Media of amusement is very important today. They were already important in earlier times but not as much as now. Let's have a look at the computer games: The people from the middle-age didn't know that something like that exists at all (okay, in the middle-age they hadn't had computers, so they couldn't have computer games...).
Anyway, today we have thousands of these electronic games. It would be completely crazy to try to learn it by heart.

My most favourite game at the moment is "Commander Keen". It's already quite an old game but it's very good entertainment. One always tries to do it better than the last time and to finish the game. That's sometimes even difficult. Of course, there are tips and tricks but as soon as you don't play on the easiest level, these things aren't very useful anymore.

But what's "Commander Keen" actually about?
"Commander Keen" is a game where you have to finish as much levels as possible. And of course, it wouldn't be bad to catch all the points which are found everywhere. But that's not everything! Everywhere are different kinds of enemies. Some of them are completely harmless, from others you should run away as fast as you can.

Until now there are 6 "Commander Keen" - games plus a "lost" episode:

Commander Keen in "Invasion Of The Vorticons"

    Episode 1: Marooned on Mars
    Episode 2: The Earth Explodes
    Episode 3: Keen Must Die

Commander Keen in "The Lost Episode"

    Episode 3.5: Keen Dreams

Commander Keen in "Goodbye Galaxy"

    Episode 4: Secret of the Oracle
    Episode 5: The Armageddon Machine

Commander Keen in "Aliens ate my Babysitter"

    Episode 6: Aliens ate my Babysitter

In every episode there are different enemies. If you want to know which one, klick here!

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