=po0698 Fragment: Upon reading in the Jerusalem Post that bootleg Viagra, possibly counterfeit, is being produced in the B'ka Valley of Syrian- occupied Lebanon, known since Biblical times for its production of opium. an extra-full--erection pill which may or may not be quite real. --------------------------------------- Fragment: a gentleman might just as well pity the lonely cancer cell. -------------------- ============================================================= "imagine my embarassment," said the angel, "one ought then to have properly checked the whole [thing? 'checked the matter'?] out, but I was behind schedule." :Malakim on Mopeds illegible note: quote R. Shlomo: is still on the love of ?pesora___ ---------------------------------------------------------- No use complaining -- nobody listens. Keep on truckin'. Leave it to Shiva. ----------------- Today the Prime Minister fed the cat to the crocodile. 13 Jan 97 Take 2: Takes 4 pillars to build a house but only one maul to make a rat-hole. & Henry Miller said, the world wants the Jews dead. Fearing the loss of something beautiful, break it quick. ------------------------------------- ----------------------------