=poppycok.txt [ Sent 2 Feb '04 letters@iht.com, letters@jpost.com, letters@haaretz.co.il, et al. ] On 2 Feb '04 the IHT published a tendentious misleadingly edittedexcerpt from a short letter I had submitted in opposition to theFrench proposed ban of schoolgirls' headscarves.That letter was intended as a gesture of support, from within theJewish community, for continued freedom of religious expressionfor French Muslims, Jews, and of course Christians. As printed,it appears to be merely a crude anti-Catholic slur; for which Istand chagrined. As printed, the edited letter read (in entirety): "If France wants to ban supposedly ostentatious religious display, let in turn the Cathedral of Notre Dame into a shopping mall."The letter I submitted read (in entirety): "Chirac's crusade against schoolgirls' headscarves isastoundingly stupid. "It violates the human rights to freedom of religiousexpression and to freedom of sexual decorum. "It is also blatantly discriminatory, primarily againstMuslims, secondarily against orthodox and ultra-orthodox Jews. "It makes a sort of pseudo-religion of secularism, beyond thefollies of Marist-Leninism. "If France wants to ban supposedly ostentatious religiousdisplay, let it turn the Cathedral of Notre Dame into a shoppingmall (heaven forfend)."(Signed) Steve Amdur, Moshav Mevo Modi'in, 73122 Israel==================================================================