=po9804 Poems, 4/98 Justin Case said, "Steve's trying to be a hippy: the rest of us sort of figure we've got it made." -------------------------------------- "Wherever I go I go too and spoil everything." Anon. -------------------------------------------- I said, "I'd like to take a pill, and be strong like you." She said, Don't; it's bitter. ----------------------------------------------- Today before breakfast I made a mistake. I stepped on a scale. It said: You live in the past. I said back: whatever's real. -------------------------------------------- On the other side of the border fence birds still sing. (Bialystock Kuznitza---Grodno train 12 April 99) -------------------------------------- Spring surprised me in Wroclaw, in Warsaw budding green amidst the grime & the apple blossoms -- ok, cliches now; even Eliot said it. Warsaw--Bialystock train, 11 April 99 ------------------------- You stupid donkey -- used to gbe ok: just tkae me where I want now & don't talk back. You ain't a Mercedes worth fixing. (Zurich--Linz train, ca. 26 March 99) ------------------------- after a week of rain in Warsaw the sun came out & folks came out selling umbrullas ------------------------------- dream fragment: "Bodidharma, 'twas decree'd crossed the river on a reed" or bamboo flute, flute of Orpheus, if you please .... ---------------------------------- (after Steve Slaner): & Bayard said, Sir, I am a Socialist, a Negro, and a homosexual; I simply do not have t i m e for any more minorities. :The Poet declines to blame Poles for the Shoah ---------------------------------- Breindel grew up Yiddish on the Lower East Side. In the 60s she moved to Meor Modi'in. She finally got to go to Poland. She came back & said, It's a graveyard. --------------------------------- Peter took a backpack & went around the world. "How was it." "Overwhelming." (Wroclaw, 14 Nisan) -------------------------------- Things, sir dislike me; they disrespect my intention, like knives that won't quite cut, pretending bluntness; or even sometimes fingers. ----------------------------- The Pinkas Synagogue of Praha is filled with laughing tourists. At the Altneuschul the Guided Tour is only in German. On the Jewish Memorial Cemetary a flock of crows caws. -------------------------------- Glimpsed from the trian a neaatly dressed Austrian couple out for a Sunday stroll led by their chained bulldog. ----------------------- in front of the Deliktasen watched by his muzzled pit-bull a man curses the Magic Money Machine (Warsaw) ==========================================================