Tor and Tahari imports and exports

Tribes of Tahari

he Tahari region of Gor is a huge desert and wasteland with surrounding villages and cities. The desert area in the middle is known as the Wastes or the Emptiness. A hot wind blows nearly constantly here and water is very scarce. The people in this area resemble, in many ways, the Arabic cultures of Earth, especially the Bedouins.

n the wastes, there are numerous Oasis communities. Each one numbers from a hundred or so people to thousands. They often are located hundreds of passangs apart. They depend heavily on caravans for supplies. These caravans generally travel the Western or distant Eastern edges of the Tahari. Within the dune country, as the oasis's are small and infrequent, only salt caravans travel through this area.

he city of Tor is the wealthy and luxurious city of the desert region. It is famed for its splendors, comforts and pleasures. It is the principal supply point for the oasis communities of the Tahari. The city has a large Bazaar, hundreds of small merchant stalls, vending a wide variety of wares.

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