=purav12 ================================================================== THE BROIGES BEGGAR'S GAZETTE Publiee en Broiges, Belge "I had one Grunch, but the Eggplant over there." =================================================================- OUR PRICE: -- NIE (New Israeli Euro) 1.5 -- -- CHEAP-- ------------------------------------------------------------------ VOLUME 2: #10 Waning Av Edition ================================================================ "The LORD will not despise a broken heart" (King David, "more or less") "Tora begins when a little bit of ham falls in the matza-brei soup" (R. Shlomo Carlebach, pretty close) ----------------------------------------------------------------- "Once you get to know human beings, you are surprised neither by their sublimity nor by their depravity." (Henry Miller, recollected) "Humani sum, et in mihi nihil humanorum alienem puta" (Some Roman) ----------------------------------------------------------------- One who davens with a corrupt congregation must distinguish himself from the congregation by breaking at least one halacha or minhag a day. If they wear black loafers, wear "tan shoes with pink shoe laces". "My Daddy always told me: Don't make a makloket; wear socks of two different colours." (R. David Herzberg, z'lb) ------------------------------------------------------------------ In general: If you can tell who the ba'al tfilla is underneath the tallis, he or you should step outside. R. Shlomo or Shlomo haMelech would say: If Sprintzela invites me to drink coffee, am I going to invite my Uncle Fred with his New York Daily Mirror? ================================================================ One who denounces to the authorities somoene who poses no danger to the community that the authorities can resolve and the community can not, is deemed a denunciator. He is forbidden to lead the congregation in daily prayers, for there the curse of the Sammy the Runt against Denunciators must be intoned. If he does lead that prayer, one must not participate in that minyan, as_it_is_said, Don't kill yourself, you just wind up in the same place without a credit card; and as_it_is_said, don't stand by watching your neighbor play Russian Roulette. Who are the authorities: they who disregard the individuality of those over whom they may rule, as it is said, let Chesed prevail over Din. The Assistant Postmaster said: You can't do that; it's stealing; that's one of the ten commandments. I said back: there's still nine left. "Weil fur dieses leben ist der Mensch nicht streng genug." (Brecht). Scim & scam as best you can, but don't touch those who are vulnerable -- that's Amalek -- and don't endanger the community thereby. It is obligatory to inform upon anyone who poses a danger to the community. But excessive force is not legitimate. Fair retribution is not justice. ================================================================= I walked 10 miles through tangled woods and found R. Shlomo about to make kiddish. He said, I hope nobody jumped the gate [so you can say] "'It's mine; I paid for it.'" "People have died from my kiddishes." ================================================================= Nature may kill you, but it will never mock you. One who mocks the suffering of another, having caused that suffering, may have a place in the world_to_come, but he will have to wait for the murderers and rapists to be seated. For he denies to a being made in the Divine image even the last_ditch dignity of victimhood. If I eat in the house of the King, even table-scraps off costly plates (for everyone knows, the King is a potter (Mahzor), shall I smash one of the plates and say, nothing personal Your Majesty. =================================================================