elling in stone monsterosities. -------------------------------------------------------------- * Hell shall not want its Hospitaliers. ================================================================= ** The cats watch the plump rat eating the cat-food. The rat says, "Nobody here but us cats." 11.11.98 ------------------------------------------------------------------- * NEEDS WORK after a line "sampled" by Tommy S. Eliot "frish weht der Wind fresh blows the wind to this foreign land as mine is sold in pieces enfolded still in summer dust. Rodos, 11.11.98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- * REVISIONS: Retake: & the servants of Pharoah spake unto Pharoah saying: Gross, Daddy-o: kick out those clowns -- even Sdom rated fire & brimestone. ----------------------------- too old to even go to seed ----------------------------------------------------------------- "INDIGNITIES OF OLD AGE*" SERIES *Dr. Karl Fortes Meyer, as quoted, 1991, by Dr. Doris Yankhauer Meyer Fortes, z'l. --------------------------------------------------------------- * NEEDS WORK My dreams, sir, lie; they say say what you will from any available public pedestall; we'll reveal you each night as only, unchanged still that crying child you know too well. ----------------------------------------------------------------- my self-styled commode, sir, drips continually; an unnecessarily repititous reminder of its stupidity. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Rising with an expletive I drink black coffee poop in the potty watch the sunrise eat my biscuits type & send sit down to sup sip wine read trash and fall asleep into uncertain dreams. --------------------------------------------------------- ** These sun-touched and cloud-draped heights that in more graceful, long-lost days offered acknowlegement or homage up to presumable deities now, with spiked crown insatiably accept and project relayed microwaves. Rodos, 11/98 ------------------------------------------------------------------ * NEEDS SALT I went out to see the shooting stars tired, reluctantly but everywhere I walked even by the sea -- city lights. And then it got cloudy. Rodos, 17 Nov 98 -------------------------------------------------------- Downloading echos of a holy ghost, I contemplate the display of the guy across the aisle who, no more or less absorbed & bored is commenting, interactively, with the CRT image of young lady lipping an assumed penis. ------------------------------------------------------------------ * NEEDS WORK Ode for the First Day of November Roll up now. O Rodos your sidewalks, enfolding all those inconceivable red-titted birds of pagan Paradise and Swedish dugongs take too those lowing herds of Germans bathed in slurpEd beer & wreathed in sickly smoke of roasting pork slack-lipped, vacant-eyed sight-see-ers' passive gluttony: replace, in long suppressEd ethnic pride (if will you must) those supposed recyling bins with locals' autos: But why now, in this my fretfully-awaited solitude needs ye take from me my morning Lavorazado capucino, mid-day British digestive biscuits, and bed-time bitters? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Continuity in Change The lady of the newstand reveals nothing new to me today mounted on the back of a deck of playing cards -------------------------- * Many woes hath Greece endured; yet none so onerous as that for two days, yea, for three cars got no gas. 5 December 98 ------------------------------------------------------- * Passing a streetfront flat, I marvel to hear they don't do it, on Rodos, only on playing cards. ---------------------------- Jesus had it backwards: when besieged by turkeys self-improvement can wait. [ argh.] Shrager: honesties turned to bile by the necessity of translation. -------------------------- Trivial Poet's Apologia man needs a lot of sows' ears to hear the daily news. ----------------------------\ GOOD TRY but don't go "Your golden hair, Margarita" ?Jerome Rothenberg?, "Black Milk of the Morning", in NEw German Poets, City Lights, ca. 1961 Pinochet weeps briefly to hear he can't go home today; they deafeat, in 'the banality of evil' even our need for the the rationality of the existence of demons. ----------------- * after Pound Your SPELAIO'DE IERA NYMPHAIA are bathed now, O Rodos in microwaves and over them now ride borne on fire-farting steeds TO DEMOS. (Monte Smith, 10 Dec 98) -------------------- * Revisions: to 33 Variations on a deviled egg: her doc'tral oration was this protestation: viz 'tis a quack --------------- Revision: Grafitti on the bus stop outside Kibbutz HaOn. "I love you." "I love you too, Bernie." "Why go home?" To which the wit did bravely make reply: So daddy can fuck you." ---------------------------------- on Auden's maudlin eulogy of Yeats 's no disfigurement, Wystan; it purely masks the polis' pigeon-shit. --------------------- * You'd imagine that nobdy else ever heard of stringing along too many short words in some fashion apparently aimed to confuse, as if there were terribly many to choose. ------------------------------- * Now let the winter rains wash away, O Rodos all your summer's tourist schmutz, replacing it only with the constant patter of jack-hammers. ------------------- ** tired; no 'tired of' what? -- fools, Catullus? You and who else? ----------------- * Ok, Apollo now that you're mellow welcome back. Rodos 8 Dec 98 ----------------------- * In his dreams "a simpering whimpering child again" he wakes trapped in costume, like some sad clown as pot-bellied greybeard. ----------------------------------------------------------- It is the art of the auto mechanic or, I suppose, surgeon to work in a cramped space; I can't, can't even begin body's too big now without laying out, each clearly at hand, discrete whatever I might conceivably need ---------------------------------------- & Baalam's ass spake, saying: Schmendrik: all your life you sit on me, I take you wherever you feed me instant dreck; now that I'm old you want me to be dogmeat? ------------------- * Revision: What MegaMet then sent them two ding-a-lings [ding-dongs] to banging each others' gongs [Iliad 1] ------------------------- Add to EH: Oh well, said young Bozo, nervously jerking his slide-rule, it bets selling Hoovers to Hoosiers. Yes indeedy said the spook recruiter, and remember, we will never forget you. Unseen, a state-of-the-art video camera silently ground its sprockets. ------------------ * Revision, Catullus: Oh Daddy-o dig it; no, it's too outre & intricate; oh, anyway Bim Bam the Sandwich Man -------------- After neo-realism A week before Chrismas eve after many days of rain a dead brown dog lies in the sun on the Plaza of the Jewish Martyrs in front of a small restaurant with a small Christmas tree and a few patrons, chatting slowly. A thin black dog stands shiva. Rodos, 17 Dec 98 --------------------------