World Vision
World Vision
Big Brother Little Brother

Ben Williams - child sponsor and winner of Network Ten's "Big Brother" series -
recently visited his sponsored child in Uganda. Ben shared his experiences in a
documentary, "Big Brother Little Brother", in January. Here is some of what he saw...

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Recently I watched the World Vision special starring Ben Williams (Big Brother) and was moved by what I saw. I am 25 years old and since I was in my early teens my family has been sponsoring a girl named Nambozo from Uganda. Like Ben it is amazing to see that there is a total transformation in the child you are sponsoring and that it is very rewarding! Unfortunately I wasn't able to tape the special, as I would have liked to show it to my year 12 Health students this year. Is it possible to get a copy? - Jill.

Yes Jill it is possible to receive a copy of �Big Brother Little Brother�. We�ll have someone contact you soon. Glad you enjoyed the special, we�ve had an overwhelming response from thousands of Australians who, like you, want to change lives!! - Editor

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