=rhodo96a These notes may not have been input: Back courtyard may have been closed -- an arch and pillars standing. A complex of back rooms -- probably included a mikveh, now filled in a covered over. Plaqaue in Balcony: HaDIN MoSheH MeNaSheH Asher NiFTAR BiYom 27 ADAR ShaNaT 6640 {! but surely 5640 } Hakadish AT HaKaNiSIT HaBaIT HaZeH LTOKiT ChaHaM Asher YLMOD BIShIBITO YshMah MosHE LLDOM BiYOM Dalet (over-dot) Vav - Dalet Sheva ShaNah 5695. Plaqaue above rear door, 5648. Hotle Ilianna Cymiou: Fading marble plaque. Besimantev - Dondac?? ones by the Alhadefs. given as a rabbinical college, I think. Apparent mikveh in back rooms, which were used a women's quarters prior to building of balcony. [N.B. (sa): Mikveh would have been used almost entirely, if not entirely, by women. R. Levy once told me, as I noted, before Yom Kippur (&/or: Rosh HaShana -- check my input --) the men would bathe in the sea, near where the Windmill stands now. The mikveh is now filled in, with no sign of steops. I measured the mikveh roughly, with my notebook as a ruler, and noted: 6 x 29 cm. + 10 cm. lenght = 184 cm. long; 3 x 29 cm. + 19 cm. = 76 cm. width. The following is taken from my notes on the EJ article on mikveh: : A mikveh must have a capacity of from 250 -- 1000 litres. Minimum height ?once set? [I forget what I meant here: 'was once set/ or 'once it is set'] at 47 inches, = 120 cm.; but then there is no minimum height set if minimum volume met.] [But surely that can't be right; there must be a minimum height, since one must be able to immerse onself. And a set of minimum lenght & width, too. What fun the Talmudists might have had with this, imagining how low a man could scrunch down, or how narrowly stand. I note one mikveh designed by J. Schoenheber, Jlem: 1.35 m. x 1.95 m. (EJ p1542); Depth of water, 1.20 m. ------------------------------------------------------------------- N.B.: Re; the date: Angel only says that he saw the inscription; and he gives 5338 as its date; but he does not give the letters, not staste whertehr or not they were painted (the paint looks new), nor even state that they were in Rashi letters. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Rashi: Shvat(?), Kuf, Saech, Lamed [Nun] Het IF sameech & Lamed = 90 Samech -- etched righ around 1577 The introductory 5 [thousand] in the date is understood. Angel takes it as: 5/338 = 1577 C.E. Reading as: Kuf Shin Lamet Het = 5438 =1647 C.E. What would 5338 be in letters? Kuf Samech Lamed Het = 198, ie, 5198 So 1677 seems a likely date for the fountain. NOtes on other side of page: ] The upper story is clearly much newer. Apparently modern stones. The quarter seems to have been exclusively Jewish. So all abutting buildings were Jewish-owned. Indeed, it might be a bit surpring had the fountaoijn been build almost as soon was the synagogue weas completed -- or at least within 7 years. [Taht's what I have in my ntoes, but I probably meant: would not have been built -- since the congregation would retreat to the synagogue in a pogrom, and would have to have water.] ------------------------------------------------------------- Rebecca Levy, I remember Rhodos Film: George Viens -- Beverly Hills, CA: [Mother: Rebecca Franco) Shown at Jewish Film Festival: Rhodes, Forever(?) -- 1995. Apr. 1 hours. Also in video. --------------------------------------------------------------- Notes 6/95: Didn't find the inscription on the ocurtyard fountain that Angel spoke of in his 1974 book. Rear plaqaue reads 5648, ie, 1888 C.E. There was apparently a window in the rear courtyard -- would it then have been roofed. Or had I noted as a 'window' merely cermonial arches on top? Flyer: La Maion de la Culture Juive, Gilbert Weizman, rue Pierre Descoster 77, 1190 Buxelles, issue of September 19j44 (Tishrei 5755). Rue Pierre Decoster 77, B-1190, Bruxelles. Tel: 02.343.62.24, FAX: 02.346.57.12 Los Muestros: la revue culturelle juive de Belgige: #8 a venirs: Hors serie sur Rhodos: Timestriel No. 17. Tel: 03--233-22-86; FAX: 03-232-93-40 Traduksyon Libre de Poezias Ebraikas de Rosh Hoshana Kippur i Selihot, echa p?cl?, Reuven Eliyahu Yisrael, eis Rabbino i Hazas de la Komundidad Yisraelit -- Sefardit , aktuamente , Gran Rabbino de Rodes 5682 = 1920 C.E. -------------------------------------------------------- Rabb. Reuven Eliyhahu Yisrael (1856--193?2?) Italian rule: 1912-- 1923: Italian gov't gave Jews of Rhodos full citizenship. Howeard M. Sachar, Farewell Espanaza: The world of the Sephardim Remembered. Knopf. 1927 -- Italian government establishes rabbinic seminary. Students from Tureky, Egypt, Balkans, Palestine. Rhodes ... came under Gdramn occupatin almost the same day that the Nazi's moed against the Badoglio government in Rome, Sept. 12, 1943. _____?shahar? (246) sent the the "port of Leros...packed into 3 small freighters...after an agonizing 4-day journey in which scores of older people and infants persished...Praeus...dispatched immediately to Auchwitz. ?EAM - ELAS jpartisans offered their protection to the Jews. So did the Greek Orthodox clergy, by proving fake baptismal certificates. ---------------------------------------------------------------- N.b.: The 5000 is understood in dates. The Lamed is eastablished by consistency of words. I don't know what Esther Menasce says on this. Boaz Shacham, POB 12243, Jerusalem: 02--431-044: Notes that although the 2nd Rashi letter as painted appears to be a Samech, as etched it apepars to be a Rashi Shin. Ie, the painter filled in a gap, giving (5)438 . However, reading it as Samech woujld give (5) 138, which is not possible. Angel soes not state his Rashi reading; Boaz Schacham was not then able to guess how he could have read it. The problem is comoplicated by the convention athat any combination of letrs can be used to represent a given number, as long as they add up. [However I think there are some usual rules of precedence.] ------------------------------------------------------------------ Inscription has been restored: (Reading right to left, from letters as painted: Quf -- Samech (with over-dot), Lamed (followed by dot to the left of the upper half ) Chet: Quf---Samech--Lamed--Chet Month is then stated as Kislvev. --------- Samech - 60; Shin - 300; Mem: 40 Lamed, 30; Nuin Sofeet, 50 TAV: 400, Tet: 9, Chet: 8 The Nun would have to be Non sofeet, but then woudl be out-of- place. Query: Is Heh never stasted, because it is part of Y-K-V-K? Frankel - 1593 Reading from right to left: It is clearly Quf, not Kaf. The next letter appears to be a Mem, or possibly a Samech - but only a samech (or Mem) if one accepts the painting-over, which closes the letter on the upper right side. But if one accepts it as open, it can be a Rashi Shin. Or Shin-Dalet.(?) Correcting the 2nd character for the painting-over, I still don't see how it becomes a Shin. Is the lst charsdcter a He, exending below the margin, tiehr in error, aor as a variant of Heh-apostrophe -- But it is used for 5 1) Kaf-Shin-=Lamed-Tet, 5438 =1677 C.E. But then why not Shin-Kaf. 2)Marc Angel takes it as 5338=1577; what reading supports that. 2: He-Shin-Lamed-Chet = 5338. 38 is Lamed-Chet, which I think is correct. 300 must be Shin. Kuf-Shin is most simply read 100 +300, but that is in reverse ordr, and anyhow, Tav would do for 400. Does Kuf then fill a merley syntatctic role? Is there a convention that a date must be composed of 4 characters? The 3rd letter may be a Chet. I think I concluded it was: Lamed-Chet. OTHER POINTS IN THE OLD JEWISH QUARTER: At the Alliance Isrealiete Universelle building, on the bottom part of the old Jewish quarter, the fountain has been repainted blue and whitle. It's marked, Alliance Israelite U;niverselle, Foundation de Mmme la Baronne Edmond de Rothschild, 1904. Al generale Gionvanni Angelio, La Communit Israelita Riconoscente -- 1913. This is opposite #21 DeHme SXOLEIO -- School street. There was apparently an inner City wall, ______?Ottoman?, made of faced stone. It's 6 stones wide -- which is very thick, since those are large wall stones -- about 6 meters wide. Perikleous 25 -- Dedication 25 Giugno 1915 - 5675 21 Sivan -- Donated to Jewish community by Joseph Masliah, ?notze? sua signora Bolissa. this building is standing, but abandonned, except used for storage. Around the corner of Perikleous thatere is a dedication, 5675: Bet Josef (marble plaque); this building is occupied. It has the same structure as that at 25 Perikleous.l ============================================================= More notes on the Fountain inscription: