=purav10 ================================================================== THE BROIGES BEGGAR'S GAZETTE Publiee en Broiges, Belge "I had one Grunch, but the Eggplant over there." =================================================================- OUR PRICE: -- NIE (New Israeli Euro) 1.5 -- -- CHEAP-- ------------------------------------------------------------------ VOLUME 2: #8 2nd Tamuz Edition ================================================================ Got to play the cards you're dealt. "Don't let your deal go down / 'till your last dollar be gone." Can't play your neighbor's hand as_it_is_said: "Though 'the grass is always greener in the other fellow's yard', it is just the same old crab-grass which to you may look like chard." --------------------------------------------------------------- "We don't do Tachanun at Mincha, because you can't do tachanun after sunset, and we never finish the Mincha repetition of the Amidah until after sunset." This should be taught in Yeshiva Law School. In the world-to-come, there is a Gentlemen's Club reserved for Grade B lawyers. The rich man from Jericho said: "Oh, there's my man Lazarus; have him bring me a tall one with lots of ice, won't you now." They said back (some say it was Jesus, but I doubt it): "You can't get theah from heah." And PVK once said: "Damnation is not eternal." So one would assume a continuity, not dichotomy. What's in the middle is Purgatorio (and not, obviously, Earth; that's just Dark Ages shtuyot). (And Marilyn Strauss's mother said: "If the Good LORD made anything better than sex, he kept it to 'HIM'SELF") (And PVK said: "Meditation is the greatest luxury this world affords.") Too, "One man's fish is another man's poisson." The Day don't ask that much; link up with it. Daybreak to sunrise; the golden hour to three stars. In the world-to-come, somewhere near No-Man's-Land ("Not_a_man__Town") there's a Beit Midrash with (Cows Defend Us!) flourescent light. Shikiya: What is doubtful is doubtful; you can't have it both ways, nor even either. Accept the ambiguities. ------------------------------------------------------------------ There is a need now for a Forum for bona-fide Jewish--Islamic dialogue. Apolitical, uncontentious; not confined within nor without orthodoxies; a place where we can learn from each other. Someone said: If they won't drink wine on earth, when will they get to enjoy it. That's the verifiability criterion of meaninglessness: if you can't even imagine it happening, don't make sense to talk of it. My mother once said: Drink the old wine while you can. Like: how can the 3 weeks not be a unit. Combined consolidated overthrows. The Herodian Temple was overthrown because Herod built it. Instant neo-Classicism. The First Temple was maybe ok, but it fell because the shamir didn't have a union card. Like, They told Yakov real clear: even a heap of stones is pushing it, man. Elo(k)im. It's not that simple, I reckon. Not so easy to hold the tiller in a fog. Balaam got a bad press. But everyone knows, he had no right to play juo-jitsui with Din. (Humans are to emulate the Attribute of Chesed; but not of Din. (And PVK quotes Farad-a-Din al Attar: "It was for love of you that --- I --- created the Universe. Al-Hallaj was crucified for saying less; merely, 'An al Haq.' I once heard the Bostoner Rebbe. He kept saying 'Emes'. Maybe he was a bit drunk; it was Simchat Torah and they let me carry a scroll, which is not something any reasonable person would do sober. I once tried to glimpse them baking matza there -- darned near burned my eyesight or something -- so I guess they can handle fire-water too. Don't know how though. I hear tell they've got good skewers at Shemesh on the Midrahov. Recommended by Eliahu Gal-Or. That and Sergio's. ----------------------------------------------------------------- And Shlomo said, more or less: Shalom ain't static, it's dynamic. "Sailing East, Sailing West, sailing over the ocean. Better watch out when the boat begins to rock, or you'll lose yourself in the Ocean." (Children's song, Shady Hill School, Cambridge Massachusetts; 1940's.) Cf. HIK: One needs a deep-draught boat to cross the Ocean. "Let me not be drowned in the Sea of Mortality." Cf. Pound, Canto I, after Odyssey XI (per Ellman, Norton Anthology): "Thus with stretched sail, went over sea till day's end" And Akiva said: Better swim in the sea of Ta__L_MUD, Poor Fish. Reb Nachman walked into a weathered gray clapboard church on a hilltop and said: "Stick to the 'Straight and narrow'", Daddy-O. ("Gesher tzar meod; v_ha_yikar: Lo l't'facha, klal!") (A very narrow bridge; and the point of it is: Don't let yourself become afraid, not at at all!) (Wittgenstein ("Culture & Value"): Riffing with words, like a barber snipping scissors in air, until, m_rtz '', he maybe sees once more, one more time maybe, what to do next.) I said: "If you know where you will be 'if the bough breaks'; and, if the bough breaks, where you will be, then you can pick apples." But PVK said, more or less: You can spend so much time building up your base camp, that you never up to [or maybe he said: attempt the ascent to] the summit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 03:30 -- Roosters calling back and forth. (And PVK once said: "If you can't sleep -- well, you can always meditate." ) Yakov Rottenberg on shmira. Acknowlegements: Eliahu Gal-Or's Brazilian coffee, with a dash of rice-milk. Air finally cool. House losing some of its heat from the iron-re- inforced concrete roof. Helps to keep the 2-inch steel front door open, if the cats don't get in too much. On my budget, a visiting mosquito could starve to death. (Just kidding; the Borgias would have sold a palazzo for 3 of my NIS 29 CD's. And got a good deal too.) ---------------------------------------------- The hardest bracha I've yet found is "sh_asani Yehudi". Even with Saul Bellow. Oy, internatlized repression. Woody Allen was quite right. ------------------------------------------------------------------- "'I would meet with you upon this honestly.'" (If they quoted Acher, I can quote T.S. Eliot.) SHANTI. CHANTILLY. SHISKABOB. She got an Audrey Hepburn haircut; a shiksa-bob. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I put the 4 legs of my kitchen table in plastic pots of water. Gal-Or says: Ants can swim, but they don't much like to. In New England they say: Only way to keep a racoon out of the garbage can is to chain it shut with a combination lock. Racoon's smart, but got no head for figures. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Self-determination is an 'inalienable right' of individuals; but not necesssarily of people's. Insofar as a people has a culture inextricable from its land, it may claim the right to self-determination on that land, but only if that does not infringe upon the self-determination of individuals. All the rest is politically correct post-Colonialist oppression. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Make a Website for Mr. MacClean! I miss Thoreau. The water in the middle of Walden Pond tastes quite good. The ice is very beautiful, when it's thick enough. -------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================ sa, Mevo Modi'in, 7/7/'04 -- 18 TaMUZ -- 18 Jumaada al-awal ==================================================================