=sc88bctc Teaching only, R. Shlomo Carlebach, ca. 1988, Brooklyn College, the 'Baal Tchuva Concert' Transcribed sa='Steve Amdur' Mevo Modi'in,, Feb--Mar '04 This excerpt is CUT from =invshbc, as =sc88bctc. It is the only spoken words by RSC on the Tape. A further description of that tape occurs in =invshbc EXCERPTED TEACHING FROM RSC TAPE printed label (no logo, etc.; no further info; no copyright claim stated, no publisher stated:) "Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach Live at Brooklyn College" And old tape (a 90-minute tape onto which a 60-minute tape has been copied), obtained from EG, copied. I have liberated the relative original and given it to BZ with no declaration of provenance. I should give my copy to EG. I transcribe from the copy only. BZ says: This was the 'Ba'al Tchuva Concert': R. Shlomo got a haircut, and so the haredim put out the word that he had done tchuva. I remarked to BZ, I suppose RSC just shined it on. He seemed to concur. BZ says: this was late '80's, ca. 1988. ================================================================= Narrative: chanted (with synthetic syrupy shlock music intruding in the background): [I edit ad lib [ie, without ... ellipses ] ; but just to cut out repetitions ] XXX = 'words inaudible to me' ?text? = 'I'm not clear what this text was' (?)text(?) = 'I'm not sure what this text was' [ I've done 3 passes on this story ] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Listen to me: (?)In Valetnik(?) [or?: 'Let me'] Somewhere in Russia in Valetnik -- Reb Yisrael, the helige Rebbe of Valetnik -- In those days all the yidden lived so much in peace and holiness and sweetness. One day he was he was told that the wife of one of the hasidim -- XX -- XXX -- XXX ?and he answered:?. Tell me the truth -- why did you move back to XXX. I want you to know: your husband -- ?is up on? XXXX the Beis Medresh -- and he is crying and begging G_d that you should come back -- And this is what she said: Heilige Rebbe -- my holy Master -- I want you to know: I didn't leave my husband because I don't love him -- on the contrary, we love each other so much -- but we have no children -- and I can't bear --- X live in the house no more -- A house without crying of children -- a house without laughter -- XXXXX [maybe 5 words inaudible to me] is like the broken Holy Temple -- and I couldn't bear it any more. And then she says: Rebbe, if you want me to go back, bless me to have children. But she was a very clever woman. She said, Rebbe, if you bless me with children, why don't you bless me to have children like you. And the holy master, the heilige Rebbe, thought for a while. And this is what he said: If you promise me to be like my mother, I promise you you'll have children like me. Let me tell you about my mother. Two little stories: (It should never happen to anyone:) My father left this world when I was very young. I was 4 years old, and my brother was 7. One morning my mother woke up, and she was so sick. She said to me: Yisroel, you're my teire kind [dear child] , I'm begging you, bring me the prayer-book, bring me the ?sainted? siddur. And you know my friends -- ?[She said?] I have to daven? -- I brought my mother the siddur. She has the siddur in her hand, and she said, Rabbenu shel olam, Master of the World, I'm so sick, I don't even have strength to pray to YOU. But, she said, Rabbenu shel Olam, Master of the World, you know the truth, if I don't take care of my children, nobody else will, so please for the sake of my children, make me well. And I swear to You, Rebbe, Rebbe, I swear to you, she got out of bed and she was well X . She was cured. One more story: You know my mother: When she kindled lights, when she kindled the holy lights Friday night, I could not imagine that the holy Priest in the Beis haMikdash should cry for Israel with more tears than my mother prayed for my brothers. One Friday night she kindled the lights. It was already Shabbos, and she was still praying over the candles. The tears were blowing over the candles. When she opened her eyes, it was dark. And she said: Rabbenu shel Olam, Master of the World: Don't YOU know Rabbenu shel Olam, Master of the World, heilige ?Tatige?, you know the truth, I can't ?pray here? -- I can't ?pray? without my shabbisdike candles. Rabbenu shel Olam, Master of the World, YOU come and kindle my shabbisdike licht -- And I swear to YOU -- I saw a hand -- coming from Heaven -- and rekindling my mother's shabbisdike licht -- You know, my sweetest friends, this story is so deep in my heart, and I'm sure yours too -- we're living in an age in a World -- we saw so many blown-out candles -- we saw six million being blown out -- so many yidden all over the world -- their light is not shining any more -- I'm crying and I'm begging XXXX -- let there be a hand from heaven to rekindle ?our holy? mother's -- shabbisdike licht. [Pause; new instrumental: Nachmu, Nachmu, Ami ] --------------