=sc_a4a R. Shlomo Carlebach, Input (sa) of MS. Transcript A4 , Part 1 A4 59 "New Tape Series" followed by A5 Heading: "New Tape Series C" Pagination: Part 1: C1--C24 Working from xerox of xerox in BZ Collection I note on upper left corner, ms. number A4 I inventoried this doc in the Witt Collection, ca. 1989 {a4a-1inv} In this input, I use a Required Carriage Return* to replicate teh lines of the manuscript. Editorial Note: I'll knowingly if not quite intentionally let some typos stand: Like (as R. David Herzberg might say), Even a Microsoft Daemon can Spellcheck, but unintentionally to create a double-entendre typo -- that's an (unintentional) art. ----------------------------------------------------------------- RSC: I want to tell you something just the most/ unbelieveable thing. THank you for your harmozinizing. You kids are just harmonizing so good. Harmony is the treatest thin in the world I always say harmony is the one thing you can't do by yourself, right. you can only sing a song. But harmony? I want to ell you somethg firends. You know Yaakov Avinu, when Yaakov Avinu sent hsi childeren to Yosef ha Zaddik, if you remember the sotry At that time our father Yosef was just an ordinary king. NOt an ordinary (might) UNCLEAR king but, little bit coarse because he knew he was so holy. Anyway so it says he told them bring in some gifts and then it says take some from the spices of the land. But everybody knows there's a whole Torah from Reb Nachman which is based on teh Zohar. He says Yaakov Avninu told him when he goes down to Yosef HaZaddik and G_d forbid -- why don't you sing him a song. teach him honly songs from the holy land and sing you / [sic] a song. And then he'll know who you are. And he'll also know who he is. And then, how can he be so cruel to you? So listen to this, most ----------------------------------------------------------------- [START MS. A4 PAGE C2] unbelieveable thing. According to our tradition the brothers of Yosef came to Egypt on Friday. Yosef ha Zaddik invited them for Shala Shudas. He invited them for the third meal of Shabos. {a4a-2} {a4a-2} {Comment (sa): Block that Anachronism.} You know what the third meal of Shabos is? It's very dark, a different kind of darkness. You know friends, there's a kind of darkness when you're afraid of the person sitting next to you. And there is a kind of holy darkness that if someone's sitting next to you, you give them your hand. Don't even ask who it is. Holy kind of darkness. Depends, darkness which is full --- anyway. Story is, Shala Shoodus, can you imagine? The holy tribes. The way they were singing. The way they were harmonizing. Can you imagine? Now listen to this. The saddest thing in the world. Yosef haZaddik I'm sure he was singing to himself all the time. But he had not heard his brothers singing Shabbusdika melodies for so long. Then he hrealized, at that moment he decided can't go on like this. Got to tell them who I am. So you remember early the next morning they left. He brought them right back and he told them, I'm your brother. You know the saddes part is three days darkness and the plagues of Egypt, nobody saw the other one. It was the same darkness, but for Israel it was ------------------------------------------------------------------ [START MS. A4 PAGE C3] light. So the ordinary meaning is that for Egypt it was dark and for the Yiddalah is was light. But the real deEper meaning is in Egypt it was dark. They didn't see anybody else. And for the Yiddlach what do we do when it's dark? They look for somebody else because, I tell you something deep. When there is light you don't feel so lonesome. When it's dark you momish need somebody What do we Yiddalach do when it's dark? Walk around looking for people who are lonesome. You know what the holy thing is before Meshiach is coming? Little bit dark but sudenly we're aware who knows maybe somebody else is even more darnkenes. Anyway, I just want to wish you all of you, that whenever you're living a little bit in darkness there should always be someone sitting next to you. Holy Shala Shoodus Nigun. Nigun out of darkness. I want to tell you something this is really a true story you know but is so simple. You know Lexington Kentucky is one of the top top places for about four or five mental instittuions, the greatest in the country in America. I gave a concert there and a top doctor there from one of the mental institutions says I'd like to make this experiment tomorrow. I want you to come and play for the patients. I want you to play for ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START MS. A4 PAGE C4] patients who have not spoken for half a year. I'd like to try out their reaction. Then it was a very sad thing. I went there and was playing, no reaction. I said to the doctor, you know something? I know one thing. Shala Shoodus is the holiest time of the Shabbos because it's dark. I says, if you don't mind, if you're not afraid something will go wrong, would it be possible to pull down the shades, make it very dark. Make it just one candle? {a4a-3} And lets sing. And I tell you the greatest thing happened. Next to me was sitting a woman who was, I don't know. she was, the doctor told me she was [TR: NAME UNCLEAR] he had no right to give out names but this girl was one of the top singers in that part of the country. {a4a-4} {a4a-4} {Note (sa): That part of the country is Bluegrass.} Suddenly something happened to her nebach she -- cut me off and he said she hasn't spoken for half a year. But she hasn't even just uttered one note. Anyway I was singing next to her and I really couldn't believe my own ears. Suddenly after about seven minutes darkness, you know, just the most unbelieveably beautiful harmony came out of her. I couldn't stop siging it was just so beatutiful. Unbelieveable you know. Unbelieveable. I'd just like to wish myself and you and all of us, the difference between before Tish Above and {a4a-5} {a4a-5a} ------------------------------------------------------------------ [START MS. A4 PAGE C5] after Tish A'bove. I don't know. {a4a-5i} After Tish A'bove {a4a-5ii} it will be less dark. But I just hope that Tish A'bove will make {a4a-5iii} us aware that, just to give each other our hands. Because the Meshiach is coming that is what will happen. Be the same world. Same Baruch_ala, Moish_ala, Sara_la, Sh[l?]omala. Everybody will be the same. The only thing is, right now, we have about 10,000 walls between us. The Meshiach is coming, suddenly we'll we'll be so close to each other. {a4a-6 I think} {a4a-6a} I'll just sing one more sweet song. Give me the greatest harmony. [END MS A4 PAGE C5 (Short page)] --------------------------------------------------------------- [START MS A4 PAGE C6.] [TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: New Tape] I want to learn a little bit Reb Nachman but just a litte bit to, to get there I want to learn this Musa Vika(?) [TR. inserts the question-mark ] from Reb Cook. {a4a-7} You know to love is a very very deep thing. Very very deep thing. I tell you in a nutshell you know its -- the trust is, take the backbone. I don't know so much medicine like my holy brother-in-law knows better, but the {a4a-8} spine has tremendous kinds of functions, right. Keeps the body going, right. Even while I'm lying down you know. So it's not even giving me the standing upright. I just need it because like all my functions go through my backgone. But above all you know the backbone momish keeps me up right. If you would ask me in a nutshell what is, whaat does it mean to slove somethng. To love G_d. To love Israel. To love the world. This is momisch the backbone. This is absolutely the backbone. If you see a person creeping on all four right on a human level, on a Jewish level {Note (sa): The transcriber consistently spells 'level' as 'leval'. So if you know anyone who does so, maybe that's the as yet unidentified transcriber.} on any leval in the world. He'll say you know listen, I love ... [3-dots ms. transcript -- usually I assume that just means a spaceout pause, not an elision of text; but here -- it could be that RSC alluded to the Divine Name, and the transcriber was circumspect. Or that RSC said something that the transcriber discreetely elided ... } it's a lie right. Ok, lets go slowly. {Note (sa): Sounds like RSC just said something deep, but then went back to explicate it slowly.} I want you to know something very very deep. What is the difference between me, let's say taking somebody and talking to them about Shabbus {Note (sa): Transcriber consistently spells Shabos 'Shabbus'} or I'm standing on Mt. Sinai and G_d tells me about Shabbus? {a4a-9} What's the difference let's say for instance if I'm {a4a-10} [END MS. TRANSCRIPT A4 PAGE C6 ] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [START MS. TRANSCRIPT A4 PAGE C7] ??k'vais?? [note (sa): sic, looks like k'vais] opening a book right and there it says I should mamish love G_d, or imagine I would be privileged to hear from the holy Baal Shem you know I would once hear in my whole lie the Baal Shem say {Hebrew script with nekudot; ahAV_TA aEt '' aElokE-kHA b_kOl LVaV_kha [love the LORD your G_d with all your heat ] words right? But it isn't you know I heard from Reb Smuale {a4a-11} there was a little water carrier in Lubovitch. And this little water carrier could barely read or write but, he could doven a little bit. He know just a tiny little bit. But he knew that {Hebrew script: ki chen ChaIeNU V_AOReKh YaMe_nu (for they are your life and illuminate your days) means this is my life and this give me the length of my days. And somedays he would come to the Rebbe and the Rebbe was sharp and he couldn't understand what he says. But at one time, the Rebbe said a mimer [or?: mimei] a long Torah on Ki CheN ChaIe_Nu V_AOReKh YaMeI-NU So he says that this water carrier momish his whole life you know. He was drawing water and whole time he was saying to himself, Ki CheN ChaI_Nu -- momish gave him so much life. He knew the words all the time you know, gave him life. {a4a-12} Let's put it this way.: What is Meshiach going to each us that we don't know yet. The Meshiach is coming. He's gong to teach us. What's he going to each us? Moishe Rabbeinu taught us everything. The things is [END INPUT OF PAGE C7 OF MS. A4] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [ START INPUT OF PAGE C8 OF MS. A4] when we hear it from Messiach, it will momish get into you, you know. Same words, but that means the way Messiach will be filled with life, like nobody before right. Not even Moishe Rabbeinu. Let's say Moiseh Rabbeinu also told us keep Shabbus, but it's still possible that yiddalah should not keep Shabbus. We'll hear the same words. Messiach will say Yiddalach, gevalt you know. Friday afternoon you better run to the mikvah it's Shabbus. All the Yiddalach will run to the Mikevah and all the Yiddalah will ... [3 dots ms. transcript] right? Cause it will be so real. Listen to this, if someone says I love you or -- _____Ok I'm going back to what I said. The difference between us learning about shabbus and hearing G_d saying it's Shabbus, is, on a very simple leval is, when I talk to you about Shabbus, I talk about Shabbus right. Can I take Shabbus and put in in your heart? I can't right. I can teach you all about Shabbus. Give you a taste. Make you interested in Shabbus. Maybe you want to learn about Shabbus right. But momish G_d takes, give you Shabbus right. You see, it's like this. There are some peple who have a taste or loving, who know a little bit about loving, and some people mamish have love you know. They momish have it. They really have it. So Reb Cook [ie, Rav Kuk] begins to say [END MS. A4 PAGE C8] --------------------------------------------------------------- [START MS. A4 PAGE C9] like this. To love is not a function. You know, to eat is a function. To think is a function. To walk is as function. To love is not a function. It's much deeper than that. If your whole heart isn't filled with it, not a function, just, filled with love, then it's not the real thing yet. It's not real. _____And he says momish very holy words. The whole heart has to be completely filled. You have to love G_d with ALL your heart. You have to love the other person with all your heart. If it's a function, even loving can be a function. It'snot real. It has to be completely and {HS: LKOVoD [TRANSCRIBER ADDS (?), A QUESTION MARK] This is momish crazy but it's true. You momisch have to love everything. So now he says which is I'm sure, if I walk down and would meet some people they would say it's apikorus {Comment (sa): Or if not apikorus, orgy-pourous. Epicure we were for sure.} but this is the way he said it. This is the order. Take it or leave it. _____The first thing is, you have to love momisch every creature in the world. That's the first level. The first level is that I'm walking around and, you know what love means? That means, not just, it's a very close reltionshp you know. Very very deep relationshp. You know to fear means I don't want to be related. Which is the opposite of love. And love means I want to be as close as I can. Closest I can get. If I look at the sky, I momish have to love the sky you know. G_d created the sky. It's [END MS. A4 PAGE C9] ------------------------------------------ [START PAGE C10 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4 ] a beautiful sky. There's something gong on between me and the sky right. Between me and every littele createure. I see a bird, and (if) [TR. '(if)'] my heart doesn't think momish love you little bird, not with it. So the first level is I have to momish love everytihg. Then, when I see people it has to be even higher. Because man is created in G_d's image. Besides, man is something very special. You know, when we say sheva brachos we say, first we say [HEBREW SCRIPT TIWHT NEKUDOT:] SheKhaKOL D_BRA L_QODOT?? [By Whose WORD all came into being] and then we say [HEBREW SCRIPT with Nekudot]: YOTzeH Ha_ADaM [Who hast made Man] It's much deper than taht. After that then theres' something very very special. Super special. The way I love Israel hoas to be even deeper than that. [TRANSLITERATED HEBREW:] The he says why. Shaseedin Yisrloel Assakin Es Kole ha Mysime koolam. Now list to this. Very very deep. If somoene asks you why do you love Israel in such a special way: The answer is, because, because, we yiddalach, we have the key to the redemption of the world. And the more I love the world, the more I love Israel. The more I love Israel, the more I love the world. But if I hate the world, you know, or I think the world is nothing. Suddenly I say, I love Israel. What, why, where, when? Just completely out of context. Then he says something very strong. Again, somebody says Waht do you mean you love. I say I just love you. Imagine, say to somebody, you know I just love you. And you'll say ok, can you [END PAGE C10 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C11 OF MS.TRANSRIPT A4] [I had marked my xerox of this: A4 - Pt. 2; but then I stapled that to Pt. 1, so I don't count it as Part 2 now, Drew.] please do me a favor. He says no. I don't watn to do you a favor. I just want to love you. You know. This isn't right. So what's the first thing if I love sombebody? That means momish I want to do anything for them. Kids lets momisch concentrate because we have to learn a lot today. Ok what does it mean my heart is filled, my heart is momisch filled with loving? Listen to this. This is momish strong words. The first thing is, I want to do everybody a favor. Not only I want to do them a favor, when they ask me, I momish, I just waant they should have everything good. And then the most important thing is ... [3-dots MS.] [(TR. NOTES: Noise increases. Classs moves inside] [PRESUMABLY SOME REMARKS BY RSC LOST IN THE MOVE] But Rav Kook is saying something very simple. Imagine I'm asking somebody a favor. {a4a-13} Can you please give me a hundered dollars. And he gives it to me. And I'm asking somebody whyo loves me and he also gives me a hundred dollars. What's the difference? But, I tell you. It's very simple. The person who doesn't love me, it was just a mechanical function. He gave it to me you know. There was no completeness in it. The person who loves me, there was tremendous completeness in it you know. Cause he gave it to me with all his heart. {a4a-14} What is the difference between a Yiddalach who loveds G_d and puts on Tefillen and a Yiddalah who doesn't give a damn [sic M'am, 'damn'] {a4a-15} he just puts puts of tfillin because kvais. [GLOSSARY: 'kvais' = [Don't know yet. I guess like 'it's obligatory'] {a4a-16} If a Yiddalah puts on Tefillen who momish {a4a-17} [END PAGE C11 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4 ] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [START PAGE C13 OF MS. A4] believes in G_d; loves G_d; when he puts on tfillin. The truth is at that moment, he'll do anything in the world for G_d right. Whatever G_d told him. {a4a-18} So HE told him put on tfillin, right. But that's completeness, right. Anyway, so he says like this. Lets just repeat again. The first thing is that love means that momish my whole heart is completely filled with it. It has to be not just an act. It has to be complete right. I don't even have words for it you know. It has to be momish complete amd my heart is filled with it. Then my levels are first I love every creature. Because, its very simple as it is you know. How much did G_d put in every balde of grass. How much did G-d put in right. How much does G_d care fore very blade of grass? Imagine how much, if someone's life would depend on me, how much care would I have to give that person. Their very life depends on me. {a4a-19} How much does the mother love that kid right. How much does G_d care for every craweteure in the world knowing that their whole life depends on G_d right. Its a gevalt right. So if I have a little taste of that, then I love the [END PAGE C12 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C13 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] whole world. Then I have to love people in a very special way. And then I love Israel even more because Isreael is the one who lift up the whole world. And then on top of all this, listen to this. And above, and above, and a million times above all this is the love of G_d. And he says the truth is, the love of G_d ... [3-dots MS.]. Someone asks you, you love G_d. So therefore. Thre is not therefore. There doesn't have to be a therefore. If I love G_d that maens he says this itself is such a great, the deepest depth. The deepest depths of feeling a human being is capable of is momish loving G_d. That's the highest level there is and this is, he says, that's the highest level of happiness in the world. Anybody can feel any momish happiness in the world, the highest happiness you can feel if your heart is completely filled with love of G_d. Then he says, it is impossible not to love G_d. It is impossible not to feel the sweetness of that love. It is impossible not to love Torah Mitzvahs because this is mamash this is G_d. This is my KESHER , [Heb. lit.: Bridge] my connection to G_d. It is impossible not to love justice ['justice' presumably here = Heb. 'tzdaka'] {a4a-20} It is impossible not to love and to hope for the world to come to its highest possible level. And it is impossible not to flow over with great love for every little creature because G_d makes HIMSelf mianifest in every little creature. And G_d's love makes itself manifest and G_d's [END PAGE C13 OF MS. A4] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [START PAGE C14 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] compassion and G_d's sweetness makes itself manifest with every little creature in the world and then he says something very strong. One more thing. This great love, for the world for G_d and for everything; that's the greatest fire in the world. Listen, if you meet someobdy you know, he might be having a streimala on, and he's says hello to you you know. I hate to say bad things but it's not their fault but, maybe some day they'll be real. {a4a-21} #l1 You know you meet a Yid and you say Shalom Aleichem and he gives you two fingers -- I want you to know something very strong. I don't know if I told youi . My first encounter with a lot of Hasidim in Williamsburg was very sweet but, the way they shook hands with me, I mamash thought that the way to shake hands you were only supposed to give two fingers. Then you make sure they don't touch more than the first part of your finger. I remember I was telling my brother you'd better rehearse because that's the way Hasidim shake hands you know I was very proud. Finally I got into it and I was momish able to shake somebody's hand and make sure they don't touch the whole hand. Just catch the first part of my fingers. But listen to this. Then the strongest thing happened to me I was [rivileged on Shabbos the holy [END PAGE C14 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [START INPUT OF PAGE C15 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] Bionna Rebbe, I don't know you know. bionna is one of the last Rebbes in the world you know. A remnant of the great kingdom of RIZHEN. The holy BIONNA came to my neighborhood for Shabbos, you know Canal Street. And maybe some you remember there was a Bais Medrish on Empire Blvd. Big Bais Medrish. And the Bionna. He came there Friday night. The Tish was a gevalt you know. And after Friday night, my brother and I walked up to him, we were just about, you know sharpening our fingernails. If a little hasid gives only two parts of the finger that means that the Rebbe just touches you like this then it's off. That's what I thought you know. But momish, the Bionna Rebbe momish gave me his whole hand you know. But you know, sometimes people give you their hand, and they're momish giving you all they have you know. Momish like gevalt you know. Remember we were learning that one Rebbe says when you shake someone's hand it's like I swear to you that I love you. Swear to you and momish the Bionna Rebbe gave me his hand so strong you know, I could feel his handshake for a month after that you know. Momish shook me up. {a4a-22} ____Anyway , the question is, sometimes you shake hands with somebody and nothing happens to yuou. Imagine, what happens to you when you plug into electiricty? Psst. You'd [END PAGE C15 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [START INPUT OF PAGE C16 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] better get a shock. Otherwise something wrong with the electricity you know. The truth is, when you're in touch with somebody who really loves G_d, really loves the world, in the order that Rav Kook says, there's such a great fire that -- it's the greatest fire in the world. Two things. First of all it make you warm and it puts light into you, you know. And the sweetness has no end. _____!Then he [Rav Kook] says, how cruel of a person to himself to be involved with so much thinking that he completely forgets what he is born for. In the mean time he walks and -- half his size. Oy. [ That is: one who cannot recall his purpose in life, and strive to fulfill it, walks around through life with only half the stature that belongs to him. (sa)]! It's a gevalt. _____Ok, one more thing kids. __________It's very hard to love people, you know. Very hard. Don't kid yourself. Sometimes people look so ridiculous to you you know. So disgusting and so stupid right. Let's put it this way. A cockroach is a little bit hard to love right. It's not so hard. You look at a little cockroach you see its cute you know. OK. {a4a-23} _____That also takes a lot out of you right. Because you momish have to love every creature of G_d. But it's not so hard yet. But momish to love people believe me it's the hardest hardest thing in the world. And to love them with this complete love is the hardest thing in the world you know. Sometimes you meet people you momish -- chh -- gevalt you know. Takes a lot out of you. Rav Kook says it takes {a4a-24} [END PAGE C16 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] --------------------------------------------------------------- [START INPUT OF PAGE C17 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] a lot of learning. Takes a lot. Now something very deep. Imagine if I'm a great scientist you know, and I did my little studying and I realize you know its good for me to love people, to love G_d. Can be on a scientific level you know. Like without mentioning names one holy master somewehre came out with a book -- 'The Science of G_d' -- you know . And he gives you fiftenn levels and then momish you reach G_d you know. You go up fifteen and if you have connections you skip a few and you go up faster. [APPARENTLY A QUESTION:] "Was that Maimonidies" No, G_d forbid. {a4a-25} {a4a-25} {Comment (sa): No need to invoke Divine retroactive intervention; a few revisionist historians will do.} Maimonides. Maimonides was real. You know thdre are a lot of people where for $200 they initiate you and maybe for $150. Some people promise you Heaven or Hell you know. But Rav Kook says something very deep. What's behind all this? Behind all this is Amunah shlemo you know, believing. Believing doesn't mean you now, believing from Reb Nchman. Believing is theat deep thing which has no words right. This is something so deep you know it be ... [3-dot MS.]. I'll tell you somethign very very deep. If I love you that means its an emotion right. I can feel it. I can describe it. If I tell you I believe in you, it's deeper than all this. This [END PAGE 17 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [START PAGE C18 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] is momish so infinite. This is absolutely touching the ifintite. Loving G_d is a very holy thing. It's also infinite. Believeing in G_d. Now listen to this. Tell you in a very deep way. If I love G_d it's still I, love G_d. Right. When I say I believe in G_d it's completely it has no I. Believing has no I. If I say to someone I believe in you, I'ts not I, the big person believes in you little water carrier. Then it's not believing. Believing has no I you know. It's just, I believe in you. Believing is the deepest, most holyest, most gentle, the most refined, the most spiritual thing in the world. And he says AMUNaH is the highest thought a human being is capable of. Imagine if I would refine my thoughts higher higher higher higher higher. The highest highest deepest thought I could have in my head is, mamosh, I balieve in G_d. Or the highest thought I can have about another human being is momish I believe in them. _____And he says somethgn very strong. Believing in G_d you know momish has to give you such high wings in the most unbelieveable way. And if you have no wings, then you don't believe. [QUESTION:]{TRANSCRIBER NOTES QUESTIONS WITH "Quotes"} "What do you mean?" [RSC REPLIES:] {TRANSCRIBER NOTES RSC'S REPLIES MERELY BY REVERTING TO UNQUOTED FORMAT} Wings, you're flying you know. Something so open about Jews so deeps so high. "Enough to make you fly?" If you really believe in G_d. [END PAGE 18 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] --------------------------------------------------------------- [START INPUT OF PAGE C19 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4 ] [QUESTIONER CONTINUES:] "Who really believes im G_d then?" I hope you, I hope. You know, I don't know. I hope we'll get to it you know. "Who actually flies constantly?" Why? Weren't you flying when you stood by the Holy wall praying? "Yes but not necesarily flies laater." Ok. So G_d blessed me. {a4a-26} You had one moment of flying. It's also great you know. I tell you what . How much do you eat? You eat a little bit and it keeps you going. You don't eat all the time. You know, maybe one prayer by the Holy Wall keeps me going for my whole life you know. Kids, I have to tell you something very strong you know. OK. I don't know if I should say it anyway. I want to tell you something very deep. Everybody talks aboaut believing in G_d right. But the way we Holy Holy Israel are believing in G_d, it's a completely different thing. Completely different thing. Again there is no words to describe it because believing has no word. But it is so. Momish. I believe so I know so It's the utmost refind. The utmost utmost refined of this holiest thought a human being is capable of believing in G_d was given to us on Mt. Sinai. It's given to us in every holy book you know. [END PAGE C19 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C20 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] Torah. Sometimes heartbreaking you know. Kids get lost and they don't know where they belong to you know. Heartbreaking. Now he says even believing has to be refined you know. Listen, if you were already on the level you wouldn't have to live anymore. Everything needs so much refining. And G_d gives you so many hours and so many days and so many weeks to live to refine everything. And the holyness, the holyness is the strangest thing in the world you know. Maybe sometimes we Yiddalach as private individuals are goofing off, you know. But as a whole, as people, as a whole, we're top right. In a whole we are top. You see, it's very simple as it is kids. To whom did the prophets talk to? You know, whom did the prophets talk to? To us, right. Prophet is the utmost of truth and helieving together. what is prophesy? The utmost -- beause a prophet has words right. But he has to believe that it is so right. Future. The utmost of non words and words, the utmost of meeting of truth and believing is prophescy right. This was given to us. This was momish given to us. And maybe some kids don't know where its at you know, but I'm telling you, take it or leave it. You know the most heartbreaking [END PAGE C20 OF MS. TRANSRIPT A4] --------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C21 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ting there is -- whEn people come to us Yiddalach and they have to tell us what the prophets says you know. Biggest joke in the world you know. {a4a-27} Let them take off their shoes and learn first what we Yiddalach have to say, you know. They read a little Biblela somwhere you knw, heartbreaking you know. I'm just telling you kids. Before you learn from somebody, listen to somebody you know, just think for one minute is this the person who stood on Mt. Sinai and heard about believing in G_d in its utmost purity. Utmost purity in its utmost depths. ... [3-dots MS.] [TRANSCRIBER NOTES: "[SIDE ONE ENDS]" [TRANSCRIBER NOTES: "SIDE TWO"] I'll tell you something very very strong you know, on a simple level. Imagine you know. I can have a date with a girl, I ook at her and I say she has a beautiful nose. Exactly like this other girl I met in Los Angeles. I look at her eyes and I say Oh, she has beautiufl eyes just like this girl I met in Hawaii two years agok you know. And then, she really talks very sweet like once I heard some girl reading poetry in the Village [i.e. Greenwich Village] you know. And then, I compare everything she has to something else. {a4a-28} It's very sweet and very cute but obviously you don't love her. Don't kid around. Cause if I cared one ounce for her, then it's just she you know [END PAGE C21 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [START PAGE C22 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] When I talk to someone about Yiddishkite and he can tell me you know, that's very sweet, yea I heard this from another religion. And I tell him something else and he tell me that's very sweet I heard it in another religon. That's very sweet and very cute but obviously you're not a Jew. Obviosly you're not. I'm begging you you know, I don't know what you do all the time , just for these few minutes we're learning I'm begging you. Otherwise we're just wasting our time. You're wasting your time. Obviosly, if G_d could have told us something without Mt. Sinai, HE wouldn't hae taken the time to take us to Mt. Sinai right. And obviously if there are people in the world who know as much about G_d as we do, how come the Prophts didn't talk to them How come G_d didn't take them back to Isreael. So anyway I was just begging you for a few minutes while we're learning Reb Nachman, empty your souls you know. Really make a place for deep things. Don't tell me after that that you heard it somewhwere else. If anyone would tell me that they heard it then with all due respect don't waste my time or your time. Don't waste G_d's time. {a4a-29} Ok, it's very deep things. The world is far from G_d. {a4a-30} ____ Why aren't we getting close to HIM? Because they have no Yeshum Vadaas. Yeshum Vadaas means the mind never sits down [END PAGE C22 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C23 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] A person can think a lot, can think day and night. You can have a mind which goes as fast a seven four seven {a4a-31} yet, get you nowhere. There's a time your mind has to sit down. Your mind has to stop, and sit down and think. {a4a-31a} {a4a-31a} {Comment (sa): Cf. Leary, speaking of being trapped in the mind chakra.} And you have to sit down, your mind has to sit down and think, what is really my purpose. What good is all the things I'm running after in the world. This is my purpose? Am I born to eat a lot, to sleep a ot? Even on the high G_d level, the relgious level, am I born jut to knock off a little Shabbus-le. Amd I just born to knock off a little prayer or am I just born time to time to do somebody a favor? {a4a-32} For that my soul has to descend from high heaven into this world? You see, if I really believe I'm the higheset creature in the world and that I'm created in G_d's image, this is all I'm capable of? And for that G_d had to take me to Mt. Sinai and talk to me? You know. This is a child of Abraham, Issac and Jacob and this is all I can do? So I have to think and sit, sit and think. Listen to this. First of all what is with all the things I'm eating, I'm sleeping, all the things which I take in , I'm longing for, I'm desiring and all the things which are outside of me? I love honor, I love attention. This is all I need? OK, so I've been invited by a UJA {a4a-33} meeting, and I'll have a great dinner in my honor [END PAGE C23 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C24 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] So therefore. So what. So someone give me fifty titles, someone gives you so much honor. So what. But then he says, you have to know something very strong. When you're sad, you're not the master of your mind. Let me contine and you'll understand in a second why. {a4a-p24a} {a4a-p24a} {Note (sa): The term of Reb Nachman's which RSC translates as 'sad' -- here and in many other teachings -- would, I reckon from context, and regardless of what Hebrew (Yiddish?) word Reb Nachman used, better be translated 'depressed'.} _____ Therfeore you can not sit down with your mind. Only when you're filled with joy. Completely filled with joy. Then you can tell your mind, listen brother mind, let's sit down. Start right here and tell me exactly what am I doing in this world. Now this is the deepest depths of Reb Nachman you have to remember it all you life. Where is joy coming from? Joy comes from the highest world there is. Joy comes from the world of freedom. {a4a-24b} What does sit mean to be sad? Sad means to be a slave. To be filled with joy means to be completely free. Completely free. Because it says with joy you'll go out. From all your slavery. With joy you'll go out from exile. and therefore when you tie your joy to your mind -- because the when you tie your joy to your mind them momish suddenly something happens to you, your mind is free. A very strange thing you know. The strangest thing in the word is that .. [apparently 2 dots on my xerox transcript, unless the flies got into the prune juice] You know physically to be in exile means that I can't move right. I'm tied. On a mind level it's the other way around When [END PAGE C24 OF MS. A4] [I ARBITRARILY BROKE THIS TEACHING AT THIS POINT, BECAUSE MY STAPLING MACHINE IS LIKE HUMBLE.] [I'LL CONTINUE INPUT OF THIS TEACHING AS SC_A4B] [NOTES ARE DEEP-SIX'd to =scnsaa4a.ein] ================================================================= sa, Mevo Modi'in, 2 Av Hot day. ================================================================