=chesh91p < =chesh91o < =chesh91n < =chesh91m All meaning: RSC, Cheshvan, 1991, Mishkanot Re-input (original input presently not available to me; presumably with EW input) of PARTIAL: PAGES 11-24 (END) ONLY -- xerox with very extensive handwritten corrections/additions of apparent printout. WIP (Work-in-Progress) Light polish 15 Dec of =chesh91m R. Shlomo Carlebach, Cheshvan, 1991, "Mishkanot" (Teachings giving at Witts home, 14 HaMishkanot, Jerusalem; and transcribed/input by Witts) Level is Mishkanot level; that is, Advanced. Audience is presumably veteran chevre. ----------------------------------------- Input presently not available. [N.B.: MB told me, that the xerox she gave me, including xerox handwritten notes by EW, is a printout of input, but the input is presently not available. But I don't know: looking at this printout, it looks like maybe it was a typescript (electric typewriter with very worn keys maybe), or if it was input, was input by someone other than EW. Because whatever was printed out, before EW added her handwritten inserts, including Hebrew, seems to have been filled with gaps. So in short: even if we can recover the input -- and at present I don't even know the docname -- the input might be much less complete than this xerox I herwith reinput.] This partial re-input (by sa) from printout obtained from Miriam Drori, Israel Center, Jerusalem. Printout apparently printed too faint; this xerox has xeroxed handwritten overwriting, and additions, with Hebrew phrases in script, all by EW). I presently have only pp11--24 (End) of this printout; MD will get me the balance of it. Caveat: I barely read Hebrew script; my notations of Hebrew Script (=HS) should be checked and corrected by someone who does. I will follow the line-endings of the printout; that is, I will put in a required CR when the printout line ends. Prinout has a 65 char LL with paragraph indent 10 chars ------------------------------------------------------------------- Start re-input of printout p11 You hear friends -- the "Ten Sayings" are called "asaras amiros" {Hebrew script: XX}, ten sayings, and the "Aseras HaDibros" are called "Aseras HaDibros". So this is a Sokotchover. The Sokotchover says like this, when you talk to another person then it's a deebor {HS: DIBOR). I talk to you. When I talk to myself, it's amira, "v'yomer Hamor b'libo" {HS: VYOMR HMN BLIBO}, he spoke to himself. When G_d created the world, He didn't talk to somebody, He just said it. I want you to know the deeepest, deepest, deepest, depths. Officially the first prayer was Avraham Avinu, he was talking to G_d. Praying does not begin that I pray and G_d answers. It's the other way around. Because I mamash have this flash, if I want to pray for something, it's because G_d wants me to pray for it. Remember the Torah, Y'haya terem v'kirang eh-ch-nah" {HS: XX} (Before they cry out, I will answer.) If I pray for something, it is because mamash inside I heard G_d praying, It should be this way. So Sarah heard G_d pray- ing "kasher omar" and He didn't even tell her. "AMor b'hishha " HS XX} G_d was talking to himself. "Oh, I wish Sarah would have a baby." And Sarah heard it. You know what eternity is? Eternity is the deepest depths. Eternity is not someting you can count timewise, it's longer, it's even longer, it's even longer. Eternity is something else. Do you know that the Torah never talks about Gan Eden, Paradise or Genhenim, beacause that's eternity. The Torah is given to this world, which is time and space. I want you to know, even the prayer of Avraham Avinu, it was recorded, because it was still a little on the level of time and space. The prayer of Sarah is mamash "Vyaas HaShem l'Sarah kasher omar" {HS: XX } (And HaShem did for Sarah what He said.) The deepest, deepest whisper. The deepest, deep- est, deepest inside. I want you to know something even deeper. The angels asked Avraham, "Where's Sarah?" And you know some- thing, what were they telling him? And if I can dare to say, who asked him? It was the angel who was supposed to destroy Sodom. He said obviously we were sent here so that you should pray for Sodom, because if G_d doesn't want you to pray for Sodom, we wouldn't come here. Because everybody says what are we doing there? If they want to destroy Sodom, they go to Sodom and destroy it. Why do they have to go via Avraham? So obviously G_d was whispering, "I need somebody to pray for Sodom. Because there was Lot and our Holy mother Ruth. Some- body has to pray for Sodom. {Source note (sa): Chumash states (Genesis (LeKh-L-Kha): 13:12 ) that Lot was in Sodom. {V_LOt Y_Shav B_'aRI Ha_KiKaR V_Y_AHaL 'aD sDoM ) "and Lot dwelt in the cities of the plain and moved (his) tents as far as Sodom" (Rashi Interlinear Chumash, JPS 1949) The Book of Ruth states that Ruth was from Moab. I do not know the source for saying that she had lived in Sodom.} {END PRINTOUT P11} ------------------------------------------------------------------ {start re-input of printout p12} So they asked him: {HS: XX} Ayea Sarah Isttecha' (Where is Sarah) {REF: Genesis: (V_YRA) 18:9: AYeH SaRaH AiShTe_Kha "Where is Sarah thy wife?" } He said, have you reached already the level, have you reached already the level, that you can hear G_d's whispers? So obviously at that moment they connected him to Sarah. I want you to know someting. This is mamash so deep, you remember the story. The Heilege Reb Shalom Shochne, the Heilige Rizhiner's father, if you remember, nebech, that Avraham the HaMlech (the Angel) left the world very young and Reb Shalom Shochne was adopted by Reb Nachum Chernobler and he would call him Holy Uncle. And if you remember, Reb Shalom Schochne from Bar Mitzvah on he was a Rebbe. But he didn't have such big Chassidim, he had Chassidim his same age, but he had already like a little "rebistiva" (small court of chasidim). And Reb Nachum didn't mind, chas v'shalom, on the contrary, he was encouraging him. So one Shabbos, Friday afternoon, Reb Shalom Shochne walks into the Heilinge Chernobler. And he says, "Holy uncle, I"m going this Shabbos in the farm of Moshele the Farmer." Reb Nachum says, "Why do you have to go out to the farm?" And also he says, "Don't you know that Tzaddikim don't travel after chatsot, after midday on Friday." So he says, "Holy Uncle, I want you to know that Moshele the Farmer came to me and says that Friday night in the middle of the night, his cow will have little calves and he wants me to pray for the cow that everything should be good. "This is ridiculous! If he wants you to pray for the cow you have to stand next to the cow and pray for her? The whole thing is ridiculous. So Reb Shalom Shochener says to him "Holy Uncle, this is what he said. But you know what he meant? He meant to tell me, Shalom Shochne, my soul is so small, but your neshama is so big. Can't you be one Shabbos in my house and lift my neshama." "Ah," Reb Nachum says. You are already on the level that you hear what people are really saying. Then by all means, go. And the Heiliege Reb Nachum took two candles, and he walked him to the outskirts of the city. You know what the depest depths is? The question is not only do you know what G_d says when He talks loud? Do you know what G_d says in whispers? Do you know the inside of the inside? So you hear what it says? "V'yera eilav HaShem' G_d reveals himself to you and G_d didnt' say anything. G_d didn't say anything. Do you know what the deepest whisper in the world is? You don't even whisper. And that's so deep. {end printout p12} ------------------------------------------------------------------ {start re-input of printout p13} Do you know what Simchas Torah is all about, friends? All year long maybe we listen to what G_d says, but you know you can listen to everything G_d says and you can still make a golden calf. What are we doing on Simchas Torah? We take out the Torah. I just want to hear all the whispers ... {3dots EW} I want you to know my beautiful firends, every Shabbos, everybody knows, we were learning it a lot of times, that every Shabbos, the portion of the week has also to do with the month. Everybody knows the Heilage Rizhiner said that Marcheshvan, comes from the word {HS: XX} Richooshai mirashin s'faseye" "My lips whisper." I want you to know my beautiful friends, this is so deep, masmash so deep. I mamash heard from somebody who's [printout sic; but 'whose'] zeida, who's [ditto] alter zeida was there -- Everybody knows the Heilage Radomsker was a Cohen. And when people came to ask him for his blessing, he would bless them. Then when they would walk out, so the Heilage Radomsker would stand there like this, and he would hold up his hands until he couldn't see this person anymore. {nc1-sa} But while he was standing like this, he was whispering, blessings for this person that walked away. So he says that this was the most awesome, awesome, awesome, to see him whispering all those blessings. What he said was very holy, but the whispering, the deepest depths .. {2 dots EW} So Parshas Vayera is always the end of MarCheshvan, because Chaya Sarah is already usually {N.B. (sa): This year parshat Shabat Vayera is 21 Chevhvan.} Mirvarchim HaChodesh (the Shabbos immediately bfore the New month of Kislev, but this Chodesh, "V'yera elav HaShem" mamash G_d shined into him, not what he said, but what G_d is whispsering, the deepest depths. Deepest, deepest, deepest, deepest depths. You know Friends, when you tell someone a secret you cannot talk loud. You can talk soft. The deeper the secret is the more you whisper. But can you imagine how deep the secrets are between us and G_d that you can't even hear the whispering. That means it is so deep that even the Torah can't record it. See, here we come to the point. You know what Meshiach is all about? Meshiach is all about that suddenly it will be revealed to us. That even the lowest, most rotton person, inside, inside, inside, gevald are they holy. Gevaldt, on the inside. Whatever you see outside, there's nothing in it -- Nothing. Why was it that Meshach has to come out of Sodom? Becuase that's all there is to Meshiach. Meshiach is turning over Sodom. Not to destroy it, but to reveal it. To reveal that Sodom, in Sodom is gevaldt, right. {end printout p13} ----------------------------------------------------------------- {start re-input printout p14} Remember I told you it says in the s'forim, that the Heilage Premishlomer went up to the palace of the Rambam. He went everyhwere, finally we he went to the palace of Mashiach and he saw that nobody is setting there leraning. People are sitting there with long hair, playing chess. You know what that means, you don't see anything. You don't see anything. I have to share with you a story I told yesterday. A person came to Reb Levi Yitschak Berditcher to see what he's doing. So in the middle of the davening, the heilage Reb Levi Yitschak walks out, goes to the kitchen and he asks, "what are we having for lunch?" They said, "Some kind of milk soup." He takes a spoon and starts digging in the soup. He says, "Oh, I don't like the milk. The milk is not strong enough. Could you get better milk? And he's yelling. "I need better milk. It's half water, half milk. I need strong milk." And he's yelling, gevaldt. "We need very strong milk." This Yid thinks this is terrible. In the middle of davining. Reb Levi Yitschak has nothing else to do than to think of the soup he'll have for lunch. It was clear to him, after the davining, I'm taking my suitcase and I'm moving out. He's not a Rebbe; a low creep. After the davining was over, a poor broken woman came. She says, "Rebbe, I have a baby. I'm nursing the baby. But my milk is so "shvach" (so poor). And the doctor says that the baby G_d forbid is dying, because my milk cannot nourish the baby. So Reb Levi Yitschak says to her, "My dear lady, I fixed your milk already, during the davining." Gevaldt. B'haya term yitchato v'ani cheshnch {Hebrew Script: FILL IN} (And before they call answer). Awesome, right. So you see, Reb Levi Yitschak talking about milk -- What do you know, right. What do you know. And here is the most awesome Torah from Ishbitser. Why does it have to do with Meshiach, Sodom? Everything in the world has to go through so much until it's really on the level. So he says, Avraham Avinu is on the level of giving everything away, but you know something, there are certain things I shouldn't give away. Certain things I shouldn't give away. Remember we were learning, Imagine I'll get married, next day I'll ask my wife where's the wedding ring? She says I heard some speeches during the wedding, you have to give everythihg away, so I gave away the wedding ring. You don't give that away! {end printout p14} ---------------------------------------------------------------- {start input p15} Sodom has something to it. The only thing, the way they did it was wrong. But there has to be Sodom in the world. Because Avraham Avinu alone is very holy, but it's also not the right thing. Everything, giving away. {N.B.: (sa): This is from the notion that Avraham is unqualified Chesed} I want you to know, it's mamash Ruach HaKodesh, right. Today, people don't know, some people say, let's give everything away. Let's give away all of Eretz Yisrael, let's give away Yerushalyaim, let's move back to Dallas, right. But Meshiach depends on our holding on to what we have . You know what an assimilated Jew is. Who's giving up his Yiddishkeit, his Shabbos, he gives everything away. You know what an assimilated Jew is? Who gives away his children for nothing. Makes goyim out of his chldren. Nothing. Sodom is strong, don't give it away. but the only thing is, you have to know what not to give away and what to give away. So it's a long BIRIR "bai- roar" (??al po??)) {can't read EW's handwritten translation, off- page on xerox} between Avraham and Sodom. Takes a long time, takes a long time. You know, everybody in their own personal life, the deepest question is, how much are you permitted to give up, and how much are you not permitted to give up. I don't know the answer, but there is something to it. But here I want you to know something, after Avraham Avinu learned from G_d that there is someting so deep inside which I didn't know exists, so deep. Avraham Avinu says, "Ribbono shel Olam, Please give me fifty tsadikkiim, I'm moving into Sodom. I'm moving into Sodom and I'm turning over the lowest, the lowest, lowest person. I'm turning over the lowest person to be a tsaddik." I want you to know there were a lot of Rebbes, who would talk out loud when they said their Torahs, and there were Rebbes who would mamash whisper. There there were Rebbes who would barely whisper. In Sanz, I heard in Bobov that there were times when the Rebbe would talk Torahs very loud, then there were times that he would say Torahs very short. Then there was a time that he barely whispered the Torahs. I just want tt share with you a Torah, very fast. One of my friends, Wolfsohn, came out with a book "Emmas Ateros Am Yisrael". He says a gevaldt Torah. What does it have to do with where Sarah was? So he says, the angels came to destroy Sodom, and why was Sodom not destroyed? Because of Ruth, and it says "Lo yavo Moavi v'Ameri B'Kahal HaShem {Hebrew Script: FILL IN} (A Moabite and Amorite cannot enter the Congregation of G_d). {REF: Chumash: __________ } Cf. eg Kitov, Book of our Heritage, Shavuot, on how this is qualified by the Book of Ruth. } The Gemorrah says, only men have to go out and bring bread but women don't have to . So he says a gevaldt Torah. Where does it begin? Because Avraham says "Henei b'ohel", she is not going out. {REF: "Henei b'ohel": Genesis (V_YRA) 18:9 "HiNeH B_AoHeL" ("Behold, in the tent." {end printout p15} ------------------------------------------------------------------- {start printout p16} Is that an unbelieveable Torah. She is not going out, so therefore it's only "Meovi" not "Meovis" (a Moabite, not a Moabiteness) it's a gevaldt! You know something, let's put it this way, you know. Lo yavo Meavi b'kahal HaShem {Heb. Script: LoA YVoA MAOvI BQaHaL ''} Why? Because they are completely rotten to the core. If they are only alive, because of Avraham, when Avraham Avinu's grand- children need bread, they don't give it? That means they are rotten to the core. But you know what's "Moavi v'lo moavis"? The women are not rotten to the core. Unbelieveable -- "Henai b'ochel" (she is sitting in the tent. They are not rotten to the core. {Apologic Ref: (sa): Cf. eg Kitov, Book of our Heritage, on the book of Ruth; on the teaching that the rabbinute must have exempted women from Moab from the Chumash ban on Moabites (otherwise Ruth could not have married Boaz; but it says in the Book of Ruth that she did).} If you remember the deepest depths, Shlomo HaMelech had a thousand wives because Shlomo HaMelech wanted to be connected to the deepest depths of every country. So the Ishbitser says that the "omek", the depths of every country, is not in the man, the depths of this is in the women. So he says "Henai b'ohel". (She was in the tent). Anyway, mamash , Friends, I bless you and me, it should always be clear to us, it should always be clear to us, that the lowest person in the world, if you could only connect them to fifty tsaddikim, or just to ten tsadikkim. You don't know, right. And also the deepest depths, you know every person asks himself is my depths enough that because of my depths, five hundred years from now my children will be Yidden. You know it says "L'asos aes HaShabbos L'dorosum" {HS: LST At Ha_ShaBaT) (to make Shabbos for all all generations). The Chiddushei HaRim says do you know how deep Shabbos has to be? That from one Shabbos, all generations to come should be Yidden. "L'asos es HaShabbos l'dorasom" for all generations to come. Everybody knows, Chodesh MarCheshvan is the month of Meshiach is coming, and he'll initiate the Holy temple. You know why we hated each other, {REF (sa): Traditional teaching that "The Temple [ie, the Second Temple, the Herodian Temple ] was destroyed becuase of 'causeless hatred'." }because as simple as it is, we hated each other because we looked at each other from the out- side. We looked at each other from the outside. And here it says "V'hoo yoshavo pesach ha'ohel" {HS: XX} ) (And he sat at the opening of the tent). Avraham [TEXT: Genesis (V_YiRA) 18:1: V_HUA YShev PeTaCh Ha_AoCheL] Avinu after he became mamash the father of all of Israel, he saw mamash he saw Yidden being driven out from the Holy Land, they'd be driven from the Holy Tent, and nebuch they'd be sitting at the gate, waiting to come back. And mamash he was praying that one day we'll be tired from our walks and we'll be already worshipping the (?)dust(?). Gevaldt, so we wait for the Ribbono shel olam to take us back. {Note (sa): 'Worshipping the dust' may be a derogatory reference to Muslims; from the Muslim practice of prostration in daily prayers (practiced in Temple Judaism; but preserved in present-day Judaism only in High Holyday observance).} {End printout p16} {start re-input p17} "El habakar ruts Avraham" {HS: XX} (After the sheep ran Avraham) [TEXT: Genesis (V_YRA) 18:7 -- V_AeL HaBQaR RaTz AvRaHaM ] We should live to see mamash "B'shuv HaShem Shivat Tzion" {HS: BshUv '' ShIVaT TzION} (HaShem will bring us back to Zion) [ TEXT: Psalm 126 (Shabat/Yomtov preface to Blessing after Meals): B_ShUv '' AeT ShIvaT TzION ] L'chaim, l'chaim. You know friends, do you know what the deepest depths of this parsha is? The beginning is "V'yera elav HaShem"; that Avraham Avinu connected to the deepest depths of G_d. And the end of the parsha "V'yomer elav avi" that mamash Avraham Avinu is connected to the deepest depths of his children. (Singing) I began telling you Rebbe Levi Yitschak's Torah, "V' hoo'omade aleyhem", that because of the malachim he gave up getting hihger every second. So who taught him this? This is heavenly. In this world, a rich man is maybe someone who gets more and more and more. Heaven is how much you can give up. How much you can give up -- Ah, so after he learned from the malachim, for somebody else you have to give up, even getting closer to G_d. You know when you pray for somebody, you have to be very close to them. You see Noach was afraid to pray for the people of the flood, because he was afraid to be close to them. {nc2-sa} Ah, Avraham Avinu learned, gevaldt, there's a different kind holiness -- you get closer to somebody giving something up for you. So he was ready to go down from his holiness, and be close to the people of Sodom, and pray for them. And you know what the Zohar HaKodesh says, "Avraham shov limkoma" {HS: XX} he went back to his place. what does it mean, he went back home? You know after the (?)synagogue(?), after the services were over, he went back home? I mean, where else should he go? The Zohar Kodesh says, "V'Avraham shav limhoma", you think he stopped praying for Sodom? He kept on praying for Sodom. He didn't give up his place. Avraham shav limkoma. He's still doing it. And you know, I have a very strong feeling, you know why Erets Yisrael was built by non-religious people? Because Erets Yisrael {HS: } Ed ha'arets asher ai-rehka (To the land that I will show you) If G_d doesn't show it to you, you don't see it. You don't see it. (?)all(?) [or?: 'It'?] it would have been built by the Gerer Rebbe. Shovin. Gerer Rebbe, heilage yid, built Erets Yisrael. It was built by a Yid who eats a ham- (?)burger(?) on Yom Kippur. Oy gevaldt, what do we know? What do we know. {end p. 17} ------------------------------------------------------------------- *** {start re-input p18} {Xerox printout of p18 is very low contrast, difficult to read, maybe output on a dot-matrix printer with a very old daisy-wheel} I tell you one of the highest moments in my life, during the Yom Kippur was, one night we were camping, some soldiers, somewhere in the desert, it was a broken house which belonged to the Egyptian Army before. And we were inside, they made a little fire and I just wanted to be outside and see what's happening. I walk out, and one of the people, one of the soldiers who was standing guard was a shoemaker from Tel Aviv. A simple Yid, a very simple person. Mamash he had the gun in his hand, and he had it up like this, pointing to heaven. He was standing, mamash, look- ing up. I still shiver when I remember it, simple, who knows what he sees, who knows, gevaldt, what do we know. We mamash don't know, we have no idea. We don't know. I want you to know something else, very very deep. Do you know why do we need -- shalom bayis, before Mashiach is coming. So many houses are falling apart. I'm blessing everyone with Shalom Bayis. [ GLOSSARY (sa): Shalom Bayis: domestic harmony between husband and wife ]. I want you to know something. If I ask a husband, do you know your wife, "Yea, I know her." Their marriage is on the way out. "I have no idea, she's so holy." You ask the woman, what about your husband. Oy, gevaldt! You know what Avraham Avinu was fixing "V'hashavo pesach ha'ohel", he was sitting at [TEXT: Genesis (V_YRA) 18:1 "as he sat (in) the door of the tent: "V_HUA Y_Shev PeTaCH Ha_AoHel" ] the gate of the tent, seeing Yidden waiting to come to come back to Erets Yisrael. And the angels are asking, "Yea, so where's Sarah, do you know who she is? "Henai b'ohel", I haven't the faintest [TEXT: "Henai b'ohel": Genesis (V_YRA) 18:9 "Behold, in the tent" "HiNeH B_AoHeL" ] idea. I haven't the faintest idea. It says, "Elah toldos ?L?_Avvrahm, Avraham ?holeed? es Yitzchak" {HS: XX} (these are the generations of Avraham, Avraham gave birth to Yitzchak} [TEXT: "Eleh toldos Avraham": Genesis (TOLDoT) 25:19 "And these are the generations of Issac, Abraham's son; Abraham gegot Issac" "V_AeLeH TOLDoT YiTzChaQ BeN AvRaHaM AvRaHaM TOLID AeT YiTzChaQ" ] You ask Avraham, do you know who Yitschak is? He says, the only thing I can tell you, I'm his father, but I have no idea who is, "Elah toldos Yitschak ben Avraham". You ask Yitschak, do you know your father, Avraham? He says all I can tell you, he's my father. But who he is, beyond me, beyond me. You know everything in Yiddishkeit, the essence of Yiddishkeit is the beyondness of everything, the heavenliness of everything. It's so much deeper. It is so much deeper. Do you know what Torah Sh'Baal Peh is? I'm learning Tosfos and I think I understand it and I realize it's so much deeper. Everything I"m learning, everything I know, it's so much deeper. ?Sooo? much deeper. When are we wiping out Amalek? You see the chet ets Hadas is the snake says to Eve, to Chavala, if you eat the [GLOSSARY (sa): chet ets Hadas, sin of [eating of the fruit of ] the Tree of Knowlege ] apple, you know everything. That's the end of the world, if I know everything, that's the end. That's the end of Yiddishkeit. The end of serving G_d. {end p. 18} ------------------------------------------------------------------ *** {start input p19} The fixing is, "Henai b'ohel". I have no idea, I don't know. I want to say just one more thing. Avraham Avinu because of the angels, he's giving up becoming more holy. You know what G_d says, "I'll give it back to your children." It's unbelieveable. (!)YOu know, sometimes when we give something up for another person we think it's the end, you don't know how G_d gives it back to your children. You don't know, generations to come.(!} You know, I don't have to tell you, in Israel everybody is so afraid to give up one inch of his Yiddish- keit. I jut have to tell you, this Shabbos was a crazy Shabbos. It was a beautiful Shabbos and then suddenly Friday night a misnagid walked in. Some misnagdim are cute, he's also cute, but a little bit bitter. So he starts talking about Avraham Avinu and non-religous people. And mamash my whole chevre, Baruch HaShem I was so proud of them, everybody wanted to get up and walk out. I gave them a sign, he's our guest, don't put him to shame. So anyway, he was saying, a person has to be on one side and non-relgious people on the other side, right. Avraham HaIvri -- So I gave him over the Ishbitser Torah, I hope I understand it one hundred percent. Maybe not. You know "Ivri" means ... [3 dots typescript] you know it comes from the word, the world is one side, and Avraham Avinu is on the other side, right. That's the way the world learns pshat. The Ishbitser says the world is only on one side, they cannot be on both sides. Because you know what a pagan is? A (?)gai(?) [sic, EW handwritten, gai ] who doesn't move. Everything, they can't move. Or I'm frum or I'm not frum. I'm good or I'm bad. That's Noach. They're bad they're bad, and I'm good. That's one side. Avraham Avinu is on both sides. On both sides. If it's time to be religious, I'm religious, and to save somebody's life, I make myself non- religious. I'll be non-religious. I'd do anything. You know why? I'm {CROSS-REF JUDAISM (sa): Cf. Reb Nachman, as often paraphrased by RSC: To rouse somebody from depression, it is permitted even to tell an off-colour joke.} not afraid to be on the other side because I'm so, so connected to G_d. I can be anything you want me to. You know what the Kozhitser Maggid said. What's Succos all about. I make all my mistakes on Yom Kippur because I was only standing on one side. I'm permanent. I can't move. What am I doing on Succos? I move out on the street. Move! Be ready to move any second you want to, right. [sic, 'you want to', but maybe intended: 'you are wanted to' [by Heaven]] {end p19} {start re-input p20} You know, if I built a permanent succha, it's not kosher. Succah has to be transitory, wherever you are. The {nc3_sa} Kozhnitser Maggid says, "I'm G_d's messenger boy." You know if I'm a messenger for Western Union, I cannot tell them I'm only going to Broadway. I'm only going to Seventh Avenue. Wherever they send you, you have to go, right. You don't know. But anyway I just want to bless you, you know what's so special about the world. Rav Kook says it a hundred times. Not only to see Erets Yisrael, you need G_d to show you -- every Yid, you don't see them unless G_d shows them to you. And the whole world they haven't seen us yet. You know like they are fighting, they know we are somewhere, they can't find us, right. Imagine I know somebody in this room, and I can't find them, I get crazy right. They know there are Yidden in the world, but they can't see us. Because gevaldt, I mean if we need special privilege to see one Yid, imagine for the whole world to see all of Israel. They are not on the level, yet. I'm sure there are some good people in the world who see us, but the world hasn't seen us yet. And what we have to do, mamash we have to pray so hard, "Master of the world, I'll never know what a Yid is all about, but let me look at them from time to time, right. Just from time to time. and maybe the world also will see us from time to time." I want you to know something very deep. All the rebbes say the same thing. Why was Avraham Avinu asking his friends if he should circumsise himself? He was so afraid [REFERENCE: I don't know the Reference. It ain't the pshat of Chumash. Maybe Rashi's commentary? But Rashi (Interlinear Rashi Chumash, JPS 1949 edition), commenting on Genesis (VYRA) 17:23, says: "On the very day when he was commanded, during the day and not at night. He did not fear either the nations or the scorners, so that his enemies and contemporaries should not say, 'If we had seen him we would not have permitted him circumcize and to fulfill the commandment of the lord [MaQoAm]." So: I don't know the Reference. Maybe a super-commentator upon Rashi's commentary? {nc4-sa} *** ] that after the bris he'll be cut off from the world. Because he'd be like a different person. So he asked his friends, how will you feel about me after I'm circumcised? Will you feel far away from me? Or will you still be close to me? Unbelieveable, right. "V'yera elav HaShem b'elonai Mamre." [TEXT: Geneses (V_YRA) loc. cit.] Elonai Mamre said to him, not only I won't be far away from you, I'll be even closer to you. Because I'll be so glad that there's one friend who's close to G_d. You know it has to do with Meshiach also. The question is, is the world maybe happy that we have the Holy Land. They know the Holy Land is special, right. And they are so jealous that we have it. You know what I say to somebody: The Germans wanted to kill us, but know [typescript sic; but I assume 'now'] the world wants to take away our spece in the world. Pull out the rug under their feet, right. Take away our space. {end p.20} {start re-input p21} You know whast the Bais HaMikdash is all about? Maybe the Torah is our soul, but the Bais HaMikdash is our space, right. Before the rebuilding [typescipt 'building'; pencilled edit, 're-building'] of the Bais HaMikdash, the {nc6-sa} world mamash wants to take away our space. And this can't be, right. So I'm sure mamash "larov yehoshuasi [?ed insert here?: l'hiyales] lavo r'tsidku luaf {HS: ?KrOM slsh vsimh LsaLiT (my salvation will come soon). You know like I hope it'll be soon [or insert here?[?ed insert here?: l'hiyales]] Because {HS: vTzOriTi LsbLit} {Pencilled insert: ??My righter reven??} {REF NOTE: Somebody please supply these references, with Hebrew text and and a transliteration.} You know what the Rebbes say? The way the world says "Nafshi k'afar" {HS: NaFShi KaFar LKoL TsIH??} that my soul be like the dust. Like my soul be like [the dust] {nc8-sa} [TEXT: I assume this is: (Siddur, prayer after conclusion of Amidah:): NaFShI TiDOM V_NaFShI Ke'aFaR L_KoL TiHYeH "may my soul be unrespnsive; and let my soul be like dust to all" (`The Complete [Ashkenazi] Metsudah Siddur')] the dust. That means so humble. Everybody can step on me. But all the Rebbes say the other way around: Let me be like the earth. The earth makes space for everyone. So let me also make space for everyone. So maybe our fix- ing is that we'll make space for every Yiddle. Then maybe the world will make space for all of us, hopefully. Mimi [Feigelson, I assume]: All right, you've been asking. How did this one learn from this. how does this one know this secret. how does this one know this secret ....[4 dots typescript] So Avraham learned davining from Sarah. so where did Sarah learn her secrets from. So I thought that maybe she learned them from Chava herself. What was the first thing that Chava and Adam hear. they heard HaShem's voice in the garden. So He was walking and whis(?)per(?)ing to Himself. And this is what they heard. And this is where Sarah learned to hear HaShem's whisper. Because Chava, she was really the first parent. Avraham is really the first father, "Avi": Chava. "Aim kal chai" (Mother of all living). [REF: Genesis (B_ReShIT): 3:20: "And the man called thename of his wife Eve; because she was he other of all living." V_Y_QRA Ha_ADaM SheM AiSh_TO ChavaH KI HUA HaYTaH AiM KoL ChaI ] She ws the first mother, she was the first parent. The essence of parenting is to be able to hear your children whisper. So Rosh Hoshana we have the shofar, and that's HaShem's whisper, and Yom Kippur -- we take out the Torah and walk around (?)w(?)ith the Torah -- The Torah is whispering -- we are whispering to the Torah. {end p. 21} {start re-input p22} Reb Shlomo: (about Chava): Because it doesn't make sense to me that she only heard G_d's whisper after she ate from the Tree of Know- ledge. So how does G_d create Shabbos? The world is from "Asaras Amoros" [10 words: REF: DON'T KNOW; SOMEBODY FILL IT IN ], right. But how did He create Shabbos? With a whisper. And Chava was already created after midday of erev Shabbos, so she heard already the whisper of Shabbos. So therefore Chava is mamash kindling the lights, the lights don't say anyTHing. Lights are just whispering. That's the deepest The deepest whisper in thE world. And maybe this is really the fixing, because when she ate from the Tree of Knowlege, she forgot the whisper. But when she kindled lights, she heard the whisper again. You know why Aaron is kiindling lights? Because Aaron is {HS:} V_YTZOR Aaron." Aaron kept silent. [REF: VAYIKRO (SHEMENI) Leviticus 10:3 "and Ahron was silent" [Rashi Interlinear tr. (c) R. Avrohom Davis 2002 ] V_Y_DoM AHaRoN ] Aaron is only whispering, he doesn't say anything. Vayitore Aaaron. Then in the Holy of Holies again he didn't say anything. [about 6 lines of white space in typescript; maybe a break in the teaching]: It just flashed into me. Maybe it's included in the Ishbitser Torah. Why didn't Noach teach his people? He didn't shine into them; he just talked to them. [N.B.: Cf. Leah Golumb, Kislev '03 German Colony (to be input as something like =lg*k03 ), on the distinction between 'giving over' and 'teaching' ] And until this parsha, G_d was always talking to him. "V'yera etav HaShem." Suddenly he starts a new kind of method -- shining into him. "Ah", so Avraham says, "Shining? Maybe we can shine into Sodom also." Remember all the big rebbes, it's not what they say. The Me'or v'Shemesh says Reb EliMelech did not make Ba'al Tshuvashs with his words. But when you saw him, his neshama was shining into you so much. And also -- you have to be very close to somebody to shine into them. Very close. And until this parsha Avraham wasn't close enought to G_d, that G_d should shine into him. So mamash Avraham says, if I can be so close to YOu, that You can shine into me .... [4 dots typescript ] And again, I want you to know, do you think Avrahqm thought he was better than Sodom? I'm sure Avraham Avinu thought I'm the lowest person in the world. Remember what the Kuzamer said with- out telling you a long story. He said to the Lubliner, "What? There is somebody even worse than me in this world?" {nc9-sa} I heard, in the {HS: ??YsOaT AIRHQ}, Yehoshuas Avram", he says an awesome Torah. I mean Cain was a Nevi {HS: neviA?}, (prophet), G_d spoke to him., right. So why did he bring the worst things? Because Cain wanted to pave the way that even the worst can get close to G_d. I don't under- stand the Torah which he says after, so why wasn't his korban accepted But obviously the Torah is that you don't aim for that, you know, chas v'shalom. {nc10-sa} {end p22} {start re-input p23} But to look for the worst to bring to G_d? I saw the Klausserger Rebbe. He has a kind of joking way of talking. There's a new way now. Everybody is looking for apikorsim. He says, now it's even something else. The last few years it was apikorsim, now the new mode is looking for "mishumadim". It's just a joke. {nc11-sa} I just have to share with you more more Torah that I told yesterday to some people. The Heilage Reb Pinchas Koritsker, someone asked him, the Gemora says, "Rishaim milayim mitsvos k'rimon {HS, XX}. Rishaim (evil people) are full of mitsvos. So they asked, "Mitsva gorreres mitsva", one mitsva brings about another mitsva. So why are they "Rishaim"? So he says, "Mitsva gorreres mitsva", one mitsva brings about another, it's only if you do the mitsva b'simcha. Rishaim are doing good deeds, but they are not happy with it. It's a gevaldt. {nc12-sa} The second thing they asked him, it says "Rishaim milayim charata" (HS): Bad peple are full of regret." {nc13-sa} So gevaldt, it's beautiful, so why are they rishaim? So he said, to it in English, it comes out stronger, it says they are full of regrets. They are full of it. Mamash they are walking around, they are full of regrets be- cause they are not doing anything else. They just regret it, but then they do it agan. G_d doesn't want you to be filled with regret. He wants you to be filled with doing better. Anyway, Good Shabbos, Good Yom Tov. Thank you. Good Shabbos, Good Chodesh. Anyway, thank you a million times. You know, some of you know Nachman and Miriam. Baruch HaShem, they prayed so hard to have a baby, and I'm sure they'll have one of their own, but right now they just adopted a baby. Everyone agreed it was the highest brit on the planet. Mamash it was so good. This little babyla must have a big neshama. It was not from this world. Ok, everybody is invited to this little boy's wedding so keep posted. Baruch HaShem, by us, I'm sure you do it, by a bris you don't stand there and look at this little boy like at a zoo. In Bobov mamash, I heard [it(?)] of Bobov, you mamash close you eyes. Everyone. because the moyal is very holy, but the real moyal is Avraham and Eliyahu. They are doing the whole rhing, right. So whatever you see, you don't see the right thing. It was so special; I said everybody has to close their eyes. It was mamash like [3 dots typescrpt] by Yehoshua's [presumably R. Joshua & Rbtzn. Emunah Witt's home; "Mishkanot"] also, everybody closes their eyes. So special. {end typescript p23} {start re-input p24} I said to the chevre, so you davined Rosh Hoshanah and Yom Kippur, you davined good, right. Were you in the same room as Avraham and Eliyahu HaNavi? You weren't, right. But right now you are. How much would I give to spend one second with Avraham Avinu? OK, mamash, thank you, mamash. {HS: AoR} "oo-ray vanim l'vanecha" (You should see the children of your children.") I made up a new {nc14-sa} [REF: Siddur, closing prayer, Ma'ariv [addition] for Motzei Shabbos: "May '' bless you out of Zion, and may you look upon the good of Jerusalem all the days of your life. May you see [the] children of your children / Peace upon Israel " [Metsudah Ashkenazai ] V_RAeH BNIM L_BNI_Kho / ShaLOM 'aL YiSRaAeL " ] niggun by the bris, and I can't remember it. It was so good, people were dancing, we realized we could dance forever with this nigun, but I don't remember it. (Singing): Good shabbos. Good Yom Tov. {End p. 24} {END THIS TRANSCRIPT} {End my re-input of pp11-24 inclusive; now need pp1--10 from MD, Israel Center} ================================================================== So ok: This doc is now =chesh91o < =chesh91n <=chesh91m All meaning: RSC Cheshvan, 1991, Mishkanot I'll Deep-Six the Notes off to =sascch1 and re-name the noteless text =chesh91p Then out to MD for possible corrections/additions sa, Mevo Modi'in, 18 Dec '03, 22 Kislev. Stormy. =================================================================