=sh_4x594.txt < =sh_4x594.rev (10 Dec '95) R. SHLOMO CARLEBACH EXCERPTED TEACHINGS ON THE HOLIDAYS Collected in honor of the Congregation and Yeshiva of Shalom al Yisrael Synagogue, Jericho Part IV: Purim, Pesach All copy-rights to the following material reserved to R. Shlomo Carlebach For further information, including source material: R. Joshua Witt, 14 HaMishkanot, Mishkanot, Jerusalem; Tel.: 972-2-248620. Sole responsiblity for any errors in the contents, production, & distribution of this booklet rests with S. Amdur, HaOn. These excerpts have been selected using PSearch, a shareware utility of Patriquin Utilities, available from Patri-Soft, 5225 Canyon Crest Dr., Suite 71-358, Riverside CA 92507; &/or POB 8263, San Bernadino, CA 92412. Tel: 714-352-2820; FAX: 714-352-1529. Shareware distributed in Israel by The Software House, Neve Ya'akov, Jerusalem; 02-830001 FROM C:\BOOK:say Sayings collected by Rzn. Emunah Witt, not otherwise sourced. 68. On Purim I get a taste of redemption on a drunk level, on a level of a dream. 69. Achashverosh and Vashti- the whole thing was staged by G-d to save Yidden. 70. I send shalach manos, not face to face because I want you to know that I'm connected to you on the deepest depths where the eye doesn't reach. 71. The holy drunkard sees only one! 72. How do you fight evil?: You have to remember there is evil, because the people who remember are the ones that fight this great war against evil. 73. Tremendous light comes down when we want to be close. 74. The greatest evil in the world is when we keep away from each other and from G-d. 75. When your children go off to dreamland, that's when they want to be so close to you. 76. Purim is like the hour before dawn, when husband and wife tell each other their dreams and when babies want to nurse from their mothers and children want to be close. 98. The Holy Lechovitcher says, the way you have Purim is the way you have Pesach, and the way you have Pesach is the way you have Yom Kippur. =============================================================== = ===== From EALLKIDS: E12=[12]FROM T1, P17: The Zidichover had a commentary: Yakov said to Esau, "l'regel haMlava v'l'regel haYeladim" ("By the pace of the cattle and the pace of the children." ) 'Regel haMlaba' can mean "the holidays when you are not permitted to work", which are Pesach, Shavuos, and Succos. 'Regel haYiladim' can mean "the holidays of the children", which are Channukah and Purim. It is a mind-blowing commentary. Chanukah and Purim are the strongest holidays for the children. Chanukah and Purim are Meshiach's Yom Tovim (holidays). When we celebrate the past, the adults know more. When we are celebrating the future, the kids know best. Chanukah is the light of the Meshiach. When it comes to Torah sh'b'tav, the written Torah, in a strange way, maybe I am better. Torah shebal Peh, the oral torah, belongs to my children. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM SAMPLER: Selections in honor of the marriage of Miriam Gal-Or and Joshua Attias R. SHLOMO CARLEBACH ON PURIM Once the Ba'al Shem Tov sent Reb Ya'acov Yosef, his second- greatest pupil, an outstanding scholar and kabbalist, to test the learning of Reb Yechiel, a prospective son-in-law for his daughter Udel. Reb Yechiel came from a simple German Jewish family. When Reb Ya'acov Yosef returned, he told the Ba'al Shem Tov, "Reb Yehiel answered 'I don't know' to everything I asked him!" The BeSHT said, "Ahhh...Gevalt, I'd like to have him as a son-in-law." So we see that there is a type of not-knowing which is even higher the highest imaginable knowlege. And it is this type of not- knowing which we try to reach and taste on Purim. [paraphrase from Purim1