Kata Patterns in Training for Karate by Steve Denoo




CNY Karate,Syracuse, NY 
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  1. Start in fudo dachi, on the command " Mokuso " move into masubi dachi and Mokuso.

  2. On the second command " Taikyuku Sono Ichi ", open your eyes and move into the " Yoi " position with ibuki.

  3. On the command " Hajime " Turn to the left and assume Hidari zenkutsu dachi ( move the left foot at 90° to the left and assume left forward stance ) and block Hidari gedan barai ( left lower block ).

  4. Take one step forward into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki ( right middle punch ).

  5. Swing your body to the right  and slide your right foot backwards on a diagonal angle, at 180°, position into Migi zenkutsu dachi and block Migi gedan barai ( right lower block ).

  6. Move forward into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and punch Hidari seiken chudan oi tsuki.

  7. Bring the left foot at 90° into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and block Hidari gedan barai.

  8. Step forward with the right foot into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki.

  9. Step forward with the left foot into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and punch Hidari seiken chudan oi tsuki.

  10. Step forward with the right foot into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki and KIAI.

  11. Swing your body to the left and slide your left foot backwards on a diagonal angle, at 180°, position into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and block Hidari gedan barai ( left lower block ).

  12. Move forward into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki.

  13. Swing your body to the right  and slide your right foot backwards on a diagonal angle, at 180°, position into Migi zenkutsu dachi and block Migi gedan barai ( right lower block ).

  14. Step forward with the left foot into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and punch Hidari seiken chudan oi tsuki.

  15. Bring the left foot at 90° into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and block Hidari gedan barai.

  16. Step forward with the right foot into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki.

  17. Step forward with the left foot into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and punch Hidari seiken chudan oi tsuki.

  18. Step forward with the right foot into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki and KIAI.

  19. Swing your body to the left and slide your right foot backwards on a diagonal angle, at 180°, position into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and block Hidari gedan barai ( left lower block ).

  20. Move forward into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki.

  21. Swing your body to the right  and slide your right foot backwards on a diagonal angle, at 180°, position into Migi zenkutsu dachi and block Migi gedan barai ( right lower block ).

  22. Step forward with the left foot into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and punch Hidari seiken chudan oi tsuki.

  23. On the commando " Naore " move the left foot into Masubi dachi and from this into Fudo dachi.


  1. Start in fudo dachi, on the command " Mokuso " move into masubi dachi and mokuso.
    On the second command " Taikyuku Sono Ichi ", open your eyes and move into the " Yoi " position with ibuki.
  2. On the command " Hajime " Turn to the left and assume Hidari kokutso dachi ( move the left foot at 90° to the left and assume left forward stance ) and block Hidari chudan uchi uke ( left middle block from inside ).
  3. Take one step forward into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki ( right middle punch ).  
  4. Swing your body to the right  and slide your right foot backwards on a diagonal angle, at 180°, position into Migi kokutso dachi and block Migi chudan uchi uke ( right middle block from inside ).
  5. Move forward into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and punch Hidari seiken chudan oi tsuki.                                                                                                                              
  6. Bring the left foot at 90° into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and block Hidari gedan barai.
  7. Step forward with the right foot into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken jodan oi tsuki.
  8. Step forward with the left foot into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and punch Hidari seiken jodan oi tsuki.
  9. Step forward with the right foot into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki and KIAI.
  10. Swing your body to the left and slide your left foot backwards on a diagonal angle, at 180°, position into Hidari kokutso dachi and block Hidari chudan uchi uke ( left middle block from inside ).
  11. Move forward into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki.
  12. Swing your body to the right  and slide your right foot backwards on a diagonal angle, at 180°, position into Migi kokutso dachi and block Migi chudan uchi uke ( right middle block from inside ).
  13. Step forward with the left foot into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and punch Hidari seiken chudan oi tsuki.
  14. Bring the left foot at 90° into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and block Hidari gedan barai.
  15. Step forward with the right foot into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki.
  16. Step forward with the left foot into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and punch Hidari seiken chudan oi tsuki.
  17. Step forward with the right foot into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki and KIAI.
  18. Swing your body to the left and slide your left foot backwards on a diagonal angle, at 180°, position into Hidari kokutso dachi and block Hidari chudan uchi uke ( left middle block from inside ).
  19. Move forward into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki.
  20. Swing your body to the right  and slide your right foot backwards on a diagonal angle, at 180°, position into Migi kokutso dachi and block Migi chudan uchi uke ( right middle block from inside ).
  21. Step forward with the left foot into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and punch Hidari seiken chudan oi tsuki.
  22. On the commando " Naore " move the left foot into Masubi dachi and from this into Fudo dachi.


  1. Start in fudo dachi, on the command " Mokuso " move into masubi dachi and mokuso.
    On the second command " Pinan Sono Ichi ", open your eyes and move into the " Yoi " position with ibuki.
  2. On the command " Hajime " Turn to the left and assume Hidari zenkutsu dachi ( move the left foot at 90° to the left and assume left forward stance ) and block Hidari gedan barai ( left lower block ).
  3. Take one step forward into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki ( right middle punch ).  
  4. Swing your body to the right  and slide your right foot backwards on a diagonal angle, at 180°, position into Migi zenkutsu dachi and block Migi gedan barai ( right lower block ).
  5. Bring the right foot back, assume Migi neko ashi dachi,  maintain the hips at the same height and strike Migi tettsui kome kami.
  6. Move forward into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and punch Hidari seiken chudan oi tsuki ( before moving into zenkutsu dachi place the striking arm into a position similar to chudan tsuki ).
  7. Bring the left foot at 90° into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and block Hidari gedan barai.
  8. Step forward with the right foot into Migi zenkutsu dachi and block Migi seiken jodan uke.
  9. Step forward with the left foot into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and block Hidari seiken jodan uke.
  10. Step forward with the right foot into Migi zenkutsu dachi and block Migi seiken jodan uke and KIAI.
  11. Swing your body to the left and slide your left foot backwards on a diagonal angle, at 180°, position into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and block Hidari gedan barai ( left lower block ).
  12. Move forward into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki.
  13. Swing your body to the right  and slide your right foot backwards on a diagonal angle, at 180°, position into Migi zenkutsu dachi and block Migi gedan barai ( right lower block ).
  14. Step forward with the left foot into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and punch Hidari seiken chudan oi tsuki.
  15. Bring the left foot at 90° into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and block Hidari gedan barai.
  16. Step forward with the right foot into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki.
  17. Step forward with the left foot into Hidari zenkutsu dachi and punch Hidari seiken chudan oi tsuki.
  18. Step forward with the right foot into Migi zenkutsu dachi and punch Migi seiken chudan oi tsuki and KIAI.
  19. Swing your body to the left and slide your left foot backwards on a diagonal angle, at 180°, position into Hidari kokutso dachi and block Hidari shuto mawashi uke ( left handsword roundhause block ).
  20. Move forward at 45° into Migi kokutso dachi and block Migi shuto mawashi uke ( right handsword roundhause block ).
  21. Swing your body to the right  and slide your right foot backwards on a diagonal angle, at 135°, position into Migi kokutso dachi and block Migi shuto mawashi uke ( right handsword roundhause block ).
  22. Move forward at 45° into Hidari kokutso dachi and block Hidari shuto mawashi uke ( left handsword roundhause block ).
  23. On the commando " Naore " move the left foot into Masubi dachi and from this into Fudo dachi.

    Karate Kata: Pinan Sono Ni  

    Start the kata in fudo dachi. On the command "Yoi" move into the yoi stance.

  1. On the command "Hajime" move the left foot 90° to the left into kokutsu dachi simultaneously the right fist is pulled back to the right side in the ready punch position and the left fist is positioned immediately on, and vertical to, the right fist. Without moving the body raise the right arm into a position similar to jodan uke (to the side of the head) and move the left arm across into a chudan uchi uke position (fist approximately at chin height). Both these movements are to be executed simultaneously.
  2. Still in the kokutsu dachi position strike right tettsui hizo uchi twisting the hips square. The left fist is simultaneously brought back over the right shoulder so that the elbow is level with the jaw (n.b. the left fist is approximately 3 cm above the shoulder and the back of the fist faces upwards). Retaining the same stance the right fist is turned 180° so that the knuckles are directed straight in front as if to cover, the left fist is brought back to the ready punch position.
  3. Move through with the left leg into kiba dachi and looking to the left punch left jun tsuki and pull the right fist into the ready punch position. (N.b. it is essential to use the hip movement in jun tsuki).
  4. Pull the right leg back into right kokutsu dachi at the same time turning the body 180° simultaneously the left fist is pulled back to the left side to the ready punch position and the right fist is positioned immediately on, and vertical to, the left fist. Without moving the body or its direction raise the left arm into a position similar to jodan uke and move the right arm across into a chudan uchi uke position.
  5. Still in the kokutsu dachi position strike left tettsui hizo uchi twisting the hips square. The right fist is simultaneously brought back over the left shoulder so that the elbow is level with the jaw. Retaining the same stance the left fist is turned 180° so that the knuckles are directed straight in front as if to cover, the right fist is brought back to the ready punch position.
  6. Move through with the right leg into kiba dachi and looking to the right punch jun tsuki and pull the left fist to the ready punch position.
  7. Bring the right leg back turning 90° into tsuru ashi dachi and simultaneously bring the fists to the left side of the body so that the right fist is positioned on top of the left.
  8. Kick jodan yoko geri and strike uraken with the right fist (n.b. the left fist remains in the ready punch position).
  9. After striking uraken the right fist is brought back to the left fist to its original position and the right leg returned to tsuru ashi dachi.
  10. Place the right foot on the ground next to the left foot and move through into left kokutsu dachi and block left shuto mawashi uke.
  11. Move forward into left kokutsu dachi and block left shuto mawashi uke.
  12. Still in the same stance block left shuto uke and move into right zenkutsu dachi and strike right chudan yonhon nukite and KIAI (n.b. the right elbow should be 3 cm above the left hand).
  13. Move the left foot at 90° and pivot on the right foot into left kokutsu dachi and block left shuto mawashi uke. Move forward at 45° into right kokutsu dachi and block right shuto mawashi uke.
  14. Move the right foot 135° into right kokutsu dachi and block right shuto mawashi.
  15. Move forward at 45° into left kokutsu dachi and block left shuto mawashi uke.
  16. Close both fists and move the left leg across at 45° to turn into left zenkutsu dachi, simultaneously the left forearm is positioned at 45° in front of the head. In addition the right arm, fist closed, is positioned behind the right leg, thumb facing upwards. These latter movements are executed whilst the body is turning into the position preparing for zenkutsu dachi. To complete the turn the right hand moves quickly in a circular bowling action (with the fist closed) over the shoulder at a 45° angle (n.b. at this stage the left arm is in front of the body) across the left thigh and then across the body with a right chudan uchi uke. As the right arm moves across the body the left fist is pulled back into the left ready punch (n.b. all these movements are executed quickly). Keeping the arms in this position kick right chudan mae geri so that the leg is just inside the right arm (n.b. when executing the kick ensure that the right arm does not drop from the blocking position).
  17. Move forward into right zenkutsu dachi and punch left chudan gyaku tsuki. Still in zenkutsu dachi turn the left fist so that the thumb is facing the floor and execute a slow chudan uchi uke block across to the right thigh, to a mental count of five, with the right fist in the ready punch position. Keeping the arms in this position kick left chudan mae geri so that the leg is just inside the left arm.
  18. Move forward into left zenkutsu dachi and punch right chudan gyaku tsuki.
  19. Move forward into right zenkutsu dachi and block right morote chudan uke (n.b. the right fist should come from the left shoulder).
  20. Move the left foot at 90° and pivot on the right foot into left zenkutsu dachi and block mae gedan barai.
  21. In the same stance pull the left fist back to the ready punch position hand closed - the hand then opens as you strike jodan nihon nukite at 45°.
  22. Move forward at 45° into right zenkutsu dachi and block right jodan uke.
  23. Move the right foot back 135° into right zenkutsu dachi and block mae gedan barai.
  24. In the same stance pull the right fist back to the ready punch position and strike jodan nihon nukite at 45°.
  25. Move forward at 45° into left zenkutsu dachi and block left jodan uke and KIAI.
  26. On the command "Naore" move the left leg to the right leg into fudo dachi to complete the kata.

    Karate Kata: Pinan Sono San

  27. Start the kata in fudo dachi.
    On the command "Yoi" move into the yoi stance.
  28. On the command "Hajime" move the left foot at 90° into kokutsu dachi and block left chudan uchi uke.
  29. Bring the right foot to the left foot into musubi dachi and at the same time position the right hand in a gedan barai position. Block right chudan uchi uke and left gedan barai and repeat with left chudan uchi uke and right gedan barai.
  30. Move the right foot back 180° into right kokutsu dachi and block right chudan uchi uke.
  31. Bring the left foot to the right foot into musubi dachi and at the same time position the left hand in a gedan barai position. Block left chudan uchi uke and right gedan barai and repeat with right chudan uchi uke and left gedan barai.
  32. Move the left foot at 90° into left zenkutsu dachi and block morote chudan uke, block left shuto uke and return the right hand open to the ready punch position.
  33. Move forward into right zenkutsu dachi and strike right chudan yonhon nukite.
  34. In the same stance stoop the body, right hand reaching out along the ground, and cover with a left hand shotei. Pivot on the right foot in an anti-clockwise 180° and spin into kiba dachi (sweeping the little finger of the right hand across the floor - as if to hook an opponents leg), the left arm comes over the right hand shotei cover. On completion of the turn, into kiba dachi, strike left tettsui yoko uchi. (N.b. this strike is positioned slightly above your own shoulder line).
  35. Move forward into right zenkutsu dachi, punch right chudan tsuki and KIAI.
  36. Pivot on the right foot and turn 180° into musubi dachi simultaneously placing the fists (back of fists facing forward) on your hips. (N.b. after this position has been taken there is a slight pause for a mental count of two before the next technique.)
  37. Kick right chudan mae geri bring the foot back and place it firmly down turning your body 90° into kiba dachi immediately bring your right elbow across and down moving the hips and shoulders slightly so as not to spoil the kiba dachi. Return the body upright to the original position and strike right uraken yoko uchi and return the fist to the hip position.
  38. Turning the body 90° to the front kick left chudan mae geri bring the foot back and place it firmly down turning your body 90° into kiba dachi immediately bring your left elbow across and down return the body to the original upright position and strike left uraken yoko uchi and return the fist to the hip position.
  39. Turning the body 90° to the front kick right chudan mae geri bring the foot back and place it firmly down turning your body 90° into kiba dachi immediately bring your right elbow across and down return the body to the original upright position and strike right uraken yoko uchi.
  40. Return the right fist to the hip position and pivot 90° to the right immediately extend the right arm with the hand open in a chudan shotei cover.
  41. Move forward into left zenkutsu dachi and punch left chudan oi tsuki.
  42. Move the right foot forward to the left, as to cover the groin immediately move across into kiba dachi and continue the movement by turning 180° on the right foot into another kiba dachi, simultaneously strike right jodan hiji ate bring the left hand back to the ready punch position.
  43. Keeping the arms in the same position jump to the right, leading with the left foot (both feet off the ground), land in kiba dachi and strike left jodan hiji ate and KIAI.
  44. On the command "Naore" move the left leg to the right leg into fudo dachi to complete the kata.
    Karate Kata: Pinan Sono Yon

  45. Start the kata in fudo dachi.
    On the command "Yoi" move into the yoi stance.
  46. On the command "Hajime" move the left foot at 90° into kokutsu dachi simultaneously the right fist is pulled back to the right side in the ready punch position and the left fist is positioned immediately on, and vertical to, the right fist. Without moving the body or its direction raise the right arm into a jodan shuto uke position (to the side of the head) and move the left arm across into a chudan shuto uchi uke position. Both these movements are to be executed simultaneously.
  47. Move the left foot across turning the body 180° into right kokutsu dachi simultaneously pulling the left fist to the ready punch position with the right fist positioned on top as previously described. Without moving the body or its direction raise the left arm into a jodan shuto uke position and move the right arm across into a chudan shuto uchi uke position. Both these movements are to be executed simultaneously.
  48. Move the left foot at 90°, position the hands by the right ear in the juji position, and complete the turn into left zenkutsu dachi and simultaneously block seiken juji gedan uke (n.b. right arm above left).
  49. Move forward into right zenkutsu dachi and block right morote chudan uchi uke. (N.b. the right fist comes from the left shoulder.)
  50. Bring the left leg into tsuru ashi dachi, move the right fist back to the ready punch position and place the left fist on top.
  51. Kick jodan yoko geri and simultaneously strike left uraken (n.b. the right fist remains in ready position).
  52. Bring the left foot back into tsuru ashi dachi and open the left fist in the shuto position then step down to the left into left zenkutsu dachi.
  53. While turning the hips into the stance, strike right jodan hiji ate, hitting the open left hand.
  54. Lift the right leg into tsuru ashi dachi, move the left fist back into the ready punch position with the right fist on top.
  55. Kick jodan yoko geri and simultaneously strike right uraken.
  56. Bring the right foot back into tsuru ashi dachi and open the right fist in the shuto position then step down to the right into zenkutsu dachi. While turning the hips into the stance, strike left jodan hiji ate, hitting the open hand.
  57. Partially turn the upper body and head 135° to the left retaining the zenkutsu dachi stance, bring the right hand behind the head in the shuto position and extend the left arm with the hand open in a shuto jodan cover position so that it is level with your head.
  58. Complete the turn into left zenkutsu dachi and strike right gyaku shuto yoko ganmen uchi (n.b. the strike must not pass across the body's centre line) and at the same time pull the left hand back so that it is one fist away from the forehead with the palm facing away from the body.
  59. Kick right jodan mae geri at 45° with the hands in the same position.
  60. Pull the leg back into the tsuru ashi dachi position and cover with left shotei and prepare to strike with right uraken.
  61. Jump at 45° to the right into kake dachi and as you land in kake dachi strike right uraken shomen uchi and KIAI. (N.b. as you strike the left hand moves outside the right and returns to the left ready punch position, closed).
  62. From kake dachi turn 135° to the left moving the left foot into left zenkutsu dachi simultaneously execute a slow downwards cross arm block with the hands closed.
  63. Place the right arm in a chudan tsuki position and pull the left fist back to the ready punch position, kick right chudan mae geri retaining the hand position as described.
  64. Move into right zenkutsu dachi and execute nihon chudan tsuki (left and right).
  65. Move the right leg across 90° to the right (n.b. do not bring the feet together) into right zenkutsu dachi and execute a slow downwards cross arm block with the hands closed.
  66. Place the left arm in a chudan tsuki position and pull the right fist back to the ready punch position, kick left chudan mae geri retaining the hand position as described.
  67. Move into left zenkutsu dachi and execute nihon chudan tsuki (right and left).
  68. Move to the left 45° into left zenkutsu dachi and position the arms for morote chudan uke complete the turn and execute a left morote chudan uchi uke block.
  69. Move forward into right zenkutsu dachi and block right morote chudan uchi uke.
  70. Move forward into left zenkutsu dachi and block left morote chudan uchi uke.
  71. Open both hands and grab for an imaginary opponent's head to the front. Pull your hands down, kick right hiza geri and KIAI (as if pulling the opponent's head onto your knee).
  72. Place the right foot down next to the left and turn 180° stepping forward into left kokutsu dachi and execute a half shuto mawashi uke.
  73. Move forward into right kokutsu dachi and execute a shuto mawashi uke.
  74. On the command "Naore" move the right leg to the left leg into fudo dachi to complete the kata.
  75. Karate Kata: Pinan Sono Go

  76. Start the kata in fudo dachi.
    On the command "Yoi" move into the yoi stance.
  77. On the command "Hajime" move the left foot at 90° into kokutsu dachi, block left chudan uchi uke and punch right chudan gyaku tsuki.
  78. Turning 90° return the left foot into heisoku dachi simultaneously the right fist is pulled slowly back to the ready punch position (across the body) with the left fist placed on top of the right.
  79. Move the right foot across and turn 90° into right kokutsu dachi and block right chudan uchi uke and punch left chudan gyaku tsuki.
  80. Turning 90° return the right foot into heisoku dachi simultaneously the left fist is pulled slowly back to the ready punch position (across the body) with the right fist placed on top of the left.
  81. Move forward into right zenkutsu dachi and block right chudan morote uchi uke.
  82. Move forward into left zenkutsu dachi and block seiken juji gedan uke (n.b. the block is executed from the juji position from the right ear).
  83. Pull both arms back towards the chest, arms crossed fists closed, then drive them up into shuto juji uke) (left arm under right).
  84. Execute a twisting movement with both hands, pull the right hand back to the ready punch position and position the left hand in either a block or hook position.
  85. Move forward into right zenkutsu dachi, punch right chudan oi tsuki and KIAI simultaneously pulling the left hand back closed to the ready punch position (as if pulling someone towards you).
  86. Turn 180° blocking right leg teisoku uke and prepare to block gedan barai (n.b. the leg block is executed as if being attacked from behind and the left hand covers the groin).
  87. Place the right foot down into kiba dachi and block gedan barai. Turn your head 180° to the left, quickly bring the right palm in front of your face to cover with shotei; the left hand is positioned under the right arm, palm open horizontal to the floor.
  88. Bring the left hand slowly from under the right arm pit and strike haishu at approximately head height, simultaneously pulling the right hand back closed to the ready punch position.
  89. Using the right foot strike your left hand with teisoku uke.
  90. Return the right leg and simultaneously strike the left hand with jodan hiji ate.
  91. Continue the movement by jumping into kake dachi and block with right chudan morote uchi uke.
  92. Retaining the kake dachi position, punch at a 60° angle upwards keeping the left hand touching the right arm.
  93. Turn your head 180° to the front and step into a stance similar to kokutsu dachi. (N.b. all these movements are executed in fast succession).
  94. Ensure the hips remain still to enable the punch to stay at the same angle; raise up onto the balls of your feet.
  95. Take a small step forward with the left foot, then pulling both fists back to the ready punch position, simultaneously leap into the air turning 90° to the left, as you land into a low kake dachi you block seiken juji uke and KIAI (left arm under right).
  96. Move the right foot across and turn 90° into right zenkutsu dachi and block right chudan morote uke.
  97. Move the left foot at 45° to the right, pivoting on the right foot and move into a position in preparation for zenkutsu dachi (i.e. reverse zenkutsu dachi). As you make this turn you simultaneously block left shuto gedan uke and the right hand is brought up to the right ear (but not touching) with the fingers pointing downwards, palm towards the face. (N.b. the top hand should be positioned so that when you face 45° to an opponent the hand should not be visible).
  98. Turn the hips into left zenkutsu dachi and strike ura kote to the groin, the left hand, palm inwards, comes up to the right ear; as you turn the hips into kiba dachi, turn the right hand and pull it back and extend it fully upwards above the right shoulder with the fist closed, simultaneously block left gedan barai and keep the head facing the direction of the block.
  99. Retaining the arm positions bring the left foot to the right into musubi dachi.
  100. Look 45° to the right and move into a "reverse" zenkutsu dachi simultaneously block right shuto gedan uke and the left hand is brought up to the side of the head (as previously described).
  101. Turn the hips into right zenkutsu dachi and strike ura kote to the groin the right hand, palm inwards, comes up to the left ear; as you turn the hips into kiba dachi turn the left hand and pull it back and extend it fully upwards above the left shoulder fist closed, simultaneously block right gedan barai and keep the head facing the direction of the block.
  102. On the command "Naore" move the left leg to the right leg into fudo dachi to complete the kata.

    Karate Kata: Pinan Sono Ichi in Ura

  103. Start the kata in fudo dachi.
    On the command "Yoi" move into the yoi stance.
  104. On the command "Hajime" turn to the left into left zenkutsu dachi and block mae gedan barai move forward taking the right leg clockwise (ura) around the body 180° into right zenkutsu dachi and punch right chudan oi tsuki.
  105. Turn 180° into right zenkutsu dachi and block mae gedan barai. Draw the right foot back into neko ashi dachi keeping the hips at the same height and strike tettsui komi kami with the right hand (n.b. make sure your left arm is brought across the chest in the cover position so that the left fist is placed into your right shoulder, ensure that the right fist is brought from behind the head and approximately one fist away from the back of the head).
  106. Move forward taking the left leg anti-clockwise (ura) around the body 180° into left zenkutsu dachi and punch chudan oi tsuki.
  107. Move the left foot at 90° into left zenkutsu dachi and block mae gedan barai.
  108. Move forward taking the right leg clockwise around the body 180° into right zenkutsu dachi and block right jodan uke.
  109. Move forward taking the left leg anti-clockwise around the body (180°) into left zenkutsu dachi and block left jodan uke.
  110. Move forward taking the right leg clockwise around the body (180°) into right zenkutsu dachi and block right jodan uke and KIAI.
  111. Move the left foot at 90° and pivot on the right foot into left zenkutsu dachi and block mae gedan barai.
  112. Move forward taking the right leg clockwise around the body (180°) into right zenkutsu dachi and punch chudan oi tsuki.
  113. Move the right foot back turning 180° into right zenkutsu dachi and block mae gedan barai.
  114. Move forward taking the left leg anti-clockwise around the body (180°) into left zenkutsu dachi and punch chudan oi tsuki.
  115. Move the left foot 90° into left zenkutsu dachi and block mae gedan barai.
  116. Move forward taking the right leg clockwise around the body (180°) into right zenkutsu dachi and punch chudan oi tsuki.
  117. Move forward taking the left leg anti-clockwise around the body (180°) into left zenkutsu dachi and punch chudan oi tsuki.
  118. Move forward taking the right leg clockwise around the body (180°) into right zenkutsu dachi and punch chudan oi tsuki and KIAI.
  119. Move the left foot 90° into kokutsu dachi and block shuto mawashi uke.
  120. Move forward taking the right leg clockwise around the body 225° (into a 45° stance) into right kokutsu dachi and block shuto mawashi uke.
  121. Move the right foot back 135° into kokutsu dachi and block shuto mawashi uke.
  122. Move forward taking the left leg anti-clockwise around the body 225° (into a 45° stance) into left kokutsu dachi and block shuto mawashi uke.
  123. On the command "Naore" move the left foot into fudo dachi to complete the kata.
    Karate Kata: Pinan Sono Ni in Ura

  124. Start the kata in fudo dachi.
    On the command "Yoi" move into the yoi stance.
  125. On the command "Hajime" move the left leg 360° anti-clockwise (ura) turning the body into left kokutsu dachi, simultaneously the right fist is pulled back to the right side to the ready punch position and the left fist is positioned immediately on, and vertical to, the right fist. Without moving the body or its direction raise the right arm into a jodan uke position (to the side of the head) and move the left arm across into a chudan uchi uke position (n.b. fist approximately at chin height). Both these movements are to be executed simultaneously.
  126. Still in the kokutsu dachi position strike right tettsui hizo uchi twisting the hips square. The left fist is simultaneously brought back over the right shoulder so that the elbow is level with the jaw (n.b. the fist is approximately 3 cm above the shoulder and the back of the fist faces upwards). Retaining the same stance the right fist is turned 180° so that the knuckles are directed straight in front as if to cover, the left fist is brought back to the ready punch position.
  127. Move through with the left leg into kiba dachi and strike left jun tsuki and pull the right fist into the ready punch position (n.b. it is essential to use the hip movement in jun tsuki and the eyes are directed in the direction of the jun tsuki).
  128. Move the right leg 360° clockwise (ura) turning the body into right kokutsu dachi simultaneously the left fist is pulled back to the left side into the ready punch position and the right fist is positioned immediately on, and vertical to, the left fist. Without moving the body or its direction raise the left arm into a jodan uke position (to the side of the head) and move the right arm across into a chudan uchi uke position (n.b. fist approximately at chin height). Both these movements are to be executed simultaneously.
  129. Still in the kokutsu dachi position strike left tettsui hizo uchi twisting the hips square. The right fist is simultaneously brought back over the left shoulder so that the elbow is level with the jaw (n.b. the fist is approximately 3 cm above the shoulder and the back of the fist faces upwards). Retaining the same stance the left fist is turned 180° so that the knuckles are directed straight in front as if to cover, the right fist is brought back to the ready punch position.
  130. Move through with the right leg into kiba dachi and strike right jun tsuki and pull the left fist into the ready punch position (n.b. it is essential to use the hip movement in jun tsuki and the eyes are directed the direction of the jun tsuki).
  131. Bring the right leg back turning 90° into tsuru ashi dachi and simultaneously bring the fists to the left side of the body so that the right fist is positioned on top of the left. kick jodan yoko geri and strike uraken with the right fist (n.b. the left fist remains in the ready punch position). After striking uraken the right fist is brought back to the left fist in its original position and the right leg returned to tsuru ashi dachi.
  132. Move the right foot to the ground next to the left foot and step through into left kokutsu dachi and block left shuto mawashi uke.
  133. With the right leg move 180° clockwise (ura) into right kokutsu dachi and block right shuto mawashi uke.
  134. With the left leg move 180° anti-clockwise (ura) turning the body into left kokutsu dachi and block left shuto mawashi uke.
  135. With the right leg move 180° clockwise (ura) turning the body into right zenkutsu dachi and block with a left gyaku shuto uke, strike right chudan yonhon nukite and KIAI (n.b. the right elbow should be 3 cm immediately above the left hand).
  136. Turn 90° anti-clockwise (ura) to the right into left kokutsu dachi and block left shuto mawashi uke.
  137. Move the right leg 225° clockwise (ura) turning the body into right kokutsu dachi at 45° and block right shuto mawashi uke.
  138. Turn 135° to the right into right kokutsu dachi and block right shuto mawashi uke.
  139. Move the left leg 225° anti-clockwise (ura) turning the body into left kokutsu dachi at 45° and block shuto mawashi uke.
  140. Still in the same stance dose both fists and move the left leg across at 45° ready to turn into left zenkutsu dachi, simultaneously the left forearm is positioned at 45° in front of the head. In addition the right arm is positioned behind the right leg (thumb facing upwards). These latter movements are executed whilst the body is turning into the position preparing for zenkutsu dachi. To complete the turn the right hand moves quickly in a circular bowling action (with the fist closed) over the shoulder at a 45° angle (n.b. at this stage the left arm is in front of the body) across the left thigh and then across the body with a right chudan uchi uke. (As the right arm moves across the body the left fist is pulled back into the ready punch position) (n.b. all these movements are executed quickly).
  141. Move the right leg 180° clockwise (ura) turning the body into a stance similar to kokutsu dachi, keeping the arms in the same position, kick right chudan mae geri (so that the leg is just inside the right arm. When executing the kick ensure that the right arm does not drop from the blocking position).
  142. Move forward into right zenkutsu dachi and punch left chudan gyaku tsuki.
  143. With the right fist in the ready punch position turn the left fist so that the thumb is facing the floor and execute a slow chudan uchi uke block across to the right thigh to a mental count of five.
  144. Move the left leg 180° anti-clockwise (ura) turning the body into a stance similar to kokutsu dachi keeping the arms in the same position and kick left chudan mae geri (so that the leg is just inside the left arm).
  145. Move forward into left zenkutsu dachi and punch right chudan gyaku tsuki.
  146. Move the right leg 180° clockwise (ura) turning the body into right zenkutsu dachi and block right morote chudan uchi uke (n.b. the right fist should come from the left shoulder).
  147. Move the left foot at 90° and pivot on the right foot into left zenkutsu dachi and block mae gedan barai. In the same stance pull the left fist back into the ready punch position hand closed - the hand then opens as you strike jodan nihon nukite at 45°.
  148. Move the right leg 225° clockwise (ura) turning the body into right zenkutsu dachi at 45° and block right jodan uke.
  149. Move the right foot back 135° into right zenkutsu dachi and block mae gedan barai. Pull the right fist back into the ready punch position and strike jodan nihon nukite at 45° as previously described.
  150. Move the left leg 225° anti-clockwise (ura) turning the body into left zenkutsu dachi at 45° and block left jodan uke and KIAI.
  151. On the command "Naore" move the left foot back into fudo dachi to complete the kata.

      Karate Kata: Yantsu

    1. Start the kata in fudo dachi.
    2. Move into musubi dachi and mokuso on the command "Mokuso".
    3. On the second command "Yantsu", open eyes, move into the yoi position with ibuki.
    4. On the command "Hajime", in the yoi position, strike jodan morote haito uchi (to the neck) pull both hands back closed to the ready punch position, and punch jodan morote tsuki.
    5. Position the left arm to cover, and the right arm is positioned so that the fist is at buttock level to the rear strike right jodan uraken mawashi uchi.
    6. Cover with the right arm and position the left arm behind at buttock level and strike left jodan uraken mawashi uchi.
    7. Then strike right chudan yonhon nukite and left chudan yonhon nukite (n.b. the hand in the ready punch position is open during both nukite strikes).
    8. Slowly pull the left hand back to the ready punch position dosing both hands.
    9. Move both hands inwards and upwards towards the chin, opening slowly as they move into the shuto position (n.b. when the fists reach the height of the chin the hands open and move outwards to the side of the body in a tensho movement. At the completion of the movement the hands are at shoulder height palms down, arms bent).
    10. Move the left hand quickly into a chudan shotei cover (shoulder height) while the right hand returns closed to the ready punch position.
    11. Move forward into right zenkutsu dachi and punch chudan oi tsuki.
    12. Pull the right foot back into neko ashi dachi simultaneously the right hand returns to the ready punch position. Open the right hand and block gedan shotei uke.
    13. Still in neko ashi dachi, block right jodan koken uke slowly then slowly twist the wrist in a circular motion and push the hand out into shuto uchi komi.
    14. Bring the right foot back into musubi dachi and slowly block with a chudan shotei cover.
    15. Move forward into left zenkutsu dachi and punch chudan oi tsuki.
    16. Pull the left foot back into neko ashi dachi simultaneously the left hand returns to the ready punch position. Open the left hand and block gedan shotei uke.
    17. Still in neko ashi dachi, block left jodan koken uke slowly then slowly twist the wrist in a circular motion and push the hand out into shuto uchi komi.
    18. Turn 90° to the right moving the left foot to the right foot into musubi dachi and slowly block left chudan shotei.
    19. Move forward into right zenkutsu dachi and punch right gedan oi tsuki, left jodan gyaku tsuki and KIAI and right chudan oi tsuki.
    20. With the right arm still extended kick left chudan mae geri and bring the foot back into a short zenkutsu dachi position, then pull the right foot back towards the left into neko ashi dachi and block right chudan haito uchi uke (n.b. the left hand is closed in the ready punch position).
    21. Still in neko ashi dachi pull the right hand back, closed to the ready punch position, open the hand and block gedan shotei uke then slowly block jodan koken uke. Twist the wrist in a circular motion and strike shuto uchi komi.
    22. Turn 180° in an anticlockwise direction to the left pulling the left foot back to the right into musubi dachi and block chudan shotei uke.
    23. Move forward into left zenkutsu dachi and punch left gedan oi tsuki, right jodan gyaku tsuki and KIAI and left chudan oi tsuki.
    24. With the left arm still extended kick right chudan mae geri and bring the foot back into a short zenkutsu dachi position, then pull the left foot back towards the right into neko ashi dachi and block left chudan haito uchi uke (n.b. the right hand is closed in the ready punch position).
    25. Still in neko ashi dachi pull the left hand back, closed to the ready punch position, open the hand and block gedan shotei uke then slowly block jodan koken uke. Twist the wrist in a circular motion and strike shuto uchi komi.
    26. Turn 90° to the right into musubi dachi and slowly block left chudan shotei uke.
    27. The kata is completed by moving into the mokuso position this position is retained until the command "Naore" when the fudo dachi position is taken.

      Karate Kata: Sushiho

    28. Start the kata in fudo dachi.
    29. Move into musubi dachi and mokuso on the command "Mokuso".
    30. On the second command "Sushiho", open eyes, move into the yoi position with ibuki.
    31. On the command "Hajime" move forward with the right leg executing an age kakato ushiro geri into moro ashi dachi simultaneously blocking with left osae uke and preparing the right arm for a strike.
    32. On the completion of the moro ashi dachi stance strike right oroshi uraken uchi. (N.b. the right elbow is positioned above the blocking hand).
    33. Move forward into right moro ashi dachi whilst blocking osae uke and strike right oroshi uraken uchi.
    34. Move forward into right moro ashi dachi whilst blocking osae uke and strike right oroshi uraken uchi.
    35. Move forward into left sanchin dachi and slowly block morote chudan uchi uke.
    36. Move forward into right sanchin dachi and slowly block right jodan kake uke followed by chudan gyaku tsuki and chudan oi tsuki.
    37. Move forward into left sanchin dachi and slowly block left jodan kake uke followed by chudan gyaku tsuki and chudan oi tsuki.
    38. Look to the right, open the left hand and cover with jodan shotei in tsuru ashi dachi and kick right jodan yoko geri to the side with the hands in the original position.
    39. Land into kiba dachi and strike right chudan jun tsuki.
    40. Look to the left and cover with a right jodan shotei in tsuru ashi dachi and kick left jodan yoko geri to the side with the hands in the original position.
    41. Land into kiba dachi and strike left chudan jun tsuki.
    42. Move the left leg forward into kiba dachi at 45° and strike right chudan gyaku hiji ate and with the same arm strike jodan age hiji ate.
    43. Move the right leg forward into kiba dachi at 45° and strike left chudan gyaku hiji ate and with the same arm strike jodan hiji ate.
    44. Move the left leg forward in line with the right into kiba dachi and strike right chudan hiji ate. Immediately cover with the left elbow and position for oroshi hiji ate complete the right oroshi hiji ate strike in a low narrow kiba dachi and KIAI.
    45. Now whilst moving forward into right moro ashi dachi bring the right knee up to block and position both hands for a block.
    46. On completion of the stance block morote gedan shotei uke.
    47. By moving the left foot across turn 180° anticlockwise into left kokutsu dachi and block left kake uke.
    48. Still in the same stance block left osae uke and immediately strike right chudan gyaku yonhon nukite.
    49. Move forward into right kokutsu dachi, block right kake uke immediately block right osae uke and strike left chudan gyaku yonhon nukite.
    50. Move forward into left kokutsu dachi block left kake uke, immediately block left osae uke and strike right chudan gyaku yonhon nukite.
    51. Move the left leg forward stepping into kiba dachi (i.e. body turns 90°) and block morote shuto gedan barai to the left.
    52. Move the left leg back, one step, into kiba dachi and block morote shuto gedan barai to the left.
    53. Clench both fists execute a double handed throw from the left shoulder to the right side.
    54. Move the right leg forward, one step, into kiba dachi and block morote shuto gedan barai to the right.
    55. Clench both fists and execute a double handed throw from the right shoulder to the left.
    56. Move forward with the right leg executing an age kakato ushiro geri into right moro ashi dachi, and strike right uraken oroshi ganmen uchi and KIAI.
    57. Move the right foot across and turn 180° into left sanchin dachi and simultaneously block left chudan uchi uke.
    58. With the same arm immediately strike left jodan hiji ate and gyaku uraken ganmen uchi.
    59. Cover with the left arm and prepare the right arm for a shuto strike.
    60. Complete the right gyaku shuto hizo uchi.
    61. Move forward into right sanchin dachi and strike right jodan hiji ate, with the same arm strike uraken ganmen uchi, cover with the right arm and strike left shuto gyaku hizo uchi.
    62. Move forward into left sanchin dachi and strike left jodan hiji ate, with the same arm strike uraken ganmen uchi, cover with the left arm and strike right gyaku shuto hizo uchi.
    63. Still in the same stance raise the right hand slowly upwards into jodan shotei uke and with the hand in this position kick right chudan mae geri.
    64. After the kick land into right zenkutsu dachi and punch chudan gyaku tsuki with the right hand placed open, on the punching forearm.
    65. By swivelling the hips to the left 135° quickly change direction into left zenkutsu dachi with both fists clenched in a low position; slowly move both arms upwards crossing in the middle complete the full circle with both arms until crossed once again in front of the face. At this stage move left leg across 45° to the left into zenkutsu dachi and quickly complete the double arm movement by executing a morote gedan barai finishing with both arms to the side of the body.
    66. Move forward into right kokutsu dachi and prepare for a block complete the right chudan kake uke.
    67. Move forward into left kokutsu dachi and block left chudan kake uke.
    68. Move forward into right kokutsu dachi and block right chudan kake uke.
    69. Move the left leg across to the right turning the body 270° into left kokutsu dachi and block left chudan kake uke.
    70. With the arms in this position move through in a straight line with the right and then the left foot (i.e. one step) into kiba dachi and execute a double arm shuto gedan barai to the left.
    71. Look to the front and block forward with a left osae uke and prepare for a uraken strike.
    72. Execute a right oroshi uraken ganmen uchi with the elbow finishing above the open left hand.
    73. Return the left hand to the ready punch position and immediately strike left chudan yonhon nukite and strike right chudan yonhon nukite and KIAI.
    74. Look to the right and move in this direction with the left leg into an intermediate kake dachi and follow through into kiba dachi and execute a double arm shuto gedan barai to the right.
    75. Look to the front and block forward with a right osae uke and strike left oroshi uraken ganmen uchi.
    76. Return the right hand to the ready punch position and strike right and left chudan yonhon nukite and KIAI.
    77. Move the right foot forward into neko ashi dachi and strike jodan tsuki.
    78. Move forward into left neko ashi dachi and strike jodan tsuki.
    79. Move forward into right neko ashi dachi and strike jodan tsuki.
    80. Move the right foot across turning the body 90° into uchi hachi ji dachi simultaneously moving both hands, fists closed, into the uraken sayu uchi position.
    81. Strike morote uraken sayu uchi and immediately strike morote haito uchi jodan followed immediately with morote chudan tsuki.
    82. Move both arms slowly upwards, and quickly bring them around and down and again upwards until crossed above the head in a full circular movement. From this position quickly block morote gedan barai to the side of the body.
    83. Move the left leg across and slightly back turning the body 90° into left zenkutsu dachi and strike chudan gyaku tsuki.
    84. Whilst moving forward into right moro ashi dachi bring the right knee up to block and position both hands in preparation for a block.
    85. On completion of the stance block morote gedan shotei uke.
    86. Move forward into right moro ashi dachi and block morote gedan shotei uke as previously described.
    87. Move forward into right moro ashi dachi and block morote gedan shotei uke as previously described.
    88. Move the right (i.e. back) leg across turning the body 180° into left kokutsu dachi and block left jodan kake uke immediately block left osae uke and strike right chudan yonhon nukite over the open left hand.
    89. Move forward into right kokutsu dachi and block right osae uke and strike left chudan yonhon nukite over the open right hand.
    90. The kata is completed by moving the right foot back into musubi dachi and the mokuso position is retained until the command "Naore" when the fudo dachi position is taken.

        Karate Kata: Kanku Dai

    91. 1. Start the kata in fudo dachi.
    92. Move into musubi dachi and mokuso on the command "Mokuso".
    93. On the second command "Kanku Dai", open eyes, move into the yoi position with ibuki.
    94. On the command "Hajime" slowly place both hands into the kanku position (hands open, index finger and thumb of each hand touching), in front of the groin. Slowly raise both arms into the kanku position above the head. Maintain this position for approximately 5 seconds and part them strongly bringing both arms down in a circular action in front of the body to strike right shuto hizo uchi to the palm of the left hand.
    95. Turn at 90° to the left into left kokutsu dachi and block shuto mawashi uke.
    96. Move the left leg and turn 180° into right kokutsu dachi and block shuto mawashi uke.
    97. Pivot 90° to the left into left sanchin dachi and block chudan uchi uke immediately punch chudan gyaku tsuki quickly follow with right gyaku chudan uchi uke and immediately punch chudan oi tsuki.
    98. Move forward with the left foot into left kokutsu dachi and block shuto mawashi uke.
    99. Move forward into right kokutsu dachi and block shuto mawashi uke.
    100. Move forward into left kokutsu dachi and block shuto mawashi uke.
    101. Retaining the same stance block down with left shuto uke and with the left hand in the same position move forward into right zenkutsu dachi and strike right yonhon nukite (n.b. the left hand remains open under the right elbow).
    102. Move left foot across to the right simultaneously raise the left hand behind into a jodan shuto cover with the arm straight and at the same time the right hand is placed behind the head in preparation for the shuto strike (n.b. the head should turn to the left as the foot moves across).
    103. Complete the turn by pivoting the hips into left zenkutsu dachi and execute a right shuto yoko ganmen uchi, simultaneously the left hand is pulled back in front of the forehead with palm facing outwards to cover.
    104. Leaving the hands in this position kick right chudan mae geri.
    105. As you land into right zenkutsu dachi pull the left hand back to the ready punch position and punch left chudan gyaku tsuki and right chudan oi tsuki.
    106. Move the right foot back, covering with the right hand, turning 180° into right zenkutsu dachi and strike left shuto yoko ganmen uchi with the right hand in the cover position.
    107. Leaving the hands in this position kick left chudan mae geri and land into left zenkutsu dachi and punch right chudan gyaku tsuki and left chudan oi tsuki.
    108. Slowly pull the left foot back into musubi dachi and simultaneously pull both hands, closed, to the left ready punch position with the right fist in the tettsui position on top of the left fist.
    109. With both hands in this position kick right chudan mae geri bring the leg back into tsuru ashi dachi and look to the right. Without placing the foot down kick right jodan yoko geri to the side, and simultaneously strike right uraken uchi.
    110. Open the fist of the extended right arm and land in right zenkutsu dachi (i.e. 90° from original position) and strike left jodan hiji ate into the open right hand (n.b. a slight pull back of the right hand should be performed before the elbow strike).
    111. Slowly pull the left foot back into musubi dachi and simultaneously pull both hands, closed, to the right ready punch position. Kick left chudan mae geri, return the leg to the tsuru ashi dachi position and look to the left and kick left jodan yoko geri to the side and simultaneously strike left uraken uchi.
    112. Open the fist of the extended left arm and land in left zenkutsu dachi (i.e. 90° from original position) and strike right jodan hiji ate into the open left hand ensuring that you pull back slightly with the left arm prior to the strike.
    113. Move the right foot forward at 45° into right sanchin dachi and block right jodan uke then immediately strike with right uraken ganmen uchi and right jodan hiji ate, cover with the left arm and strike right oroshi hiji ate and KIAI (n.b. the body drops as low as possible into a crouching narrow kiba dachi when you strike oroshi hiji ate).
    114. As you regain the standing position move the left leg 90° to the right into left sanchin dachi at 45° and block left jodan uke, immediately strike left uraken ganmen uchi and left jodan hiji ate cover with the right arm and strike left oroshi hiji ate as previously described and KIAI.
    115. As you regain the standing position move 45° to the left, open both hands and bring them in front of the face simultaneously kick right age ushiro kakato geri.
    116. With both hands in this position move forward into right moro ashi dachi and simultaneously block morote shuto gedan barai.
    117. Raise both hands to cover the face and simultaneously kick right age ushiro kakato geri and move forward into right moro ashi dachi and simultaneously block morote shuto gedan barai.
    118. Pull both hands to the right ready punch position with the left open hand placed over the right closed fist. Simultaneously kick right age ushiro kakato geri.
    119. Move forward into right moro ashi dachi and punch right chudan oi tsuki with the left open hand placed on the right forearm.
    120. Pivot on the right foot and turn anti-clockwise 180° and kick left age ushiro kakato geri and simultaneously cover with both hands open in front of the face.
    121. With both hands in this position move forward into left moro ashi dachi and simultaneously block morote shuto gedan barai.
    122. Raise both hands to cover the face and simultaneously kick left age ushiro kakato geri.
    123. Move forward into left moro ashi dachi and simultaneously block morote shuto gedan barai.
    124. Pull both hands to the left ready punch position with the right open hand placed over the left closed fist simultaneously kick left age ushiro kakato geri.
    125. Move forward into left moro ashi dachi and punch left chudan oi tsuki with the right open hand placed on the left forearm.
    126. Pull the right hand back closed to the ready punch position and move forward with the right leg (i.e. turning 90°) into kiba dachi and punch right chudan jun tsuki.
    127. Slowly pull the right foot back into musubi dachi with both fists closed in the left ready punch position (i.e. right fist on left).
    128. Kick right chudan mae geri return the leg to tsuru ashi dachi position and look to the right and kick right jodan yoko geri to the side and simultaneously strike right uraken uchi.
    129. Open the fist of the extended right arm and land into right zenkutsu dachi (i.e. 90° from original position) and strike left jodan hiji ate into the right open hand.
    130. Slowly pull the left foot back into musubi dachi; with both fist closed in the right ready punch position (i.e. left fist on right).
    131. Kick left chudan mae geri return the leg to the tsuru ashi dachi position and look to the left and kick left jodan yoko geri and simultaneously strike left uraken uchi.
    132. Open the fist of the extended left arm and land into left zenkutsu dachi (i.e. 90° from original position) and strike right jodan hiji ate into the left open hand.
    133. Turn your head 90° to the right and move the right foot to the left into a semi neko ashi dachi, simultaneously pull both hands back to their respective ready punch positions.
    134. Step 90° to the right into left kake dachi and punch morote tsuki (right jodan, left chudan).
    135. From this position move the left foot forward into kiba dachi and quickly cover with a right shotei to the left and position the left arm ready for a strike with the palm parallel to the ground.
    136. Slowly execute a left haishu uchi (at shoulder height) and move the right hand, fist closed, to the ready punch position.
    137. Leaving the left hand in this position kick right soto mawashi teisoku keage.
    138. Before you position the right foot on the ground pull the left hand back, closed, to the ready punch position and jump forward into right kake dachi and punch morote tsuki (right jodan, left chudan).
    139. Jump up and slightly back landing in a low right zenkutsu dachi simultaneously both hands are positioned to make a large circle and the finger tips should touch the ground in front of the right foot. Look to the rear and block ushiro morote shuto gedan barai parallel to the back leg.
    140. Look to the front and pull the right foot back into right kokutsu dachi and block right shuto mawashi uke.
    141. Turn the head 90° to the left and pivot into left sanchin dachi blocking left chudan uchi uke and right mae gedan barai.
    142. Repeat the block: right chudan uchi uke and left mae gedan barai. Bring the right hand slowly down in a semi circular movement to form a lower kanku position (as previously described).
    143. Slowly raise both arms into the kanku position above the head.
    144. Maintain this kanku position for approximately 5 seconds and part the hands strongly bringing both arms down in a circular action in front of the body to strike right shuto hizo uchi into the palm of the left hand.
    145. Pivot clockwise 180° (ura) into a semi zenkutsu dachi (n.b. left heel is raised off the ground) so that hips and head are turned to the right; cover with left shotei in front of the body with the right hand open in the ready punch position. Pivot the hips into kiba dachi and strike right yonhon nukite chudan.
    146. Pivot the hips 90° into a left semi zenkutsu dachi and cover right shotei. Strike left chudan yonhon nukite turning the hips back to the original kiba dachi position.
    147. In the same position turn your head 90° and look forward and block right chudan kake uke, strike left chudan yonhon nukite and right chudan yonhon nukite (i.e. nihon nukite).
    148. Turn anticlockwise 225° with the left leg into a left semi zenkutsu dachi and right shotei cover and turn the hips back 90° into kiba dachi and strike left yonhon nukite chudan.
    149. Pivot 90° into a right semi zenkutsu dachi and left shotei cover strike right chudan yonhon nukite turning the hips back to the original kiba dachi position.
    150. Turn your head 90° and look forward and block left chudan kake uke and strike right chudan yonhon nukite and left chudan yonhon nukite.
    151. Move the right foot to the right 180° and turn into a right semi zenkutsu dachi and left shotei cover and turn the hips back 90° and strike right chudan yonhon nukite.
    152. Pivot to the left 90° into a left semi zenkutsu dachi and right shotei cover and turn the hips back to the original kiba dachi position and strike left chudan yonhon nukite.
    153. Look to the front and block right chudan kake uke and strike left chudan yonhon nukite and right chudan yonhon nukite.
    154. Pivot to the left 90° into a left semi zenkutsu dachi and right shotei cover. Retaining the hand position move through in a straight line into a right semi zenkutsu dachi.
    155. Move through once again in a straight line into a left semi zenkutsu dachi, strike left chudan yonhon nukite turning the hips back to the original kiba dachi position.
    156. Pivot to the right into a right semi zenkutsu dachi and left shotei cover and turn the hips back to the original kiba dachi position and strike right chudan yonhon nukite.
    157. Look to the front and block right chudan kake uke and strike right chudan yonhon nukite and left chudan yonhon nukite.
    158. Still in the same position with both hands open reach up to the right, and moving into a stance similar to zenkutsu dachi simultaneously execute a tai otoshi (throw) (n.b. the fists dosing during the execution of the throw).
    159. Leaving the right hand in the original position raise the left fist in preparation for a block and execute left mae gedan barai and punch right gedan gyaku tsuki.
    160. Retaining the same position reach up to the left with the hands open and execute the tai otoshi as you turn 180° to the right into a stance similar to right zenkutsu dachi.
    161. Block right mae gedan barai and punch left gedan gyaku tsuki and KIAI.
      (N.b. when executing the gyaku tsuki the body should be positioned so that the punching fist is slightly below the bent knee.)
      Karate Kata: Tsuki No Kata

    162. Start the kata in fudo dachi.
    163. Move into musubi dachi and mokuso on the command "Mokuso".
    164. On the second command "Tsuki No Kata", open eyes, move into the yoi position with ibuki.
    165. On the command "Hajime" move the right leg back at 45° into kiba dachi and block mae gedan barai then punch chudan gyaku tsuki (n.b. these two actions are done in one movement).
    166. Move forward with the right foot in a straight line into kiba dachi at 45° and punch chudan gyaku tsuki.
    167. Move the left foot forward into sanchin dachi and punch chudan gyaku tsuki.
    168. Move the right foot forward into sanchin dachi and punch chudan gyaku tsuki.
    169. Move forward with the left foot into zenkutsu dachi and punch gedan gyaku tsuki.
    170. Move forward with the right foot into zenkutsu dachi and punch gedan gyaku tsuki and chudan oi tsuki (n.b. the punches must be done fast).
    171. Bring the right foot across and turn the body 180° into left sanchin dachi and block left chudan uchi uke and punch chudan oi tsuki (n.b. when turning into sanchin dachi the right foot should move back so that the right heel crosses in front of the left toes to establish the sanchin dachi position. Note also that the turn, block and punch are all performed quickly).
    172. Keeping the right arm extended step forward into right sanchin dachi and slowly block chudan uchi uke.
    173. After the block immediately punch chudan gyaku tsuki and chudan oi tsuki (n.b. punches must be executed quickly).
    174. Move forward into left zenkutsu dachi and punch jodan oi tsuki.
    175. Move forward into right zenkutsu dachi and punch jodan oi tsuki.
    176. Move the left foot across and turn into left zenkutsu dachi and block mae gedan barai.
    177. Kick right chudan mae geri and bring the kicking leg back into tsuru ashi dachi, turn the head 90° to the right and simultaneously cover with the left hand in the shotei position (at shoulder height).
    178. Move into kiba dachi and punch right jun tsuki and KIAI (n.b. the left hand is closed and the level of the striking arm is approximately at shoulder level and parallel to the ground).
    179. Move forward with the left leg in a straight line turning the body 180° into kiba dachi and punch left jun tsuki (n.b. the right hand is closed).
    180. Pivot on the feet turning 180° (n.b. left heel raised, right foot flat) and cover with left shotei complete the turn into kiba dachi and strike right yonhon nukite (n.b. the left hand is open after the strike and the level of the striking arm is approximately at shoulder level and parallel to the ground).
    181. Pivot on the feet, turn 180° (n.b. the right heel raised, left foot fiat) and cover with right shotei, move forward with the left leg in a straight line turning the body 180° into kiba dachi and punch left jun tsuki.
    182. Bring the left foot to the right foot and slide back into right zenkutsu dachi and simultaneously block with right chudan uchi uke and left mae gedan barai (n.b. these movements are executed slowly).
    183. Slowly bring the right fist back into the ready punch position and KIAI as you punch jodan oi tsuki, gedan gyaku tsuki and chudan oi tsuki (n.b. the kiai continues throughout the punching sequence).
    184. Bring the right foot back towards the left and then move the right foot into right sanchin dachi and block shuto mawashi uke with ibuki (n.b. the ibuki is performed on the shotei part of the shuto mawashi uke).
    185. The kata is completed by moving the right foot back into musubi dachi and the mokuso position is retained until the command "Naore" when the fudo dachi position is taken.
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