=scfrag1 R. Shlono Carlebach, Fragment, assigned #1. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CAVEAT BUSYCAT: Skip to " START INPUT OF TRANSCRIPT " if you'd rather not read pedantic digressions about Provenance & its associated Cuisine. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PROVENANCE & ASSOCIATED CUISINE: This is 2 pages of a xerox typescript apparently received June '04 from EW via Nuramela Richman, by the Rosenbloom's, as the basis for a short exerpt on Tamuz. The rest of the typescript is not at present available. It was maybe returned to Nuramelma. I gather that Leah Sand has a copy. I would assume EW does too, but I have looked at the Witt Collection since 1989. One page is number '3 B"H ' at the top and 191 (! -- evidently from a collection of at least 193 pages of typescript!) at the bottom; the other is numberd "5 B"H" at the top and 193 at the bottom. These two pages do not correspond to the excerpted material; they were not the basis for it. It is a rather odd typescript: small type, LL=78, apparently narrow paper; typist left many gaps, which are filled in in handwriting, with lots of Hebrew script, in most cases followed by transliteration. This is a typescript, corrections made with whiteout, leaving gaps. Ie, produced before PC's were in use. I assume it's HLP, ca. '70's, maybe from Elana Rappaport's collection. She is presently moving back from Nachlaot to the USA, to care for her mother. In terms of copyright. There is a halachic perspective, and a perspective from secular law. Regarding the halachic perspective: As far as I know (per BZ) shortly after RSC died this point was discussed with NC in a sort of non-binding Bet Din. It was ruled that "the possessions of a Rabbi belong to his descendents, but his teachings belong to all Israel." It was further suggested by the Bet Din that a certain percentage of the profits [or gross income?] from any publication, maybe 15%, should be given to the Rabbi's family [or descendents?] This ruling was not accepted by all parties to the dispute. BZ told me the name of the judge -- I think it was a single judge -- but I forget. From a secular standpoint: I have no knowlege of law, neither USA law nor Irael law; and so willn write to that point. I have considered this problem from a conceptual standpoint in various memos (eg =goldrush). I'll not try to summarize those points here. But a few notes: I suggest that the matter is much more complex -- there are many parties who contribute "surplus value" ("value added") in taking an oral teaching into publication. Those include the sponsor of the venu at which the teaching was given, the person or group who recorded it, the transcriber, persons who correct and revise the transcription, those who bring the transcription to publication. As for eventual net profits: First of all I doubt there will be any net profits of significance. I would take the Yaelbook as a benchmark, but also as a fluke; I see no liklihood that any subsequent publication will come close to it. Though one should check the sales of Aronson's 'Holy Brother'. Claimants to a partial and/or total share in the net profits of publication, in addition to all who contribute to that publication, might included the then-wife and/or ex-wife of the Rabbi, the Rabbi's descendents, and his creditors, starting with Bezeq. Claims have also been made by the Carlebach Foundation. I am not clear regarding the status of that Foundation. It may be a non-profit educational foundation. Or it may represent the interests of Rabbi's "Family" and/or descendents. I would suggest that the problem might generously be resolved as follows: The Foundation should invest in one hand-crafted oak or pine barrel of Grade-A Herring, preferably from one of the cleaner regions of the Atlantic Ocean. #l2 We've quite trashed the Mediterranean, us and our Islamic neighbors and all the goyim -- I mean, here was Interfaith Greed -- they just about might as well wrap it up in plastic. #l1 (Northern Scotland might do, or Lesser Norway. Otherwise, Damriscotta Shoals.) No less than one full paper-full (on the model of over-the-couner British Fish-&-Chips), of a quantity suitable for one shal-shudes attended as guests by at least two schnapps-shticklers, should then be distributed, either as quit-claim or as advance against maximum anticipated net income, to all claimants to a share in the profits from the publication of the teachings of R. Shlomo Carlebach. May his immaterial profit in Heaven be inversely preporitional to his monetary profit on earth, and so may it be with all on the Moshav, and may we all, speedily in these dog-days, be able to buy cat-proof screen doors in mosquito season, to which ye may say, 'Right-on'. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ==================================================================== START INPUT OF TRANSCRIPT lst page: Heading: "3 B"H" Footer: '191' ------------- I say I'm fine, right. If you love me the most, you can hear a gevaldt -- just blissed out completely; the deepest depths ... [3-dots typescript] I'll jut start [blank] reading with you from Bais Yakov. The medreshs says, "Ashrei, l'adam b'sha'ah [Text written fully in Hebrew script: AShReI L_ADaM B_Sh'aH [can't read last two words of script] ] -- Happy is the man who knows how to hear. Ashrei means more than happy -- because I can be happy about one thing and be sad about something else. Ashrei means I am absolutely, completly happy. Everything is good. [ RSC Repeats last 3 words of Hebrew quote; I can't easily read the Hebrew script.] When I know how to hear. Not when I know how to listen -- when I know how to hear. Because in this month, if you look at the world, the way it is, it seems like G_d is not taking care of the world. You see the destruction of the Temple. You see G_d is taking us into exile. And even today, if you look at the world, it looks llke G_d is not taking care of things. Just hanging loose ... [3-dots typescript, as if to say: Nu me too I can hang loose, this is California, ain't it Rube?] {Embedded Note (sa): This is the 'Deus abscondis' notion in Christian -- Roman Catholic, I assume -- theology.} {frag1-1} [Hebrew Script='HS'] Aval l'adam ha-shew-maya hay-lev If you listen, if you hear mamash well ['mamash' is written in Hebrew script, and not transliterated. Now that's a sign of someone fluent in Hebrew.] Hebrew script: Yire: K''HaShem' Yishorek, ma'ma'amid b'hashgacha pra-tis ("You will see that HaShem does everything with individual attention"_ If you have good ears, then you could mamash hear when G_d is taking care of everyone in the deepest way. He says people always think that to see is stronger than to hear. But he says that it's not true. Seeing is only the outside. But hearing is the inside, inside, inside. He says like this: You know we were learning it, it's so deep: there's all kinds of hearing. You know, I walk on Fifth Avenue, and I hear with my ears thousands of things. Because, basically, in my head, it registers, I can hear two thousand ears .. [2-dots typesript] I can hear the whole city .. [2- dots typescript] I hear millions of things. But the Shem (Holy Name) of this chodesh (Month) is [Hebrew Script] Haskit or-shma Yisrael. HasKiT , Hasket means the deepest, deepest kind of concentration. I'll tell you something. What's the difference if I hear when someone talks to me who I don't love so much and when someone talks to me that I love the most? {Note (sa): RSC is always talking about 'the one I love the most'. So is Shir haShirim.} When someone talks to me, who I don't love the most, so when they are talking to me, I can still hear something else also. I can hear millions of things. When someone I love the most talks to me, at that moment I cannot hear anything else. Gevaldt. Like nothing else existed. And if a person will hear this way like -- then you know what you can hear in this month? On the contrary, this month is also the month whem Meshiach is coming. You see, when you look, it looks like the Holy Temple is destroyed. When you hear, you can hear that Mamash it's the best month in the world. [Hebrew Script]: "Ki ha chodes hazeh, mucan l'kach. (This month prepares you for this.) And therefore, you see in this month, people have to be careful -- people have to be so careful with each other. Because the problem between most people is if we mamash don't really ever really listen to each\\ [END PAGE, NUMBERED 191 AT BOTTOM, IN HANDWRITING] [NO PAGE 192 IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE] [PAGE 193 FOLLOWS:] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [START INPUT PAGE 5: Top heading: handwritten: 5 typed B:H Bottom Footer: Handwritten 193 ------------------- There is something, whatever the world calls it .. [2-dots typescript] There's a kind of inside knowlege, which doesn't come from my head, but my kidneys are telling me. The Geomrra says, Averaham Avinu never learned Torah with his head, But [Hebrew script with nekudot:] Na'atU ShTeI KLYaOn KSHNMeI siFReI TORaH Na'asu shitai: kliyosav k'sh'mai sifrei Torah His kidneys became like two Sifrei Torah (Torah Scrolls) right? Inside, inside ... [3-dots text] feelings, but something even deeper than feelings. It's the deepest. Most peple don't listen to those kinds of feelings. Maybe my head tells me it's good. OK, here it is -- My right kideny tells me what is good, right. My left kidney is the one, the deepest inside, that tells me when I do sometkhing wrong. My left kidney tells me I'm off. You now the "'Holy Temple' was destroyed" because we hated each other. Because we talked bad things about each other. "And you know something -- I know this person. You know, I know this person. I saw, with my own eyes, him doing terrible things. And I'm telling everyone." But while I'm saying bad things about this person, my left kidney says to me, "Hey -- you're off." You know the Holy Temple would never have been destroyed if we would have listened to our left kidney. And again you see what I mean to say, it's like the whole sefer of Bamidbar. You have clear prophecy. You know everything. And your right kidney says to you, you're right. But my left kidney says to me, "Gevaldt, are you off, Gevaldt are you off. OK, here, this is the whole Torah I want to share with you. We were learning it a lot of times but let's say it again. The deepest question in the world is when you love somebody, how much do you think of them when they are not in front of you? How much are you thinking of them when they are not in front of you? Listen, when I see someone and I like them very much, they are standing in front of me, sure I love them, why not? But the one thing is, I never think of them when they are not around. But the deepest question in the world is, how often do you think of that person when they are not around. Here I want to tell you something awesome. It would be blasphemy if I would say like this, but it's an Ishbitser Torah. You know G_d has privacy also, humanly speaking. So-to-speak, G_d is taking care of the world, right. But what is G_d doing when 'HE''s not taking care of the world? What is G_d doing when he's private? So to speak, when we don't exist, when HE doesn't look at us? Humnaly speaking\\ [END PAGE 5 (numbered 193 at bottom)] [NO MORE PAGES OF THIS TEACHING PRESENTLY AVAILABLE TO ME. I DO NOT YET KNOW WHO HAS THEM.] =================================================================== NOTES TO =scfrag1 COMMENTS FROM THE PEANUT GALLERY: as_it_is_said: "No comments from the Peanut Gallery." as_it_is_said: "Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" "Up in the balcony, where the seats are cheaper." -------------------------------------------------------------------- {frag1-1} {Comment (sa): The Bay area is civilized; Kenneth Rexroth discovered that, and the San Francisco Chronicle confirmed it. Southern California, ie L.A., belongs in the 22nd Century and should go back to it. And stay there until we get there.} {Comment (sa): This is the 'Deus abscondis' notion in Christian -- Roman Catholic, I assume -- theology. (One really can't call it a theory, though it pretends to be. ) It stands counterposed to the more popular 'Baby- Sitter' theory of Supreme Being. #l2 OK, this takes us smack dab back to that pop question -- you can read it once a year in Newsweek, or the at least the Temple of the Holy Bagel Newsletter -- Where was '' in the Shoah. So ok, I'm standing at the top of the stairs from the Rova to Kotel Plaza, and this goy tour guide is saying to his goy tourists, in a tone of incredulity: They think it because of their sins that the Temple was destroyed. I mean, the Temple was destroyed because, primarily, of the sins of Vespasian and all his buggered cohorts. Our sins played a very minor part in it. I mean, it's fine to say that; a bit more tchusva is always in order, and everyone should put on tifillin 3 times a day and wear socks up to their knees, who knows what may tip the balance; but a few more commando raids --"crude, but effective" (as Wonder Wart-Hog once said; that comes from MIT, Bibi should only go back there and teach Applied Subterfuge) -- are apt to be more decisive, at least short-term. Begin made many mistakes, he was a great man and a tragic figure, but for knocking out Iraq's Osirik Reactor, his name should live long. #l1 It's fine for polytheism -- heck, if Zeus is in power, look out for swans -- but just won't hold for monothesism, where a Supreme Being is necessarily Good. #l2 (Now there's a fine indeed, but I'm half-asleep now, and can't remember why, half a minute ago, I thought it fit here.} #l1 The problem with polythesism is not that there are many gods -- heck, the more the merrier, though the whole point of monotheism is not that there is one -- heck, Loki wanted that -- but that there is necesarily only one; that is, that the ONe deity is absolute, infinite. So the problem with polytheism, and Aristophanes laughted in down into a reductio ad absurdum, is that these multiple numerous gods are each so finite. I mean they're barely more than Homer's supernummeraries. Each with his/her own foibles. Zeus and Hera like the Dagmar and Blondie of -- not antiquity, but the Archetypal Crowd.} ----------------------------------------------------------------------