=purav7 ================================================================== THE BROIGES BEGGAR'S GAZETTE Publiee en Broiges, Belge "I had one Grunch, but the Eggplant over there." =================================================================- OUR PRICE: -- NIE (New Israeli Euro) 1.5 -- -- CHEAP-- ------------------------------------------------------------------ VOLUME 2: #5 sIvaN EDITION ================================================================ "'Denial is not just a river in Egypt.'" Tom E. Friedman, International Herald Tribune, 4 June '04 ================================================================= itzak ben Yehuda said: I once asked the Rabbi: Shlomo, do you ever get depressed. He said, Brother, I'm so busy I only have time for it 5 minutes a day. ================================================================== TALES OF THE MYSTIC EAST: THE SWAMI: No one knew his true name. He was said to have steeled himself in self-discipline by meditating in the cold dawn at the confluence of the Ganges; and so he was known only as 'Rivers'. In is youth he had been a great Swami, able to expound the whole of Torah (the Talmud Bavli, although with only the major commentaries) while standing on one foot. But no longer. The passage of years seemed to weigh down upon the Swami, Rivers. ------------------------------------------------------------------ TALES OF THE MYSIC EAST: THE SHEIK The Sheik was apparently of Spanish descent, perhaps the descendent of noblemen taken captive in the retreat back to the desert from Andalusia a millenium ago. Only is familly name remained, "Real", the broad place, often the area of commerce. And he bore too a surname, apparently also Hispanic, "Rattelan". Of all the trials which must stoically be endured by the Sons of the Desert, none is so great as listening to one's wife. And that day she was in rare form, infuriated by his silence as he sat within his tent. In rising tones, she cried out, "I said, Sheik Rattelan Real -- " Just then the virago's attention was drawn by a too-familiar sight: as the Sheik looked on in impassive meditation, one of the stray dogs in the camp was bearing away a half-cut piece of leather with which she had hoped to recover the bottom one of the Sheik's worn-out shoes. This had happened many times before. This time it was too much for the good woman, who cried out, "and you never do nothing to save your dog-gone sole." =============================================================== CONSUMER INFO: Special to the Broiges Beggar's Gazette: KUVUTZ YAVNE CANNED BLACK OLIVES: Recommended only for throwing through windshields. The Editor found these reasonably tasty, but the Editor, who hails from New England and prefers unfiltered apple cider with Vermont Cheddar, regards olives as one of the social obligations of making aliyah, like wearing a hat even in the bathroom. Eliahu, a gentleman and meta-systems analyst of Italian extraction, rates this -5 on a scale of 1 to 10. Uses too much Calcium Carbonate CaCO(3), which, he says, tends to assume some of the properties of quicklime in excessive quantity, and should be put on roofs to reflect back summer sun (Mr. Wm. Richman, Esq., formerly of the State Prosecutor's Office, Chicago, presently landholder and agriculturalist of Moshav Meor Modi'in, is pleased to deploy his roofing abilities upon the cupolae of persons of suitable financial standing. (Cheques must be bonded.) ================================================================= In the same of the Assitant Postmaster of Mevo Modi'in: The Rabbi said: When Moshe Rabbenu came down from Mt. Sinai after a 40 day fast the first thing he said was Please, could I have some apple juice. ================================================================== In the name of the Sofer Mevo Modi'in: The Rabbi said: The difference between LSD and Talmud is that with LSD you go up and come down but with Talmud you go up and stay there. ================================================================= The Rabbi taught everyone knows: Why did Adam and Eve lose Paradise because he blamed his wife. ================================================================= In the name of the Modi'in Chief of the Shabos Police: More bad jokes from our Rabbi: A lady went to buy dogfood She said, its for my husband; he likes it. The rabbi said, don't do it; 't'aint kosher and might kill him. The lady said, No problem, he likes it. The lady came back next week in black. She said, the dogfood was fine but he got hit by a car when he ran out in the street to chase it. ================================================================= CHABAD IS THE MCDONALD'S OF YIDDISHKEIT. ================================================================= NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF MOSHAV MEVO MODI'IN: IN CASE OF FIRE (Cows Defend Us!): Contact the Vaad, which will contact the Moetza, which will rebate Arnona to the Vaad to hire a member of the Moshav to put it out. ================================================================ EXCERPT FROM A SHAKESPEAREAN SCREENPLAY: Tempest, Act I, Scene 1 (closing shot): Alonzo, King of Naples, in sea. Gonzalo, Counselor to the King, in situ. ================================================================== ==================================================================