Who Am I
by Steve Denoo


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Who am I?  My name is Steven A. Denoo Who am I? Nobody! Today I am 60 years old, in perhaps better shape than many 40 year olds, Perhaps I have been described by those in the Martial Arts community I know as a Samurai of this modern day. Martial arts is only a part of the whole picture. I am a servant.
I was born in the state of Minnesota on a farm, and later we moved to Wyoming when I was a child. I follow the Karate teachings of Mas Oyama. I have always found that the name Search for the 'Ultimate Truth', perfectly fit. Years ago I did not see many if any, following the path that they professed. I thought I would try to do it too, I often fail. I do try, and ask my God to forgive me, he does.

I have had a few of passions in my life, my God, Family, and my Karate, but now I am getting too old and have bad knees... (I am one of the searchers, always struggling to get better. As Mas. said, Always 'Remember what it feels like to be a beginner'. However, now age is beginning to catch up with me, my body does not work like it used to, I tore my knees up doing other things. Although I gave up formal training years ago and decided that I would rededicate my Life to Christ, and that started me on a whole new adventure. This year I was selected as "Salesman of the Year." for Central New York. I have often felt that I was out here alone in the desert, like the Apostle Paul, far away from home just God and me. What a way to go. I grew up in Wyoming, USA, a great place to grow up. I continue my studies and work out on my own. Years ago I was (for work) moved thousands of miles away from family and home, to New York State where my home is now. I am 57 years old, not quite able to work out as I once did. My hair is gray, I have no rank or position. I am still able to kick and punch as hard and as fast as ever I did, though now I am now just one that appreciates what the others have done along their road of life they traveled. My faith in Christ (the internal, The Real Truth) sustains me today, as the pressures of daily life battle against me.

I have had the good fortune to train in this art as a young man. Karate made an impression that has never left me, and guides me today. The world is a difficult place with its constant pressures and attacks. It matters not what you do or where you live the game is the same.

Today I sell Cadillac Automobiles in Syracuse, NY. I have had the good fortune to train in the best karate style Kyokushinkai, and have the best instructors, and now sell the best cars in the world. What more could you ask?

Although today I have not the strength or stamina today. Now I am a lot older, and not as healthy as I once was, not bad, but I have bad knees but not from Karate, they came from Baseball, pinched nerves in my back, not related to the training of karate either but a fall as a child when I jumped off the barn roof trying to play Superman (I did not fly). I want to share what I have found. When you look around and send me your comments.