=purav8 ================================================================== THE BROIGES BEGGAR'S GAZETTE Publiee en Broiges, Belge "I had one Grunch, but the Eggplant over there." =================================================================- OUR PRICE: -- NIE (New Israeli Euro) 1.5 -- -- CHEAP-- ------------------------------------------------------------------ VOLUME 2: #6 sIvaN Venus Revealed Edition ================================================================ Golumb says: Fake it, man; we've got to set a good example for the younger generation. (Cf. HIK: The farther you get down the path, the more you have to play a part.) ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Brighten the corner where you are." Christian revivalist gramaphone record, 1920's?, heard ca. 1947 My variant was: "There are chickens in the hen-house for your breakfast, sir; and [ "all's set at six-and-seven's" ... [pick & mix Max] ] Brighten the corner where you are." ------------------------------------------------------------------ R. Zalman says: Kabalah ain't esoteric; that you can buy in any paperback shop. What's esoteric nowadays is halacha. I say: Presumably HIK said it all; so all you need kabalah for is like, how to make a golem. And that's easy: just feed your husband last week's cholent. ------------------------------------------------------------------- TEACHINGS OF RABBI YUM-YUM (Excerpted): Rabbi Yum-yum lived high beneath the Ponderosas by a Parking Lot on Lama Mountain in San Cristobal. A small sign said: "Feed the guru." He received the Tora from teeny-weeny Beings who live mostly in gelatin capsules. He said, more or less: He who pays less heed to the tora of women than to that of men, will in the end inherit gehinnon. =============================================================== TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I would like to make it quite clear that my generation, the Generation of the '60's ("Never trust anyone over 30 " -- Jerry Rubin or maybe Abbie Hoffman, zl'b) had no intention of growing older. We regard the present rather incongruous situation as merely one more manifestation of the ineptitude of the Establishment. ----------------------------------------------------------------- AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT from THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION: It's true; please watch this spot for our IPO. To reserve your Preferred Stockholder Status, please send Checks in Shekels, Euros, or Yen (no US$ please) to: Brooklyn Bridge Consortium of the Learned Elders of Zion, Moshav Mevo Modi'idiotim. Source: Cf. Lenny Bruce: "Ok, ok, we did it. It was because he would't become a doctor." Setting: Thoughts while awaiting the Mevo Modi'in morning stage-coach: "like a stream the autos pass carcinogenic and leaded gas" _____ "the New Year passed, my sister died another carcinogenocide" (of Gretchen Grossner, zl'b, ca. 1975) "Yup, nope, that ain't it." (Steve Keyes, Antioch Lawn, 1965) Context: Alifa said (of the HU Sasson Center that studies anti- Semitism): There's a new book out on the Protocols. I said: Who takes it seriously. She said, more or less: Dune facists. Commentary (sa): Facism is merely a perversion of spirituality. Spirituality -- -- Cf. PVK (Zenith, ca. 1998): "Meditatioon is the greatest luxury this world affords." -- is a striving to transcend "the indignities of old age" (Dr. Karl Meyer, to Dr. Doris Yankhauer Meyer Fortes, zl'b) -- and the embarassments of youth, _____for battered souls (Freud). __________And Cindy Letts said, It's a pity mothers don't sex- train their little boys, like they toilet-train them: Like saying, "Nice erection", etc. But I'd guess that the main motive for transcendence is not the liabilities of incarnation, but the finitude of individuality. If so it is a necessry spiritual motive existential to all humans, not a contingent motive of the aged infirm and ill-at-ease. They seek transcendence in sex -- (Cf. Henry Miller, ______as-it-is-said, "the difference between war and peace is that there has never been a good war" (USA folk-saying) (and as-it-is-said: "My mother used to say, 'If the good LORD made anything better than sex, 'HE' kept it to 'HIM'SELF" (Marilyn Strauss Lidov, zl'b) -- and in football for the Gents and Shoppping for the Ladies. Alifa said, more or less: Sex (Freud's focus) and aggression (Adler's focus) are the necessary survival motivations for any living being (Cf. Yeats: "lust and rage to spur me into song") Barely pleasure, even in Freud's trivialized sense (Vienna prune) of 'alleviation of tension' ("itching and scratching") And Wittgenstein said ("Culture and Value"): ÷If you think it's just because I'm a prude that I don't like Freud, think again. "'t is, 't is, it is" (Joyce, Finnegan's Wake, on one of Wagner's schloperas) "All men seek The Good" (Plato) but so roundabout, so mired in the mists of maya. Only as the limit, the Ideal, "the end of days". Escape from the wheel of samsara. Gebril's holiday. The petit-bourgeoisis seek purity. 1930's Germany. Wm. Reich said it; for which the USA drove him insane. Concrete Calvary's. Build with adobe; good vibes can't get through concrete (Cf. PVK). "It can't happen here." The Resistable Rise of Arturo Ui. The Bush Administration is rather an embarassment. ================================================================= "RECOLLECTED IN TRANQUILITY": ÷"It is much easier to be good and kind and noble if one has money" (Jlem Post, ca. Nov. 1999, Greer Fay Cashman(?), quoting from (?)The Yellow Kid, a comic strip of the USA ca. 1920's.) "The only word of a poor person -- 'obligato'." Last line of the movie "Black Orpheus" (recollected translation from Brazil Portuguese ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- sa, Meor Modi'in, 11 Jun '04 -- 22 sIvaN -- 22 Rabi' al-Thaany ===============================================================