; write plain. ------------------------------------------------------------------ To Mi_M'aMaQ_IM -- A Correction: From the bottomless valleys of endless greed it isn't poetry we need. ============================================================== This minyan is so holy that it can't have within its Bet Knesset a Zohar with practical vernacular given by an Italian of negotiable virtue, --------------------------------------------------------------- The Palestinian cats sit on my doorstoop demanding to be fed pitifully self-righteous. When the door is open the jump on my table take what they can and run out. ---------------------------------------------------------------- "Sour grapes," says Evil Fairy: "'G_d is in the details'" (Einstein, as quoted by Eliahu Gal-Or) To celebrate the mystic wedding of an unemployed son he plunks a junk-car by my front yard hires Shalom & his Rubber Chicken ("ran through the soup so fast it didn't even get wet") to cater a feast for hundreds with one toilet and no toilet paper and tells the neighbors if you're not our friends please don't eat the food especially children. Next to the festive tables sits an open trash-can with three-week old garbage that no-one has bothered to put out for take-away. --------------------------------------------------------------- The ultra-orthodox ride on their SuperBus. Each fat get's so holy that his hat has its own seat. --------------------------------------------------------------- First day of Elul At last the clouds Eliahu calls a taxi to take himself to the police station and turn himself in to be taken to Court in a Paddy-Wagon and maybe be taken to jail for an unpaid bill of a broken stairway. -------------------------------------------------------------------