=pvlnw03 CONTINUATION OF =pvlN3710 Being the detailed log of the Walia Collexction PVK tapes that I have input Ok fans, this will be the complete log of box W03 OK, a few preliminar notes, again: What follows are my notes. That means you can't quote them as PVKs words, though in general they come as close as I could in realtime. But to get PVKs words you have to go back to the tape, or now, my input of it. Whatever I put in quotes is intended to be PVKs exact words, and most likely is, but since I don't do a recheck, you can't count on it. And also, notes by definition are the taking of remarks out of context. I also interject some of my own remarks and phrases. Those are in in general but now always put in [ square brackets ]. My lomger interjected remarks are Deep-Six'd to a seperate doc. Some of those might be useful, some of those will be of merely personal interest, and therefore aggravating. I do not re-read such notes, not even for typos. --------------------------------------------------------------- * W3P90 -- PVK 1990 Tapes 11-20 . CONTINUATION OF W10P90 12-14 July '90 Tapes 11--12 are BASF Chrome Extra II 90 Tapes 12--20 are Maxwell Type XL-II-S 90-minute BORROWED sa to Campra Container, 29 Mar '04. input as audio, simultaneously making a backup set on TDK Type I Tapes. ------------------------------------- Tape Pir 11, Thursday, 12 Jul '90, 09:00--10:30 I put this in subdir /w10p90 or whatever I called it, but I'll copy it into a new /w3p90 subdir. Except for the au/aup, which is too bulky to shlep around Notes, sa Tape 11 Side A: The need for religious sensibility -- especially when one is affronted Recollections of HIK Sufism originates in the Mazdean tradition "In my case it [ astrology ] has never failed to work." In resurrection, the electrons are transformed into photons {W03-1} The aphorisms of NEFARI. The dervish whirling is emulating the whirling of the stars. In 1952 or 1953 PVK met a dervish in Koinia (Turkey) -- one of the last of the old ones who had stayed there -- he said that a dervish had to do a 4-year retreat in a cell, repeating the zikr continually (or maybe continuously). To be a Pir, one has to do a 40-day retreat, as PVK did. I gather that it was this old guy who told PVK that in the whirling, each pupil represented a planet, each whirling differnently -- but the different planetary whirls -- that knowlege was with the -- Helveti, I assume -- dervishes of Koinia who left the secular repressive administration of Ataturk's Turkey, and went to Lebanon. And so that knowlege died with them. But I (sa) would add -- Azimat Schreiber used to teach the Sufi dancing etc. of Sufi Sam Lewis -- she had attended his instruction in the old days, in San Francisco I assume -- and Azimat would teach us the various planetary walks -- jovial for Jupiter, passively reflective for the moon, etc. -- and I think in the 70s PVK would sometimes teach that too -- I think it was from him that I heard the 'jovial like Jupiter' bit -- so in short, it does look like Sufi Sam Lewis -- haLevi, I assume -- was re-inspired with the vision from which Jalaladuin Rumi created the first whirling dance. Except that for Sufi Sam it came out as walks, not as whirls. Incidentally, 'Sufi Sam Lewis' or 'Sufi Sam' is his honorific title in the hippie community, that was how I heard him referred to at New Buffalo in the late 1960's. PVK remarks that on the previous day he had spoken of the Zikr as building a Temple of Light. {W03-2} The Knight sets off from the Temple, and is always related to it. {W03-3} Zikr -- "we become so cold -- because we find it difficult to give ourselves over to ecstacy." Dervishes had long been slighted and persecuted in Iran, even before Khomeni, who killed many of them -- PVK refers to his WIP on the ancient Sufi's -- which he is writing "on the Never-never program" {W03-4} [ ONE MUST INVENTORY, PRESERVE, AND ARCHIVE THIS AND ALL OTHER UNPUBLISHED PVK MANUSCRIPTS -- The more recent ones are presumably in his computer ] "Sufism is th e most paradoxial and therefore the most difficult of -isms. And therefore the least known." Pakistani Kewali music -- in a 1990s film called 'The Passion of Christ' that PVK terms very bad indeed -- but that's the music they play in the crucifixtion sceme, and PVK says that redeems the film -- which means that this must have been a very good instance of that kind of music -- {w03-5} The Temple is made of zones of protection -- we make a Temple of Light ot make a safe place where one can give onself over to glorification (this remark, which is a gvalt that I failed to fully transcribe, occurs at Minute 46 of Side A -- ) {w03-6e} {w03-6e} [That remark may even have been lost on the customer copies, which were often made on El Cheapo tapes -- all 90 minute tapes are 90 minutes, but Aziz pointed out to me that the good tapes, namebrand Type II's in particular, give you a few extra minutes, where the El Cheapo's do not. Even my TDK Type I's stop about half a minute before the namebrand Type II Master's, which tend to run past 47 minutes. I do however catch all the text on the Master's on my TDK Type I's that I use for the G2 backup set which I make while inputting. And of course the input catches all the text on the master.] END SIDE A TO TAPE 11 TAPE 11 SIDE B The Yogi seeks freedom from the world, spurning re-incarnation -- "For the Sufi the world is the fulfillment of the divine Purpose - "- and to fix the world -- [tikun haOlam, in Jewish terms] - is the purpose of life -- The Temple is a refuge, but also the place from which the Knight goes forth {w03-7} Perusha -- pure spirit Prakritie- everything transient, even thought -- One touches upon the eternity of one's being -- If the purpose of life is finding fulfillment in the existential realm -- which is ever-changing -- that's why many Sufi practies are in motion -- but the motion is the motion of the stars -- Whirling counter-clockwise, the electromagnetic current rises in one's spine -- and when one stops a blessing descends -- The zikr will help you find your place in the center of the Temple -- Whriling, one centrifugally evacuates space in the center of one's being, buiilding a Temple One walks clockwise -- not counterclockwise -- around a Temple or church {w03-8] Nicholas of Fluelen -- (Fluelen is by a lake on the way to/from Zurich__Biasca , via Goeshcenen) Asked to arbitrate a conflict between French-Swiss and German- Swiss, he came up with the notion of a confederation, and so the U.S.A was invented. The immanent Christ always present in one's heart So too tiferet, the heart, at the center of the Sfirotic tree ALLAH -- Halleljuah -- Elo(k)im (where (k) stands for H ) -- the term ALLAH is from a primordial Semitic language that divided into Aramaic and Arabic {w03-9} HU is inviting the Divine Presence Cf. the Yogi word HAMZA -- One's magnetic field is like a vortex, so if one starts whirling, it becomes a dynamo -- and makes one a Temple -- as the surfer -- [yup, surfer, as in caatching some waves at Malibu -- I suppose PVK did some surfing] -- is enclosed in a Temple of water -- One has first to deny what is not before one affirms what is -- {w03-10} The strength to refuse to "play ball" with anything you don't want to compromise with -- in contemporary psychology, 'boundaries' {w03-11} Be sure to make a [ glottal stop -- sa ] on the 'lla -- to observe the apostrophe, as it were -- otherwise "it's very flat" [ sa -- this is what we do with the ayin in Hebrew, as in Maya'an] -- also say the 2 l's (el's) -- as Lloyds of Llondon llieing on his llama -- "tjos ca, os dedoated tp tje imoty pf a”” re”ogpions, and that may require us to overcome our parochialism " {w03-12} [ If you want to decrypt this mystery, reverse however I unintentionally shifted my right hand -- probably one space to the left, but maybe one space to the right -- and retype it. I really don't think Chico d'Oro coffee is all that great ] Universal worship -- all relgions represented at the same altar {w03-13} Christianity and Islam are phases in the development of the Jewish religion -- "it is all one tradition" {w03-14} 'lla -- shift from magnetic field to aura Hu -- shift identity to your etnernal being and inviting ithne Divine Presence into your heart -- Hu -- hence our word human -- Divine and mortal at the same time. And of course the Tetragammaton. Have your hands on your knees when you do the zikr {w03-15} {w03-15} [ I suppose this applies especially if one does it kneeling, but I suppose it could apply if one does it seated too -- PVK elsewhere says, the reason yogi's sit cross-legged is so they won't topple over if they get into samadhi -- Cave Dave said, Weymos was once sitting in the tipi after a meeting, and he got into satori or samdhi or whatever, and fell over insensate, and the Indians were real concerned -- ] At Minute 36 of Side B PVK leads the zikr -- his recitation of it is well-recorded -- clear, and in rather extraordinary intonation -- Hu -- the descent of the Divine Presence onto the altar of your heart -- The power of the zikr comes from its sacredness The zikr is conducive to getting into a state of divine ecstacy "X in a very high state of consciousness*" PVK closes with an important quote from Teilhard de Chardin, of which I catch only the beginning -- he had to celebrate mass with none of the Catholic paraphenalia available, and so he said, "the alter is in the stars " and so on from the host, the wine, et al. END MY NOTES ON TAPE 11 SIDE B ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 12, Thursday 12 Jul '90, 16:00--17:30 sa notes: Atum preparing 'Leaders' Manual' PVK preparing 'Manual of Meditation', with Walia editting it to be for publication, with an unpublished supplement only for initiates, and with subsquent updates from PVK. OBVIOUSLY ONE WANTS TO IDENTIFY AND ARCHIVE ALL UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPS BY PVK. The meaning of wazifa coannot be defined, only discovered by doing it -- its significance and relevance. We are trying to teach people to be creative with their personalities. {w03-16} The differences in sounds of wazifas are enormous. (PVK gives a few wazifas as examples, saying each one very vividly.) PVK says: I'm not a guru, so please don't try to identify with me -- you'll get in bad ways if you do that --- I'm a human being -- {w03-17} There's no way of learning if one thinks onr has the answers. Get into the consciousness of your Pir. {w03-18} Select a master saint or prophet who seems to be epitomized by that particular wazifa. Ya Qdeues -- Virgin Mary Ya Wali -- Shiva but (PVK says:) those are only PVK's preferneces, you should make your own choices "I know some of the paintings of Christ are really" -- PVK says something like, shlocky -- One is trying to reach a being as that being is today, not as he was in his lifetime and even that is only transient, Our great beings are not what they were in the time scriptures tell of, and they will become what they are not now (paraphrase sa) Today, Shiva would probably be giving seminars on how to cure cancer by mastery over one's cells. Today, Abraham and Muhammed might be Co-Firectos of the International Commisssion for Non-Violence Abraham would probably not be amongst the camels. {w03-19} ** Side A, 21 Minutes from Start *** One must live up to one's wazifa -- can't say Ya Haq if you're working as a con-man (my witticism -- sa) {w03-20} That's the one rule in the SO(W)-- absolutlely no drugs -- there's no point if one destroys everything by taking drugs -- one is using a foreign agent rather than the resources of one's being -- "our rule X with drugs -- that's the psychedelics." Tape 12 Side A apr. 24 minutes from start The fact of not being able to stop weakens one's Wali-hood (Mastery) (PVK speaks of cigarettes, and implies that he once smoked, and quit.) {w03-21} One can transcend one's conditions -- eg Bahulla in prison in Haifa, where the authorities -- this is the Ottoman's -- put them in a cell with no toilet. Transcending the -- Every quality has its shadow -- the shadow of peacefulness is indolence the shaow of mastery is an ego-trip truthfulness -- its shadow may be ruthlessness in speech, with disreard for how one's words affect others -- The shadow of Rachman , is being a freir {w03-22] TAPE 30 MINUTES FROM START The shadow of joy, is facetiousness It's to avoid the pitfall of shadow that one does wazifas in tandem "you'll find it much easier to become generous if you're strong." Ya Wali / Ya Hadi some wazifas naturally fit into tandem Mastery is a dangerous quality to work with -- one can overextend oneself, be unable to live up to one's target, not be able to give in, relent, retreat -- and then break down {w03-23} Seeking mastery, one risks disregaridng one's Guidance, and then one hits one's head against a wall -- refuses to stop doing what one cannot do -- Intution -- can lead one into wishful thinking -- so one must be scrupulous about truthfulness if one is seeking to extend one's intuition -- "Intuition is a revelation of your own spirit" -- Abu Hashim Adoni, teacher of HIK One's spirit can get blunted by being humiliated -- so keep your spirit high -- PVK talks of someone who asked him for a wazifa to get past a certain crisis, and remarks -- I don't give wazifas as magic -- One sees another person by finding the resonance in oneself -- so PVK tells the story of how he discovered someone was lying -- he felt himself suddenly feeling very guilty -- {w03-24} PVK refers to the evening session, where he gave Munir music for each of the wazifas -- [ I don't know which tape that would be -- not in this series, as far as I can see -- ] PVK also suggests landscapes associated with the wazifas that are associated with the archetypes -- one knows the archetypes only throu the exemplars Side A 40 minutes from start That level -- the level of metaphor -- reveals itself to us through imagery -- One can train the unconsciousnes better by the imagery than by mental concepts -- in fact the unconscious does not relate to mental concepts -- Some wazifas lend themselves to scenarios better than to landscapes -- Wali -- climbing a mountain -- or better, conducting an orchestra -- landscapes may be associated with scenarios Ya Nur / Ya Alim Certain wazifas come out very well in tandem PVK refers to a Bach organ piece, selected that week with Munir but does not name it -- very sparkling -- {w03-25} Ya Wali / Ya Hadi -- "a sort of antidote -- they balance one another very well." The way that a wazifa works -- one is training the unconscious One is drawing thr attention of the unconscious to that quality -- one is highlighting that quality END RECORDING 46:17 (46 minutes 17 seconds from start ) End my G2 TDK TYPE I shortly thereafter END MASTER 48:47 END INPUT 49 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Pir 13, Friday 13 Jul '90 06:30, Early Morning Meditation Input of Side A =pv90z13a Notes sa Chargall Time your breaths with a metranone, or optimally, with your heartbeat 'celestial energy' = 'pure spirit' 18 MINUTES Energy, or whatever it is, ascending and descending in a spiral 23 MINUTES It is a double-helix -- the Cadeuceuss of the ancient Greeks -- Aeskilus if I recall -- the dude from Kos -- it is like the structure of the DNA "except that it's much more complex" (than the DNA double-helix is ) -- the spinal currents may double-loop, inside and outside , both front and back -- "serpents" -- that meet at bindu, the pituitary gland {w03-26} At Zenith, which is at 1500 meters above sea level, it is too dangerous to glance at the sun, even at dawn 39 MINUTES 44 MINUTES Finding the heart center. HIK: The sun and the sunflower watching and discovering themselves in each other. (My paraphrase, tho a bit of an improvement on the original. Shorter anyhow. ) END SIDE A OF TAPE 13 AT 47 MINUTES END MY G2 TDK I AT 48 MINUTES END MASTER AT 48 MINUTES 15 SECONDS TAPE 13 SIDE B LECTURE STARTS AT 1:22 ( 1 MINUTE 22 SECONDS FROM START) Soaking up sun -- kneeling Muslim style, back to the sun, which threads up your spine, chakra to chakra, as you straighten up. Then hold your head backwards to get a zonk of sun on the top of the old cupoloe. Hindu or whatever sun salutation -- arms up, hands clasped, chanting AUM -- PVK then chants AUM, a no doubt a definnitive AUM {w03-27} {w03-27} [which is no doubt worth my holding this input at 44100 Hz and 32 bits, tho I would like to cut down to about half of each.] then you can bend with your hands to touch the earth And bless yourself with your hands descending -- a Sufi gesture. LECTURE ENDS AT 12 MINUTES ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 14, Friday 13 Jul '90, Morning Meditation, Samadhi Input =pv90z14a + =pv90z14b Samadhi -- theory and practice Side B is an especially strong guided meditation, [ or so it seemed to me as I sat out on the porch of my pine- panelled or anyway veneered insulated shipping container sipping an artichoke apertif ] Starts at very low volume Starts with theory I set the volume to about 2 o'oclock -- that is, about 2/3 of the way to maximum Samadhi is seeing the totality As animals, we are programmed to detect motion -- so the glance is continually shifitng The alternative is EKAGRATA (one-pointed-ness) -- {w03-28} Seeing a problem in its context, rather than considering one aspect after another of it -- The crucial step is distinguishing observer from observed (I get a bit of reverb on the recording -- if that's what reverb is -- afternoon clouds just blew in -- it had been a nice sunny early-spring day ) Prakriti is everything that is changing in time 17 MINUTES -- The explanation done, PVK starts the classic samadhi routine -- The personal consciousness is like a focal point PVK returns to his discussion of SHANKACHARIYA Intelligence grasps what is behind the problem There is a vast body of knowlege of Buddha that is generally not known and not taught The schools of Buddha's time were the yoga schools -- but Buddha found they were looking for a trance state, and for siddhi's (psychic powers) The samadhi practices are in the djana's and the arupadjana's PVK refers to the 2nd week in 1990 where he may go into all this in more detail. PVK WEEK 2 1990 IS APPARENTLY NOT INCLUDED IN THE WALIA COLLECTION Hopefully, ZR has it in Suresnes. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali -- Perusha -- the observing self prakriti -- that which is observed But Vedanta rejects this dualism -- for all that is changing is also a continuity in change (this is a point that PVK alway makes in presenting satipatana ) Shankachriya's Advita Vedenta is based on the X Upanishad Samadhi is like awakening in deep sleep -- this is nidra yoga {w03-29} {w03-29} [ But -- is nidra yoga awareness of REM sleep (the dream phase of sleep) or of deep sleep (the non-REM, dreamless phase)] 38 MINUTES FROM START This is both a lecture and a guided meditation It -- ?Samadhi? -- is a matter both of letting go -- ie, of trusting the self-organizing faculty -- and of Awakening 46 MINUTE MARK END BY 47 MINUTES NOTE, SA: AGAIN -- ALMOST ALL THESE TAPES SEEM TO BE RECORDED TO THE VERY END, ABOUT 47 MINUTES. WHICH MEANS THAT MOST OF THE CUSTOMER COPIES, HAVING BEEN RECORDED ON EL CHEAPO TAPES, WILL LOSE THE LAST 2 MINUTES OF EACH SIDE OF EACH TAPE. ------------------------ TAPE 14 SIDE B [ I nodded out through most of this -- a bit too much of that artichoke apertif to wash down the corn-meal grits -- story of my life -- modified voluntary poverty -- ] Anyhow, PVK continues the guided meditation into samadhi, and it sounded darned good. It ends at about 27 minutes, followed by some minutes of Rudra Vina, Sound ends at Minute 34. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 15, Friday 13 Jul '90, 16:00--17:30, Tape 15 Side A Input =pv90z15a Notes sa: SO retreats used to follow the Alchemical Process as set down by VALENTINUS (This tape seems more distinct, more treble, than any other. But PVK is speaking against the rain. ) Details of Alchemical theory -- Sounds too loud, but the visual display is just middle Solve et coagule (solve not dissolve, as I uaually say) PVK follws R.D. Laing in speaking of "a breakdown that may aver itself to be a breakthorugh" PVK adds: But don't let it go too far or you will be on 'the path of no return' into schizophrenia. {w03-30} Filtering, calcination (fusion=, distillation -- and other alchemical phases that I didn't catch -- {w03-31} RALPH METZGER wrote a book, PATTERNS OF CONSCIOUSNESS, in the 1970S. He took five symbolic systers -- I Ching, Tarot, Alchemy, Astrology, and ?Absolutism? -- and showed how the mapped psychedlic consciousness -- 'higher consciousness', as we call it in these "Just Say ¤o" nowadays. (This talk is fascinating, and of scholarly detail, but I hink of only academic interest, since PVK used alchemy only as a metaphor for the retreat process , and did not assign it any, like, ontologic significance. ) The alchemical phase of Negrato -- dark night -- PVK tries to minimize the exposure of mureeds to this phase, it's too dangerous. Analogy in the Ramayana -- the bridge of monkeys Separatio -- eliminating aspects of oneself one doesn't like -- eg those that tend to addiction -- But our animal aspects have their uses -- {w03-31} The Ramanyana: "The monkeys developed wings -- the monkey in you can evolve too." {w03-33} 2nd Zikr -- 'lla hu only -- "you schlep your lower being upwards" [But PVK once remarked, this was a seminar in some small Boston hall, early half of the 70s, that angels are attracted to lovemaking. ] distillation -- liquid transmuted into vapour "Don't let the wingED dragon escape from the retort" -- ie, don't lose your sense of identity and flip out. "Re-incranation is much more complex than is taught in India." PVK was going to write a Ph.D. in Comparative Angelology, but then World War II came up. Like re-birthing, you can practice ascent and descent -- on descent you can work on your subtle bodies -- Tibetans going into detail about the subtle boides -- which are configured on various deities-- the subtle bodies are more malleable than the physical body -- -- The Tibetans do this in nidra yoga -- {w03-34} {w03-34} [ what a wealth of spiritual culture was lost in the Chinese occupation of Tibet -- a cultural destruction like that of Eastern European Judasim in the Shoa ] Ramayana -- TAPE 15 SIDE B START 2 MINUTES 23 SECONDS Tibetan chakras include the solar plexus, heart, and an extra one, the Thymus -- "Wheel of fire" they cal it -- Pituitary (Bindu) (I misseed a few of them) Tibetans see consciousness as a spotlight travelling along the spine the cross-roads, or traveling within a a labyrynth -- "there's a way out of it" -- but it's wiser not to venture too far until you know what you're doing" -- you can exit through the eyes to outer space. {w03-35} {w03-35} [ sure sounds like an after-death purgatory experience ] 2nd stage in the alchemical process is Reboto -- Red -- 14 minutes 5th stage of alchemical process -- affirming one's identity The way people think of you does have an impact upon you -- so one must communicate -- especially in a marriage. Otherwise you can get held back, and maybe hurt. This is especially important in a marriage. (And when PVK did marriages, he would sometimes say, if I recall, do not go to sleep at the end of thd day until you have talked out any problems between you. (That is a very crude paraphrase on may part I don't recall his words. This is maybe late 70s) So one must preserve the soul relationship . In a marriage situation -- if you take someone else, the same thing will happen {w03-36} 6th stage -- materialization of spirit, and spiritualization of matter -- Cf. Christianity, with its polarity of incarnation/resurrection -- that's the same thing. And also the zikr -- the two A's in ALLAH -- Saying the zukir in a long retreat gives you a good bang on the head -- you can't go on thinking rationally if you„re doing the zikr -- but one must avoid going into trance -- PVK speaks of two ways to avoid going into trance while doing the zikr on a long retreat -- I did not catch the first way -- the 2nd way is glorifidcation -- In the 4th, 5th, and 6th stages you are working with yourself. In thae 6th stage, one is relating one's new personality to one's situations in life. MINUTE 27 Playing a Bach B Minor, from the Kyrie -- it comes through very muddy, as if being picked up from the loudspeakers by PVK's mic -- not sent directly from sound desk to tape -- but what an incredibly long line -- almost endless 31 minutes -- PVK does a quick run-thrugh of astrologic symbolism of the retreat process -- (As noted, Cf. Ralph Metzger's Patterns of Conscousness, paperback only, 1970s, shows the application of astrologic symbolism to psychedelic consciousness ) In the first pahse of the retreat process, in astrologic symbolism, this is the Minor Mysteries, culminating in samadhi. The 2nd phase is the Major Mysteries, turning to life. [Again: Cf. the classical Zen "10 Oxherding Pictures " (aka 'In Search of the wild ox.'] THAT ENDS MY NOTES ON TAPE 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 16, Saturday 14 Jul '90 06:30--07:30, Early Morning Meditation Side A is copied onto Side B on my G2 TDK-I Input =pv90z16a -- au/aup, wav, mp3, ogg Advanced Practices -- turning within and upwards too Chargall with Ya Batin / Ya Salaam Manifesttion of latent Splendour -- ('Splendour' in PVK's terminology is, I think the is Sfira of Hod -- sa> -- Zahir is the manifestation of latent splendour {w03-37} PVK had yesterday drawn an analogy between this Advanced Chargall practice, with its criss-crossing energy currents that mount the chakras in a sort of helix, with the DNA helix. He now notes that his descrption of DNA was incorrect, but does not detail that error. In a subsequent lecture he notes that his error was in saying that DNA criss-crosses, where in fact it does not. But then he adds, when DNA unzips to replicate, it does criss-cross (as do we all -- sa) This advanced Chargall practice comgines Turning Within and Moving Upward As a cuccession of subtler "bodies", one is like a nested set of Chinese boxes (or for that matter, Russian dolls), each inside a slightly larger one. Experience being on several 'planes' at the same time -- the Celestial Temple intersperesed with the physical plane {w03-38} Exahle -- descent through spheres, radiating outwards manifesting the non-manifest "moving downwards through the spheres" -- this is obviously not a spatial (PVK's term is 'geographical') moving downards, but rather, a shift in attunement, or change of focus {w03-39} 'Conciousness emerging from its 'Seedbed' in 'Pure Intelligence' as you exhale after holding your breath. [ Oh heck, the word's unspellable; stick to couscous. ] MINUTE 33 SIDE A A simplified version of this Advanced Practice Imagine skyscapes of light on the exhalation -- into subtler and subtler light -- cf. Hildegaard of Bingen A succession of higher and higher 'Template''s -- of light, until one gets from "the light that is seen" to "the light that sees" -- ie, Luminouas Intelligence ("die before death and resurrect now") Don't wait for death, start now working on your body of ressurrection {w03-40} Wet snow just started falling -- 16 April '05, in Campra -- Start by envisioning the cells of your body as sparkling -- Electrpms tramsmuted into photons -- that's the physical aspect of resurrection -- subtle light who talks about the subtle bodies of light -- Hildegaard of Bingen especially, but aloo St. John of the Cross, Jacob Behne This is the 'photon field' -- photons not yet emerged as discrete forms of reality -- But that still is duality -- so you are a being of light, wandering in a world of light So you ultimately have awakened from the physical scene, and even from the worlds of light, to a state of ominiscience, which is called Illumination -- and ultimately you discover that you are a Pure luminous Intelligence. End Lecture at 46 MINUTES End my G2 TDK-I at 48:04 End the G1 Master Maxwell XL-II S-90 at 48:04 End my audio input =pv90z16a.au/aup at 48:29 Side B copief onto G2 Side A Start at 1:57 (One minute 57 seconds from start of Tape) Conclude guided Meditation. Advanced Chargall Very little talking, mostly silence. Meditation ends at 16 Minutes. PVK makes a few administrative remarks. Recording ends at 18 Minutes. From one remark he makes, which stuck in my mind, I recall that I was at this week, though little enough of it seems to have stuck in mind. I did miss the 1989 and 1991 Camps. I will try to turn next to the 1991, which seems complete in the Walia Collection. For 1989 it is odds and ends, as I recall. {w03-41} ------------------------------------------------------- Pir 17, Saturday 14 Jul '90, Morning Meditation, 09:00--10:30 Tape 17 Side A Notes sa: Celestial Planes Guided Meditation -- though lots of theory lst Level: Be aware of the various parts of your body -- {w03-42} Being aware of your body can help you to self-heal a diagonosed illness (but PVK seems to emphasize the word 'diagnosed' ) Visualization is important {w03-43} Dr. Rupert Sheldrak's theory of the 'Morphogenetic field' -- a continually self--re-programming template for the Universe 2nd Level -- Thinking -- The Mind Field of the Univese The level of 'pure imagination' The 2nd Djana of Buddha Next stage (Stage 2 of Level 2, if I follow): Realm of Metaphor thoughts as exemplifcation -- [ this is Plato's Forms, Arche , I reckon ] Archetypes can be known only through the exemplifications, never directly [ Cf. Kant's notion of noumena, things_in_themselves, Dingen_an_sich, which Kant says can never be perceived ] The Arche, Forms, cannot be limited by their exemplifications It would be simplistic to say tha an Archetype engenders a Being -- eg a human being -- One exists before and after death, but at the Archetpal level {w03-44} That level of your being is incomparably richer than your personality -- it's cosmic -- 24 MINUTES FROM START (here I missed about 2 minutes because I fell asleep on the keyboard nose first, but I recopied that side of the tape -- but went out to throw snowballs at a mackingbird, so I didn't note waht I missed.) NEXT LEVEL (Ie, 3RD LEVEL, I tihnk) -- Alam haMALAKUT -- Consciousness of Masters Saints and Prophets -- or angels and archeangles eg the sun is an archeangel, at least to the Sufi's Remembering an angelic state prior to one's birth (as later appears, there are a variety of angelic states, or "angel villages") Recogniuing the inheritance one has acquired from an archeangel, eg the sun. -- composite beings -- eg a beehive is commposite Sweedenbourg -- an archeangel is a complex of angels Gothe -- What you have inherited from your ancestors, you must conquer to possess They guide, not by telling you what to do, but by attuning you. [ Well shucks, every peasant with a picture of a saint on the dirt wall knows that. ] And that is how it is done in the Mystic East {w03-46} by the rishi's etc. Next level -- 4th Floor, I think -- Lighting Supplies -- JABARUT Realm of Pure Splendour, beyond Form can only reach it by aour emeotinoal attunement -- by being lost in ecstacy -- not by Will nor by conscious effort. and "to exult in an act of glorification" TAPE 17 SIDE B Start 1:27 (Ie 1 minute and 27 seconds from Start) PVK refers to the site of the Sufi Camps at Lac Blanc, above Chamonix -- {w03-47} PVK speaks of watching the sunrise from the Camp Site -- the splendour of the sunrise being a gateway to Pure Splendour -- Elusian mysteries -- the initiate passes through a labarynth, and if he gets through it, comes to a statue of Apollo -- in the 2nd initiation, when he gets thrrough the labaryth, he finds no statlue, but must imagine it -- and in the 3rd initiation, he must get into the attunement of Apollo, without imagery -- and that is Jabarut -- ------------- NEXT LEVEL -- 5th Floor in Macey's Department Store, I reckon -- - LAHUT Seat of the Qualities, the Sfard [Sephirot -- Islam distinguished 99, Judaism distinguishes the 7 lover, and the 3 higher -- although Hochma would seem to be Pure Intelligence, and Binah to be Perusha, and Da'at -- the Logos, I suppose -- ) so it is only with Chesed that we get down to the 99 names of the Divine in Islam -- the Qualities of which the wazifas are exemplars ] ----------------- LAST LEVEL -- 6th of the Seven Heavens, I reckon -- HaHUT -- Beyoned Qualities, Just the Divine Precense in German (Heidegger? -- that verbose bum ) distinguishes between Wesen, which is the being of Qualities, and Sein, which is Pure Being, without Qualities. This is the lee [ ?? thee 'la? ] of the zikr, where one is not considering the Divine Qualities, but simply inviting the Divine Prewsence into the center of the Temple -- and one is the Temple - - The Descent: The descent is a matter of acquring one's divine inheritance, including all the divine qualities -- these are gathered from the level of Malakut -- the software, classical Sufi's call it 'The Names of things' [ Cf. the Bible story of creation -- and Adam gave names to all the animals ] this bounty is accrued by attuning onself to that level -- Higher up qwe acquired(?) our 'eternal face' -- or one might better term is 'countenance' -- Then one acquires thinking, while still an embryo in womb -- that acquisition of thinking -- thinking is taken into one's cells -- is incarnation -- The Lecture concludes at 20 Minutes -- Aministrative remarsk follow -- At about 21 Minutes the tape starts with the following session, held after about a half-hour break. That is the Questions and Answers Session: Chakras -- the Hara -- connection with glands Solar plexus distinguiesh from the Hara -- Zen Masters make much of the Hara -- a lot of ego there -- How to avoid trance -- any automization will lead to trance" -- -- the alpha wave-length takes over ftom the Beta -- Zen masters learn alpha-blocking, in order to overcome trance -- and that gives them samadhi with open eeyes -- if you're passive you get into trance easily -- glorification will help you to avoid trance -- Role of Mercury in the astrologic model of the retreat process. Someone asks if you can communicate with the dead. Stefan once answered, Can you communicate with the living. PVK says: HIK warned strongly against trying to contact the dead. PVK says, "For G_d's sake let them (be, if I recall the tape) free." He adds, now that they are doing all the things they could not do in life. (When M. went to heaven, after a long illness, my hit was that the first thing she did was get a lot of good sex -- she spoke to me once of walking down the street with a skirt swirling around her legs -- "a very feminine feeling" -- ) PVK says, "one can smother a person with one's love." Attuning to Masters Saints and Prophets is ok. Real teachers do not give advice. "It's very dangerous to give advice to people" -- psychotherapists are very wary of giving advice. {w03--48} One giving advice may imagine that it is one's intution (and be mistaken) "It's not helping a person to tell them what to do" "it's a very bad thing that guru's are doing to people." {w03-49} {w03-50} HIK slept only 4 hours a night -- "of course he burnt himself out" -- {w03-51} As for evidence that HIK did not give advice -- PVK once asked HIK what he should do, and HIK answered, 'look into your heart' -- Masters attune you, they don't give advice. PVK says taht in the net week he will try to go more into detaill about the soul's journey after death (or maybe he means, about the soul's journey prior to birth, through the celestial spheres) BUT IN ANY CASE I AIN'T GOT THOSE TAPES PVK remarks, "I don't at least remember having come back from death." -- I think maybe he means that he doesn't remember a previous incarnation, PVK advises against astral projection -- it loosens our connction with the body and then you can't get further -- {w03-52} and one can go mad because the connection with reality is loosened. [ Cf. Tibetan? saying -- "lest the silver thread be broken and the golden bowl be shattered" -- sa] If you want to learn to do astral projection -- A RATHER RISKY HOBBY THAT -- one might better get the same sense of adventure by sneaking into the Zenith kitchen before daybreak and cooking kup a private omlette with next week's eggs -- Well -- if your body is constrained and your mind wants to be elsewhere -- there has to be a very strong motivation -- {w03-53} [ I seem to have lost my input for the rest of this box, so I shall try to retrieve my temporarily discarded notes -- following Microsoft, we here at Campra use a system such that items consigned to what we call 'Trash' are not immediately 'emptied', to use the technical terms. IMPORTANT CAUTION TO THE READER: 'Obscurred by coffee grounds' is not an esoteric remark by PVK (a contemporary update of the insight of St. Paul, as it were. ]] [Actually I just found them with a PatriSoft PSearch (PS.EXE, runs under DOS, and seems undaunted by a 3 Gb drive, though it was designed for XPs. But why waste a quip. ] GET =W03PT2A =w03pt2 {w03-53a} Again, to practice astral travel -- if youR body is constrained and your mnd wants to be elsewhere -- there has to be a very strong motivation {W03-54} Well, the other appeal of astral traval is not where you get to, but just the sheer joy of flying -- so PVK says, you can get the same feeling from hang-gliding -- {W03-55} -- PVK says, in hang-gliding the air is hoolding you -- {W03-56} After death you can see living people -- or more precisely the astral counterpat of people -- sometimes they can see you, but not often {w03-57} ------- Every chakra is rather like a lotus -- -------- Correction as promised of yesterday's lecture -- the spirals of DNA do not criss-corss, they are parallel -- but -- when the replication takes palce, they unzip and then some cirss-cropssing takes place. END TAPE 17 SIDE B AT 48 MINUTES ------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================== THIS DOC WILL BE CONTINUED USING =w03pt2a AS =w031820 ============================================================= =w031820 from =w03pt2a ------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 18, Saturday 14 Jul '90, 11:00--12:00, Questions & Answers Notes sa: TAPE 18 SIDE A Left-rotation -- the difference beween ammonia in natural and artificial fertilizer is lego-rotary vs. dextra-rotary. PVK has several times told this story: Everyone knows that vegetables grown in artifical fertilizer tend to be carcinogenic, whereas vegetables grown is organic fertiizer are healthy enough. -- {w03-58} So anyhow, PVK is sitting in an aeoroplane, no doubt flying to give some seminar -- and gets in discussion with a salesperson for artificial fertilizer, who points out that the amonia in artificial fertilizer is chemically identical to that in natural fertilizer. As PVK tells the story, subsequently someone -- maybe if i rightly recollect, it was Dr. Arif Rechtaffen, then Regent of the Abode -- told PVK that although the amonia is identidial in artificial and natural fertilizer, in the one it is lego-rotary, and in the other it is dextra-rotary. {w03-59} {w03-59a} {w03-60} The planet and DNA are lego-rotary --that means, they turn to the left, that is, counter-clockwise. {w03-61} The early Iranian 'race' {w03-62} was a twin race to the Brahmins -- both were branches of early Aryans who divided -- hence thy have a common tradition -- The Chargall practice goes back to the Mazdeans, the precurors of the Zoroastrians, who are the precurors of Judaism -- {w03-63} -------------- Shifting from aura to pure intelligence -- "go as high as you can, but don't 'jump the gun'" {w03-64} And when you come down, come down as slowly as you can {w03-65} [and this is surely Plato in Politea (The Republic) -- "and reap a great harvest of philosophy" -- ] There is a risk in 'awakening beyond life' -- you can't use your will power up there, {w03-66} -- you just have to hope you'll come back -- PVK says he was scared when he started doing it -- "A guru is supposed to be infallible -- well, I'm extremely fallible -- I make a lot of mistakes" PVK says: if a teacher poses as a guru, and is trusted by his students, but makes mistakes, and is found by his students to have made mistakes, "the worst thing is that they lose faith in the spiritual path" PVK offers a bit of an apology for his appearance, remarking: "If I dress in a suit I feel ridiculous" and adding "these are the robes of a sanyasin" {w03-67} "Pir" means "the Elder" -- though there can be young Pir's, just as a young Catholic priest may be addressed by older laymen as "Father" -- {W03-68} -------- PVK says: You have some kind of hunch about the 'Angel Village' you come from. (And that would be how PVK gives names, I reckon.) Every religion emphasizes a certain view on things, so thare are all complementary - {W03-69} {W03-69} [ But also every religion, like Leibniz monads, most likely has everything in it, only as it were the elephant seen from differnet perspectives. ] One dos not need to put blinkers on one's eyes. {W03-70} My next note from PVK Tape 18 Side A is: One can see things from several complentary vangage ponts -- Davod Bohm -- like photographing a fish from both sides of his/her tank -- two different sights, but the same poor fish. The last few questions were increasingly rhetorical not bona-fide questions, from some rather militant Buddhists -- I mean like evidently even Buddhists have frumies too. Well, PVK answered them anyhow, though he does hold his ground. END LECTURE TAPE 18 SIDE A AT 25 MINUTES. END SOUND AT 26 MINUTES. I let is run on a bit longer. don't look like nothing else there. Tape 18 Side B is blank, as far as I checked it. --------------------------------------------------------------- Pir 19, Saturday 14 Jul '90, Cosmic Celebration I don't find notes for Side A -- I think it was entirely music selections Side B: Start 1:37 N.B. -- It is from PVK's inflection "We offer to THEE, Omniscent G_d ..." and not, as I'd hitherto though "We offer to the omniscient g_d ..." as if, as in Greek mythology, there were a number of deities, some not too bright PVK leads "Quan Yin Bosai" remarking that the hand motions should be quite danity Buddhism is associated with compassion ** This is an unusally stong and togETher CC, with little dead air space, PVK leading it throughout, and from a clear fixed mic - - in short this would be a good standalonee CC for a do-it-yourself export (as I excerpted and organized in sequential topics RSC's wedding remarks from wedding transcriptions, to make a sort of do-it- yourself R. Shlomo wedding kit ) N.B. -- It was SALIQ to whom I refer above, who everyone wanted to sign up into their religion, who came to an Abode Campground Camp and said doesn't anybody play pool here. PVK notes that his note in Hashivnu on Elech_A is a semi-tone "the hierarchy of Masters Saints and Prophets who form the spiritual govenment of the world." the Covenant symobolized {w03-71} When the sky laughts and cries the rainbow is seen, linking the heavens to earth. and then one feels like making a pledge of service. [Pauline Gomey used to say: "It is a privilege to be asked to serve." [Quoted in Lama Foundation lst edition of Ram Dass, Be Here Now, as I recall.] Again: 'Blessed are the poor in spirit" is a mistranslation -- the original meant -- those of you who are lost and broken in life -- do not despair -- be of good cheer -- ggo ahead -- Avanti! 24 MINUTES Refers to "some lovely people from Poland" and "the Polish people" {w03-72} Someone from Poland sings the oldest Christian song still known in Poland -- a song of sunrise, all the glory of daybreak praising the LORD PVK recites the Islamic invocation PVK speaks of the night journey of the Prophet Muhammed to Al Aqsa -- the farthest point -- on the basis of wwhich the Arabs built Al Aqusa Mosque on Temple Mount in Jerusalem (and now defend it for territorial and political reasons -- sa) -- but this was a spiritual journey through the Celestial Spheres (so I suppose Al Aqusa, the farthest point, is Pure Intelligence, or maybe The Divine Presence -- sa) Islam made it clear that the many different gods of Pantheism are all aspects of the One (G_d) Hence humans are not to be worshipped, as they are but exemplifications of aspects of the One. The 'eternal feminine' -- this aspect is to be found in all religions. HIK said, "it's the followers of the followers of the followers who perhaps forget it." (I'm not clear if this is a quote from HIK, or only from PVK) 'the feminine mysteries' -- this is esoteric schools ** this is rather an inspiring tape. Side B, that is. Side A didn't much move me, but I was falling asleep when I input it. 2nd Prayer of the Universal Worship "as one single family ithe parenthood of G_d" PVK sings "every step of the way" -- music by his uncle , on the words of HIK PVK Speaking of HIK: "his being was continually in the Presence "one of the rarest things in the world today -- holidness" "If we are aware of the Divine Presence in ourselves, we begin to recognize it in others." Tape Cut off at 47:43 as PVK is speaking of HIK My G2 TDK-I ends at 48:04 The Master, a Maxwell IL II-S, ends at 48:0 ---------------------------------------------------- Pir 20, Saturday 14 Jul '90, Cosmic Celebration cont., from 16:30 Input =pv90zx2a Apparently no text-loss on tape-change. PVK remarks that the CC as done nowadays is less formal that HIK deisgned it. {w03-73} "In fact it's very boring to work simply for one's own interest." AT ABOUT 5 MINUTES THE UNIVERSAL WORSHIP ENDS So if you want to make a standalone of this, this is the place to cut it. PVK, asked to give a blessing, says he can do so only in the consciouness of HIK. Those blessings are not recorded. At about 7 minutes, recording of the cosmic celebration resumes. There is a rather screechy Kyrie from the Bach B-Minor. {w03-74} Then there's a Gloria without the orchestral part, not even on Adil's instant organ. It would go good with a Pogo Comics cartoon movie PVK says, "would you like an encore" -- and no-one thinks he was joking, so they sing the same thing all over again. Even though by now everyone knows the ending. The last chord is in tune. 15 MINUTES Aziz is at the Sound Desk. Dancing to excerpts from Magnificat, Bach B minor, maybe the Gloria -- whateve preceeds the Sancus {w03-75} 42 MINUTES Hindu music -- sounds very goog. Side A ends at 47 Minutes, with JOSEPH AND NATHAN. ---------------------- TAPE 20 SIDE B Starts at 1:06 This is that Gaerman broad Magdalit, whatever if anything Magdalit means -- like, she's just too much woman for me. I can't quite make out her Hebrew, but my Hebrew is very weak, but also maybe she is somewhat faking the Hebrew. Followed by good Iranian music, for about 5 or 6 minutes. Then at abut 12 Minutes we have Music for Lagerlouts to Meditate By, or for the Staff Disco. RECORDING ENDS AT ABOUT 14 MINUTES I cut it at about 16 Minutes. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================================ THAT CONCLUDES MY NOTES TO THE TAPES IN BOX W03, WHICH WAS THE 2ND HALF OF THE 1ST PVK WEEK ZENITH 1990. This doc is =w031820, ie the notes of the topics covered in Tapes PVK 18-20, plus my bootnotes to those notes. I shouild not cut my notes out as w03n4 , and then paste them back onto =w03n2b , if there's room. Otherwise they become w03n3 or some such. Then I need to delete them from this doc, renamed as w03182b, and paste that back onto the bottom oh pvlv03. Now we got us the first half of this here PVK Zenith 1990 Week 1 as =pvln3710 , tho that doc includes , Box W37, which as the 1989 Leaders Seminar, and also Box 10, which is the first half of this here set of Topical notes for that there Week PVK 1 of Zenith 1990. ZOWIE FOR HOWIE AND PASS THE COLD OMLETTE. With a dash of fizzy white wine if you please, but nothing too sweet, mate. -------------------------------------------------------------- sa, Campra, 20 April '05 -- 11 Nisan I think -- an ok spring day - - sun coming out from high mist. ==============================================================