THIS IS =po041228.txt I'm now using it as a catch-all updateable JOURNAL DOC New entries are posted from the top down, newest topmost It will hold new poems, new letters-to-th-editor, and new purav quips -- OK, here -tis NEW ENTRIES 2 JAN '05 -- 20? Tevet ====================================== In petrol automibniles they drive to the mountains to go up and come down as fast as possible. They could do as much on a cizeround astroturn inclined swivel (if not swiveable) treadmill. ------------------------------ It is too eay to blame and almost condemn the Germans for acquiescence and collaboration int the Nazi regime. Most of us habitually acquiesce and collaborate in lesser evils, eg paying U.S. income tax. Resistance and opposition may be seen as heroic, exceptional by definition. Moost of us, especially as we grow older, so much long to live in a personal mini-world of peace, "within (or: 'amidst') an ugly world of ugly people" (PVK). And all that can be shattered by a single act of standing up for what is right against the currently prevailing authoritz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She seems to me to be the moon or mayxbe a morning star. Why now should I fly away. (Feldis, 31 Dec '04) :The Poet contemplates extending his stay "but to see Leila you must have the eyes of Majun" (PVK, after HIK) ----------------------------------------- From Switzerland it is hard not to see the USA, ("under" Bush the Junior devil) from a European perspective, as gross & uncivilized. -------------------------------------------- "No hablo pszchobabble" -- It is out-of-order, insofar as it pretends to ontic primacy. I don't say that Kant had nthe last word -- that there is no sense to speaking of ("noumena") ontic primacy -- I reckon one must deal with siuations as they arise (from the "sea" (PVK, HIK) of potentialities). In some situations the pschologic dimension may merit priorit (to placate one's wife, as a hasidic joke has it -- I think cited in Jewish Treasury of Folklore). In other situations, it may be the dimension of truth, or the physical dimension that merits priority. (One does not coutner an opponent ina phillosophic debate or a fencing match -- or a (USA) football game -- by saying eg 'your unchecked aggressiveness is hurting my feelings' -- Imagine that in a football game -- the New Yorker cartoons (for New York Jews of course, "not for the little old lady from Dubuque ((Indiana, if I recall)) capture the whimsical pathos oa an impoverished Jewish gentle-man trying to make his way as "a stranger in" -- and forever estranged from "a strange (affluent, powerful) (gentile) land". Mira Todi Hotel/Restaurante, Feldis, 31 Dec -- 18? Tevet ----------------------------------- I dso not speak much German because I am mad at Germans. I stay in a Swiss-Italian Pension whose new Managers are bastards. So I have gone for 2 weeks to a German canton and now German seems to me rather a nice language. --------------------------------------- If you have to tell your rank, most likely you don't merit it. --------------------------------- I think I've found your coffee shop Sam Jonson ---- --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- In Feldris everyone says hello. Above Feldris at 2000 meters they sell hot soup minestrone very welcome for 5 Swiss Francs very fair but they won't take Euros. (Mutta, Shabat/Saturday, 1 Jan '05) : "We'll have to go around Cape Horn, they won't take a check." (New Yorker cartoon, 1950's) ---------------------------------------- The Poet goes hiking, peruses porno, and intends to meditate: His Apologia:: inside space outside space whatever gets you off your ass said Baalak. (after Henry Miller, if memory serves) Notes: "meditation is the greatest luxury this world affords." (PVK) "'Lady of Spain I adore you.' Lie down and let me expore you." (Heard from Barry Seidman, Belmont Junior High School, ca. 1955) (after Henry Miller, if memory serves) ---------------------------------------------------------- & Shlomo said It is better to eat on Shabat morning and then daven than to daven but think continually of eating. (Mutta-Feldris sled-path, Saturday afternoon, 1 Jan '05) ------------------------------------------------------- Now I stay in a respectable hotel with chaste TV I "sleep like a horse" and wake past midnight, but see no third-world involuntary floozies enticing anyone to simulated intercourse but only, on Swiss Number 1 a drama of damsels who offer intimated copulation and achieve Amercan abolution by being sliced diced or crudely carved into steak tartare. ((There is something to be said for Editting)) ------------------- The Swiss VIRTUE is orderliness, its associated VICE (Aristotle) is an officious picky meticulousness, and its associated SKILL is precision. Swiss watches and assorted gadgets. -------------------------------------- Reply to a largely imaginary critic: I can speak for myself. Can you? ------------------------ The all-glass, lst-class PanormaWagon climbs Oberalp Pass as its package-tour passengers sit in the small-windowed Gourmet Restorante car eating their free dinner. --------------------------- On the Arnona flap: As Unanumo pointed out (Tragic Sense of Life), an inequitably enforeced law has no ethical legitimacy. --------------------- Restaurantes should make no-smoking the Default. That is, the main dining area should be smoke-free. They may provide a somoking room, with a sperate entrance, withou an adjacent buffet serving coffe, liquor, cigars, etc. The right ot life nad health takes precedence over ohter reights, even freedom. The right to indulge one's appetites is bounded by the rights of others, elese we would legalize rape. Is there a right to indulge one's addictions? A self-destructive addiction? A right to suicide? (Cf. my articles on 'The right to die'.) To gratuitious suicide? ------------------------------------ =po041228, Augmented: Date:Mon, 27 Dec 2004 21:16:08 -0800 (PST) "Declare a Victory and Bug out" George Bush Jr.'s Iraq strategy is a self-enclosed Neverland fantasy that only he believes -- -------------------------------------------------------- Evidently the IHT sometimes gratuitiously if not tendentiously edits Letters to the Editor (Sent IHT 27 Dec '04 ------------------------------------------------------------ =========================================================== Slowly-slowly "every day in every way"? -- "yom-yom"? -- No, but anyhow -- I am still barely OK so anyone not as good as me is intolerable. --------------------------------------------------------- "he is throwing great beams of light" PVK, Abode 70s, on HIK When things start going wrong maybe your teacher is moving his office to a higher heaven. :And ZR said PVK said to Walia: Tell them I'll stay around for 3 or 4 yearas, but then they're on their own. (Heard, sa, from ZR, Workcamp Farewell dinner, Campra, '04) ------------------------------------------------------------ Dinah is a granmother now who sometimes worries that mayge she forgets something And she is a young woman bathing naked in a mountain stream. (Feldis, 28 Dec '04 -- 15 Tevet) ------------------------------------------------------------- Militantly cleaning my Refugio with antiseptic chemicals they put in its jplace each offering of food and throw away whatever wasn't theirs. ------------------------------------------------------------ "Gryshenka has a maisonette" TSE "Il Centro Ski Nordico Renouvello" Newsmagazine, Tri Valle, Dec '04 See FAULTY in photo with Nico Bareheaded, improbably deep in groomed snow hands empty Sweeny ready to wrestle the angels of winter and put them in their place to pay the price "Collagamente" "One horse, one rabbit" No wonder Pound went mad -- FAULTY drives up each day in a fresh-washed car polished with wax to a gloss In my Solarium the snow does not melt L.L. Bean meets The Shlump in a hat who only built the place FAULTY has a new office made of plywood and a new van that he never drives anywhere in -- Last week I placed the plastic bottles out to recyle -- they're still there with sacks of ashes and cans and all the daily papers that he's too tidy to burn In the window of Vanzetti's Bureau hiding brass trophies and a copper testimonial FAULTY places a sign flogging his weekly piatto di gionrno a dead horse with frozen French-fried potatoes and a packet of ketchup attractively priced at fourteen dollars ------------------------------------------------------------- "In the small dark hours of the morning" pre-dawn the naked lady on TV massaging an electronically veiled crotch is sadly compassionate At break of day pussy's packed away. Awakening at a reasonable time The proper salaryman sees only chaste images of mayhem ------------------------------------------------------------- "O Pious Hobo" -- An Explication: He who ran away from his place in 'The Wars of the LORDS' and now lives -- 'untidily' to say the least (let's let it go at that) now has the chutzpah to look down on a younger woman bathing naked in the dawn-touched sea of Greece. ------------------------------------------------------------ Old Klee & Matisse worked at least with simples so I mix and match short words. ----------------------------------------------------------- Masturbating on TV she wearns a small crucifix and has on her upper leg a healed wound. :The Sexual Revolution Reconsidered: 'Repressive Desublimation' (Marcuse) ----------------------------------------------------------- An Improper Poem or An Cosmopolitan from the USA: We learn from every people. From the Greeks I learned to shit without a toilet seat, and from the Arabs to wash my asshole afterwards. ------------------------------------------------------------- George likes Bush because, I suppose, one phony knows another. ------------------------------------------------------------ I glance and the mirror and see what a preposterous disguise. (Cf. PVK PVK -- "A mirror is the crudest of feedback devices." ------------------------------------------------------------ I guess the cold's got to my bones now or anyhow blood Watching nightime TV in a cold hotel room I see I miss even Greece. ---------------------------------------------------------- One who, like Bush, makes a lifestyle and builds a career o mocking social gaffes, is a naturual born facist. ----------------------------------------------------------- Q is a lie = A says Q and Q is not true and A knows that Q is not true . 'A is a liar' = 'A often tells lies' ------------------------------------------------------------- Therefore a bear is defined as a being such that, when and only when he enters the tea-tent it is raining. ---------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL POEMS, INPUT 30 DEC '04, FOLLOW THE SIGNATURE FILE: ===== SA SIGNATURE FILE: (1) My Website is: That Website holds my R. Shlomo Carlebach transcriptions; also some poems, useful links, et al. (2) The following Websites are especially recommended: Paintings by Yitzak ben Yehuda of Meor Modi'in Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York (USA), a responsible umbrulla organization for Wholistic Healing With respects and best wishes to all, Steve Amdur ---------------------------------------------------- __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? =po041230 ADD TO =PURAVTEV "Where tehre are no men, try ((Strive)?) to be a man." (Pirke haAvot) An Israeli will, if necesary, take charge of any situation, regardless of where he is and whose toes he trods on. ----------------------------------------------------------- Zurich like a circus whirls, prostituting boys and girls. The New Year is at hand, Rejoice -- Spend at the Whorehouse of your Choice. ----------------------------------------------------------- Its useful focus on Chesed set apart, Christianity is so stupid that only the Romans could have designed it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Uglybus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If the Swiss have a religion, it is is orderliness. If the Swiss have an ethic, is is: Thou shalt give nought for free. The Swiss have one taboo: Take no plastic bags. "They do seem rather pious for a natino whose fortune rests on laudering dirty money." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Poet offers Excuses for Changing his Mind: Take 3 steps on the way and the voyage was made. Trails, snow, wind, cold -- I know these dangers It is the pitfalls of cities that I fear. North of Zurich, the ground is brown In the mountains one sinks in soft snow. They would have made me welcome but in whose world. Where do they go who cannot leave the cities. Moon on snow, or all the stars Green-blue light of daybreak. I have seen the truth now. It is an ok place to visit -- if you say so -- but