=train Notes on a train metaphor for my Website "Amazing how a handsome man looks elegant in whatever he happens to put on." Albert the Aligator, in Walt Kelly's Pogo Suggestions for improving the appearance of this Website (either in HTML or as alternative pages) may be sent to teh above address. Until someone suggests a better idea, a train metaphor might be ok. With a dash of 'Murder on the Orient Express' for plot, maybe. Mr. Mustard and all that. Clues in Source only. Maybe false-cap filenames. As for a plot, we shall have to do with mostly CLUE, with a dash of Murder on the Orient Express; unless someone can find a better train story. Excuse me Mr. Maxwell, did you possibly lose a hammer? QV: A last episode of Star Trek -- beginning with the Jean-Luc Picard protagonist reciting Prospero's final speech from The Tempest; and going on to train metaphors. "This train is bound for glory -- this train." Woodie Guthrie Back, back, wherever you are: this caravan is not of despair. Although you have [may have] broken your vows -- ["perhaps"-- Zuleika, Santa Fe ] a thousand times -- said to be by Rumi (in translation) "Get back -- get back -- get back to where you once belonged." (Beattles) "Get back -- Honky cat: livin' in the city ain't where it's at." "Turn turn again --- return again -- return to the lands of your soul ...." (R. Shlomo Carlebach). "Oh, the Rock Island Line is a might good road -- Rock Island Line is the road to ride -- Rock Island Line is a mighty good road -- but if you want to ride it, got to ride it like you find it; get your ticket at the station on the Rock Island Line." U.S. Afro-American ("Negro") spiritual; recovered by The Weaver's (Pete Seeger) 1950's; popularized. '[Intro]: Imagine that you are in a train station -- Old Penn Station would be ideal (with Milano's train entrance added); if you can't get there, Wroclaw may have to do -- having done well restoring the Town Plaza, they might improve it. You are waiting for a great train of the Good Old Days -- the Orient Express still runs through Wroclaw; The Empire State Limited, ( which still carries a Club Car / Smoker , or did in the early '70's ) departs Grand Central (really not quite Penn Station, but maybe they can meld) connecting, almost, in Chicago with the Super-Chief, with its magnificent Dome cars. (lst-class only, but perhaps you can walk in, act as if you belong there -- courteous, but a bit pre-occupied -- over-tip the barman, and stay all night looking at the stars.) Do not be bothered by a bit of shape-shifting; your train may shift was one particular to another, but you may notice that the invariants (Einstein; or Whitehead's 'eternal objects', from Plato's arche-types) remain. Surely Zelazyn has prepared you to take all that in stride. Outside the train, the scenery runs by, if I learn to write a simple Frame. So many fascinating places to explore, if you could just jump out at one of the stops. Train tickets allow it. You do not know if you will ever get there. Dreams are so elusive. But then there it is: [ FAT HARRY FONT ]: "TRACK 2 " [other necessary remarks: ] If you will just acknowlege the formalities: Caveats: "Pass Through": The train will depart at your convenience: -------------------------- --------------------- / \ / \ / \ =================================================================
 or whatever -- 

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              (        CREW ONLY!           )
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 LIBRARY CAR:  (R. Shlomo Part I)

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      Passengers are forbidden to ride between the cars.'
                      But some do, for a smoke.
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[Center]:   "When the train is in the staion
             we encourage constipation"
                       (USA NYC Schoolgirl song, 1920's)

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Each car a different colour scheme.  In between cars just black-on
white.  CABOOSE car is White-on-Red.


Blythe haiku and Bollingen excerpts between cars



ROMAN MARBLE BATHS (First-Class passengers only)

Include:  Tools, etc.

Tools should be here:
Feedback, etc. is in CREW

Caveats are in FORMALITIES:
