July 2001
July 2001
Soap Box
By Dominic Cadden

Before Big Brother, Christina was in Dom's Bath

This is the shot every Big Brother viewer wants to see - Christina the Ballerina soaping up in the bath and smiling cheekily. It could only be better if that bath were in your house. Yes, it would definitely be better that way.

After the first week of Big Brother, viewers saw Christina the Ballerina 'fess up in the diary room that she suspected Ben was from a men's magazine, because he kept asking about her sex life. A bit paranoid, you think? Well, maybe, but with good reason.

A year ago, long before Big Brother, Christina was on my balcony, and I was prodding her with questions about her sex life for Babes Behaving Badly. Then I asked her to strip and jump in my bath with two English backpackers - excellent training for Big Brother, you'll agree.

My bath was so excited to have a seemingly naked Christina inside it, it developed an embarrassing leakage problem.

Christina's radiance and shining skin played havoc with the photographic lights, which exploded. Nearly three house passed while complex manual lighting systems were set up, invloving candles and a roll of alfoil. As time passed the English girls' modesty wore down. Christina, unfortunately, had the endurance of an ex-dancer with the Monte Carlo Ballet: legs up, knees together, arms crossed.

By the next bottle of wine, though, Christina busted out some ballet moves for the drunken English lasses. We can't show you those photos, though - they've all disappeared without a trace. This, in fact, is the only remaining photo of Christina from that day. While the RALPH editor is looking to crucify Eric the workie, it's been suggested Big Brother agents snuck into the office and took the photos.

We thought we'd never see Christina again - she insisted we call her "Jane" and give her a fake occupation so she wouldn't be recognised. Hoowever, she popped up again to teach Handful (RALPH's boy band) some dance moves, and now she's on Big Brother. We aren't sure she really belongs in the Big Brother house, though. Personally, I'd prefer her back in my house. My bath is leaking with anticipation.

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