=pvlg3710 DETAILED LOG OF BOXES 37 AND 10 (IN PROCESS), WALIA COLLECTION Preliminary log excerpted from =pvinvwa Taken from TapeBox notes by Sound Engineer -- apparently Harvey -- with additional notes by sa KNOCK THE NOTES DOWN INTO FOOTNOTES, AS USUAL ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ooops folks -- I've packed up the Masters of Box 37, so I'll have to jot down just whatever notes I made on the G2 Backup set of same that I made: And I'm almost out of Scotch Tape, so I haven't re-opened my G2 Set. And I haven't yet retrieved the SoundDesk Binders, to add those notes. "I suppose by now some of you wonder just what I'm doing here. And so do I." (Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention in their appropriately unknown movie "1000 Motels") OK, these notes are cruder than I'd like. My hands are too stiff to keep up with PVK's words, I really need a spare laptop, since I type much faster than I can write. So in short, you can't quote anything I say, even the stuff in quotes (all of which are quotes from the PVK tape being noted, unless otherwise noted ). You have to go to a transcription. And also, I jive up the notes with my own remarks, because it's hard to get good strong coffee nowadays. So my point is -- these remarks, however inadequate, do give an indication of what sort of topics PVK was touching on in these tapes. ----------------------------------------------------------------- * W37P89 -- 25 July '89 -- Pir A 25 Jul '89, 11A, Sama 27 July, PVK 11-14 -- Apparently Leaders -- Borrowed sa to Campra, 29 Mar '05 Stored in a broken-down Sony paper box -- 8 tapes only Covers the period Thursday evening 27 July 89 through the Cosmic Celebration, 29 July '89 The box is marked Leaders Camp --------------------------------------------------------------- Pir A 25 July '89, Questions and Answers Maxwell XL II 90 Copied sa 050403 from Master input Side A =pv89725a Leaders Seminar, Zenith 89 PVK 25 July '89 Questions and Answers Side A: Chargal, Zikr, avoiding going on autopilot when one repeats a wazifa, et. al. Side B: karma, re-incarnation Side B talk ends at 11 minutes; music continues to 23 min. THIS IS A TRI-LINGUAL SEMINAR: English/French/German Audio nput =pv89725a, b in au/aup, wav, mp3, and ogg Notes sa; Chrgall, Zikr, Consciousness/Intaelligence DON'T DO CHARGALL OUTSIDE A RETREAT ( Although I have frequently heard Munir say that PVK recommends doing it every day -- tho I have often heard PVK say don't do it on your own) DON'T LET ZIKR BECOME UNRESTRAINED Leaders should acknowlege their personal roblems, not expose their students to them. Can you can do your wazifas while walking down the street, as a fikr? -- PVK suggests that one risks going into a trance, or even going crazy (the later seems to me an overdone worry) PVK on karma and reincarnation: (triggered by a question: can one work off one's karma by doing wazifas, and so not have to do karma yoga. Self-identity as a rope of stands, each with its own 'karma' "there are seveal mortgages that are involved in one's life" -- think of yourself as 'a continuity_in_change , rather than as an entity HIK said, 'the difficulty in the theory of re-incaranation is X the frontiers of one's being the upside-down pyramid -- Comment sa: Note that for PVK questions are merely catalysts for min-lectures on topics that he would not usually cover. THIS WOULD BE A GOOD TAPE TO TRANSCRIBE. Questions end at 11 minutes. Then music: Bach, Well-tempered Kavier, Book II as I recall -- meditative performance, almost introspective -- Recording ends at 22 minutes. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 11, Thursday 27 July '89 and 28 July '89 Maxwell XL II 90 Theory of subtle bodies Master Side A jammed at about the 20-minue mark, I restarted it with a half-minute text-loss So I recopied Side A only as: =pv1189ya.* sa notes: Clearly medias res Side B is a guided meditation. Use of physial movement in prayers. Session concludes with a prayer at about 20 minutes. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 11A, Thursday Evening 27 July '89, Sama Maxwell XL II 90 Input =pv11a89a,b a/k/a =pv11a897 Side B includes much good music !APPARENTLY INCLUDING HIK! --------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 12, 28 July '89 Maxwell XL II 90 Leaders Retreat ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 13, 28 July '89 TDK Type II SA 90 Leaders Retreat Side A: Advanced Chargall, with Tibetan(?) variants. What Olivone needs is a good Chinese restaurant, kosher of course, with delivery service. And what Campra needs is an outdoor telephone booth -- one of the British ones would do nicely. ------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 14, 28 July '89 TDK Type II SA 90 Leaders Retreat ------------------------------------------------------------------ No further information is given about tapes 11--14 Celebration 1, Saturday 29 July '89 Celebrtion 2, Saturday 29 July '89 --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- * W10P90 -- PVK 1--10, 9 Jul '90 -- 12 Jul '90 FOLLOWED BY W3P90 (Tapes 11-20, 12--14 Jul '90) Borrowed sa to Campra, 29 Mar '05 . See above. Tapes 1-10, tapes of talks given from 23 Jul '90 to 25 Jul '90 Borrowed sa to Campa, as noted above. Tapes 1--8 is an allogran GX-II 90, EQ 120 mu-s, "the power tape" Looks like an El_Cheapo In many cases, N.R., Noise Reduction, is checked Yes Taprs 9--10 are BASF Chrome Extra II ------------------------------------------------------------- Tape Pir 1, Monday July 9, 90, 06:30 AM, "Breath of Elements" [ie, Purification Breaths ] Side A Noise Reduction checked NO Side A input =pv90z01 Side B input =pv90z1b Side B ends at 13 minutes, since Early Morning meditation is was a 1-hour Session. --------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 2, Monday July 9, 90, 09:00 AM . [ ie, entire morning session] Marked 4 - 4.10, meaning, Tape continues with start of afternoon session, 16:00--16:10 No check on Nose Reduction Side A input =pv90z02a Psychologic problems Side B input =pv90z02b Continuation of psychologic problems Start of afternoon session, 16:00--16:10 Simultaneous camp formats -- Retreat, Semi-retreat, Plebian ------------------------------------------------------------------ Pir 3, Noise Reduction checked YES for A and B Mon. 9 July '90, 4.10--5.25 (ie, 16:10--17:25) Tuesday 10 Jul '90, 4--4:30 Side A -- 9 July '90, 16:10--16:55 Human evolution, Learn how to think, Magnetisuns, G_d Side B, 9 July '90, 16:55--17:25 Consciousness, Pure Intelligence 10 July '90 -- 16:00--16:50 [sic, tho front reads 16:30] Pir -- Light Second half of Side B skips a full day, and should have been at the start of Tape 06. Theory of unseen light -- delivery poor, rushed, almost breathless -- and recording poor -- full of little gaaps and lurches. --------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 4 No check on Nose Reduction Tuesday 10 July '90 06:30 [ie, entire early_morning (pre_breakfast) session ] Side A: 06:30--07:15 -- Aura's, Color Side b: 07:15--09:40 [ie, end of pre-breakfast session, followed by an unrecorded breakfast, which is followed by the start of the morning session ] The breakfast presumably included a hot porridge of oats and glue, which is excellent when garnished with lots of butter and a dash of jam, not to mention the finely sliced fruit. It's 8 April '05, and a late snow is falling here at Campra. Very nice; a bit Christmas-y. --------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 5 Noise reeduction checked YES on Side A Tuesday--Wednesday, 10--11 July '90 from 09:40 Side A is Tuesda 09:40--10:27, Tandem Wazifas Side B is Tuesday 10 July '90, 10:27--10:35 The tape box says; plus Wednesday 11 July '90, 06:30-- But in fact that ain't recorded on this Tape, it's on Tape 7, and/or so says the Tape 7 box. Notes sa: Tape 5, Side A: End of morning meditation Theory of dealing with problems Ya Alim / Ya Khabir -- knowlege and awareness one's problem is much more than a personal test THIS WOULD BE A GOOD TAPE TO TRANSCRIBE AND PUBLISH PVK seems exceptionally clear Wazifas for forward_thrust -- Ya Wahabo / Ya Fatah Cf. also that lovely Korean song, often sung at Universal Worship, "Kwan Yin Bosai" {w10-1} sa notes on PVK remarks to Tape 5 Side A, cont: One takes knowlege only in the interest of service. The Christian ideal of chivalry originated in the Zorastrian tradition, and was transmitted via returning Crusaders. One develops qualities in the interest of service. [ This is my poem, "How to Work: Take down the tool you need / when you're done, put it back up / Too heavy to carry around." ] +Your only purpose in life is to be a Knight." Aziza (Scott) will go into the details of the practices that PVK here recommends. [ These Aziza workshops are maybe: W7Az90 -- Feizy 1, Shatifay 1, Latifa/Aziza 1--3, Aziza-Latifa 1_4] Energy -- Ya Qadeus / Ya Hai sa Notes to Tape 5 Side B -- end of AM Session: understand / energy / ecstacy -- "sat chit ananda" -- "the mind rides the wind" -- ie, rides the energy -- Ya Hai / Ya Khabir Ya Qadeus / Ya Alim " a mode of energy corresponds to a mode of mind" Side B of Tape 5 ends after about 5 minutes. --------------------- Pir 6 No check on Nose Reduction Tuesday 10 July '90 Afternoon Side A: Tuesday 10 July 16:30--17:15 Side B: 17:15--17:30 Harvey don't epitomize this box, but I do, viz: sa notes on Tape 6 Side A: Theory of 'all-pervading light' PVK begins, "I'll try to put it in kindergarten language", but then gradually ascends into the stratosphere or somewhere similar PVK's delievery is uneven, maybe because he was stumbling over speech to articulate emerging ideas Although much of the apparent uneven delivery may have been a recording problem. I later conclude it was recording problem, not one of delivery. THIS LECTURE WOULD BE BEST AS A TRANSCRIPT IT IS QUITE A ZONKER OF A LECTURE. Landscaping of space by matter (from Einsein's General Relativity -- sa) Acausality due to implicate state THIS LECTURE NEEDS COMMENTARY FROM SOMEONE GOOD IN MODERN PHYSICS -- NIGEL HAMILTON MAYBE, or maybe Puran Bllair, maybe even Kule Jackman -- he don't lack for brilliance and self-discipline -- {w10-2} 'unseen light' as physical light in the implicate state interspersed raido waves as being in the 'implicate state' -- it ain't the Green Hornet until it hits my radio tubes -- 'all pervading light' (in contradistinction ot 'radiant light', ie, radiated light) as (in the terminology of modern physics) the 'photon field' implicit vs. explicit signification -- the snide retort etc. 'turning with' is not encapsulation in one's psyche, and not introspectdion. Au contraire, it is expanding into the implicate state, where one is in contact with all. Quantum physics as presupposing a 'granulated' model of the like cosmos 'granulation' as analogous to a 2-dimensional model of a 3- dimensional reality -- as a spiked wheel rolled over a 2- dimensional surface would seem to 2-dimension beings to be a periodic wave. Meaningfulness inheres in relationships, not in facts. Cf. Dr. David Bohm's book, "Understanding Meaningfulness" unfolded, not enfolded (sa -- poems as enfoldment ) meta- and meta-meta-- relationships to see one's problem in its universal relationship is illumination. 'Unseen light' as physical light in the implicate state PVK remarks that Arthur Koestler, who I always assumed was a medicority, was a genius -- "one of themost brilliant minds of our time" -- Koestler said we are all 'sub-wholes' of the Whole. (Well, Leibniz said it first, with his notion of monads.-- sa) (I reckon this is cutting-edge philosophy, or close to it -- sa -- PVK that is, ) 'Sunyata' is wrongly translated as 'void' -- it is better, 'implicate' A human being is both like a vortex, and like a cell (in the sense of having a semi-permeable membrane, "a sentinal at the doors of perception" as PVK elsewhere quotes. -- sa) Don't lose your individuality in the zkir. PVK speaks of the Einstein__Rosen__Podalski___Gedanken_Experiment Al Hallaj and Einstein -- even though the atoms of the body are scattered like incense, it can still resurrect END SIDE A OF TAPE 6 Tape 6 Side B -- starts at about 2.5 minutes -- Recording remains gappy, so this was clearly a recording problem in the meditation tent, not a problem with the Master Tape, and not a problem with my copying. "the Divien Will is enormously enhanced by fragmenting itself" (well, this is tzim_tzum -- sa) the pgoramming of the universe is not set, it is dynamic, it is continually reprogamming itself Shabistari -- THE SUFI NOTION OF TRANSCENDENTAL DIVINE IMMANENCE -- [for which Sufis have been killed, notably Al Hallaj for saying 'An al Haq', I am (Divine) Truth -- saying it, as PVK notes, when he was in Divine Consciousness, and so really saying, 'the Divine is Divine Truth' and positively not saying, hey boys, guess what, it's me, your buddy Al Hallaj, who is the ultimate truth -- and so his buddy who threw a rose at hiim was quite correct in saying, 'we warned you not to receive a (Divine) Guest -- -- I mean, that's just like saying, don't drop acid on the porch of the Precinct Five Sttion House -- sa ] --- DOES NOT DENY DIVINE TRANSCENDENCE! The Universe is a 'device', in the computer sense of the term, through which the programmming is communicated to every fraction of the Divine Being. I think this Shabistari, with PVK's addition: +your eye [ PVK -- your thinking] is a reflection of the Divine Eye to realize this is Illumination. Talk endsa at 15 minutes from start of Side B. ------------------------------------------------------------ Pir 7 Noise Reduction checked YES Wednesday 11 July '90 -- Early Morning Meditation Light. A classical PVK presenttion. THIS MIGHT MAKE A GOOD STANDALONE TAPE. Side B: the pituitary gland and pineal gland. Violet light of intuition ("third eye") projected through the two light-blue light-beams of the glance. Seeing the eternal countenance of another person. Use of projected light in healing, esp. cancer. Lecture ends at 15 minutes; recording ends at 16 minutes. No further recording on tape. -------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 8 Noise Reduction checked YES Wednesday 11 July '90 -- 09:00--10:30 sa notes: Magnetism. Range of magnetic Energy of Chakras From earth-energy at base of spine to pure spirit at top of head. Magnetic field centered at solar plexus, aura centered at heart chakra. Refreshing one's energy -- from environment, even from the stars - - eluric energy drawn up from earth, pure spirit coming down -- and a fourth type -- energy types may add to, and even multiply each other. Then energy project out to the stars. Whirling the magnetic filed into a circle -- churning your magnetic field. [ Nu, so what's the butter? -- sa ] Then into a spiral, from the Zenith to under the earth. Best position for doing this is hands on knees. Like an electro-magnetic dynamo -- greatly enhanced energy from whirling Whirling about the heart center as a golden sun. A rainbow of circles of light. Zikr -- Energy of solar plexus -- crown center X in the heart center -- Pure intelligence illuminates the heart -- "a light upona light" (Sura, Koran) -- the exhileration of intellectual discovvery -- an intensified sense of meaningfulness -- Pure spirit awakening the teluric energy the solar plexus "You stir from your somnolence into a state of enhanced awakening" the HU awakening one with alacritity (holding breath) avoiding going into trance from zikr -- awakening in life "awakening , not in the coldness of samadhi, but in the warmth of the heart" La, illa ha -- expansion into space illa -- availing oneself of energy from inside hu -- auraa -- X by clear light of intelligence The Sufis speak of 'the understanding of the heart' rather than of the mind -- one could say [ albeit a bit too glibly, I think -- sa] of conscience rather than consciousness Get into the conscousness of a dervish and you'll do it very powerfully -- awakening the X The power of your love will enable you to face people with power that is without brutality THIS IS A POWERFUL GUIDED MEDITATION, AND APPROPRIATE AS A STANDALONE, ON TAPE AND/OR MP3 -- OR OGG, IF OGG VORBIS IS PRACTICAL -- Optimally, one should neer evade facing an issue -- one measures one's strength with regard to what one has to face although "'discretion is the better part of valour'" -- one must continually choose between fight or flight -- TAPE 8 SIDE B [ My notes on Side B are minimal {w10-3} So what I recall of Tape 8 Side B is: Lecture begins about 3 minutes after start of tape. Some blurps on recording. Maybe a few words lost- Orderliness enhances power and authority, so clean your room. (And elsewhere PVK says -- and tidy up your hard disc) Get one's room, mind and emotions in order. Wherever you see disorder, put things in order. {w10-4} So put aright our relationships The charactaeristic of a dervish is confrontation. PVK then takes this stationary whirling zikr -- one sits stationary and whirls, first one's magnetic field, then one's aura, and then on to the subtler bodies -- into the higher bodies. Tape 8 Side B lecture ends at 32 minutes. I end input at 33 minutes. I misnamed Side A input =pv90w8a.* , but have renamed those files, and re-Save'd--As the basic Audacity File. So you can disregard the au/aup =pv90w8a.aup / /pv90w8a_data ---------------------------------------------------------------- {w10-5} ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 9 BASF Chrome Extra II 90 Wednesday 11 July '90 -- 16:00--17:30 Notes sa: 3-D chess -- temporary detour rhough another dimension until you can return to the realworld multi-dimensional,k even infinite dimensions. 'sadhana' is what is translated as 'Mastery through Accomplishment' There are 3 components: accomplishment (the purpose of one's life), unfoldment of personality, and attaning realization (illumination). They interrelate. HIK notes that the purpose of one's life is like the horizon, as one advances, it recedes -- one is drawn to higher and higher purpose We gain knowlege by doing {w10-6} It is risky to have a mid-life crisis -- to discover one's purpose in life when one is already comfortably employed by the Cosmodemonic Telgraph Company as a Widgit Rectifier. At that stage, one might be better off keeping the purpose of one's life as a sort of hobby. {w10-7} Leaders who prescribe wazifas should avoid the risk of "playing Pygmallian" -- of trying to mould an attractive personality -- wazifas should be prescribed to help a person meet whatever challenges are confronting them -- A synchornistic, not a causal realtionship is what characterizes the tendency for one to get the problems one needs to develop one's qualities. {w10-8} {w10-8} [ Well, it ain't that mysterious -- as one grows, it is at one's weak spots that when encounters problems -- and it is one's weak spots that one needs to strengthen in order to grow harmoniously - - sa-- again, this is the image of a ballooon being blown up bigger and bigger -- ] The simplistic notion of 'karma' is based on a simplistic notion of causality -- the Newtonian linear model -- A more complex notion is presented by Ibn Arabi -- a 'vertical' causality {w10-9} {w10-9} [ I think this is merely a telelogic notion -- Aristotle said it first, and of course Aristotle did influence Arab thinking -- and Whitehead incorporates both Aristotle and Plato in the metaphysics of his Process and Reality -- remember, Whitehead wrote that at a single go, and never even re-read it, it is the setting-down of a wholistic insight -- sa ] This is the polarity between transience and transcendence -- The permanence but transmutation of temporal events, through memory Jung cointed the term 'synchronistity' in a pamphlet -- "the unpredictability of destiny" -- See the issues enacted behind our problesm -- one such issue is our need to develop qualities -- But -- do qualities come through in response to problems, or do they come through irrespective of problems -- [ Eg, does one acquire wisdom with age, or only to defend one's pasture against the young bulls ] Maquam's as phases in one's life -- [ END MY NOTES ON SIDE A OF TAPE 9 ] Tape 9b -- sa notes: Input =pv90z9b PVK implies that one loses one's charm at each change of maquam -- and that has critical implications for marriage -- relationships are then in question -- You must have the power to stand up to those who would hold you back in your old state. The eagles flying freely, but still in touch -- as in the music of Bach -- his Chorales have merely vertical harmonies, but eg. the St. John Passion -- the passage "it has been fulfilled" -- soprano solo against a viola de gamba -- "it's a wonderful example of a relationship" -- or improvisational music [ie jazz -- sa ] -- "to be creative one has to fluctuate from the orderliness of the universe" -- this is Ilya Prigogine -- in contrast to Plato, and even in contrast to Leibniz -- -- Otherise there could could not be evoluution -- and this is true even in business -- one must invite criticism and innovation -- without letting the structure break down altogether -- "there is a point at which the whole sttructure finds a new confiuration" Cf. Shroedinger's book on biology -- and similarly in supplanting a dictatorship -- as in the passage from the inorganic, eg crystals, to the organic -- Energy makes change possible -- money is energy -- {w10-10} {w10-10} [ and so in short one may break with the SO tradition of always being poor -- from HIK to PVK to darned near all of us except maybe Shahabudin who lives on Frequent Flyer TV Dinners -- ] -- and so too is will-power -- will power is energy -- we are sometimes afraid of crisis -- we don't trust that we can find a new order -- not just outside, but within ourselves "when people break down they think they are the victims of destiny -- but for the program to be dynamic, therre has to be a randomness" -- and that is your free will {w10-11} There is randomness within orderliness -- eg Brownian motion -- this is our freedom -- {W10-12} Angelus Silesius -- G_d needs man -- Every fractdion of the totality, being a function of the totality, but adding to it by its diversity -- One discovers and then actualizes t he Djivine potentiality -- Salistaria, famous Sufi -- Within the programming there is a a certain freedom -- by our choices we create situations that constrain us -- [ eg, marrying the knocked-up chick rather than skipping town ] -- "unless one can bypass a bad situation and then come back to the lower level with a new dispensation" "everyone is in life according to their values -- but also according to their realization " -- One may work to develop a quality, or it may come from realization [ I tihnk that is 'Divine Grace' -- sa ] the Buddhist notion of 'the clear light of Bliss' is equivalent to the Sufi notion of 'Pure Intelligence' At 34 minutes from start, PVK starts a quick runthrough of the Buddhist netti_netti__get_ye__samadhi shtick -- with his usual critique of it -- [ 'usual', ie familiar to me from mid-90s Zenith lectures ] His critique boils down to: "instead of philosophy, it's more like methodology" -- a propadeutic that is If you disidentify with the body -- eg at the dentist -- you don't feel pain -- {W10-13} Now if you disidentify with your personality -- [ well, your psychotehrapist will have to go out and sell herring -- sa] "it is an anesthetic against psychological pain" -- but you would become a cold fish -- in Christianity unlike Buddhism, one learns to accept one's suffering THIS IS A VERY STRONG LECTURE "we can learn from the methods of the past, but our understanding of these things is advancing" Satipatana -- watching your consciousness Buddha is talking of the cosmic consciousn ess observing your personal consciousness -- Buddhist psychotherapists stop short of this point -- [ for fear of selling herring I don't doubt -- sa ] Cf. Ibn Arabi -- X the Divine Consciousness as being the ground -- seed-bed, more precisely [ PVK's qualification of his usual use of the term 'ground', in the German sense of 'Grund' ] The Yogi's with samdhi -- are talking of 'awakening beyond life' - - Yoga vs. Vedeanta [ PVK here beins a very detailed discussion, but has to cut it short at the start because the hour is up. He says he will continue it the next day. ] END MY NOTES ON SIDE B OF TAPE 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 10 BASF Chrome Extra II 90 Thursday 12 July '90 -- 06:30--07:30 Notes sa: Looks like chargall. Sanyasin -- devris -- freedom -- involvement with the -- wind or world or some such deluded by our self-image, caught up in conditioning "finding freedom with involvement" is the easy answer [PVK said that] "This is where much of the teaching of Hinduism and Buddhism is extremely useful." __"If we are not free in our own thinking, we get caught very easily in the thinking of other people" One needs freedom not only from one's own self-image, but from the images others have of us from from one's emotions "people try to pull one into their emotional bind" -- this is used, maybe unconsciously, to dominate others -- illustrated in the legends of Pareifal -- they alwas choose an innocent victim - {w10-14} "you're not the only one who can understand me" -- exploiting one's compassion Be wary on this path -- first see where others are at in their emotions "pull one into the whirlpool of their emotions" if one is very clear about one^'s own emotions -- the way of sanyasin is very helpful for doing this -- one becomeds clear about the emotions of ohtes -- the healing takes place in finding peacce rather than seeking joy -- if one finds peace, the healing will take place -- freedom from one's individuality -- seeing all people as cells in the single body -- the dervish or Murshid is there for others, not for himself freedeom is a good theme for morning meditation, to heal any ?wounds? The first step is: It is not what I think The second sep is: what is being enacted behind what appears son't mistake wishful thinking for intutiion switch to an intuitive mode of thinking. 'transcendental mode of thinking' = 'intuitive mode' 3rd state of satipatana in Buddhism -- look upon your ocnsciousness objectively, "without identification' -- (Buddha) , from the stanpoint of Cosmic Consciousness. One learns this in 'passive volition' This is shown most easily in laerning stress reduction from biofeedback -- it is the cosmic dimension of our will -- {w10-15} "the universe is thinking thro9ugh my thinking" The wise virgins -- they made some preparation for the coming of Christ -- though one cannot will cosmic consciousness to descend upon one. freedom from individuality -- invite the divine consciousness to enter "alway being on the lookout for 'that which transpires behind that which appears' though the psyche tends to anthropomorphize -- recognize the Divine Splendour more than the divine programming -- our minds are incapable of grasping the programming then one discovers the TRACES of the Divine in one's own self END SIDE A AT 43 MINUTES SIDE B STARTS AT 5 MINUTES 13 SECONDS "your personality is only the derivative of the Divine Being seeing the traces of the Devine 'Being' (PVK notes that 'Being' is an anthropomorphic term.) this is what we are perusing The them is the Sfart (a Sufi term, Cf. Hebrew, Sfirot) of which the wazifa is the name and of which the idiosyncracies (PVK's term, tho a better term might be 'individuating features')in our personalities are the exemplars In fact the Archetype is hidden in the exemplar eg the voice of Caruso hidden, latent, in one of the very crude recordings of that era ss Ibn Arabi says, one only knows the archetype through the exemplar, never directly Abu Yazid Hashtami said "How great is MY Glory "-- as the wazifas were coming through him when he was in Divine Cosnciousness -- PVK remarks: It is not a wave, because it has no boundary Next stage -- having seen the traces [ Cf. the Zen '10 Oxherding Pictures' -- sa ] one then tries to Awaken the Divinity within one -- And only after than can one recognize the Divine Transcendence beyond the Divine Immance -- Even the Universe is but a derivative of -- the transcendental dimension (aspect) of G_d -- and only from there can one cast the light of Divine Intelligence upon one's problems {w10-16} Intelligence is the Ground -- the Seedbed -- of Consciousness Consciousness acts passively [ ie, Binah -- sa ] -- the Yoga X -- Patanjali in the yoga sutras -- leads toward emptying consciousness of its content -- until it backs into its ground, which is Intelligence -- and that is samadhi -- (but then the Dervish [ Cf. Coyote in American Indian tradition -- Gary Snyder translated some of those stories, or retold them -- sa] tries ot cast the light of Intrelligence upon one's problems -- So one's thinking is the thining of the universe -- though done less well -- {w10-17} We would like to understand, but we are protected from understining because that understing would shatter us -- and tha is St. John of the Cross, the dark night of the soul, which is even darker than the dark night of the understanding {w10-18} the keys to the Treasury are only X (given, or some such) to the extent that one has overcome one's personal limitation. -- (PVK quotes some Sufi dude whose handle I didn't quite catch -- Abu Yaid Bastani maybe ) Tape 10 Side B ends at 20 minuites. At 21 minutes there is a re-recording of Tibetan Monks gargling. It is cut off at 24 minutes. ---------------------------------------------------------- THIS DOC CONTINUES AS =PVLR03 , NOTES ON TAPES 11--20 ------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================ NOTES TO =pvln3710 {w10-1} [An interjected personal note: When I was flipping out at New Buffalo at the end of a cold winter -- it got down to about minus 20 Fahrenheiit sometimes, and we were in a one-room Adobe heated only with a sheet-metal stove, and the fireplace just covered with a blanket -- the door opened outward, so I hung a Chimayo rug over the inside -- nailed it to the Adobe or the lintel -- we would have porridge and bread for breakfast, and beans and cornbread for the other meals, mostly -- so I imagined that Susie Harrison, zl'b, had died and become Kwan Yin. Well, she could have been. She saw PVK once, I think, when we went up to Lama Foundation one Sunday when he was there, in '69 I think. Well, I just want her to be remembered, or memorialized -- she got cancer in Japan, from bad soy sauce I bet -- there was something about that in the papers once -- and her physical remains buried under a tree in her back yard -- ] {w10-2} [they used to say of Kule -- when he says he will do something, he does it -- Kule built a raft for the pond at the Abode -- they said he said, it's good to lie on it and watch the stars come out -- does wonders for the subtle body -- or maybe he said, 'subtle bodies' -- ] {w10-3} [ My notes on Side B are minimal in part because I guess I slept through some of it -- after a leisurely Shabat breakfast of an artichoke apertif (Cynar), two pieces of bread with yesterday's pasta sauce of butter and garlic and herbs, two cold hard-boiled eggs, a bit more apertif with a bottle of beer, and yesterday's cold oversalted whole-wheat pasta and lots of somewhat inebriated songs -- someone at the Abode once said, "it's ok to be a wino if you're Jewish" -- quite so, we only get high on wine -- singing religious songs -- never coarse, never angry, and certainly never cruel, even if it takes someohne half an hour and half a kilometer to walk out the door -- the hadidim can also get high on schnapps, I was once by the Bostoner Rebbe's and saw a hosid drink a shot of whiskey, I think that was Simchat Torah -- they used to say in Arroyo Hondo that when the Indians eat meat, which ain't often, they sing. ] {w10-4} [ Like I say, I got my start archiving PVK material shortly after I had taken upon myself moving to a location less visible from the distant highway a disaster tent that one of the more assertive and more feminist volunteers had set up, and so ZR came up to me and said, How would you like to do something USEFUL. That was Zenith 1994; I transcribed the English PVK week. Jennifer Leighton from England also worked on it. Her father gave his collection of Indian rugs to the museum in Santa Fe. Navajo rugs come alive in firelight. ] {w10-5} It's a sort of overcast day now at Campra, last night's snow melting, the pass already open thy shuld only ban automobiles from Switzerland. It's also Shabat. I confessed to the most taciturn person I could find -- I ain't orthodox -- tho I've gotten a pretty good free ride at Zenith for the past decasde and a half by discretly pretending to be a representative -- heck, the unofficial Emissary, so pass the baked potatoes -- of the Jewish community. Did a pretty good job of playing on German guilt, too, tho that's a bit harder for a citizen of the USA to do without blushing nowadays. Well, I do stand at the end of the chow line sometimes. My first years at Zenith I came late to the Circle and picked a position closest to the Smorgasbord -- a quick Amen, half circle turn to the left, grab a spoon with the right hand and scoop a few glops onto a plate -- anything to avoid waiting in queue -- at New Buffalo us old pro's used to stand at the end of the line, and silently dare the young 'uns in front to take a qnantity such that there would not be something of everything left from us at the end of the line -- so I always try not to take the last of anything -- even if there ain't enough left to feed a sparrow, leave half of it for whoever comes after you -- sometimes just a taste is enough -- that was Jesus trick with the loaves and fishes -- and also it's the principle of homeopathy, I bvt. But I digress. And I suppose it's possible that you did not pick up this listing of topics on PVK tapes with the intention of reading the story of my life. Incomprehensible, but possible I suppose. "That great, GREAT Shakespearean actor ... " (Jack Benny, in Ernst Lubitsch film, "To Be or Not to Be" .] {w10-6} [ (Cf. Exodus -- we will do and believe -- reply of B'nai Israel to the offer at Mt. Sinai of a Covenant) -- not that the Christians reverse this -- they put priority to believing, to feeling, rather than to doing. So they focus on charity -- from the heart -- where we focus on tzdaka -- amelioration of social injustice. Indeed, there is little answer to 'what does Bet Israel believe' -- we believe that one should do the mitzvot -- questions of the existence of Jesus, or of the existence much less nature of some sort of Supreme Deity -- the guff that split and resplit the Catholic Church -- are beside the point in Judaism. One does not even ask of a Jew whether he/she is an atheist, agnostic, or belieer: only if he is shomer shabat etc. If he smokes or rides the trolley car on Shabat -- ] {w10-7} [ "I really do hope to some day complete that General Theory of Relativity, but I have discussed the matter with my wife and we agree that I must make the most of my career in the Patent Office." ] [ Well, that does not really accord with much of PVK's teaching, where the SO seems almost to invite personal crises -- and it does seem to imply that the SO should not teach to anyone over college age -- ] {w10-8} [ Well, it ain't that mysterious -- as one grows, it is at one's weak spots that when encounters problems -- and it is one's weak spots that one needs to strengthen in order to grow harmoniously - - sa-- again, this is the image of a ballooon being blown up bigger and bigger -- ] {w10-9} [ I think this is merely a telelogic notion -- Aristotle said it first, and of course Aristotle did influence Arab thinking -- and Whitehead incorporates both Aristotle and Plato in the metaphysics of his Process and Reality -- remember, Whitehead wrote that at a single go, and never even re-read it, it is the setting-down of a wholistic insight -- sa ] {w10-10} [ and so in short one may break with the SO tradition of always being poor -- from HIK to PVK to darned near all of us except maybe Shahabudin who lives on Frequent Flyer TV Dinners -- ] {w10-11} [ Oy, FriedreichStrasse with tomatoes -- first of all, let's stop romanticizing breakdowns -- a breakdown is no good for anything but shrinks with an MG and a mistress -- a breakdown is a dissolve that has gone to far and gotten past the point of dialectic -- -- and also, there is randomness in even tthe best of all possible worlds -- that's why "bad things happen to good people" -- eg cancer -- but free-will is a component of orderliness in a humanized world -- it is not the exemplification or whater of randomness -- au contraire ] {W10-12} [ Comment, sa -- well, slow down -- Brownian motion is statistically law-governed -- and what of the individual little atoms -- is their apparently inexplicable motion mot the simple causal impact of other little bitty atoms -- so it is only the scope of the thing tht makes it appear chaotic to us -- as until very recently weather forecasting had so many variables that it was deemed almost chaotic ] {W10-13} [ and that will be the clue to how Nitrous Oxide works -- for it is not an anesthetic -- one is aware of the pain, but it doesn't hurt -- sa ] {w10-14} [ N.B. (sa) -- This is one of the first points I recall hearing PVK make, in the first summer or so that I started attending seminars at the Abode Camp -- which was just about the beginning of it -- there was no floor for the meditation tent, just dirt, and they put up a bit center-pole As soon as I got to the Abode Campground, I saw some guys off- loading lumber from a flatbed and walked over to help -- and immediately got whonked on the side of the head by a 4-by-4 -- it had not occurred to me that the guy who was pushing the lumber off tghe back of the truck would not be looking to see if anyone was there. At New Buiffalo one was always aware of everyone and every thing in one's work environment -- ] {w10-15} [ I suppose this could be applied to erectile disfunctdion -- sa - -Not be be indelicate, but Ag said, there must be some ways to get rich quick from this stuff -- like, heaven did not intend Sufis to be poor ] {w10-16} [ I must say, then one might as well get used to walking around neurotic, and just remember to have enough good manners that one's mishigas does not get dumped upon one's friends in times of stress -- I mean one needs one's virtues only wheen times are tough, in good times one is naturally magnamimous -- sa ] {w10-17} [ I mean, instead of making a nebula you wind up with an omlette, and don't even have the right kind of pear to put in it -- sa ] {we10-18} [ And that's why it's risky to take psychedelics, because you expand your consciousness, like holding your eyes open in the glare, to see what you had contractged your consciousness to avoid seeing -- I mean, that's the story of Oedipus -- every little boy loves his mother, but you don't have to go into detail about it -- sa ]