=sh_A7 Start input of R. Shlomo Carlebach xerox manuscript transcript A7 from sa copy from BZ presumably from sa xerox of Witt Collection ca. 1986, also held by HH at Modi'in My (sa='Steve Amdur) interjections are enclosed here in (( double parentheses )) because I'm typing on an European kezboard . A single question mark at the end of a sentence is punctuation from the text. Otherwise, I use question marks to bracket things I ain't sure of. I hope those who read this will supply sources and corrections, and send me back a corrected version. ------------------------ Headed: Bs"D Weiss Farm 1975 Tape 1 From Reb Nachman Start RSC lecture: It says (Hebrew script): '' 'oZ L_'aM_O Y_TeN "G_d gives strength unto His people" (Hebrew script:) '' Y_BaRaKh AeT 'aM_O B_ShaLOM "G_d blesses His people with peace" (Metsudah Siddur, weekday Shaharit preceeding Aleinu) Everybody knows it says (Hebrew script) GaDOL Ha_ShaLOM "Peace is very high" (( or: great is peace (sa) )) Source: DON'T KNOW YET - ?Pirke ha'Avot? You know there are lot of beautiful things in the world, but someone will say you know, this is beautiful, this is beautiufl, and peace also beautiful (3-dots text) -- it's somthing else, right. Peace comes from another world completely. Because ShaLOM is the only vessel for all the blessings there is. Where do you put your blessing. Where does G_d put the blessings. The Gemorah says "G_d couldn't find a vessel for His blessings, to put them in, only peace. SOURCE: DON'T KNOW YET Listen to this. Why is peace a vessel for blessings. Because blessings --- What is peace: To make peace is between two opposites. The Gemorah says 'Heaven' is the combination of two words. (Hebrew Script: AiSh and MaYiM . Fire and water. Fire and water are the biggest, so to speak, enemies in the world. And the Rebbenu shel Olam makes peace between them. Peace means ------------------- (START MS. A7 PAGE 2) it's above that right. Peace can make peace between fire and water. You know, do you need any more opposition between being and not-being? Right. I have a hundred dollards. So I don't have more. And G_d's blessing is I should have more. So in order to put in more it has to be in an infinite vessel. The only thing which is infinite is peace because it's beyond fire and water. Beyond all the oppositions, right. Because if its only one thing it's already finite right. The only thing which is infinite is peace, ShaLOM, right. So (Hebrew script) GaDOL HaShaLOM. GaDOL is --- peace comes from that which is absolutely infinte. Listen, let's put it this way. Obviously it's very simple. You meet people and they can't make peace right. They're so petty right. They can be only one thing. Peace means that you're so high right. Now listen to this. Now he (( 'he' = Reb Nacham -- SOURCE: DON'T KNOW )) goes very deep. Unbelieveable. He says everybody knows, this is something I didn't know. In the esser sferos, in the ten emanations, especially in the seven emotions; (( Hebrew Script:) CheseD, GvURaH, tFeRIT, NeTz'aCh, ?ChQ'T? and MaLQuT. (( Ms. sic, ChQ'T , but I think it should be: Hod and Yesod )) You know that Avraham Avinu was love (( Chesed , some translate 'grace', but I think best (after PVK) 'magnanimity' )). Yitzak was strenght , Yaakov is ---------------------------------------------------------- (START MS. A7 PAGE 3) beauty. Who is the top on Peace. YOseF. Chaileker ((sic but ??)) Yosef. YOseF Ha_TzaDIK. YoseF is (Hebrew Script) YesoD. Yosef is on the level of foundation. The foundation is a combination of love and strength. More than beauty. We'll come to that in a second. Everybody actually knows that (Hebrew script): YALH ChOLDoT Y'aQoV YOseF ???? That Yosef is actually like a subdivison also of strength and love. He says Yosef was two things. Sometimes Yosef was telling his father that his brothers are no good. On the other hand it says, 'I'm looking for my brothers. SOURCE: Genesis, "and Joseph brought an evil report of them" and "I seek my brothers" One is GevURaH, one is strength. The other one is love; he's looking for his borthers. And also he was called Avraich(?) ((parenthetic question mark in manuscript -- I think this is from Genesis: Pharoh puts Josef in a chariot, preceeded by runners who cry out 'Abrech', which I think some translate, 'bend the knee' )) and AVRAICH means (Hebrew script): RaK LShLOM , Av B_KHoM ???? . SOURCE: DON'T KNOW He's young in years and old in wisdom. He (( Reb Nachman )) says it means he has both minds. The little mind and the high mind. Just remember this, it's very good to remember, just on the level of terminology. There's Mochen de Kotness and Mochen de Godnss ((sic, I suppose that was transliterated yiddish)). There's the little mind and the high mind. I want you to understand something very deep. If I were to tell you, you know, listen, walk up to the bigtgest criminal in the world I say listen, let there be peace between us. ------------------------------------ (START MS. A7 PAGE 4)) Somoene says, you know, this man is a criminal he's killing people. (END MS. A7 PAGE 4) (END MY COPY OF MS. A7)) ================================================================ sa, CH-6718, 24 Oct '04 -- 9 Cheshvan -- 10 Ramadan ================================================================