=sc_a4b R. Shlomo Carlebach, Input of Manuscript Transcript A4, Part 2 Follows =sc_a4a Starting with Page C25 See Notes on =sc_a4a ----------------------------------------------------------------- I'm a slave I'm running . Very deep kids. Have you ever talked to a slave mind. [TANSCRIBER ADDS A FOOTNOTE (2) Superscript, but I find no Footnote for it.] Running running . You can't get through to it. You say listen, but I want to talk to you. Can't. A slave is running. A free person, a free mind is right there right. Stop. Ok, listen to this. To reach the highest level you are capable of you can not reach that high level when you're a slave. A slave doesn't belong there. Because what is the higehst highest level in the world? To be G_d-like. Maimonides says the highest level in the world is, we are created in G_d's image, means we are completely free right. Completely free. Complete free choice. And now some of us think I have only free choice to keep Shabbos or not to keep Shabos. That's a very high level too. But this isn't it. The highest level is that I can momish choose to think with my mind what am I doing in this world. I'm the master of my mind. The deepest depth there is. I have free chocie over my mind. What's my free coice about my mind? That I can momish force my mind please tell me, what am I doing here? You know. My mind knows. My mind just doesn't tell me. I want you to know something deepest depths in the world. The gemorah tells the story about the Poorah Aduma (red calf). Without getting involved, it's a little calf everybody knows that we needed in [END PAGE C25 OF MS. A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START INPUT OF PAGE C26 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] the Holy Temple and thils littel red calf had to be, a little red cow which had never tasted the taste of a yoke. No yoke. {a4b-1} If you rememer the story, that the holy Rabbi's went to Rome to buy this little red cow. And this pagan, you know, thought it's a joke so he said to them, come back tomorrow, it's 10,000 piece of gold. The next day they come back, give him the ten thousant. He says no, I'm sorry. Didn't make it clear. The price is twenty thousand. They said ok, we'll get another ten, give it to us. The next day he pulls the same trick and he says, oh, I'm sure I made it clear to you it's thirty thousand. You know the holy Rabbis were so holy, you know. Maybe some of you don't know. Our Rabbi's were really holy. Really holy. Momish holy. And anyway, they came back. He did this five times. They were already up to fifty thousand. They said, listen brother, you want to sell it or don't you you know. We don't have time to fool around. So he says ok I promise I'll give it to you tomorrow for figfty thousand. My word. What does he do that lousy thief? That night he puts a yoke on the little rd calf and the holy Rabbi's come the next day and they to to the stable to pick it up. They go to pick up the red calf. Walk back to this pagan and they ask, what did you do to it? Why did you put a yoke on it last night. Why he says to them [END PAGE C26 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [START INPUT PAGE C27 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] how could you know? So they say it's very simple. A little calf, if it never tasted the taste of the yoke, looks at your straight. If its had a yoke on it, it looks at you from both sides, it's afraid to look at you straight in the eye. {a4b-3} So even this lousy pagan couldn't help he says momish, Blessed is the G_d who has chosen the Jews, blessed are the Jews to know the secrets of G_d. The qeusation is, you know, if your mind has a yoke on it all the time, if its not free, it runs here on both sides. You can't stop it. Some of you talking to you stright -- what are you doing in this world you know. {a4b-2} You know the most heartbreaking queastion a person has to ask himself, what am I doing in this world? And this is one question everybody is avoiding the most. Because for that you don't have to go to Africa for that. You don't have to do any archeology. All you have to do is right sit here this seond where you are. Don't do anything. On the cotrary, don't move. Remember, the utomost of freedom is, on a mind level, I'm not moving. Stand. Stand. I want you to know something deep. Don't you know we're in exile right? Moving around from country to country. From city to city. To be in Yerushalayim means, I'm here, not moving. The highest level is I'm not moving. Right here. Because what is the holiness of Yerushalyim? [END PAGE c27 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START INPUT OF PAGE C28 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] what is the holiness of the Holy Wall? When you stand thEre you just can't run away right. Just hits you . What am I dong here/ what am I momsish doing here. But again my mind is a very very strong thing. The mind does not take any orders from a slave. Until the mind tastes the taste of freedom which is the taste of joy, the mind can not stop. Too much of a slave. Not free enough. But the moment you're filled with joy something happens to you, so deep and I'm free enough to ask myself, what am I doing here. But again, how do I come to joy? Where do I beGin? So he says, why am I a slave. this is very very deep. I'm running away -- from mYself. Why is my mind thinking about ten tousand different tHings? Why doesn't my mnd talk to me straight. What am I doing in this world? Because mY mind gave up on me right. My mind gave up on me. My mInd says listen I can't talk to you you're such a lousy I_don't_know_what. I don't what to talk to you. It's no use telling you what you're doing in this world. Because even if I tell you you wouldn't do it. So my mind gave up. Hae you ever felt you want to talk to poeple, you try to talk to them. You know, try a few times, they don't talk to you. I dojn't want to talk to you anymore. So he says [END PAGE C28 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] --------------------------------------------------------------- [START INPUT OF PAGE C29 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] something utmost depths that my mind refuses to talk to me because I'm thinking so low of myseLf. My mind is completely convinced that no good is going to come out of me anyway. No use telling me right. You know I'm not going to tell myself you can be as holy as the holy Baal Shem if I momish believe I'm a garbage collector. {Comment (sa): Hey man, don't knock the scarab.} So he says the first thing you have to do, this one of the deepest depths of Reb Nachman, and again listen to this, this is based on a story that happened to the holy Baal Shem. A great sinner came to the holy Baal Shem like a top sinner man and he said, you know, I'd like to repent. You know like some people come to a store who has all the apples so he came to the holy Baal Shem because he knows how the holy Baal Shem has a good G_d's grocery store. He says I'd like to order repentance for this thing, for this thing. He gave him a whole list. Yu know, the Baal Shem realized he doesn't know what repenting is. He doesn't know what it's all about. The Baal Shem Tov says, listen brother sinner man, I hate to tell you bad things but the truth is you have done so much that there is no hope for you. Can you imagine. You know. Can you imagine G_d forbid I would hear from the Holy Baal Shem he would tell me there is no hope for you you know. I'd just crack up you [END PAGE C29 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START INPUT OF PAGE C30 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] know. Absolutely. ThE Yiddelah really really broke down. For the first time. You see he was always he always thought you know, it's like a business. You sin and you repent. He thought just you know. Kvais you take an apple it's a dollar. You don't keep Shabos you fast for a day you know. {a4b-4} Suddenly he realized it doesn't go this way with G_d. If you fail, you know you fail. {a4b-5} He began to cry very much. Really and suddenly he realized he's completely gone. So he said to the holy Baal Shem tell me am I still Jew? Am I still a Jew, at least that. At least that. So the story is that the holy Baal Shem momish began to dry. And he says, he says I was waiting for that. Becvause if you know really that you're still a Jew, then there's hope for you. {a4b-6} So the holy Baal Shem Tov says there's a parsook in Tehillem, the Tzaddikim they praise G_d with their whole life but sometimes I think to G_d Vaoylee means I'm still. That's a way out translation you know. If you look in King James you will see I don't know what kind of a lousy word he's using vaoylee means {Hebrew script, but I can't make it out -- MISt? -- } -- still. Still there Vide funtida Yid (?) [QUESTION MARK TR.] So this Torahla of the holy Bal Shem is one of the top top Torah's in Reb Nachman's hasidism. Ok, so a person begins to think and he says can't be that I never did anytjing good in my [END PAGE C30 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C31 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] life. I muSt have done something good. He's beginning to think and suddenly he realizes maybe ten years ago at one time I did somebody a favor. But then I begin to also tear this apart. And I say to myself you know you did somebody a favor because it didn't look good not to do it you know. You want to keep your good name. Knock this off also. But then I say to myself how much percent of the favor did I do only because I want a good name. Let's say fifty perent. But wasnt there fifty percent of me which wanted to do somebody a favor? {a4b-7} But then above all he says, even if I never did anything, but in the meantime G_d has chosen me. Isn't that the greatest thing in the world? {a4b-8} Do I have to feel great because I did something. Maybe I can feel great because I am great. Just that. Now listen to this. Do you know, my mind gave up on me right, obviously. So I'm telling my mind, listen brother mind or sister mind. I say to my mind look at me straight. Look me in the eye momish. Got to talk to you. Do you know who you are? You're talking to a Yiddalah. Suddenly my mind stops. My mind looks at me, I look back at my mind. Connecting my mind. You have to realize something very strong. the mind is such a holy [END PAGE C31 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4 ] --------------------------------------------------------------- [ START PAGE C32 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] light G_d gives. It's absolutley the holieset light G_d gave us. [ ? ] {TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE; PRESUMABLY UNCLEAR TEXT} you could lose your mind. G_d forbid if your mind is perverted. G_d forbid you walk into Belview you know, you see people, nebach. It's the utmost agony G_d forbid if your mind isn't normal G_d forbid. {a4b-9} You know the gemorrah says you know you think it's a joke when the first thing Shmona Essray we're begging Gd, the very first thing that we Yidden, we begin to ask for is please G_d give me a sound mind. ChSha V_ShaLOM our mind isn't sound everything looks -- You know G_d forbid if my mind isn't sound my wife could tell me I love you and my mind is so perverted that I say she doesn't mean that -- ah I know what she means. Ah ha and I say, Oh who knows what's she's doing to me G_d forbid you know. Ok . So we understand. But the highest utmost light of the mind is when my mind tells me what I'm doing in this world. This is already up to me. G_d can give me a sound mind but then it is up to me to take this mind and do with my mind what I have to do. And I momish have to take my mind and say listen, you'd better tell me. And my mind says to me brother, I don't want to talk to you. I say listen. Do you know I'm a Yiddalah. And I don't care what my mind says to me [END PAGE C32 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C33 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] I say mind, I don't care what you think, I know what I think. Greatest thing in the world, right. Start dancing like mad, right. Like mad. You know, right now, a few days before Tish a B'Av, you know just think to yourself that, straight. Remember I told you this Shabos, Pesach you don't have to ask yourself which side am I on. Tish a B'Av you have to ask yourself, which side am I on. {a4b-10} Which side are you on? {a4b-11} Are you momisch a Yiddalah? Are you momish a Yiddale? {a4b-12} Are you the Yiddalah who was driven out from Yerushelayim? Ae you the Yiddalah who wants to go back? Are you the Yiddalah who's waiting for Meshiach. Are you the REAL Yiddalah, or are you not. Remember this story. This is one of my favorite stories I'm sure I've told you . Maybe some of you didn't. You know, there is no two ways you know. The KOTZKER Rebbe always says only horses walk in the middle. Human beings walk on either side. Tish a B'Av is a time you have to make up your mind where are you. Where are you standing? You know, take a stand. Where are you. Listen to this. Zonershitz is in Poland one of the great streets in the holy city. In Poland one of the great streets in the holy city. You know before the end it was like a little ghetto. Finally [END PAGE C33 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C34 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] the Germans told them, this was on Wednesday. Shabbos you know. Most of the evacuations were always on Shabbos. You know naturally, they didn't tell them we're taking you to Aushwitz to kill you. They would say there's a little summer resort called Aushwitz and you'd get in very peacefully. Just take everything. Don't forget anything because you'll need it there you know. I don't have to tell you stories. You know. So in Zonershitz they told them that Shabos twelve o'clock we're taking you to Aushwitz for the summer. Every Yiddalah knew in his heart what's going on. Needless to say this is a true story told by somebody who survived. The yiddalach came to shul and they were thinking waht should we do for the three days. What are we to do? Everybody was saying to each other, let's do this, let's do this. And there was a little tailor in that cithy and his name was Yochanaon the Inkadinker Sneider, Yochanon the limping tailor. Everybody who was a little bit holy and had a nose knew he was one of the L-V Tzadikim you know. The 36, but they weren't sure. Cause he never spoke. So then it was time to speak. So suddenly Yochanon the Inkadinker Sneider got on the Bimah and said Yidden: What a question. What a question what we have to do. We have to celebrate. For three days we have to [END PAGE C34 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C35 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] celebrate day and night. They said because right now everybody here is asking you which side are you on? Would you like to be with us? Would you like to be sent to Aushwitz and to die for G_d's Name. {a4b-12a} Or would you like to be on the side who are killing us? Which side are you on? He said it is a dear privilege to be on the side of those who are killed. Not those who are kililng. It's the greatest holiday in the world. {a4b-13} I want you to know that for three days they had momish Yom Tov. They davened YomTovdik Shemona Esray. They took out the Torah and they were dancing day and night. {a4b-14} Shabos morning they got all dressed up in white, its momish heartbreaking and holy. Them mamaged to doven Yom Kipper Shaharis, Yom Kipper Musaf and {a4b-15} at exactly 10;30, its just so holy its unbeleiveable. {a4b-16} Yochanon the Inkadinker Schneider said Yiddalah, its time to doven Neila. You know, the last prahyer of YOm Kipper. Gevalt. Yochanon, Yohcanon the Inkadinker Schneider, can yoiu imagine, you know he davened Neila. Can yoiu imagine what leval? Then Yochanon opened the Holy Ark and he says I swear in the name of Abraham Issac and Jacob, I sware in the name of all the Jews who were before us and I swear in the name of all the Jews who will be after us that I'm ready to die as a Jew. {a4b-17} To be a Jew to my last minute. The question is you [END PAGE C35 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C36 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] [When I re-stapled BZ's copy I made an irrelevant note, "Pt. 4", on the top left, where someone, I think not me and maybe not the transcriber, had previously noted, "A4"] know. Which side are you on. {a4b-18} Are you on the side of Yohanaon the Inkadinker Schneider {a4b-19} or on -- there's nothing inbetween. Anyway, so my mind is telilng me, you know what, I'm on the side of Yochanon the Inkerdinker Sneider. Thank G_d. {a4b-20} That much, my mind is still sound you know. I'm a Yiddalah. Nothing can take me away from my Yiddalah. Dancing like mad. Who cares if I'll burn in Hell? {a4b-21} Who care wehre I'm going to to you know. Greatest joy in the world. Dancing like mad. {a4b-21} While I'm dancing in the middle of my dancing suddenly I say to my mind, hey, I am a Yiddalah. What am I supposed to do now? And then soemthing happens to me, suddenly I get in touch with my own mind, and all the gates of my mind are open, and I know what I have to do. Simple as it is. and then he says Vigam Limyla Nasum szekum gadol alyrday beday nisykum [TRANSCRIBERS'S APPARENTLY PHONETIC TRANSCRIPTION OF A LANGUAGE SHE/HE SEEMS NOT TO HAVE UNDERSTOOD] [TRANSCRIBER NOTES: "[Tape Ends]" ----------------------------------------------------------------- [TRANSCRIBER NOTES: "NEXT TAPE -- MOST PROBABLY CONTINUATION OF ABOVE (Definately continuatino of above)"] ... [3-dots TRANSCRIPT, CLEARLLY INDICATES MISSING TEXT] to get together iwth me and my mind. Me and myu head and my foot and m kishkas are ok. Unless G_d forbid I'm sick. But it's possible to be well, have a sound mind and everythng,m and I never spoke to my mind. My mind never spoke to me. So listen to this first step of Reb Nachman's Torahla. [END PAGE C36 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] [END MY MINI-PACK OF THOSE PAGES, ppC25--C36 inclusive, which I designate as "A4 -- Part II" (Only on notes, not in my Inventory, which is in =inv0494a.*) This doc, =sc_a4b.* , was preceeded by =sc_a4a.* , and will be followed by =sch_a4c.* .] When I finish that, I'll if possible pack those three docs into a new doc, probably =sc_a4 , and drop all the notes out into a sepearte doc or two. ================================================================ sa, Mevo Modi'in, 22 July '04 -- 4 Av -- Hot day, Yitzak's green grapes in full fruit, a bit sour. =============================================================== **#* ZOWIE FOR HOWIE ================================================================= COMMENTS FROM THE PEANUT GALLERY: as_it_is_said: "No comments from the Peanut Gallery." as_it_is_said: "Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" "Up in the balcony, where the seats are cheaper." CAVEAT TABBYCAT!: ------------------------------------------------------------------- {a4b-1} So anyhow, there I was taking a weekend vacation with Claudia on one of those weird National Park mudflat islands of the shore of Bremen -- we'd driven up in her VW from Hamburg -- her blue jeans got wet in a rainstorm so she wanted to go home, because everyone knows, blue jeans are miserable to wear when they get wet -- they're the one thing not to wear when you go hiking; when they get wet you'd be more comfortable wearing corrugated tin -- Claudia was a solidly built slightly enhanced redhead, the colour was quite fashionable in yuppie Germany those years, this was 1990 with Goofy George Senior manouvering to produce Gulf War I, nobody could believe it would really go through, fortunately Colin Powell pulled him out of it in time, which he tried but could not do for George Jr. So anyhow, we were on a little hike on one of the flat, car-free trails, past nice wood pasture fences, and there was this red cow. Same rich red colour as Claudia's hair, sort of a maroon red. As far as I could see, no hair on it that wasn't red, though one doesn't look too closely at a lady of volatile temperament. I was hanging around with Claudia in the hope of knocking her up; seemed much less complicated than going to a shidduch and filling out questionaire's and paying 50 shekels and all that. Jennifer remarked, after I turned up on her doorstep in my Harris Tweed jacket that I got in a junkshop -- took me through many nights in the rain -- that's not terribly flattering to a girl. She was a very good hiker "who floated up trails like a red-maned horse" -- I meant one of Franz Marc's red horses, but she did not find the poem flattering -- Well, she played to that, without telling me -- persons of refinement should in conscience declare infidelity, not that one isn't better off not knowing, but that intuiting something that you don't consciously know and aren't strong enough to believe, can make you crazy, and it's not nice to make your part-time consort crazy -- and so it was that, as George Sr. declared his little war over and "a glorious victory", and everyone in Israel went back out to the shuk as usual, that I wound up banging my head against a wall on a boat back to England, where I wandered along towpaths from Purim to Sukkot, when I wound up in a Quaker Town -- Quakers are good people, real Christians, safe -- and then came back to Modi'in, where I slept on the Mevo Modi'in Free People's Public Library for a month or two until I scored a pad -- the shomer, a Morocaan guy, came by one night to roust me for vagrancy, I reminded him that it is forbidden by halacha to disturb someone's sleep, he apologized and we remained colleagues. I don't suppose that usually happens in the USA; they have rather little sense of humour, or even of humanity. But I digress. Well, I gotta rewrite my autobiography when and where I can grab the time; the one I typed up at Clauia's on a housemate's 286 -- state of the art in 1990 -- maybe there's a copy with the Egger's still, in Hamburg; maybe it's now just more PVC in the air. So anyhow, that was the time I really did find a red heifer, and I thought I should tell someone, but then I thought, heck, here I am just walking around in Bordum waiting for Claudia's occasional scanted favours -- she had this ingenious way of letting one in as shallow as possible, which is one way to economize at the pharmacy, short-term at least -- like, nice girls don't do that -- and eating up 100 varieties of German hard cheese, and here I walk past this apparently genuine red heifer while she's talking about her blue jeans or something, before we find picturesque thatch- roof restaurant at which to eat lunch, and how could it be that I have merited such a discovery, Meshiach comes and we all have to change our travel plans and all that. So I think, so maybe they're not serious about this red heifer bit. They way they keep saying at Musaf, but for our sins we were exiled from the land and so we are unable to go up and offer the required Musaf, even though all anyone has to do is grab a bus into town, take a few cops and a cow, and walk on up there and do it. And these days we're going through all sorts of ridiculous things to mourn the destruction of the Temple and our exile from the holy city if not from the suburbs -- like, who wants Yavneh -- squaresville -- like, in great mourning and affliction we're not showering and not washing clothes -- well, they're not, I just muddle on with the usual sorts of excuses -- and it's awfully self-sacrificing and ascetic and fortitude-inous, but it does happen that we're back already, the exile ended, so what's with this continued sturm und drang. Accept the miracle and go back to work. } {a4b-2} {Comment (sa): I once wrote, from something I overheard: "Shlomo came to the Abode. He found a young Jewish woman. He said, what are you doing here. And now she's married and livingin Williamsburg and has 8 children."} {a4b-3} {Comment (sa): Let's face it, it's no fun to be yoked. "He wore the yoke of bondage through / the streets of Mandalay. / So he'll he go no more a roving / with a savage to a-fright / He's served his last great war-whoop / and fought his last great fight." My neighbors keep a dog, who was such a free-spirited creature, fenced up in a little yard, spayed, with barely a pan of water in the summer head, and barely shade, on bare ground amidst her own dog-shit. The best of progressive orthodox Judaism, and they haven't even learned that dogs are human too.} {a4b-4} {Comment (sa): Sounds OK to me. That's how it goes by the Roman Catholics, and they're in this business 7/7; we just knock it off one day a year when you can't get a waitress for love nor money. And also, they've been doing business at the same stand for going on 2000 years, that pigeon poo-poo palazzo in good ol' Roma; we couldn't even get a lease for what seemed eons. And anyhow, for eating porkchops you don't go to hell, you go to the potty. And maybe the WalMart Bypass & Stent shelf. I mean, for many sins again (wo)men, some restitution, usually partial, can be made; and for sins against ritual, almost anything will do: stand on your head in Plaza San Marco for 10 minutes.} {a4b-5} {Comment (sa): Maybe not: That's like the -- Lutheran is it -- notion of predestination. Or the Christian notion of eternal damnation. (And PVK said: Damnation is not eternal.) I mean, some of those goyim were real loonies. The whole point of Judaism is: stay cool, and keep on truckin'. Whatever you've done, there's a way back, only don't expect them to save desert.} {a4b-6} {Comment (sa): So anyhow, I walk out the front door of Haverat Shalom onto the porch, this is mid-70's, and there the Bored_Again__Xians are waiting, bag a few souls like Nabov with his butterfly collection -- (pardon my metaphor, but Jesus did it first -- "fishers of men" -- I mean, no fish could have said that -- not and go back to the palaces of Atlanttis anyhow) -- so ok, fair enough -- if anybody didn't squeeze through at Ne'eila, Jesus can pick up the tab -- except RSC, sort of like a Chabadnik Dan'l Webster, says hold on Old Buddy, he gets to the end of Sukkot to make it -- maybe he prefers outdoors to indoors, that's cool -- then Sukkot ends and there's RSC saying, apologies Old Chap, but I just rememered, actually it's until the last candle dies on Chanukah. And everyone knows: What do you call a Jew who has just been baptized: a Jew with wet hair.} {a4b-7} {Comment (sa): Maybe not: I'm sitting out on the Midrahov where "I re_al_ized I hadn't eaten in three days straight" (Bob Dylan), some dude comes by, hands me a $1000 bill, says, don't thank me, I'm only doing this to impress this liberal chick from the UJA Lady Bountiful Mission to Palestinian Paupers; 9 times out of 10 its gets them. So I say then, oh well, then I'll not bother to thank you; have fun in hell; Next. It's the Christians, and some of my meditating cousins (and PVK once said, more or less: What you do is important, but what you become is more important), who measure spiritual progress by inner purity, not by "good works" (also a Christian debate). So ok, there I am back on the Midrahov, and all these spiritual types come by, all dressed in white and even feeding the ants, and also I haven't eaten in three days straight, and they say, we don't want to interfere with your spiritual development, have a good day, we'll pray for you in heaven Even. I mean, this Hindu Guru Chick writes somewhere: "In the Kali Yurga, bad thoughts are no sin." Like, "Call the roller of big cigars" (Wallace Stevens, The Emperor of Ice Cream). What I'm trying to say is: in Judaism, it's what you do that counts, not what you feel or think. Oh, Effluvia!} {a4b-8} {Comment (sa): Nope. Not but by a long shot. I mean, everybody knows, they say in in the US Army, 'Don't volunteer.' You could wind up in hell that way, as_it_is_said (Siddur): May we not be tested, and not be put to shame. And Pascal says, "It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living G_d." Hopkins says somthing similar.} {a4b-9} {Comment (sa): It ain't the illness that's the agony, it's what they call the cure. At one point I reckoned that the role I was going into, I'd have to choose a context for acting-out, either prison or the looney bin; so I got myself into prison, sad to say. And the folks I met there surely agreed with me. At least in prison you get to keep your mind, and some of your spirit. Or anyhow, have a chance to keep 'em.} {a4b-10} {Comment (sa): No problem Marvin; get me a condo in Yavneh and I'm out of here; like, who needs these right-wing extremists. And I don't like crowds, and haven't had a good vanilla ice cream soda in ages. Suburbs, Merv'.} {a4b-11} {Note (sa): That's an old Union song, maybe Woodie Guthrie. Like in the 1960's we rediscovered the 1930's, because what we had won by the '50's -- Ike and John Foster Dulles and J. Edgar Hoover and Reader's Digest and Gilette Blue Blades ("please make sure that you have had enough / 'cause a worn out blade makes shaving mighty tough ") and the San Quentin Gas Chamber and lobotomies -- old Joe Kennedy, who could afford the best, got one for his daughter -- you see, the '60's is romanticism, whether it's CP (Tom Hayden and all that) or Rousseau (hippies).} {a4b-12} {Comment (sa): Please don't ask so loud.} {a4b-12a} {Comment (sa): The lives of those who were killed in the Shoah, including the way in which some maybe met death, may have sanctified the all-pervading Divine NAME. Their deaths did not. Involuntary unnatural death is rarely a sanctification; it is usually a curse upon those who cause it.} {a4b-13} {Comment (sa): This is nonsense. First of all historically, Nazi-ism wanted nothing from us but to destroy us; that is what made it so inhuman. Secondly, martyrdom is for Christians, not for Jews, as_it_is_said (by Ezer Weizman): "Don't be so quick to give your live for your country; make the other son_of_a_bitch give his life for his country." "Thou shalt not kill", but neither shalt he -- forget this 'chosen people' hogwash, no people is inherently any better than any other, as_it_is_said, "all cats are alike in the dark". Only maybe some folks offer to take more responsibility. But anyhow, if he wants to kill me and I don't want to kill him, I should sacrifice my feelings, not my etc.'s, and shoot quick.} {a4b-14} {Comment (sa): Mazaltov. And Moses stood at the shore of the Reed Swamp praying, until Heaven spake in answer saying, 'Shmendrik, learn to swim quick or you'll be shiskabob.'} {a4b-15} {Comment (sa): Yom Kipper commemorates the day Shmuel haKatan declared himself a Prophet, put a clunker in the Shemona Esre (which was thereafter known as the Shemona Esre), and tried to flee to Costa del Sol, but was swallowed by a sardine. OK Faye, one more time: the Shemna Esre is a set, or conglomeration, of 18 blessings. What Shmuel haKatan added is a curse. It has no place in the Shemona Esre, no place in a prayer service, no place in a Bet Knesset. I mean, there are quite a few young Europeans of liberal bent with whom I hope to bed -- (sequentially of course; no profligate I) -- while my wife is out at martial arts training with the Snias Patrol, and this is not making it any easier.} {a4b-16} {Comment (sa): Ben-Zion Gold, a Director of Harvard Hillel in the 1970's, once remarked, there's nothing -- I think he said noble, or meritorious -- in being a Shoah survivor.} {a4b-17} {Comment (sa): One may be bold before a dog, who has never felt a bite.} {a4b-18} {Comment (sa): RSC's teachings were given orally; and its problematic to take them into written form. Reuven Goldfarb says, leave it as near verbatim as possible, to let the feel come through. But then the written version is merely a shadow of the oral. (It's not like working with PVK's teachings, where the oral and the edited written versions can both be standalone's.). A written version of RSC's teachings is apt to come out as sentimentalized shlock. Of which there was enough in the original, tho excusably: he taught personally (however many in the group to which he spoke), and in the modality of love.} {a4b-19} {Note (sa): A World War I song: "Mademoiselle from Armatieres, parlez vous? .... Hinky-dinky parlez vous." And that other fine line: "Mademoiselle she climbed the fence; hit her head with a monkey wrench". Cute. A monkey wrench is a plumber's wrench, for freeing pipes; it's large and heavy. Not the sort of thing one bumps into, though you can swing it as a club. So here's this emaciated French woman climbing the fence around the supply sheds of the USA troops, to steal some food and/or rent her parts to the privates, and this potbellied good ol' boy, maybe a Quartermaster Corps Sergeant Major, fractures her skull with a roundhouse kayo blow, and maybe gets a bit for free, or has a good belly-laugh anyhow. "Over there". "But that was in another country; and besides, the wench is dead." (T.S. Eliot quoted that passage from, or because he could say it was from, 'The Jew of Malta'.).} {a4b-20" {Note (sa): A World War I pacifist ditty: "I love my flag, I duely do that flutters in the breeze. I also love my nose and toes and hands and feet and knees. One cannon ball could jar them so or give them such a twist that they'd do me no good at all; I think I won't enlist." "so nigh is G_d to man when duty whispers low, 'Thou must' the Youth replies, 'I can'." (USA 19th century) or better, buggerall: "so close to one another when duty whispers low, 'Thou must' the Youth replies, 'Ya Mudda'." } which takes us to the Yuma Arizona joke: "Boy, Ah'm sorry ah shot you. I'd like to name this here town in yo honor. What's your name, boy?" "You Ma--- " Sorry, but I think this was one uplifting heartbreaking Holocaust tale too many; Wiesel just about used up the ration single-handed. And anyhow, RSC has told it in many other places.} {a4b-21} {Comment (sa): Oh, save it for Hironymous Bosch with Dante. Hell is not a Jewish concept.} {a4b-22} {Comment (sa): I quite agree with King David's ex-wife: Dancing is not a Jewish thing. So anyhow, my Grandmother -- Mollie (Jaffe) Silberblatt Amdur, who it's said made a visit back to Poland, from her home in Pittsburgh, in 1939; I can barely imagine why -- and she a short, thin woman, afraid almost of everything, or was when she had become an old woman -- so my folks invited her for a vacation to the place we rented in Maine, and, as usual to honor guests, had a lobster dinner, and she said -- as my mother recalled; that side of the family, even though it lost all in the Depression, was always assimilated German-Jewish; I mean, to become an Associate Professor even at MIT (Harvard would have been all but impossible, Berenson and Harry Levy notwithstanding I found a book by Harry Levy; one of the classics in philosophy of art, in a stall in Bremen, sold for a few Groschen. Claudia glanced at the cover and said, Ah, another Jew. "My name is Solomon Levy, at my store in Baxter Street / That's where you'll find your coat and pants and everything that's neat. I've second-handed overcoats and everything that's fine / for all the boys they trade with me at a_hundred_and_forty_nine. Oh Mr. Levy, tra la lalala la. Poor Sheni Levy, tralala, lalala,la." All the way through Harvard Yard in a cummerbund, bareheaded through 30 winter snows, to be "encapsulated on a pin" by Claudia. ) in those days took quite a few dinner parties, Bourbon and Scotch before dinner etc. -- -- all this on a Lecturer's pay of about $2300 a year in the 1940's -- -- so my grandmother says, my mother recallls: "The lobster is not a Jewish fish." So my mother says, she had the image of a lobster, still its healthy blue color, swimming about in the cold dark water, wearing a little kippa, negated. So anyhow, I agree with the wife of that Shepherd boy who played kinor for the mad king and then grabbed the throne -- Dancing is not a Jewish way to expression religiosity. Leave it to the Philistines -- I mean, the Sea People, remember those friezes of the tumblers, on Minos, before the sacred bull in its labarynth -- So PVK speaks of Christ dancing on the Cross -- I mean, those Romans really knew how to torture a dude; we're talking heavy duty perversion of sexual energy -- no wonder Mel Gibson gets off on it -- what I'm trying to say is, maybe the souul will do extraoridnary things to escape extraoridnary affliction of the body; but -- here I'd go along with D.H. Lawrence, contrary to PVK -- it would have been much better, really more spiritual too, if such a test had never come to pass, and he had just lived his life as a simple carpenter, shtupping his wife when he had to do it because it was shtupping time (that's from Lenny Bruce, I think quoted in The Realist -- EG has a set of Realist's -- Lenny Bruce also held up a Playboy Picture or some such, and said, 'You see those tits -- G_d, your G_d, made those tits'' -- as many have noted, Lenny Bruce was an authentic, if paradoxic, Jewish philosopher, forced by the narrowness of the ptit-bourgeois culture he insisted on confronted into the traditonal role of a Fool, a "comedian". (And as I guess Graham Greene says, there's nothing funny about a comedian.). And then there's Shiva too, and the pagan English figure "The Lord of the Dance". Pity we wiped out all the pagans; they most have known something. Well, "At General Electric 'Progress is our Most Important Product'" said the Lemming, following General Electric - - and Sammy Cauman said: "Ready Kilowatt aand his girlfriend, Electra_Cutie." I mean, the fallacy of Spiritual Progress, like what Chungyam Trumpa, Rinpoche, identified as the fallacy of 'Spiritual Materialism'. 'The lobster is not a Jewish fish' Reb Shlomo once asked: Why does a hamentaschen have three corners. Because if it had four, you'd have to put on tzittzit. But I digress.}