October 2001
October 2001
By Dominic Cadden

Christina Davis's life has had more ups and downs than two people under a doona,
but she has danced with the Monte Carlo Ballet and was assistant choreographer for
the Sydney Olympics, but six months ago she may have emptied your ashtray in a
Sydney Caf�.

Of course she would have been totally unaware that you would be ogling her private
moments on TV and feeding off rumours about her sex life. These days Christina is
the one who's smoking - making the most of her nightly forays in lounge rooms on Big Brother, a show riding so high on a wave of publicity there are rumours Channel Ten is pushing the Big Brother one-year reunion forward to next week.

What are you using Big Brother for now?
To be honest, I'm trying to get myself into a situation where I don't have to worry about money for a while, and that's happened, which is a relief. I don't want to be back waitressing in a couple of months. You knew me before, when I came in before and got $120 for photos in your bathtub (Ralph July 2001). Then I'd call you up going "Dominic, help me, I'm broke!" If I end up in that situation again, I haven't used this effectively or been very smart.

Flattery will get you nowhere.
Well�But basically, I'll be going back to what I was doing before.

Which Caf�?
No, not that, all the other stuff I was aiming for! I'm still going to do some dancing, continue with acting and learn stand-up comedy. There has been a lot of interest in me doing that side of things still. But you can't fake talent - if I'm crap, I can't keep going on just because I'm Christina from Big Brother.

You must have had heaps of weird offers since you came out of the house, like being in ads for doonas, or posing naked for Home Life magazine.
Not really - people invite me over to their house all the time, which is not weird, it's just that they think they're really familiar and intimate with me.

Yeah, I guess that's only weird if they lock you in a room and watch you through peepholes.
Yes - but they're really genuine. They give me their address and say, "Come on over. We've got a pool, you'll have fun!" Apart from that, it's just the usual pointing and staring and getting beeped up.

Did you have a situation where no-one in the house was attracted to each other at first, then two weeks down the track you were all looking at each other going, "Jeez, I could go a bit of that."
Living with each other 24 hours a day isn't a big turn-on. Some people were getting a bit toey, but we became more like brothers and sisters than getting aroused by each other. Which I'm sure was very disappointing for viewers.

Who was the biggest wanker in the house?
I can't speak on behalf of the guys, but lets just say it was a lowlight of my time in the house.

Did you get a libido drop, or were you all toey the whole time and just looking for a hidden corner?
No, for the last four of five weeks it was the last thing on my mind. By that time your wondering, "What the hell is happening out there? What are they showing? Is anybody watching the show?" A lot of us thought there was going to be a point in, like, week six, when the producer would come on over the speaker and say, "Well thanks everyone, but you can go home." It could easily have happened - a lot of people told me that the show started off really slow.

Did any hygiene issues come up?
No, we were a pretty clean group. Everyone felt they didn't want to get nominated for eviction because they stank.

When you get undressed, did you do it under the sheets or play it up for the cameras?
I didn't blatantly stand in the middle of the room and strip naked to change, but I didn't completely cover up. The producer explained that they could show nudity, but after a while that's going to get really boring, I thought, "What the hell, everyone's going to be naked on the Internet one day, it may as well be my own body that's attached to my head." I just got over it. Even when you look at this photo shoot, you can see I'm really comfortable with my body.

Were you tempted to make up stuff to the Big Brother psychologist?

What would be the point of that?

I'd just get so bored I'd amuse myself by telling the psychologists things like, "That couch looks pretty sexy today. Do you think I'm good enough for it?"
That's why you would never be put in a Big Brother house! However, it was our choice whether we talked to the psychologist or not. It was just good to talk to someone from the outside world occasionally, and have someone justify our behaviour.

I heard you were "debriefed" when you came out. Was it like Austin Powers, where they thaw him out and tell him what's happened in the last 30 years?
It was more to show us how we've been perceived by viewers - they only showed 20 minutes out of a 24-hour day, and we had no idea which bits they were showing. For example, they showed me being stressed and crying, but that was only 10 minutes out of my day. It was more to bring us up to speed so that when people threw questions at us, we'd know what the hell they were talking about.

So what, you came out of the house going, "Now that's over, I'm going to have a holiday in Jakarta"?
Yes just as soon as I cash in my One Tel shares. Hang on, what do you mean it's gone under?

What was the biggest shock you got in the house?
When Andy pulled out her whip on day two. I thought, "Omigod, if I'm meant to be like that, I'm in trouble." That's when I ran around telling everyone I'm shy, so they didn't have any expectations, or count on me pulling out the ballet shoes and turn into Bondage Ballerina. But I wanted Andy to stay. I thought, "Cool! Someone interesting who's definitely going to entertain us."

Did you burn your clothes after the show, or did you flog them on the Net?
I sold one T-shirt on eBay, but that's good, because it raised money for Planet Ark. they're actually planting a forest for me in the Murray Basin in South Australia. It'll be called the Christina Ballerina Forest - I'm so excited!

Yes, for years to come teenagers will be sneaking into your bushes to have it off.

Actually, I've still got Sara-Marie's clothes that I wore - maybe I should flog them on eBay, too.

How much did you get for the shirt?
I can't remember exactly - maybe $3000 or $4000. And that's just for a skanky T-shirt.

Yeah, imagine what you could get for your undies.

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