There are people who believe that watching TV is unhealthy. They say, one gets quadrangular eyes, one becomes insane and one loses every connection to the reality. They say it for general and they don't see that what they say isn't true for most of the TV-watchers.
Or have you ever seen somebody with quadrangular eyes?
I don't think so. Because of that I'd like to make clear that watching TV doesn't make quadrangular eyes. One could become insane, that's right, but everyone is responsible for himself. Somebody, who is sitting the whole time in front of the TV and is watching horror movies, has to get stupid sometimes. Losing the connection to the reality could be possible if one believes what they show in TV. But who believes that the president of the United States of America can save a Jumbo resonant with terrorist - all alone? And who believes that an English man never dies, doesn't matter against how many enemies he has to fight and how many cars he breaks? I don't know anybody.

I want to present a few of my favourite movies. If you have suggestions which film I also could list here, mail to me.

My favourite movies
Title Actors / Actresses Year
1. Pump up the Volume Christian Slater, Samantha Mathis 1990
2. Face/Off John Travolta, Nicholas Cage 1996
3. Time to Kill Sandra Bullock, Samuel L. Jackson, Matthew McConaughey 1997


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