=po041108 New Poems, 4 Nov '04 -- 17 Nov '04 ================================================================= TO AGNIESKA: Walking your lands, lady, -- cold sun, light on motley trees and davka the Rhine, so full from many mountains' blessings all the green mosses winter sun -- someone in Davos said 'You don't want to go to Tamins, there's nothing there to see.' (SchlossHotel Gardens, 11 Nov '04 -- 27 Cheshvan) ------------------------------------------------------------------- REFLECTION ON A MORNING BRACHA: This is what's so difficult (and notice how the rooster sees daylight long before man can) -- and angels speak almost in whispers so soft I've often gone off-trail before recalling that I'd hear them -- -- I mean -- good is there but so -- subtle in hues (few prefer Bordeaux to Coca-Cola) (quip with an epee repartee me) but going to hell is such fun can be maybe in a handbasket anyhow Can good really be better? I don't know now anyhow. Rhazuns, 4 Nov '04 -- 28 Cheshvan ----------------------------------------------------------------- #p ----------------------------------------------------------------- Indecisive Argument with an Infant: (after Klee (late Klee)) "I though I was an infant, crawling toward the stars." (sa, New Buffalo, winter '70--'71 with appreciation to Cave Dave ) "In dreams begin -- " (1) 'Oh, not again' (2) "Arise and leave your land, yes you -- (3) for something -- -- and you know we're true 'I can't understand' and everything you're going to do is seen, you see, to've been not true 'I don't see why I have to be this 'really me' and must be boss'd by some inarticulate Morley's Ghost. (4) 'It's daybreak let me let you go (5) to Hades, shades, encrypted stay (6) I've my own way to go today.' ------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This poem, in which I tried to deal with and preferably put in its place a rather disturbing dream before breakfast, is part of my quarrel with Nidra Yoga, so-called "dream therapy". I'm just guessing that Klee's iconography has something to do with dreams and the subconsciousness and maybe the hereafter, whatever. (1) Delmore Schwartz, "In Dreams Begin Responsibilities" (2) The New Yorker published, maybe in the '90's, a cartoon by Wm. Steig -- A rather scruffy dragon encounters an equally scruffy middle-aged knight. The dragon says, "Oh, not today!" (3) Genesis, Parshat Lech L'cha (4) Dickens, "A Christmas Carol" Cf. sa , Satire 70s, "trailing coffee-cups like Morely's Ghost" (5) I'm just guessing, "a shot in the dark", that this may be part of what's behind the parable of Jacob and the Angel (Genesis) (6) In popular superstition, vampires were imagined to sleep away the day in a cemetary crypt. And as Freud said, the language of dreams is often encrypted, especially after a heavy Vienneese dinner. Cf. PVK on the dialogue at the start of the 2nd movement of Beethoven's 3rd piano concerto. Also Cf. PVK on free will: Heaven may call us, but we are free to say No. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fragment: The Polyester Textile King of Disagreeable Castle ("and you're" therefore "the Dirty Rascal") ------------------------------------------------------------------ #p ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISGRACEFULLY AGEING: Despite Alzheimer's DeKoonig kept on painting but the next day could not remember what he'd done. I throw so much stuff in my trashbasket that some falls out. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Barely awake I stare in the bathroom mirror at Giselle Bunchen naked flanked (as it were) by John o' Gaunt. Deluxe Suite, Refugio, Campra 5 Nov '04 -- 21 Cheshvan ----------------------------------------------------------------- Response to an Uncomprehended Compliment: "I don't even own a pornograph." (Heard from Eliot Kenin, ca. 1965 ) A 'polymath' I'm not by half: to write when wrongs provke occasion's dialectical evasion. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I have a Swiss army bacpack so well camoflauged that I can rarely open it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Jane said 'Steve, there's only one person who can take me away from you, and that's you.' (Recollected from New Buffalo, 1967) ------------------------------------------------------------------ #P ------------------------------------------------------------------ Cinema Verite is analogous to Wittgesnteinian ordinary-languge analysis. Both try to display what is actually there, without preconception. But it is noted that, as in Heisenberg's Uncertainty Priniple, the observor impacts the observation. And, as Kant said, our conceptions necessarily overlay our perception. ------------------------------------------------------------- AN EXPENSIVE INSIGHT FROM RODOS: Plato said, Poetry is Wannabe Prophecy. ---------------------------------------------------------------- #p ------------------------------------------------------------------ 'O miseri mi' he writes so eloquently I can't decide whether to feed him or shoot him. ---------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO BE A HERO: If you see someone eg, drowning, Immediately run into the water knees high swim out crawl stroke head up eyes on the victim. When you are almost within arm's length stop reflect and discuss the situation. Ain't no point losing two. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SENTIMENTAL CONSOLATION IN AN OFF-KEY WAY: Antiseptic as an Ingres, Playboy today displays for my errant repentance 'babes' they say, who might be my ex-lovers' daughters. ---------------------------------------------------------------- *P ---------------------------------------------------------------- (Rough draft:) Lines Written afer Copying the Bible etc. beside an Erotik Shop: The Swiss have nothing left to do by try to devise new devices to screw with apparently paraphenalia to scare us (whatever 't'is, it isn't Eros -- -- fantasies of Thanatos.) A half-dressed window display is of zippers and whips and who knows what. Rather than bedding down under feathers they prance about in plastic leathers. In the WarlockBarroom one can see a plastic gladiator sipping tea -- Mohawk haircut died chartreuse. (scalplock) It's said that bed's the poor man's opera; this Gothic shlock is melodrama. Uncomfortable in mountains they contrive some indoor fantasie for bodies bereft by riches of what to do. Cities send our senses reeling like drunks down streets where we lost our feelings grubbing in gutters for something that matters and picking up mockery in tatters. An incongr'ously armoured knight at his cross of indifferent roads to honor or loss. (Chur West, 12 Nov) ----------------------------------------------------------------- #p ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Paranoid Poet to his Phantasize'd Critics: Write it better or shut up. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================= sa, Campra, 17 Nov '04 -- 4 Kislev -- 4 Shawwal -- A clear, quite day, a few degrees above freezing -- Rose setting sun on the distant snowy mountain. ================================================================ù