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***A note of Thanks must go to Clovis E. Linkous for his long hours of research and the hard work he put into the printing of "The Linkous Family History". Alot if not most of the Linkous material contained in these pages came from this book and although I plan to post alot of the information here I urdge you to seek out a copy of this work as the research contained therein is top notch and its author writes with a great love for the Linkous family.***

Henry Linkous is the ancestor of all members of the Linkous family. He created the unique name "Linkous" by modifing his German surname "Linckost". He came to America in 1776, a German soldier aboard the ship Friesland. The family began with the birth of his first child in Virginia in 1780.(The Linkous Family; Clovis E. Linkous)


There is a written account of Henry Linkous' early years in America, and although several mistakes have been found upon further research, the author clearly shows the noble character of our ancestor:

"The Hessians, being of a more heroic blood, stood their ground and fought bravely until they were either shot down or taken prisoner. In some New England prison they lingered and languished until long after Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown and until after peace was guaranteed. Many brave Hessians died in prison. When finally released, some went back to their old homes, but many decided to cast their lot with the new country which they had learned to reguard so highly. Many of the splendid families of German decent in Ameriac came from these Hessian soldiers; the Linkous family is one of them and is proud of it's origen. 'The companionship of an enemy turned friendly is quite often the closest companionship known.'

"After looking for work and finding none in the towns along the Atlanic Seaboard because of the predudice against him for fighting with the British, one Hessian soldier, HENRICO LINKUST, started moving westward. He walked many a long and dreary miles across the Blue Ridge Mountains and finally looked down into the most beautiful valley he had ever seen, the famous Shenandoah. 'This is the place for me', he said. 'I will work for my room and board until I can prove my worth and show by my dtermination that I can become a good American Citizen.' He looked far and wide and was finally given lodging and work on the farm of a man named Shiflet. Now, Mr. Shiflet probably was of German decent also, for Henrico was treated kindly and became highly esteemed by the Shiflet family. As a matter of fact, in a short while he married Miss Elizabeth Shiflet. About this time Henrico had his name Americanized to HENRY LINKOUS. Henry and Elizabeth had six sons; namely, George, Ton, Alex, Henry, John, and Jacob."

Decendants of Henry Linkous


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