My name is Anita and I'm from Switzerland, more from the region around Zurich.
In the summer of 1982 I was born in the hospital for children in Winterthur.

I spent 6.5 years at the KZO (Kantonsschule Zürcher Oberland). It's a gymnasium, something like High School. I chose old languages as main subject but I did it without Greek. This winter I got my certifications.
In fall I will have go studying. It's not sure yet but probably it's gonna be the science of media and communication.

I'm leading a group of youth in the SLRG Pfäffikon (Schweizerische Lebensrettungsgesellschaft = Swiss Lifeguard Society). I lead the "Wällebrächer" (="wave-breakers") with teenagers from about 8-10 years. Here a few photos of them!

The question most interesting is probably this one: How did she come to the name Saavik?
This question I can answer to: Saavik is a Vulcanian-Romulan, that means she had a Romulan father and a Vulcanian mother. She's one of the characters in the universe of Star Trek. She's very active (actually she's only there active...) in the movies "ST2 - The Wrath of Khan" (but here is the figure played by an actress I don't like), "ST3 - The Search for Spock" and "ST4 - The Voyage Home" (in a few, short scenes at the beginning). She's the woman who saves the life of Spock by make an mental relation to him when he (as a young man on Genesis) experiences the pon farr.
Maybe some of you have recognized that woman. For the others is here a picture of Robin Curtis alias Saavik to show you what's what.
And now one could ask another question: Why did she chosen this person of all people?
I can answer to this too: At first I have to say that I haven't chosen that name because I feel similar to Saavik or because I look a bit like her. It's mainly because of that, that I wanted to have a name out of Star Trek, a name who isn't used too much. Something like Uhura or Janeway would also be possible but that wouldn't be very creative. So I watched the movies again and there I found the name of Saavik and I thought: Yes, it's quite a good name. And that's the whole story!

I don't want you to miss my scholastic knowledge (or unfamiliarity), so here are a few things I had to make! (only in German available!)

You can here watch at the fotos!

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