=purav11 ================================================================== THE BROIGES BEGGAR'S GAZETTE Publiee en Broiges, Belge "I had one Grunch, but the Eggplant over there." =================================================================- OUR PRICE: -- NIE (New Israeli Euro) 1.5 -- -- CHEAP-- ------------------------------------------------------------------ VOLUME 2: #9 Thirsty Av Edition ================================================================ The Meor Modi'in Sofer (=HH) said: R. Shlomo said, in the name of some Chasidic Rebbe [HH forgets who]: After the destruction of the 2nd Temple, all the good parts of Israel went away [or did he say: into exile]. The air of Israel] went to Switzerland, and the wine went to Hungary. [HH forgets where the other parts went.] I say: except for Zfat, where a voice from Heaven came down and said, because you go out in the fields for Yedid Nefesh and kabalat Shabat as the sun is setting, and remain there until 3 stars, if, this last erev Shabat before the destruction, you will stand on all 4 sides of the city, you may keep all the air you can encompass. And so they did, and so it was, and so it is to this day. Says I, having had the privilege of standing on the streets of Zfat on an erev Shabat. As for the wine, we've sent Eliahu to Budapest as shaliach, to get it back, with an explanatory note which reads: `We're back. Nu?' ================================================================ I walk down Main Street in Mevo Modi'in, I-73122, Cyberspace City. Yakov Rachama (as_it_is_said, 'eRachman, eRachim') says: "In the words of Reb Shlomo: 'You're looking sharp -- sharp like a dog'." ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Shomer stops his bubble_gum__mobile and recollects: Once I went to R. Shlomo and said, Shlomo, I'd like to talk to you, but it's loshon hora, I don't know if now is a good time. He said, "Brother, how could you not." ----------------------------------------------------------------- Yitzak says, R. Shlomo says [but Y can't recall his exact words:] If you're going crazy on a fast day, drink some water, or even eat something; [and then carry on, I assume]. ------------------------------------------------------------------ You can't hetzi-hetzi a makloket, says I. ] If a makloket [an Hegelian_dialektic dispute, "for the sake of heaven", ie, an academic not business dispute] could be resolved by compromise, we'd all still be amoebae. And I says: whatever tfillin are, they ain't ornaments. Those black leather straps look like something you use to tie down a donkey -- Balaam's ass I guess -- disregarding whatever's in those little black boxes. This is about tallit/tfillin at mincha on 9 Av. 9 Av is the hardest marked day of the year. And has the most ad hoc restrictions. SHTUYOT HaRABBANUT: There are names for 13 ways to draw correct halachic conclusions; I'm working on names for 13 ways to get to wrong halachic conclusions. The first was: 'Plan to Lose': eg, start mincha 10 minutes before shkia, so by the time you get to tachanun it will be too late to have to do it. This was the second: `Hetzi-hetzi Makloket' -- eg, If they say you can't do something in the morning, but if you think you should do it, don't do it in the morning, and then do it in the afternoon. Sometimes hetzi-hetzi is ok. Hai -- minhag Cochin maybe -- lights a single candle for havdalah, and leaves it lit if I recall. I like those big braided candles, but I've never understood dunking it in wine at the end -- seems like the Christian heretic excommunication ritual. Not to mention the nuisance of trying to wash the wax off the kos. So I tried pouring the wine out on the ground, but that seems like a Greek libation. So now I do both: light the braided candle, put it out; then light a regular, fixed candle, that burns down to the end. Goes well with 4th meal, then lights you to bed and goes out at a reasonable hour. I guess it's ok, though I do not have the sense of having discovered the 11th Commandment. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================================ 3 REASONS WHY I AM A REFORMIE: #15: We daven Mincha 10 minutes for skia, and Ma'ariv 20 minutes after skia. I say: One who intentionally creates a situation in which he cannot fulfill a mitzva is counted as having refused to do it. #16: I daven the Shmone Esre, not the 19/18. I say: He was called Shmuel haKatan because the big guys always put him down with little digs. #17: I like cheddar cheese. I could say: 'Enzymes ain't mammals; and anyhow it's 60/1'; but I won't because I like cheddar cheese. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ==================================================================