=sc_a4c R. Shlomo Carlebach, Input of Ms. Transcript A4, Part 3 Follows previously input: ( =sc_a4a.txt + =sc_a4b.txt) Both Posted to my Website: http://www.geocities.com/sa73122a See Notes on =sc_a4a.* N.B.: I vary punctuation from the transcript. I'm trying to do without question marks, because I use them when transcribing to bracket words of which I ?like ain't quite sure? . I try to indicate all line-endings in the transcript with a required CR (Carriage Return. {The term comes from 19th century Amsterdam when a ship loaded with powerded lime wrecked on a tulip bed, and the provos painted all the horse-drawn buggies white and put them out by the 19th- century Internet Cafes -- in those days computers were huge affairs, run by pedal-power -- for anyone to borrow, on condition that they returned them; this was known as the 'Required Carriage Return'. But I digress.} ------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================= [START PAGE C37 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] the last step is, if I want to get close to G_d I must be filled with joy. Because I am a Jew or because I did something good. And then I'm free enough to reach my mind and I tell my mind, what am I doing. And if my mind only can reach me or I each my mind then my mind would tell me all is nothing. This isn't it yet. This isn't it. {a4c-1} Much deeper that that. Much deeper than that. Much deeper than all this. Let's make one stop here, let's sing a little melody and momish let it sink in you know really let's reach our minds. And listen friends. If any of you have ever heard of a holly Jew isn't it enough to kow there was a little Yiddalah Johanan the Inkerdinker Schneider. {a4c-2} You now friends, I just hope. I know a lot of you kids have learned all kinds of methods of meditation which I'm sure are very holy. Believe me, this is the deepest. This is the deepest depth there is you know. Don't kid yourself. This is ... [3-dots ms., apparently signifying: Pause for spaceout break. ] you know you can sit there and sing OM for 2000 years. {a4c-3} {a4c-4} You can sit there and see lights in your head for 2000 years. {a4c-5} It doesn't comapre to Reb Nachmans' one minute, your mind momish telling you what you're doing in this world. Deepest depths there is. But again, we come to the second step. Where am I supposed to do that . OK imagine I momish decide momish gevalt Reb Nachan you're right. I got ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C38 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] to do it. I got to do it. Where am I supposed to do it? So Reb Nachman gives you the exact place where to do it. He says the most unbelieveable thing in the world. !If you pray in the field then every blade of grass helps you. Listen to this. So deep. there are places where you need people to help you. There are places where you need maybe heaven to help you. But then the deepest depths you can get is nature to help you. Do you know how holy nature is? What is a blade of grass doing in this world? It is momish a blade of grass that's the deepest depth there is. Do you know what an apple is? An apple is momish an apple. !Do you know who has trouble not being what we are supposed to be? Man. He wants to be the devil. He wants to be G_d. He wants to be somebody else. The hardest thing is for me, you know.! For me Shloime to be Shloime right. For Yonkala [presumably R. Yankele Shames] to be Yonkala right. Or for Reuven [presumably Reuven Gilmore] to be Reuvan right. It's the hardest hardest most heartbreaking thing in the world. Where can I reach that leval momish feel that I have to be not with people. Not their level. Too much trouble with them. Vibrations in the air are not pure. I have to go out into the field, momish be alone. As much as you have to be with friends there are times when you have to [END PAGE C38 OF MS. A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C39 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] be alone. Alone in the field. And in the field when you're momish alone with a blade of grass, then you can reach that level, momish pray. And then he says, do you know the most unbelieveable thing? Every blade of grass is hleping you. Momish every blade of grass is with you. You're not alone. Listen to this utmost holy deepest deepest depth there is. I can doven in shul with a minyan and can be alone. In my shul, then all the other nine people think [sic; but 'don't think'?] of me whenn they pray, they don't even know I'm there. They're just asking Do we have a minyan? Rabbi let's begin the service. {a4c-6} They don't care who I am. They don't care what hurts me. But not nature. Because people are perverted. If I come out in the field and all those little blades of grass see me coming they're with me. They're with me all the way. Do you know how holy nature is? Do you kow how holy I would be I wouln't be perverted, G_d forbid. {a4c-7} By nature. Nature is the holiest thing in the world. The greatest manifestation of G_d. So then he says, Reb Nachman says something so deep. And I'm not sure if I am explaining properly. If I make it wrong you'll forgive me. The gemorah says: Seeat(?) [QUESTION MARK IN TRANSCRIPT] the word seeat jut to talk, tell G_d, in tefillah, prayer. The first time in the Torah we talked we find the [END PAGE C39 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [START PAGE C40 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4' word seeat talk. The talk of the field. What is the field talking about? What is an apple talking about or a tree? What's he praying for? Please G_d if I'm an apple, let me be a good apple. {a4c-8} What is a tree praying? A tree is praying, Please G_d, let me Be a good tree. You know friends, basically to pray does not mean to pray for something outside of me. Basically SEEAT means to pour out my heart to be what I have to be. That's the utmost of prayer. That's the real prayer the rest is just surrounding prayer. Listen to this Gevalt: Yitzhak walked out to pray in the field. Yitzhak went out for a little field talk. Listen to this: Where do we find the first time Yitzhak was praying: Remeber the story [or?: 'satyr'; can't read my own typing]: YItzhak was waiting for his soulmate for Rivka to come. What was he praying for. Why did Yitzhak want to get married. Becuase he knew that he was Yitzhak, the knew who he was. He knew I'm YiTzChaQ I have to get married because I must have a son Yaakov. And the eternity of the world depends on the children of Abraham Issac and Jacob. What was he praying for. Please G_d I want to be YitZChaQ. Because only if I'm YiTzChaQ I can have a son Yaakov. Field talk. Where did he pray this. And imagine, [END PAGE C40 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] --------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C41 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] on the highest level, he didn't even say to his father Avraham Ainu do me a favor, let's pray together. {a4c-9} No. It's such a deep thing, such a deep secret you can't share it with any human being, only with nature. {a4c-10} 'Cause nature has no bad thoughts. {a4c-11} Just purest, purest, utmost purity of prayer is this field talk. Field prayer. Deepest depths there is. YitZChaQ was praying together with the field. Every blade of grass was helping him. I want you to know the deepest depths. If you sometimes if a Yiddalah thinks the whole world is against me being a Yiddalah. It's not true. Maybe people. Not nature. It's the most natural natural thing in the world for a Yiddalah to be a Yiddalah. {a4c-12} And if G_d forbid you lost it, go in the field and pray like our father YitzCha!. Pray together with the field. Now listen to this, this is so deep it's the utmost depths. He said what is the greateast curse in the world. G_d said the earth will not give -- how do you say the word in English -- produce. 'Produce' ok. Whatever it is. Some English words don't turn me on. What does that mean he says. What is a field supposed to produce. It had to produce prayer. What is the greatest curse in the world. I walk in the field and the field refuses to pray with me G_d forbid. {a4c-13} Do you iknow what it [END PAGE C41 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C42 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] means to be cut off form G_d. to be cut off fron G_d means I'm walking in the field and the field doesn't wanT to help me. And then he says this is very deep. He says do you think its only in the field. LIsten to this. Reb Nachman says, this is so deep its just the most heartbreAking thing in the world. When you eat, you eat an apple, do you know what the apple is doing while you're eating it. The apple is praying. Because the purpose of the apple is that a little human being should eat the apple, live with it. So while you're eating it, the apple is praying, pleasd G_d, let me be a good apple. The highest level is, that while you eat, you hear the little apple pray. I'll tell you something utmost you know, we're thinking to it. Imagine most furnture is made out of wood right. Stone, wood let's say. You're sleeping on the bed. Wha is the wood praying while you sleep on it. Please G_d, let me be a good bed. This is the purpose of this wood right. So if you're real, if you're not cursed G_d forbid. If you're not cut off from G_d, you lie in your bed and suddenly your bed is praying with you. Most unbelieveable thing in the world. Deepest depth there is you know. If G_d forbid you're cut off from G_d, nebach your poor bed is lying [END PAGE C42 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C43 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] under you praying, please G_d let me be a good bed but you don't hear it. Now listen to this: GEVVE, which is a product of the field -- Yitaves vayatsay Yitzhaz Pursua parsu(?) [QUESTION MARK TRANSCRIPT] Gevalt you know. I don't know. Some of you kids who arE not so muCh into Hebrew, I want yoU to know -- the way Reb Nachman is revealing the Torah is such a deep level, momish from Heaen. You kNow. You know whAt it means -- the eartH is producing their thing. The earth is givING you -- what's the pharse -- everything ok. 'Cause now we're coming to -- sssss -- that level. You know kids, I just want you to know you know. Imagine right now you're sitting here on benches right. If you would be on the level, you'd hear the whole time the bench praying, please G_d let me be a good bench. Tables praying, please G_d let me be a good table. Or maybe even deeper. Maybe it's not praying for anything. Maybe it's just praying. Maybe its just praying. And we are sitting on the bench, on the chair and if I can only momish make my prayer part of this tremendous prayer, the purest prayer there is. Now we come to a very heartbreaking thing. Ok so you'll ask me, this is all very beautiful very sweet right? But you know let's be realistic. Let's be realistic. The world isn't like this. That's what you'll say, right. I hope not you perhaps who [END PAGE 43 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4 --------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C44 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] are here but somebody will say right and then you will find some books and will show me all kinds of things - emptyness. Ok right now we are already on the level that my mind, my mind is talking to me. Remember that I am on the level a bit but I can taste it at least one time in my life a little field talk. I tasted the products of the earth. And YitzChaQ prayed in the field. Now Reb Nachamn keeps on saying that G_d forbid you just listen to your mind alone, that if you listen to your mind alone as much as Reb Nahaman says, as much as we're talking so far mind is top; it isn't. A person can, if you only follow your mind you can do the most horrible things in the world. Do you think all the evil people, how did they turn on the world. Do you think they said stupid things. They said tremendous things. But it wasn't true. Now we come to the higheset level. He said real Yiddishkite, interest in Yiddishkite {Glossary (sa): Yiddishkite: Seen over the Lower East Side on minor holidays.} true Jewishness, to follow G_d with wholeness and with utmost spimplicity. Now simplicty I don't mean simple, what the world calls simple stupid simple. There's a holy kind of simple. Holy simplicity. That means, do you know what simple is. the hebrew means made out of one piece. A lot of people are made out of a thousand pieces. But then there is something [END PAGE C44 OF MS. A4] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C45 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] very deep in my soul which is this one piece. And this, this is deeper than my mind. ?hegot? to follow G_d with this kind of deepest depths. Your mind, youi know if my mind can talk back to me and tell me all kinds of things, but there has to be even a higher ruler than my mind. And the highest rule in my mind is this utmost holy simplicity. Listen kids. I see some of you are tired so let me jut tell you in a nutshell what he says. Everybody has so many questions right. Thousand of questions. Someimes you have questions about G_d right. About Yiddishkite. Thousands of questions. And then there is the deepest question there is, not ABOUT. Momish you're asking , Where is G_d. Where is 'HE'. Where is 'HE' really hiding. Now listen to this. All other questions G_d doesn't have to answer. Maybe 'HE' answers, maybe not. But if you momish ask, Where is G_d, momish ask, 'HE' has to answer, has to. Imagine you're in the lowest depths there is. You forgot already that you're a Jew. Lowest creep in the world. But suddenly you look at yourself and you think but where is G_d. Where is G_d. Why doesn't 'HE' take care of me? Where is G_d in the world. Where is G_d in my life. Where is G_d in my thoughts, in moy soul. G_d has to answer Has to. And then 'HE' doesn't answer your question. I want you to know somethng very deep. G_d [END PAGAE C45 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C46 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] doesn't answer questions. You have a question ask somebody else. When you ask where is G_d you're not looking for an answer, you're looking for a revelation. You know what G_d did on Mt. Sinai: 'HE' didn't answer our questions, 'HE' revealed 'HIM'-SELF to us. Yosef HaZadik did he answer his brothers' questions 'Where is our brother Joseph' -- What's going on -- He just said I'm you're brother Joseph. He revealed himself. The highest thing in the world is when G_d is revealing 'HIM'SELF to you. But G_d is only revealing 'HIM'SELF to you when you momish ask 'HIM', where are YOU. Just want to tell you one thing before Tish B'Av. {a4c-q} When the Holy Temple was there and you came to the Holy Temple, you didn't have to ask where is G_d. Cause he was there. I want you to know something utmost depths. Imagine if I love somebody very much and we always met in a certain place. Under a certain tree. And then G_d forbid something happens we're not so close nay more. {a4c-14} I'm coming to that tree, and I'm all alone. Can you imagine how much I feel the absence of that person. I'm crying gevalt where is that person I love so much. And you know maybe I'm closer to that person when that person is not there. Maybe if that person would be there ok we love each other we'd be happy. wouldn't be so deep. {a4c-15} I'm comign to that place and I'm all all alone. Imagine something happened [END PAGE C46 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C47 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] and that person did come. You see, the holiness of the Holy Wall is, on TisH b'Av that all the years we had the ?Bav? when we couldn't go back to the plAce where we had G_d before. So right now we have a chance to go back to the same place and we're asking, so where are YOU? And maybe this Tish b'Av G_d will answer us, says you know, I'm really here. A lot of us are asking G_d, where are YOU. We hear about the six million. We hear about what's going on in the the world we're asking HIM, it's not a question. We just want to know are YOU there you know. Where were YOU. You see, that's why Tish b'Av is much deeper than om Kippur. {a4c-16} Yom Kipper is a personal thing. {a4c-17} You know I'm asking G_d why did I sin. Why didn't you prevent me from doing this, from doing that. {a4c-18} Tish b'Av I'm not coming to G_d as an individual. Tish b'Av I'm coming to G_d in the name of Judaism. The whole world. Where are YOU. Gevalt. Where are YOU. What's going on. {a4c-19} I want to wish you a good Tish b'Av. I want to wish you very high revelations I want to wish you momisch ... [3-dots text, indicating: spaceout break] can you imagine how much the stones of the Holy Wall are praying. Do you know what they are praying for. Please G_d let me be the Holy Temple again. Cause if a little grass is praying please G_d let me be a real blade of grass, how much more [END PAGE C47 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [START PAGE C48 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] [I added a note to my xerox -- under the A4 note someone put on -- "Pt. 5" -- but that was just because I wanted to break it into small sections.] do the stones of Holy Temple crying gevalt I want to be the Holy Temple again. I want to be what I'm supposed to be. So when you come Tish b'Av night to the Holy Wall, attatch yoruself to the stones. {a4c-20} Attach yourself to the gorund. Attach yourself to Abraham Issac and Jacob, to the six million. I want you to know one thing you know. How come that after the six million we went back to Jerusalem. It's very simple. all Jewish parents are praying their children should be in Jerusalem, very deep prayers. Don't kid yourself. The lowest rotten Jew, he wants his children to be Jewish. Maybe not every Yidalah wants his son to have payees and a yamulka, they want them to be a Yiddalah want them to be alright. {Note (sa): RSC had a deep sense of the inherent religosity of ostensibly non-religious Israelis. And they saw that, and reciproated his respect and affection.} But still, if maybe my son won't be a Yiddalah maybe somebody else's son will be a YIddalah. It's not that burning. {a4c-21} What do you think the six milliom were praying. They were praying, Please G_d there has to be Yiddalach int the world because we aer going. There have to be Yiddlach in the world. And their have to be Yiddlach who walk the stree4ts of Yerushalyim. Just has to be. I'll tell you something strong. Air is the free-est thing in the world, you know. Fire is not free. Because it goes so far and it stops. Air the the free-est agent in the world. Stones are the most enslaved things because they [END PAGE C48 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [START PAGE C49 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4 ] can't move. Earth can grow but it can't move. Fire flickers, it's not free. Air is free. You know maybe when you love praying with air as much as the six million Jews with gas. {a4c_22} Air. I mean air is killing us all the time you know. [sic, but maybe misspeak] So when we come down to the Holy Wall we have to pray with the stones, with the air, and with the holiness, breathing our forefathers left for us. And I wish you a strong Tesha b'a. A strong Tish B'Av. I wish you to be shaken to depths of your soul this Tish {a4c-23} B'Av. All of us. Have to be shook up again. {a4c-24} Because if we would be momish shook up we would be Yiddalach again. {Glossary (sa): Yiddalach. One who, for sentimental reasons, eats kreplach.} Tank you friends. Tak you. Tahk you everybody. tahank you Sahlom. Do you know when people are learning it's like blades of grass. Everybody is together you know. Don't think I was just talking and you were listening. We were all learning together. Thank you so much friends. Thank you everybody. Thank you Shlaom. [TRANSCRIBER NOTES: "SIDE ENDS"] [TRANSCRIBER NOTES: "SIDE TWO"] What's the difference between Yidden and the whole world. In a nutshell. The difference is very simple. That we Yidden have a good memory, and the world doesn't. Not only don't they remember the next day, they don't even remember what they're doing anymore. They don't remember that they were [END PAGE C59 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] --------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C50 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] created and they don't remember that they will die some day. Strange world. I'm only saying this that Tish B'Av is only good if you remember it a little bit longer. {a4c-25} If the next day is just the same as it was before, what good is the whole thing. {a4c-26} You see the difference between a doctor and a layman is very simple. Imagine if a layman walks into a hopspital, he will se momish people dying. He will run out and be just heartbroken. But what can I do . Everybody is dyirng. The Doctor, the more patients he sees, the more he realizes what he has to do. {a4c-27} {Note (sa): And again: RSC was singing at Nahariyim, this is ca. 1993 or so, and they were calling out for him to sing favorites. He said (as Rinatya Nachman translated it for me), I'm not hear to entertain you, I'm here to fix your souls.} The whole thing about Tish b'Av is, not just to show you destruction. !The whole idea of Tish b'Av is that once a year G_d opens our eyes and we see how destroyed the world is.! And it gives us strength to do something. See its a very strange thing. On one hand, the world is less destroyed every year, Baruch '' Thank G_d. On the other hand, on the other hand it's more hearbraking every year. Because , if its already less destroyed, so why don't YOU rebuld it. Like, between you and me, there is no more heartbreaking place in the world , than to be by the Holy Wall on tesha b'Av , right. I'll tell you the truth. Last year I was on Tish b'Av in New York. No, last year Tish b'Av I was up in the mountains in Switzerland. {a4c-28} {a4c-28} {Note (sa): There are various places in Switzerland that since the 1800's have been summer retreats for hasidim. Near St. Moritz, I think.} Ok it was tish b'Av. Didn't break my heart. Tear me up. Just a little bit. But this [END PAGE C50 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [[START PAGE C51 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] year I'm in the Holy Lnad, cuts my heart into billions of pieces. Last night by the Holy Wall were a hundred thousand people. Why didn't we bring Meshiach. {a4c-28} Why not. Forget about Messiach. Well why didn't we decide to become Yidden again. {a4c-29} Why didn't we do something. Why didn't we. {a4c-29a} Why didn't we become one. {a4c-30} Why didn't we become one you know. {a4c-31} A hundred thousand yidden. {a4c-32} Can you imagine. Be the greatest thing in the whole world. {a4c-33} Why didn't ten Yidden become one. {a4c-34} Heartbreaking. You know everybody knows, tell you something very deep. Imagine G_d forbid a husband and a wife. Imagine they don't talk to each other. {a4c-35} Just heartbreaking right. If you're not by the Holy Wall, so you're not by the Holy Wall. If you are by the Holy Wall, and you don't talk to each other, heartbreaking. You know what. I want to tell you one more thing. When Moishe Rabbeinu {a4c-36} came to Egypt, after slavery of 210 years Moishe Rabbeinu said to them, well what's going on here. You're slaves? You're chldren of AvRaHaM, YiTzChaQ, V_Ya'Qov. What's going on here. And the medrash says something unbelieveably deep. For 210 years, the yiddalach did not talk to each other. They did, but not what really hurts them. How come I'm a [END PAGE C51 of MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C52 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] slave. So they talk about everything else. After Moishe Rabbeinu opened their mouth, everybody said to the other, I was thinking about it the whole time. And the Yiddalah next to him says, you know, I was thinking about it the whole time. Well why didn't we talk to each other. And suddenly we started talking to each other. Suddenly they became one. I wnat you to know that the word Messiach hs two meanings. First it means the annointed. Secondly Mesiach comes from the word MSHI'a, to speak. The MSh'aCh is coming, people will again talk to each other, and we will again talk to the Rabbeinu shel Olam. [Tr. spells it: 'oylom.' Oy indeed; enough of these obsolete Ashkenazi dipthwongs.] Cause I want to teach you one thing. Everybody knows, if you can't talk to people, you also can't talk to G_d. And if you have trouble talking to people, you have trouble talking to G_d. {a4c_37} Same thing. Teh MaShi'aCh is coming. All the walls will fall down, all he blocks will be taken away and we'll be free to talk. And the only way to bring MaShi'aCh is also to begin to talk to each other a little bit. So maybe tonight we will just help each other a little bit, just a little bit. Strange world you know. Just can't get over it. You know, I'll tell you one thing you know. I'll never forget it. The second Shabos after the Six Day War. You know [END PAGE C52 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C53 OF MS. TRANSCIRPT A4] what was going on by the Holy Wall. Every Jew walked out kissing another Jew. Unbelieveable. Momish kissing each other. Not a Jew he knew a Jew he didn't know [he knew]. You think they'll ask if they're Jewish. So happy he just kissed. {a4c-38} The truth is the Mesiach is coming we'll just walk around kissing the whole world. {a4c-39} I'll tell you something very strong. The second Shabos after the War [ie, the 6-day War] I was at the Holy Wall, and I have a distant cousin, Solomon, Kvais, 5th cousin. So he was standing next to me dovening Musaf and we start kissing like mad. {a4c-40} I saw him again two Shaboses laer, he gave me a Hasidisha handshake. You know, two fingers. Said Good Shabos like this. And I wanted to give him a kiss but -- he stood back. I said in two weeks in two weeks you learned so much. In two weeks you learned already, you froze up. Come ice cream again. Kosher ice cream. Just crazy. {a4c-41} I want to say something strong. Its a sweet story. I'm sure most of you know it. {a4c-42} The story is that the holy ROBSHITZER said to the holy LAZER WOLF, the holy ROZLER WOLF [sic, Rozler Wolf, in both instances] was the son of the holy BERDICHOVER . So he says to him. He was at that time seventeen years old. He says to him, Leibala, I want you to [END PAGE C53 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [START PAGE C54 OF MS. TRANSCRIPTS A4] give me a BaRaKhaH [a small pastry, usually filled with cheese], to bless me [to remember the bourekas bracha]. So he says hayliga Lazer Wolf {TR: [even if the Reebe]? [you're the Rebbe a gevalt]?} you know you're the Rebbe of the whole world you need a Bracha from me? I'm only seventeen years old, I'm gornisht [glossary (sa): gornisht (past tense): to have applied onto a hamburger picallilly]. So the holy Robshitzer says momish he grabbed him by his neck and said Leibala, I'm going to tell you something: [learn quickly to breath through your toes]. He says, when I was five years old, the Holy Berdichever asked my father -- everybody knows, the holy Robshitzers father was Reb Mendala Linska. And he came to the city of Linsk. And I was five years old . And I was playing with the kids on the street. Anyway I'm sure you can understand, he wasn't playing around. He was just playing. [Actually he was learning Shas from a scroll shaped like a baseball bat, and his chaveruta wrote pilpul on the pitches. (sa)]. Anyway, so the Berdicever came, he walked down the street and he called me. He said, Hey Naftali, come here. I have to talk with you. He says someday you'll bless thousands of people. {a4c-42a} So I want you to bless me first. So he says heiliger Berdichever, you know the Berdichever is momish the Rebbe if the world. The Berdicher is still the Rebbe of the world you know. You're the Rebbe of the world. I'm five years old. I should bless you. Then the Robshitzer began to cray. He says Leibale, I want you to know I didn't bless him. And the older I get the more I [END PAGE C54 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C55 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4 cry about it. so he blessed him. Anyway tonight is a good night. We need to bless each other, after Tish b'Av. Momish got to bless each other so strong. You know, if you believe it or not, something happened to us. Something happens to a Yiddalah on Tish b'Av. That's one story. The second is a little bit hearbreaking. Everybody knows of the holy Reb SHLOIMALA OF MENSHALA, right. Who hasn't heard of him. {Comment (sa): Me.} And if you never heard of him you'll hear of him now right. So everybody heard that the holy Menshna was momish ... [3 dots text, meaning: if somone is momish, what more is there to say.] Remember the story about Sherela. {Comment (sa): Nope; can't say's I do.} The holy Menshna woudl come every night with a candle to look at his son. Holy Menshana. So the holy Menshna saw Reb Lucha of Min when he was thirteen years old. Holy Yitzhak Meir was thirteen and the holy Menshna was maybe 15 yeras old and he said to him, Yitzhak Meirale, you're a geneus. I want to ask you a question. you know'e walking saying V_ATavaH AeT '' [elo(k)ekah] ] B_KoL L_vav_Kha, V_B_KoL NShaM_KhaH V_b_KoL MOaDe_Kha You should {a4c-43} love G_d with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might. So he says -- and the gemorah says like this. With all our heart. Well this is all you know. The geomrah says all your heart means with your good side and with your [END PAGE C55 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [START MS. PAGE C56] evil side. {a4c-44} With all your soul the gemora says even if 'HE' {a4c-44a} takes away your soul. Means G_d forbid 'HE' takes away your life. All means. Even to tive it away. So the holy SDHLOIMELE MENSHNA says why didn't the holy Rabbi's also explain B_KoL Lvav_Kha, even if 'HE' takes away your heart. So the BERDICHEVER said, I'll explain it all . The MAGGID said, stupid, doesn't even make sense to you. So he says it's not even a question. He looked at me -- he says the older I get, the older I get, the more this question stands in front of me like a mountain. Like a mountain. You know how it sounds to me sometimes. That after the six million you know the meaning of B_KoL L_vav_Kha [Hebrew script unclear here] means really even if he took away your heart. Took away our heart. I want you to know someting unbe[lievable]. I cried for the six million. I'm not crying for them. I do , but not that much. they're ok right. {a4c-45} I was crying for them at the time. Right now I wish we would be as ok as they are right. Crying for us. Because how do we look without them. Now we have no teachers. We have no Rebbes. Very little. Very few. All the holiest Rebbes were taken from us. How do we look. But obviously G_d is [END PAGE C56 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] --------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C57 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] trusting us so much. He is trusting us that we can replace them. Not only replace them, we have to do even better. Because when you work for G_d you can not say I do as good as the other one. You have to do better. So anyway it's a crazy world. That litltle shmedrike like us --it's crazy you know. You know I still can't get over it. Be honest with you. My great great grandfather did not stand by the Holy Wall right. And I shmendrik like I am standing by the Holy Wall. So obviously G_d is giving me something which he didn't give to my great granfather. As holy as he was. The only thing is we don't have nay Rebbes today who will momish tell us what's so special about us. what do we have. {a4c2-3} What do we have so special that nobody else had before. And on the other hand, maybe it's better for us if we don't know. Mayb we sholdn't. Like you remember Reb SHEPSELA was seventten years old and he said to his wife -- what good is it we are living living living, eating. Making a few rubbles. It's not right. I want you to give me permission to leave nine months a year. {a4c2-4} And I will momish serve all the holy people. Go to all the Zaqdikkim. Amd Momish I'll learn day and night. And let's let's divide our share in the coming world. {a4c2-1} Every word I learn {a4c2-2} [END PAGE 57 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [START PAGE C58 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] half for you, half for me. So this monrming Reb Shepsale momish was a hasid of XXX ?127? [It happens that I tore my xerox copy, and taped it back badly and rexeroxed it; so you can get this word from any other copy] Zadikkiim by the Ruach ha Kodesh. There was not one Rebbe in Poland, Russia he wasn't there for Shabos. Obviously he knew what Shabos was all about hyou know. Gevalt. Then he came to the holy Sanzer and after that he was a hasid of Reb Shloimala Bobover. Holy Bobover. So one day the door opened an old woman 85 years old came to the holy Bobover and she says she wants to talk to him. She says I'd like to call my huwband Reb Shepsalea who's sitting in the synagogue to Court. She says because when we were 17 years old, he promised me half his share in the coming world, but what I am to do when I come up to heaven and maybe he forgot it. I want him to repeat it right in front of the Rebbe that he remembrs his promise. So the story is, I'm sure some of you kids remember, the holy Bobover called in Reb Shelepsala from the Bais Medrish and he started yelling at him. He said, Sephsal, are you completely crazy. You mean because of -- the Yiddish is stronger -- because you're shleppin around by holy people therefore you have a share in the coming world. What kind of chutzpa is that. Are you out of your head. You mean you're giving your share, half of it to your wife. Shepsal, you're off. OK nebach you know both went out a little heartbroken. [END PAGE C58 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [START PAGE C59 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] Because you know she suddenly thought maybe he really has no share in the coming world. And he was sure he didn't have a share in the coming world. After they both walked out Reb Shlomiala said to the hasidim, I just didn't want them to know. I just didn't wnat them to know. But then he says I'll tell you the turth, if I would be Reb Shepsal, I would rather ask my wife to give me half of her share in the coming world you know. Anyway, maybe G_d doesn't want us to know. {TRASNCRIBER NOTES: "[END]"} {END PAGE C59 OF MS. TRANSCRIPT A4} {END MS. TRANSCRIPT A4] =============================================================== sa, Mevo Modi'in, 4 Aug '04 -- 17 Av Cooler, with some clouds. Grapes ripening. Tomatoes too. =================================================================