=po041129 Poems, from 29 Nov '04 ------------------------------------------------------------------- APOLOGIES TO SHAHABUDIN: Smiley the cook or chef at best don't like his job. I think maybe he curses my food but I buy and eat it anyway though I can always go to another place 2 hrs & 500 meters down icy trails. I say to myself I am a steam locomotive iron-clad. (Campra, 28 Nov '04) ------------------------------------------------------------------ An old man dresses slowly long before dawn. There is a certain satisfaction in 'getting one's trip together' after I have to. Senlin's necktie was an apology. (Ref: Conrad Aiken, The Morning Song of Senlin) ----------------------------------------------------------------- She rests beside my bed this morning cheering just by being there, my imaginary buddy the Playmate of the month, in her requisite body of Venus and anxious smile of a child. The Matrons of Modi'in may say (1) I suppose -- No; indecency I daily see in my bathroom mirror. Notes: "Matrons of Modi'in" -- Cf. Wallace Stevens, "O Thin Men of Haddam" ("21 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird") But then Cf. Rodin, the Burgers of Calais. ----------------------------------------------------------------- apr."Do not seek to uncover the secret of another." (HIK) (1) Desperate for money I can't quite afford I think he fights dirty lifting my rock to write Why are you so ambivalent -- Well, one must carry on -- (Aziz said so too.) Note: (1) I do not now find this quote from the index of hardcover Collected Sayings; I am too layz to do an electronic search of the CD. Would you believe it -- I have learned to use a European kezboard. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Critic on his Economical Self-Catering Swiss Vacation: I rise before dawn brush my tooth and thaw my underwear. Then I open the refrigerator door to keep the butter cool. And then, having mopped my private living-room floor, I skate to the fireplace with my collected international subscripton to The New York Herald Tribune which stopped sending me "All the News that's Fit to Print" the day Bush won. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fragment: who'd you'd never guess is an Oedipal specialist ----------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================== Campra, 29 Nov '04 -- 17 Kislev -- 17 Shawwal Quiet night, snow on the gournd. =================================================================